Vídeo de opciones binarias
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Binary Option Video te trae lecciones, tutoriales, comentarios y alertas fraudulentas para ayudarte a convertirte en un experto operador de opciones binarias. Aprende a obtener beneficios y qué riesgos evitar con nuestros videos. Entender cómo identificar a los mejores corredores y mantenerse alejado de los fraudes. Deje sus comentarios en nuestros videos y permita que nuestro equipo le ayude a averiguar este volátil derivado financiero.
¿Qué es el comercio de opciones binarias?
Nuestra primera lección explica el concepto básico de comercio binario, y el porcentaje de precisión necesario para ganar consistentemente. El comercio de opciones es una herramienta especulativa, así que siempre tenga en cuenta que cualquier valor que invierta se puede perder en la plataforma de negociación. Nuestro video comercial también explica la diferencia entre comprar un activo o un derivado, que es el caso en el comercio binario.
Además de responder a lo que las opciones binarias de comercio es, este primer video le proporciona información sobre las empresas binarias más fiables y profesionales disponibles en el mercado hoy en día. La elección de empresas serias y confiables es extremadamente importante en una industria donde las estafas no son raras.
EZTrader se destacó inicialmente en el video, pero desde entonces hemos eliminado nuestra recomendación después de aprender que estaba involucrado en el fraude. Escogiendo cuidadosamente, estamos seguros de que TopOption es la alternativa más segura debido a su Centro Educativo, completo con asesores financieros, tutoriales y entrenamiento individualizado. Otra ventaja son sus pagos, de hasta el 95% por comercio, y un impresionante sitio para móviles. Pero la razón principal por la que son recomendados es ser un corredor de opciones binarias con licencia completa y por lo tanto su inversión es segura. Ninguna otra empresa ofrece ese tipo de garantía, profesionalidad y experiencia. TopOption ofrece un bono del 100% y el uso de herramientas de señales gratuitas y es el lugar perfecto para su beneficio:
OptionBit es el segundo mayor corredor binario a nivel mundial y está incluido en el video, ya que ofrece a los comerciantes orientación de inversión y un excelente servicio al cliente, pero lo más importante es que es la única empresa que le da acceso gratuito a Algobit, Servicio del campo binario. Algobit está completamente automatizado y completamente integrado a la plataforma de trading, creando una herramienta que puede ayudarle a ganar dinero mientras continúa operando manualmente sus operaciones y activos preferidos. Vea el video de Algobit aquí:
El comercio de opciones binarias puede ser una lucrativa inversión en línea, si se minimizan los riesgos y se utilizan estrategias bien estructuradas. A medida que subamos más videos, aprenderá varias técnicas utilizadas para aumentar las probabilidades de precisión y familiarizarse con los mejores y peores intermediarios binarios del negocio. Deja un comentario en nuestro canal de YouTube si hay algún tema relacionado con el comercio binario que desees que se cubra en nuestro próximo video.
Dado que este video menciona los diversos tipos de activos disponibles en el comercio de opciones binarias y también las acusaciones de estafa contra esta industria, es necesario tener una mejor comprensión del proceso de creación de una cartera de inversión y la elección del corredor más adecuado para su perfil financiero.
Argumentos Binarios
Las acusaciones de fraude contra la industria binaria son comunes y son el resultado de dos características principales del mercado:
Clientes frustrados que comenzaron a operar sin el conocimiento y la asistencia adecuados
Los corredores que utilizan las probabilidades que implican esta inversión para aprovecharse de comerciantes desinformados
Aunque estos pueden parecer a lados de la misma moneda, en realidad, no lo son. Incluso los mejores corredores en el trato de negocios con rumores de estafa creado por los clientes que no utilizan las herramientas de aprendizaje y la orientación que ofrece la empresa. En este sentido, el comercio de opciones binarias no es una estafa absoluta, y da a cada cliente una oportunidad de ganar dinero.
Por otro lado, los corredores con una mentalidad fraudulenta encontrar diferentes maneras de seducir a los comerciantes en tomar las decisiones equivocadas, alentándolos a utilizar herramientas de alto riesgo o suscribirse a las promociones que en realidad son una excusa para detenerlos de crear o retirar beneficios. Muchas veces el anuncio de imágenes comerciales binarias esta inversión como una manera fácil de hacer dinero rápido, cuando en realidad no lo es.
Más precisamente, es una herramienta muy especulativa que necesita ser bien entendida. Es cierto, es posible ganar sustancialmente, y los que son capaces de hacer predicciones correctas de manera coherente, pueden ver sus rendimientos de cohetes de cielo, como apunta nuestro video. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos, los clientes pierden dinero, no sólo porque las probabilidades son difíciles de superar, sino principalmente porque la mayoría de los corredores no son francos sobre los riesgos involucrados.
No sea tímido acerca de invertir y abrir una cuenta con un agente fiable. Pero recuerde que una inversión que ofrece altos rendimientos en la inversión a corto plazo, tiene necesariamente un factor de riesgo paralelo a los beneficios disponibles.
Descripción de las listas de activos
El comercio de opciones binarias es una inversión en tiempo real, dinámica, donde las oportunidades necesitan ser aprovechadas. Las estrategias comerciales de estas opciones casi siempre buscan identificar situaciones de mercado que puedan transformarse en ganancias inmediatas. Por supuesto, si el activo que crea este posible rendimiento no está disponible en la plataforma de negociación, perderá la oportunidad de usarlo.
Monedas, acciones, materias primas e índices comprenden los diferentes tipos de activos ofrecidos por cualquier corredor. Uno diferencia las listas, sin embargo, es la variedad y la mezcla. Un buen corredor necesita tener al menos 100 activos diferentes en su índice de activos. De esta manera, su cartera será lo suficientemente diversa que cualquier oportunidad que el mercado presenta se puede transformar en dinero.
Preferiblemente, la mayoría de los comerciantes comienzan hacia fuera con las modernidades. En la mayoría de los casos, las oscilaciones entre las monedas son más fáciles de predecir y por lo tanto más probabilidades de generar ingresos. Una vez que tenga una mejor comprensión de cómo los valores de las acciones varían, este tipo de activos puede ser una inversión atractiva también. En general, la regla con opciones binarias es elegir los activos con los que está más familiarizado.
Opciones binarias Resumen de vídeo
Prepárese para disfrutar de todo el video tutorial e información sobre las opciones binarias en un solo lugar. Este sitio sube vídeos diariamente en nuestro canal de YouTube y le permitirá conocer los mejores y peores aspectos de esta inversión.
Recuerde invertir sabiamente y disfrutar de su experiencia comercial. Aunque el comercio de opciones digitales debe ser tratado con seriedad y la adquisición de conocimientos es una clave para el éxito, divirtiéndose en la plataforma de comercio y disfrutar de las emociones de las ganancias inmediatas es parte de lo que debe estar esperando.
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Este video le familiarizará con el mundo de las opciones binarias comerciales. Aquí aprenderá las diferentes plataformas de negociación, se introducirá a los términos financieros relevantes y la terminología, y las revisiones de los activos más comúnmente negociados.
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La estrategia de las opciones binarias de los comerciantes del mundo Las estrategias binarias de la opción ayudan a comerciantes a predecir mejor el movimiento de un activo - permitiéndoles aprovecharse independientemente de las condiciones del mercado. Las opciones binarias se negocian a través de corredores de opciones binarias, también conocidas como plataformas de negociación. Anyoption se consideran la opción binaria principal de los mundos.
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Video Tutorial On The Basics Of Trading Binaries With The 24Option‘s Platform
This short video starts off by showing traders how to make full use of the Binary Options Strategy website to learn about the latest market updates, weekly market updates and the educational articles featured on the website. Later, traders will get to learn about the promotion that readers of Binary Options Strategy website get from 24Option. In addition, this video will cover topics like:
The different types of binary options available for trading
A step by step guide on how to make a trade with the 24Option platform
How to use the chart to discern market trends
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The video tutorial also covers how to make a trade with the one touch options, the boundary options and short term options. Short term options covers trades with 60 second options, 2 minutes options and 5 minutes options. Once you have gone through the entire video, you should be quite familiar with all the functionalities of the 24Option binary options trading platform.
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Risk Disclosure. BinaryOptionStrategy does not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website; this includes educational material, price quotes, signals data, trade ideas, and analysis. Please be aware of the risks associated with trading the financial markets; never invest more money than you can risk losing. The risks involved in trading binary options are high and may not be suitable for all investors Binary Option Strategy doesn\'t retain responsibility for any trading losses you might face as a result of usingthe data hosted on this site. The data and quotes contained in this website are not provided by exchanges but rather by market makers. So prices may be different fromexchange prices and may not be accurate to real time trading prices. Se suministran como una guía para el comercio y no para fines comerciales.
Popular Binary Options Trading Platform Trades Capital Launches Video Tutorial Series
Trades Capital, an independent binary options trading platform, has just introduced a series of video tutorials to help trading enthusiasts master the techniques of binary trading. This tutorial series covers a wide spectrum of trading techniques, tools, and strategies suited for traders with all levels of expertise.
London, UK -- (ReleaseWire ) -- 12/07/2017 --Independent binary options trading platform Trades Capital is pleased to announce the introduction of a comprehensive series of video tutorials. Within its limited lifespan, the company has emerged as a popular online destination amongst the binary options traders for its high-quality trading and educational resources. Trades Capital's primary objective is to help all types of trades in their pursuit towards making a profit. Their new video tutorial series is targeted towards helping traders trade safely and profitably.
The video tutorials from Trades Capital cover all necessary techniques, strategies, and tools for successful trading. There are different modulus for social trading, binary strategies. the economy of binary trading, use of trading tools, and much more. An introductory video series has also been created specifically for the beginners. These videos explain why learning to trade is important for a trader and the diversity of binary options. There is also a tutorial that provides a brief overview of the entire series.
Trades Capital is a trading platform dedicated to helping traders trade successfully regardless of their experience and skill. After signing up for auto trading, the members can opt for any of the three risk profiles depending on their investment strategy. All the funds in this platform are held in segregated accounts, ensuring safety and security of funds. To keep their members' identity and funds safe, Trades Capital deploys the latest SSL technology.
Since its launch, Trades Capital has been extremely serious about their education center that presently comprises of innumerable trading strategies, eBooks, binary courses, fundamental and technical analysis, and much more. Now, with the launch of the video tutorial series, Trades Capital is looking to make a serious difference in the fortune of the binary brokers by providing them a competitive edge over others.
Talking about the just launched video tutorial, Trades Capital's founder and CEO Chris Bailey said, "We wanted to launch this tutorial for a long time and finally it is here. This series has everything you may ever need to know as a binary options trader and yes, there are special video tutorials for the newbies, too."
To find out more about the video tutorial from Trades Capital, please visit https://tradescapital. com/VideoTradingTutorials/
About Trades Capital Trades Capital has developed an advanced online platform that connects the casual investor to capital markets beyond the borders of the past. This area was considered by many people as a complex market and reserved only for professionals. Trades Capital offers a user-friendly interface, and it takes just a few minutes to master this trading platform.
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Binary options are a special kind of option that involve an all or nothing payoff. They are different from traditional payoffs in this respect, in that their all or nothing nature can make them both easier to understand and easier to trade.
Binary options are typically dealt with as European style options in their cash settlements. In other words, they can be exercised solely when they reach their expiration dates. If the options are settled in the money when they expire, either the seller or the buyer of the option will receive a dollar amount that was certified in advance.
Similarly, if the options are settled out of the money, neither the seller nor the buyer will receive anything. The first thing to understand via a binary options tutorial, then, is that there is a known gain, or upside, or loss, or downside, risk assessment. Binary options also differ from traditional options in that the full payout is provided when a single pip movement occurs.
The first step in a binary options tutorial is to learn the two options for outcomes. In other words, it is important to be able to anticipate in which direction the underlying asset may move in terms of price. The difference here between binary options and traditional options is that it is not necessary to know the magnitude as well as the direction of the price movement. As long as the investor following the binary options tutorial has some kind of opinion related to the underlying asset and decides that he or she wants to make a trade, then he or she can deal in binary options.
A second step that should be included in any binary options tutorial is a decision of one’s position. If one believes that the market price is likely to rise or that the economic event in question is likely to occur, then it is a prudent choice to buy. However, if one believes the economic event is unlikely to occur or that the price in the market is about to drop, then the prudent action is to sell. When the expiration date arrives, if the investor had the correct insight, the payoff he or she receives will be the settlement value present within the involved contract.
A third and equally important step in any tutorial involving binary options is to learn how to determine the price of the binary option contract in question. In most cases, the price will not differ from the odds that the event in question will occur. As an example, if there is a contract with a $200 value, and the most recent trade involving the contract held steady at $193, then this suggests that 96% of market participants are sure that the event will occur, and the contract will result in the money at the expiration date.
A fourth important step is to learn where exactly one may trade binary options. These options have become quite popular in Europe, which means they will frequently be found in significant European exchanges, such as the EUREX. Within the United States, binary options may be traded in Chicago via the CBOT, or the Chicago Board of Trade, through the Target Fed Funds Rate. Each contract has a $1000 value in most cases, and membership of the exchange is required.
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Analysis graph or analysis technique is the study of statistics and data options, to precisely predict what direction the asset is going to take. A multitude of methodology is used this graphical analysis. For a beginner trader, it is very easy to get lost in this analysis because it also incorporates math and science tools.
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Trader on binary options is to predict the trend that will take an active upward or downward in a predetermined time. It sounds pretty simple, but a thorough study of the market must be carried out before starting to speculate about binary options to avoid any fat loss. One of the ways used by many investors is the graphical analysis that allows a future prediction of trends of an asset.
Usefulness of video tutorial to understand graphical analysis options
Trading techniques are many and it is recommended to go through proper training before investing on the stock exchange. A video explaining in detail how to use the graphical analysis and how to read the charts is more likely to mark the spirits than a long article. Because of the visual aspect, the images are easier to remember and therefore easier to understand subject. The video showcases graphics and figures but also the major information essential for understanding. Many videos are available and dedicated to all traders, from the beginner to the most experienced.
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These videos are available to everyone and their duration may vary depending on the topic. But in general, they are quite short videos. Usefulness of the graphical analysis in binary options trading Graphic or technical analysis is the study of courses and graphics in various forms.
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Basic Trading Concepts Tutorial
Basic Trading Concepts Tutorial 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 vote
In the world of binary options trading, the entire trading process has been created to be as simple and efficient as possible in order to encourage new traders to enter the marketplace. The concepts of trading binary options are easy to learn and implement, making it an efficient way to get started in the world of trading. However, in order to avoid any problems in your initial transactions, there are a few basic trading concepts that you should understand as you formulate your trading strategy.
Basic Trading Concepts Tutorial
1.) Binary Options have two potential outcomes: When trading with binary options you only have two potential outcomes; you can land in the money at the expiration of the option, or you can land out of the money at the expiration of the option. With the former, you win money. With the latter, you lose some or all of your initial investment.
2.) Expiration: A binary option comes with an expiration date. When the option expires, it is at that time that the results are measured. Any gains that have been earned will be realized at this time. Any losses that have been encountered will be suffered at this time. The expiration of an option can range in time from a few minutes, to a few weeks, to a few months. There is no set, specific time in which all options must expire. This is decided at the time of the option purchase and is part of the trader’s overall strategy. This is possibly the most important of the basic trading concepts that must be grasped by the trader, as this is the gauge by which all profitability is measured.
3.) Call Option: As one of the most common of all the basic binary option functions, the Call Option is a statement by the trader that they think that the price of a particular stock will increase from the time that the bid is placed until the time of the expiration of the option.
4.) Put Option: The opposite of the Call option is the Put option. While the Call option is a prediction that the price of the selected stock will rise before the expiration of the option, the Put option is a statement by the trader that in fact they believe that the price of the stock will decrease prior to the expiration of the option.
5.) Touch Binary Options: Where the Call/Put binary option is a simple choice as to whether or not an asset price will increase or decrease, the amount that the price increases or decreases is not a factor. In Touch binary options trades, if the trader believes that the asset price will reach the target rate during the life of the trade, then they place a “Touch” bid on that option. If they feel that it will not reach that target rate, then they place a “No Touch” trade on that option. These target or goal rates or points can be higher than the current strike price or they can be set at an amount that is lower than the current strike price of the asset.
These are just a few of the basic trading concepts that a beginning trader must learn and comprehend. However, these are the basic building blocks of a successful trading campaign. Following these guidelines and learning these concepts is a positive step toward a profitable portfolio.
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September 7th, 2010
People often ask themselves questions such as what can I gain from binary options? Well you can gain a lot from binary options, for example you can make very high profits. However, we will first speak about the advantages you have while trading binary options. There are a number of differences between regular options and binary options. Amongst the main differences and advantages, is the ability to choose the expiry time.
This is the case whichever asset you choose, whether with Forex, Indices, Commodities, or Equities. Many binary options companies, also known as binary options trading platforms, enable traders to choose from hourly, daily, weekly and monthly expiry times when they pick their option. Therefore, this increases the opportunities that traders have, as they have different short and long term moneymaking opportunities.
Binary Options Moneymaking – Part 1
With binary options, there are various moneymaking opportunities. For example, if you purchase a $1000 binary option of EUR/USD at 1.3583, and choose expiry time of end of hour, and pick the Call option (meaning that you expect the currency cross to finish above the current level), then if you are correct, or (what many binary option companies call) “in-the-money”, then you can make as much as $850 profit. At the moment, most binary options companies offer 85% on your initial investment. This means that if you invest $1000, then your return in this case would be $1850. Some binary option companies even offer traders a percentage of their initial investment back, even if their investment loses (or what many binary option companies call) “out-of-the-money”.
Binary Options Moneymaking – Part 2
It should be taken into account that if you trade binary options wisely, there is the opportunity to make big profits and high returns. Therefore, the moneymaking opportunities that binary options offer are real. Thus it is recommended that you try and follow the financial markets. This is the case whether you intend to invest your money in Stocks, Commodities, Indices or Forex. Doing this will increase your knowledge of what investments to take, and also you will gain knowledge of the different economic cycles. As a result, whether you are trading binary options for either the short or the long term, then you have the opportunity to make some very attractive returns on your money.
Choosing the Right Binary Options Company
There are a number of important thing to take into account prior to investing with the right binary options company. Please take note, that most; if not all binary options companies are online. Therefore, research can be done with the click of a button. Firstly, it is important that you have a choice of a variety of assets, as this increases your investment options. Additionally, it is advisable which company offers the highest returns. Conversely, also check which binary options company offers you returns, even if your binary options don’t go in the direction you wished, or out-of-the-money. Many of these binary options companies offer 15% return on your initial investment in this case.
Trade Binary Options Wisely
With reading all of the above, you now have the chance to trade binary options with ease. Remember! Practice makes perfect! What’s more, you should understand that there can be risks. But the most important skill is keeping these risks to a minimum. You will notice that as competition between binary options companies becomes greater, then so are the potential benefits that you reap. Therefore, it is advisable that you follow the latest new binary options trading platforms on the market. Good luck with your binary options trading experience! And don’t forget, it doesn’t hurt to constantly educate yourself about binary options.
September 7th, 2010
Understanding the binary options basics is the key to becoming a successful binary options trader. It is true that binary options basics are fairly simple, but despite this, there is a lot to learn. The different things that are important to fully understand when it comes to binary options basics are Call options, Put options, expiry level/time, investment amount, investing successfully, etc. Once you understand all of these binary options basics, then the earning potential is unlimited.
Binary Options Simplified
One of the most important things to know with binary options basics is what is an underlying asset? It is the stock, commodity, forex/currency pair or index that comprises the base for producing the particular option.
When it comes to binary options basics, there are 2 possibilities when the binary option is purchased. The first of these is a Call option. A Call option is made if you expect the particular asset to be higher than the current price at the chosen expiry time. For example, if you buy Silver at a price of $17.44, then you would employ a Call option if you expect this commodity to close above this level by the expiry time.
The second possibility when it comes to purchasing binary options is a Put option. This second possibility is crucial when it comes to binary options basics, as there are only 2 possibilities. A Put option is made if you expect the particular asset to be lower than the current price at the chosen expiry time. For example, if you buy Microsoft at a price of $23.54, then you would employ a Put option if you expect this stock/equity to close below this level by the expiry time.
The expiry time is crucial to binary options basics, and without this key feature of binary options basics, binary option trading would be impossible. Why is the expiry time so important to binary options basics? Well, in order to employ either a Call or Put Option, you need to pick an expiry time. With most binary option trading platforms, you have the choice of hourly, daily, weekly and monthly expiry times. This is so important to the binary options basics, because if you understand the financial markets, then adopting one of these expiry times will vastly improve your earnings potential, whether you are in it for the short, medium or long term.
The answer to investing successfully in binary options is to understand all of the binary options basics. Understanding the binary options basics does require you to study each of the basics individually. Once you have thoroughly studied the binary options basics independently, then understanding the binary options basics as a whole will be much easier. Once you’ve done this you will know all of the binary options basics off by heart, and be able to trade binary options successfully. Therefore, after investing successfully in binary options. you can teach the binary options basics to other people at ease.
September 7th, 2010
As binary options become more and more popular as an investment opportunity, due to less risks involved than other investments options, more questions have appeared from binary options traders throughout the world. Only recently, more answers have appeared to these questions. For example, we have seen the development of online binary options tutorials. These binary options tutorials come in all shapes and sizes, at a cost or for free.
How Do Binary Options Work?
This part of the binary options tutorial will discuss the way in which binary options work. Firstly, choose the binary option that you wish to invest. For example, the GBP/USD currency pair. Now you will need to pick which direction you expect the binary option to go. If you expect the currency pair to go higher, then you would employ Call. Conversely, if you expect the binary option to go lower, then you would employ a Put. The returns vary per asset. Also, a number of binary option trading platforms offer you returns, even if your binary option loses.
Binary Options Tutorial – Advanced
In this section of the binary options tutorial will more advanced details of binary options. It’s really fascinating that most binary options tutorials on the Internet fail to mention that the binary option only has to go only a margin in your favor, and you can earn attractive returns on your initial investments. For example, if the payout on an option is 70%, and you invest $100, then you would receive $170 if your option wins. Please note that you can pick an expiry time of end of hour, day, week or month.
Making Quick Money – Part 1
The problem with most binary options tutorials out there is that they fail to provide enough details about the simplicity of binary options trading, and making quick money. The thing is you can make money at ease with binary options. It’s so simple. All you need to do is to pick an option, pick a direction, and an expiry time, and your own your way. It’s also up to you how much you want to invest. But this all depends on the strategy that you choose.
Making Quick Money – Part 2
Here, this binary options tutorial will discuss the ease of making money with binary options compared to other investment methods. You should notice that many binary options tutorials on the internet do not discuss this comparison. If they do, they fail to go into details. The problem with the stock market compared to binary options, is that it requires a much larger investment. Additionally, you have to pay high commissions, and wait long periods of time for your returns.
But now you don’t have to wait for long to see your investments pay off. You should refer back to this binary options tutorial, as you attempt to build-up your binary options investments. With no spreads, no commissions, you reap the advantages.
Binary Options Tutorial – Summary
This binary options tutorial provides you with the common knowledge that you’ll need to get up and running, and be a successful binary options trader. The point of this binary options tutorial is to provide you with the basic tools that it takes to become a good binary options trader, while at the same time understanding when and when not to enter the market. When building up your trading portfolio, it is highly desirable that you deal with a few assets that you understand, rather than many assets that you are unfamiliar with. Therefore, you can keep your risks to a minimum.
September 7th, 2010
Traders in the financial world should be happy to know that they now have the great opportunity to trade binary options. This has only been possible through the advancement of both online technology and the development of binary options trading platforms. Learning how to trade binary options is really quite simple, as the main thing that you, “The Investor,” need to understand is firstly, about the strike price, secondly, how the expiry time works, thirdly, how a particular trading platform works, and lastly, knowledge of the markets.
Here we will cover the “strike price” or the price at which the option was purchased at. Please note that while you trade binary options, there will always be a strike price. Whenever you purchase a binary option, whether this is a forex option (example, EUR/USD), indices (Dow Jones), Commodity (Gold) or an Equity (example, Microsoft), it will be purchased at a strike price. The strike price is the price at which the option was purchased at. For example, Gold was purchased at the strike price of $1,158.6543.
If you want to trade binary options and be successful, then you need to understand the “expiry time”. When you start to trade binary options, you will soon learn that each binary option has an expiry time. For example, if you choose to trade Silver and wish to purchase it at a strike price of $17.88, then you will also need to pick an expiry time. As you trade binary options more often, this will become common knowledge. Skilled traders that trade binary options have the advantage of high choice, as they can choose between expiry times of either end of hour, end of day, end of week or end of month.
Plataforma de operaciones de opciones binarias
As the investor and trader, you have the choice of choosing to trade from the binary options trading platform that you wish. It is important to take into account, that in order to trade binary options successfully, you need to understand how each particular binary option trading platform actually works. Once you begin to trade binary options, it will become clear that virtually all binary options companies/binary options trading platforms are web based. This means that you can trade binary options with the click of a button and from any computer. After you trade binary options for a long enough period, in order to get the highest returns, it is recommended that you trade binary options with a platform that offers you the highest return on your investments.
Knowledge of the Markets
Those of you that wish to have the edge while you trade binary options; it is recommended that you increase your knowledge of the financial markets. Anyone can have beginners luck when they first trade binary options. However, if you want to trade binary options, and be successful in the long run, then it is advisable that you gain some advanced knowledge of the financial markets. Once you gain this knowledge, you will be able to trade binary options smoothly.
Those of you that want to trade binary options in the long term need to understand that it can be very challenging at times. So for those of you that are serious and are tactical when you trade binary options, then the good news is that if you face up to “the challenge”, there could be big rewards for you. This is largely due to the numerous choices of binary options that many different binary options trading platforms offer. Therefore, to face and overcome the challenge successfully, the best thing for you to do is to trade binary options with discipline.
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Binary and Hexidecimal Conversion Tutorial
What are binary numbers? The binary number system is when only two numbers are used - 0 and 1. It is also called base 2. The computer number system is base 2. Our number system is referred to as decimal or base 10 because we use 10 digits (0 - 9) to form all of our numbers. There are many other number bases, including hexadecimal, but it's easier for computers to utilize 0s and 1s.
In electronics, a 0 is off (usually 0 Volts) and 1 is on (usually 5 Volts). All computer data is composed of 1s and 0s. Each individual 1 or 0 is a bit. Four bits is a nibble. Eight bits is a byte. From there we have kilobytes, megabytes, etc. Since everything is a series of 1s and 0s, the CPU has to perform every calculation in binary. But before any operations are done, numbers have to first be converted into base 2.
But before diving into the binary number system and conversions, let's first see how things work in our decimal system.
Let's just pick a number. like 9345. How do we get this? Remember when I mentioned we use base 10? In math the base is a number that's raised to a power (another name for power is exponent). For example 34 is 3 raised to the 4th power, which means you multiply 3 times itself 4 times (3 * 3 * 3 * 3).
We have what's called a place value system. Each individual number holds a particular numerical position. We get these positions by using 10 raised to different powers. Start with the number on the right.
So looking at 9345, the right-most number 5 is in the ones place (10є = 1). The 4 is in the tens place (10№ = 10). The 3 is in the hundreds place (10І = 100), and the 9 is in the thousands place (10і = 1000). This is true for any number. Now the larger the number the more place values (ten thousands, hundred thousands, etc.), but I'm keeping it short in this example. So we have:
If you take each number, multiply it by its place value, & add the results, you get 9345.
Note: any number raised to 0 = 1. Any number raised to 1 = itself.
This method is used in base 2 except rather than the ones place, tens place, hundreds place, thousands place, etc. you have: ones place (2є), twos place (2№), fours place (2І), and eights place (2і), etc.
Using the base 10 example just above, the number 1011 2 is like this:
It's the same process for any number system. And remember, the computer number system always uses binary. So now that you have a basic understanding of place values, it's time to start converting!
Converting From Binary To Decimal: Converting binary to decimal is really quite simple. All you do is apply the same technique used in the place value illustration on the intro page except this time we will be using a 2 instead of a 10.
For example if we want to know what 110100011 2 is in our number system (base 10) we do the following:
We usually start on the right. With each number, you raise 2 to its power then multiply the result by the binary digit. When you're done, add all the results together and that is the number in base 10.
This method is used for converting any number base to decimal.
Decimal to Binary Conversion: Decimal to binary conversion is not hard either, it just takes a little more work. There are two methods you can use: successive division and subtracting values using a table.
Successive division requires dividing continuously by the base you're converting to until the quotient equals 0. The remainders compose the answer.
As an example, let's convert 835 to binary.
The most significant bit is the left number in the answer and the least significant bit is on the right end giving us an answer of: 1101000011 2
Binary digits are usually grouped by 4, 8, 16, etc. so we can place a couple of 0s on the left to give us three groups of four. This does not change the answer.
0011 0100 0011 2
You can check your answer by converting back to base 10.
We just looked at the successive division method of converting from decimal to binary. The other method is subtracting values. With this method you keep subtracting until you reach 0. Let's convert 165 to binary.
Notice a 1 is only placed under the highest value that can be subtracted from a number. Everything else is automatically a 0 giving us an answer of: 10100101 2 .
Hexadecimal: The hexadecimal (hex for short) number system uses 16 digits to form all other numbers. The purpose of using hex is for human understanding. Computers always work in binary (0s and 1s). To have a long series of binary digits gets complicated, so programmers had to come up with a more simplfied way to represent them. Hex groups binary numbers into 4 bit packages so to speak. One hex digit represents four bits (called a nibble). Hexadecimal numbers have a subscript 16 or H behind them (D3 16 or D3H). Because single characters must be used, the letters A, B, C, D, E, F represent 10-15. Remember, when dealing with number systems, we always start with 0. So we have 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. Memory locations are listed as hex values, and many times when you get an error message, your OS (operating system) will show you the location.
Example of hex and the number of bits:
F6AH - 12 bits BH - 4 bits 78H - 6 bits
Converting Hexadecimal to Decimal: As was mentioned in the binary conversion section above, we use the same technique to convert to decimal (base 10) from any other base. In this case, let's convert 4B7F 16 to Base 10 (decimal).
Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal: To convert from decimal to hexadecimal, we use the successive division method discussed earlier only we divide by 16 instead of 2. Let's convert 501 from decimal to hex.
We're done since we can't divide 1 by 16 and that leaves us with a remainder of 1. When writing the answer the LSD is always on the right and the MSD on the left. The answer is: 1F5 16
Converting Hexadecimal to Binary: Remember hex uses groups of four bits, so we can use the table below for conversions.
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Binary options video tutorial bullet review – Practice Binary Options – ohs. com. au was last modified: June 19th, 2017 by
Trades Capital, an independent binary options trading platform, has just introduced a series of video tutorials to help trading enthusiasts master the techniques of binary trading. This tutorial series covers a wide spectrum of trading techniques, tools, and strategies suited for traders with all levels of expertise.
This press release was orginally distributed by ReleaseWire
London, UK -- (ReleaseWire ) -- 12/07/2017 -- Independent binary options trading platform Trades Capital is pleased to announce the introduction of a comprehensive series of video tutorials. Within its limited lifespan, the company has emerged as a popular online destination amongst the binary options traders for its high-quality trading and educational resources. Trades Capital's primary objective is to help all types of trades in their pursuit towards making a profit. Their new video tutorial series is targeted towards helping traders trade safely and profitably.
The video tutorials from Trades Capital cover all necessary techniques, strategies, and tools for successful trading. There are different modulus for social trading, binary strategies. the economy of binary trading, use of trading tools, and much more. An introductory video series has also been created specifically for the beginners. These videos explain why learning to trade is important for a trader and the diversity of binary options. There is also a tutorial that provides a brief overview of the entire series.
Trades Capital is a trading platform dedicated to helping traders trade successfully regardless of their experience and skill. After signing up for auto trading, the members can opt for any of the three risk profiles depending on their investment strategy. All the funds in this platform are held in segregated accounts, ensuring safety and security of funds. To keep their members' identity and funds safe, Trades Capital deploys the latest SSL technology.
Since its launch, Trades Capital has been extremely serious about their education center that presently comprises of innumerable trading strategies, eBooks, binary courses, fundamental and technical analysis, and much more. Now, with the launch of the video tutorial series, Trades Capital is looking to make a serious difference in the fortune of the binary brokers by providing them a competitive edge over others.
Talking about the just launched video tutorial, Trades Capital's founder and CEO Chris Bailey said, "We wanted to launch this tutorial for a long time and finally it is here. This series has everything you may ever need to know as a binary options trader and yes, there are special video tutorials for the newbies, too."
To find out more about the video tutorial from Trades Capital, please visit https://tradescapital. com/VideoTradingTutorials/
About Trades Capital Trades Capital has developed an advanced online platform that connects the casual investor to capital markets beyond the borders of the past. This area was considered by many people as a complex market and reserved only for professionals. Trades Capital offers a user-friendly interface, and it takes just a few minutes to master this trading platform.
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Options Trading Video Tutorial — Intro to Binary Options Trading
Any option trading tutorial would be incomplete if it didn’t mention a simplistic form of options called binary options trading. Not too many investors know about this form of investment but it is a very hot market right now for people not willing to be stuck with long holding period investments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, traditional option contracts and futures. You may look on the web for another option trading tutorial if you want to know about the more common form of contracts trading. This tutorial will focus only on binary options trading.
Binary contracts are, like the name implies, bi-polar. Either you choose the «up» side of the switch, or the «down» side. You might think of it similar to any two-sided choice — yes or no, true or false, heads or tails, on or off. In this case the binary switch refers to up or down movements in a stock, currency, or index. Options Trading Video Tutorial
How it works is that you, or I, or any investor with a binary options trading account picks one of the available securities to trade (not all securities are traded… only the highest volume securities are traded this way) and selects how much to invest. Once the amount to invest is selected the investor must choose which direction the security will go, up (choosing «call») or down (choosing «put»). The trading software computes the payouts (also fixed based on the contract) and if satisfied with the contact, the investor submits the order.
The really fascinating part about this sort of transaction is that it does not matter how much the stock moves… the only thing that matters is the direction. The payout at the end of the contract is the same whether the security jumps a nickel or twenty dollars. If the binary options trading contract is for a 75% payout on an up movement of a security on a $ 100 investment and the stock is up even just one cent at the expiration of the option, the investor receives $ 175 ($ 100 invested plus $ 75 profit). Options expire typically hourly so a successful trader can execute many contracts every day.
So in summing up this binary trading tutorial:
Contracts have fixed expiration (hourly) — and can’t be sold prior (although it is simple enough to simply make another contract with the same expiration) Trades require the investor to choose only how much to invest, which security, and which direction Options Trading Video Tutorial
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Create a static library in iOS!
If you’ve been developing for iOS for some time, you probably have a decent set of your own classes and utility functions that you reuse in most of your projects.
The easiest way to reuse code is simply to copy/paste the source files. However, this can quickly become a maintenance nightmare. Since each app gets its own copy of the shared code, it’s difficult to keep all the copies in synch for bugfixes and updates.
This is where static libraries come to the rescue! A static library is a package of classes, functions, definitions and resources, which you can pack together and easily share between your projects.
In this tutorial you will get hands-on experience creating your own universal static library, using two different methods.
To get the most of this tutorial, you should be familiar with Objective-C and iOS programming. Knowledge of Core Image is not needed, but it would help if you’re curious about how the sample application and the filtering code in the library works.
Get ready to reduce, reuse, and recycle your code in the name of efficiency!
Why Use Static Libraries?
You might want to create a static library for different reasons. Por ejemplo:
You want to bundle a number of classes that you and/or your colleagues in your team use regularly and share those easily around.
You want to be able to keep some common code centralized so you can easily add bugfixes or updates.
You’d like to share a library with a number of people, but not allow them to see your code.
You’d like to make a version snapshot of a library that develops over time.
In this tutorial, imagine that you went through our Core Image Tutorial. and thought some of the code in there that shows you how to apply some photo effects looked handy.
You’ll take that code and add it into a static library, and then use use that static library in a modified version of the app. The result will be the same application, but with all of the benefits listed above.
Let’s dive in!
Getting Started
Launch Xcode, and choose File\New\Project . When the Choose a template dialog appears, select iOS\Framework & Library\Cocoa Touch Static Library . as shown below:
Click Next . In the project options dialog, type ImageFilters as the product name. Then, enter a unique company identifier and make sure Use Automatic Reference Counting is checked, and Include Unit Tests is unchecked, as so:
Click Next . Finally, choose a location where you’d like to save your new project, and click Create .
Xcode has just created a ready to use static library project, and even added a class ImageFilters for you. (Wasn’t that nice of Xcode?) That’s where your filter implementation code will live.
Note: You can add as many classes to a static library as you want, or even delete the original class. In this tutorial, everything will be added to the starter ImageFilters class.
Since your Xcode project is still pretty much empty let’s add some code in!
Image Filters
This library is designed for iOS and uses UIKit, so the first thing you need to do is import UIKit in the header file. Open ImageFilters. h and add the following import to the top of the file:
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ImperialOptions. com is not responsible for the accuracy of information or content provided by third parties, including site and information linked to or presented in this website.
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Binary Option Robot
Revision completa
Binary Option Robot is an auto trading software and a binary option signals provider perfect for traders who are looking for to have a professional trading experience that is also safe, laid back and easy to comprehend. It provides signals based on a sophisticated trading algorithm, which compares huge amounts of data form previous years to predict market changes. You can choose from three signal sources: Pro Trader Katrina, Pro Trader Mircea and Pro Trader Sergiy as well as from a variety of tradable assets such as currencies, stocks, commodities and indices.
BinaryOptionRobot added recently two new signal providers – ProTrader Liberty and ProTrader Avangard . As soon as a deposit is made traders will be able to access the ProTrader Liberty feature without any additional payments. To access the ProTrader Avangard traders will have to fund account with one additional broker. You can contact the customer support and those signals will be added to your account.
In addition to the signal service, Binary Option Robot offers auto trading, which takes the pressure off inexperienced and more hesitant traders and they can enjoy a relaxed trading experience and avoid mistakes based on making emotional decisions.
The first thing you need to do is sign up, which will take only a few minutes and requires you to provide a valid e-mail and your phone number. You also have to select your preferred currency choosing among USD, EUR, GBP, CAD and AUD. Then you can proceed to setting up your preferences. That is easy to do since instructions are provided via a simple tutorial, which you can replay in case you need more clarification. If you still have questions, you can contact Customer Support via the form on the Binary Option Robot website. You can change your preferences without restrictions any time you want.
Binary Option Robot works with a selection of reputable and reliable binary options brokers. For example one of the brokers you can choose from is Banc de Binary which is regulated by CySEC and abides by a strict set of standards, which makes for a safe and secure trading. After setting up your account you can select a broker from the provided list. If you wish, you can have accounts with more than one broker at the same time. Bear in mind that you can’t use an existing account with those brokers − you have to open a new one.
Binary Option Robot Promotions
Binary Option Robot gives you the opportunity to open a VIP account, which is an upgrade on the standard account and is suitable for traders who would like to have a wider range of options at their disposal and get better results due to the available benefits. For example, with this type of account you control the level of risk you are willing to take by selecting one of four risk levels for the signals traded on your behalf: High, Medium, Moderate or Low.
Currently many more features are being developed and will be accessible soon. At the moment there are no charges for opening a VIP account and you can get one by referring a friend. To do so you can share with them your referral link, which you will find in your profile. As soon as your friend makes a deposit with a broker of their choice you both will get a free upgrade to VIP status for two months. You can refer as many friends as you want and thus get years of free access to a VIP account.
Binary Option Robot Deposit and Withdrawal Methods
While the minimum required deposit depends on the broker you choose, for optimal results it is recommended you start with at least $500. However you can also start with the minimum deposit requirement which for some brokers is either $200 or $250.
You are allowed to trade with as many brokers as you want and deposits can be made through a wide range of payment methods such as credit card, various online wallets like Skrill, Netteler etc. and bank wire.
Binary Option Robot Free Trial
At the moment Binary Option Robot doesn’t offer demo or trial accounts and trades can be executed only with real accounts. However, that shouldn’t present a problem since you don’t need any prior knowledge about trading binary options. You have control over the Binary Option Robot settings and after you set the level of risk you are willing take with the amount of money you invest, the automated trading software will take care of your trades according to your preferences.
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Binary Option Robot Software
You don’t have to download any additional software in order to use the Binary Option Robot signal service. The only thing you need is an Internet connection when setting up your account and the system keeps working and receiving your signals even when you are offline by following the preferences you’ve set up. You can also receive signals on the go since the Binary Option Robot system is accessible on mobile phones.
Binary Option Robot provides a user-friendly system suitable for both novice and experienced traders looking for a reliable signal service. Traders are offered great flexibility in setting up preferences and can choose from a variety of assets, signal sources, risk levels and reputable brokers.
Bottom Line
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Nutch is a well matured, production ready Web crawler. Nutch 1.x enables fine grained configuration, relying on Apache Hadoop data structures, which are great for batch processing. Being pluggable and modular of course has it's benefits, Nutch provides extensible interfaces such as Parse, Index and ScoringFilter 's for custom implementations e. g. Apache Tika for parsing. Additonally, pluggable indexing exists for Apache Solr, Elastic Search, SolrCloud. etc. We can find Web page hyperlinks in an automated manner, reduce lots of maintenance work, for example checking broken links, and create a copy of all the visited pages for searching over. This tutorial explains how to use Nutch with Apache Solr. Solr is an open source full text search framework, with Solr we can search the visited pages from Nutch. Luckily, integration between Nutch and Solr is pretty straightforward. Apache Nutch supports Solr out-the-box, greatly simplifying Nutch-Solr integration. It also removes the legacy dependence upon both Apache Tomcat for running the old Nutch Web Application and upon Apache Lucene for indexing. Just download a binary release from here.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this tutorial you will
Have a configured local Nutch crawler setup to crawl on one machine
Learned how to understand and configure Nutch runtime configuration including seed URL lists, URLFilters, etc.
Have executed a Nutch crawl cycle and viewed the results of the Crawl Database
Indexed Nutch crawl records into Apache Solr for full text search
Any issues with this tutorial should be reported to the Nutch user@ list.
Table of Contents
This tutorial describes the installation and use of Nutch 1.x (current release is 1.9). How to compile and set up Nutch 2.x with HBase, see Nutch2Tutorial.
Unix environment, or Windows-Cygwin environment
Java Runtime/Development Environment (1.7)
Install Nutch
Option 1: Setup Nutch from a binary distribution
Download a binary package ( apache-nutch-1.X-bin. zip ) from here .
Unzip your binary Nutch package. There should be a folder apache-nutch-1.X .
From now on, we are going to use $ to refer to the current directory ( apache-nutch-1.X/ ).
Option 2: Set up Nutch from a source distribution
Advanced users may also use the source distribution:
Download a source package ( apache-nutch-1.X-src. zip )
Now there is a directory runtime/local which contains a ready to use Nutch installation.
When the source distribution is used $ refers to apache-nutch-1.X/runtime/local/ . Tenga en cuenta que
config files should be modified in apache-nutch-1.X/runtime/local/conf/
ant clean will remove this directory (keep copies of modified config files)
Verify your Nutch installation
run " bin/nutch " - You can confirm a correct installation if you see something similar to the following:
Some troubleshooting tips:
Run the following command if you are seeing "Permission denied":
Setup JAVA_HOME if you are seeing JAVA_HOME not set. On Mac, you can run the following command or add it to
On Debian or Ubuntu, you can run the following command or add it to
You may also have to update your /etc/hosts file. If so you can add the following
Note that the LMC-032857 above should be replaced with your machine name.
Crawl your first website
Nutch requires two configuration changes before a website can be crawled:
Customize your crawl properties, where at a minimum, you provide a name for your crawler for external servers to recognize
Set a seed list of URLs to crawl
Customize your crawl properties
Default crawl properties can be viewed and edited within conf/nutch-default. xml - where most of these can be used without modification
The file conf/nutch-site. xml serves as a place to add your own custom crawl properties that overwrite conf/nutch-default. xml . The only required modification for this file is to override the value field of the http. agent. name
i. e. Add your agent name in the value field of the http. agent. name property in conf/nutch-site. xml . for example:
Create a URL seed list
A URL seed list includes a list of websites, one-per-line, which nutch will look to crawl
The file conf/regex-urlfilter. txt will provide Regular Expressions that allow nutch to filter and narrow the types of web resources to crawl and download
Create a URL seed list
touch seed. txt to create a text file seed. txt under urls/ with the following content (one URL per line for each site you want Nutch to crawl).
(Optional) Configure Regular Expression Filters
Edit the file conf/regex-urlfilter. txt and replace
with a regular expression matching the domain you wish to crawl. For example, if you wished to limit the crawl to the nutch. apache. org domain, the line should read:
This will include any URL in the domain nutch. apache. org .
NOTE: Not specifying any domains to include within regex-urlfilter. txt will lead to all domains linking to your seed URLs file being crawled as well.
Using Individual Commands for Whole-Web Crawling
NOTE . If you previously modified the file conf/regex-urlfilter. txt as covered here you will need to change it back.
Whole-Web crawling is designed to handle very large crawls which may take weeks to complete, running on multiple machines. This also permits more control over the crawl process, and incremental crawling. It is important to note that whole Web crawling does not necessarily mean crawling the entire World Wide Web. We can limit a whole Web crawl to just a list of the URLs we want to crawl. This is done by using a filter just like the one we used when we did the crawl command (above).
Step-by-Step: Concepts
Nutch data is composed of:
The crawl database, or crawldb. This contains information about every URL known to Nutch, including whether it was fetched, and, if so, when.
The link database, or linkdb. This contains the list of known links to each URL, including both the source URL and anchor text of the link.
A set of segments. Each segment is a set of URLs that are fetched as a unit. Segments are directories with the following subdirectories:
a crawl_generate names a set of URLs to be fetched
a crawl_fetch contains the status of fetching each URL
a content contains the raw content retrieved from each URL
a parse_text contains the parsed text of each URL
a parse_data contains outlinks and metadata parsed from each URL
a crawl_parse contains the outlink URLs, used to update the crawldb
Step-by-Step: Seeding the crawldb with a list of URLs
Option 1: Bootstrapping from the DMOZ database.
The injector adds URLs to the crawldb. Let's inject URLs from the DMOZ Open Directory. First we must download and uncompress the file listing all of the DMOZ pages. (This is a 200+ MB file, so this will take a few minutes.)
Next we select a random subset of these pages. (We use a random subset so that everyone who runs this tutorial doesn't hammer the same sites.) DMOZ contains around three million URLs. We select one out of every 5,000, so that we end up with around 1,000 URLs:
The parser also takes a few minutes, as it must parse the full file. Finally, we initialize the crawldb with the selected URLs.
Now we have a Web database with around 1,000 as-yet unfetched URLs in it.
Option 2. Bootstrapping from an initial seed list.
This option shadows the creation of the seed list as covered here.
Step-by-Step: Fetching
To fetch, we first generate a fetch list from the database:
This generates a fetch list for all of the pages due to be fetched. The fetch list is placed in a newly created segment directory. The segment directory is named by the time it's created. We save the name of this segment in the shell variable s1 .
Now we run the fetcher on this segment with:
Then we parse the entries:
When this is complete, we update the database with the results of the fetch:
Now the database contains both updated entries for all initial pages as well as new entries that correspond to newly discovered pages linked from the initial set.
Now we generate and fetch a new segment containing the top-scoring 1,000 pages:
Let's fetch one more round:
By this point we've fetched a few thousand pages. Let's invert links and index them!
Step-by-Step: Invertlinks
Before indexing we first invert all of the links, so that we may index incoming anchor text with the pages.
We are now ready to search with Apache Solr.
Step-by-Step: Indexing into Apache Solr
Note: For this step you should have Solr installation. If you didn't integrate Nutch with Solr. You should read here.
Now we are ready to go on and index all the resources. For more information see this paper
Step-by-Step: Deleting Duplicates
Once indexed the entire contents, it must be disposed of duplicate urls in this way ensures that the urls are unique.
Map: Identity map where keys are digests and values are SolrRecord instances (which contain id, boost and timestamp)
Reduce: After map, SolrRecord s with the same digest will be grouped together. Now, of these documents with the same digests, delete all of them except the one with the highest score (boost field). If two (or more) documents have the same score, then the document with the latest timestamp is kept. Again, every other is deleted from solr index.
Step-by-Step: Cleaning Solr
The class scans a crawldb directory looking for entries with status DB_GONE (404) and sends delete requests to Solr for those documents. Once Solr receives the request the aforementioned documents are duly deleted. This maintains a healthier quality of Solr index.
Using the crawl script
If you have followed the section above on how the crawling can be done step by step, you might be wondering how a bash script can be written to automate all the process described above.
Nutch developers have written one for you :), and it is available at bin/crawl.
The crawl script has lot of parameters set, and you can modify the parameters to your needs. It would be ideal to understand the parameters before setting up big crawls.
Setup Solr for search
download binary file from here
Verify Solr installation
After you started Solr admin console, you should be able to access the following links:
Integrate Solr with Nutch
We have both Nutch and Solr installed and setup correctly. And Nutch already created crawl data from the seed URL(s). Below are the steps to delegate searching to Solr for links to be searchable:
Backup the original Solr example schema. xml:
Copy the Nutch specific schema. xml to replace it:
Open the Nutch schema. xml file for editing:
Comment out the following lines (53-54) in the file by changing this: to this
Add the following line right after the line <field name="id". /> (probably at line 69-70)
If you want to see the raw HTML indexed by Solr, change the content field definition (line 80) to:
Save the file and restart Solr under $ /example :
* Note: If you are familiar with past version of the solrindex, the call signature for running it has changed. The linkdb is now optional, so you need to denote it with a "-linkdb" flag on the command line.
This will send all crawl data to Solr for indexing. For more information please see bin/nutch solrindex
If all has gone to plan, you are now ready to search with http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/.
Whats Next
You may want to check out the documentation for the Nutch 1.X REST API to get an overview of the work going on towards providing Apache CXF based REST services for Nutch 1.X branch.
NutchTutorial (last edited 2017-06-13 17:50:14 by LewisJohnMcgibbney )
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Option Navigator Review
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Option Navigator is a trading robot, an automated service that creates signals for binary options traders, helping you earn more money by executing trades more accurately. This software is incorporated into your trading platform, and requires no prior knowledge in online trading. Click here to open your account and profit almost immediately.
To begin using Option Navigator, you obviously need a trading account. Since this trading software is independent, it allows you to choose a recommended broker. Only certain binary options brokers have access to Option Navigator, so as to maintain the high quality requirements that this tool developers demand.
OptionWeb is the leading binary options company in Europe, and the type of company that offers its clients free use of Option Navigator. This is one of the largest binary corporations worldwide, and easily the most reliable and reputable one. It is regulated by the CySEC financial authority, and is therefore licensed for the entire European Union. It also offers several tutorials and educational tools to help you become an expert trader. It is recommended to open a 200 euro account when using Option Navigator. OptionWeb also currently offers a 100% bonus when you open an account with this value:
Executing Trades
To execute a binary options trade using Option Navigator is an extremely easy task. Before explaining how this is done, here is a quick look at what binary options are:
These are financial derivatives that are used for very short-term investments. They include four basic types of assets:
Stocks & # 8211; from various stock exchanges worldwide
Productos básicos & # 8211; such as oil, gold or silver
Índices & # 8211; which enable you to invest through a niche of stocks from a specific market
Currencies – when one major currency is paired against the other
When trading binary options, you can interchange between these asset-types as much as you want, and there is no need to stick to only one type of asset. You might want to invest with assets you are more familiar with, but when using Option Navigator, this is not necessary.
Once an asset is chosen, you can set the amount you will invest on a specific option, or a trading session. All that is left to do now, is predicting the outcome of the trade.
Here is where Option Navigator becomes such an amazing auxiliary tool, because it highlights for you the recommended direction of every single trade opportunity. Since binary options have only two possible outcomes (the asset expires either at a higher price than the starting price, or at a lower value), the Option Navigator software will either recommend you place a Call option (predicting the option will expire above strike price) by highlighting that option in green, or Put option, by highlighting it in red.
So to use Option Navigator, all you need to do is place a Call prediction on any option that is shown in green color on your platform’s interface, or Put prediction if the option is shown in red.
You may choose any amount of trades you wish, although this Option Navigator tutorial wants to offer you some tips of how to optimize the use of this free trading software.
Tips for Option Navigator Use
Here are the top five tips for using Option Navigator
Never invest more than 50% of your account’s balance during one trading session. That way, if one sessions happens to bring bad results, you can easily recover.
Because of market trends, sometimes Put options are easier to predict than Call options (or vice versa). If you identify this trend during one of your trading sessions, use the Navigator’s advice mostly focusing on one direction, such as Put options.
Find out what other benefits your broker offers. Option Navigator requires you open an account only with top brokers. These companies often offer multiple benefits, which can further increase your profits. Use them.
Withdraw profits regularly. Every so often, once a month, for example, withdraw at least a portion of your profits, this way, you learn to retain and enjoy your gains.
Aim for consistency. Although binary payouts are as high as 95% per trade, the numbers you should keep in mind are the overall return rates, which include both correct and incorrect predictions. If you are able to gain just 1% per day, consistently, you can multiply your money several times in one year.
Option Navigator Review – Conclusión
This is a perfect opportunity to make money trading online. There are multiple benefits to online trading, such as the fact that it allows you to work from home and profit at any time from wherever you are.
Option Navigator is an advanced trading robot, and has generated incredible results for hundreds of traders in a very short time. To benefit from the high payouts offered by binary options brokers, use this free offer now . to receive a free lifetime subscription.
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Automated Robot Multiplies Profits
  January 4th 2017   A new algorithmic software for trading options, Profit Trading Bot is multiplying the earnings of traders, even for those without experience in the financial markets. Fully automated, it calculates, identifies and executes each transaction for you, elevating the percentage of correct predictions and transforming your investment into a huge success. With an easy signup process, you can start profiting today from the Profit Trading Bot and its precise calculations.
  Review why this product is entirely free and an amazing opportunity for you. Costs are paid for by the brokers who offer the software, and all these companies must be licensed by financial authorities in order to be allowed to carry the product. Not only is the investment being made through safe corporations, but also, the Profit Trading Bot itself was designed to improve the outcome of your predictions. Since binary options have yields of 75-95% per trade, the amount of money you could earn is potentially life-changing. & nbsp
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Trading Technology thus surpasesOptionavigator as the most popular trading tool for binary traders.
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Netcat tutorial – command examples on linux
Netcat is a terminal application that is similar to the telnet program but has lot more features. Its a "power version" of the traditional telnet program. Apart from basic telnet functionas it can do various other things like creating socket servers to listen for incoming connections on ports, transfer files from the terminal etc. So it is a small tool that is packed with lots of features. Therefore its called the "Swiss-army knife for TCP/IP".
The netcat manual defines netcat as
Netcat is a computer networking service for reading from and writing network connections using TCP or UDP. Netcat is designed to be a dependable "back-end" device that can be used directly or easily driven by other programs and scripts. At the same time, it is a feature-rich network debugging and investigation tool, since it can produce almost any kind of correlation you would need and has a number of built-in capabilities.
So basically netcat is a tool to do some bidirectional network communication over the TCP/UDP protocols. More technically speaking, netcat can act as a socket server or client and interact with other programs at the same time sending and receiving data through the network. Such a definition sounds too generic and make it difficult to understand what exactly this tool does and what is it useful for. This can be understood only by using and playing with it.
So the first thing to do would be to setup netcat on your machine. Netcat comes in various flavors. Means it is available from multiple vendors. But most of them have similar functionality. On ubuntu there are 3 packages called netcat-openbsd, netcat-traditional and ncat.
My preferred version is ncat. Ncat has been developed by the nmap team is the best of all netcats available and most importantly its cross platform and works very well on windows.
Ncat - Netcat for the 21st Century
Ncat is a feature-packed networking utility which reads and writes data across networks from the command line. Ncat was written for the Nmap Project as a much-improved reimplementation of the venerable Netcat. It uses both TCP and UDP for communication and is designed to be a reliable back-end tool to instantly provide network connectivity to other applications and users. Ncat will not only work with IPv4 and IPv6 but provides the user with a virtually limitless number of potential uses.
Download and install netcat
Windows version of netcat can be downloaded from
Ubuntu syntaptic package has netcat-openbsd and netcat-traditional packages available. Install both of them. Nmap also comes with a netcat implementation called ncat. Install that too.
Install on Ubuntu
To use netcat-openbsd implementation use "nc" command. To use netcat-traditional implementation use "nc. traditional" command To use nmap ncat use the "ncat" command.
In the following tutorial we are going to use all of them in different examples in different ways.
1. Telnet
The very first thing netcat can be used as is a telnet program. Lets see how.
Now netcat is connected to google. com on port 80 and its time to send some message. Lets try to fetch the index page. For this type "GET index. html HTTP/1.1" and hit the Enter key twice. Remember twice.
The output from google. com has been received and echoed on the terminal.
2. Simple socket server
To open a simple socket server type in the following command.
The above command means. Netcat listen to TCP port 1234. The - v option gives verbose output for better understanding. Now from another terminal try to connect to port 1234 using telnet command as follows :
After connecting we send some test message like abc and ting tong to the netcat socket server. The netcat socket server will echo the data received from the telnet client.
This is a complete Chatting System . Type something in netcat terminal and it will show up in telnet terminal as well. So this technique can be used for chatting between 2 machines.
Complete ECHO Server
Ncat with the - c option can be used to start a echo server. Source
Start the echo server using ncat as follows
Now from another terminal connect using telnet and type something. It will be send back with "[echo]" prefixed. The netcat-openbsd version does not have the - c option. Remember to always use the - v option for verbose output.
Note. Netcat can be told to save the data to a file instead of echoing it to the terminal.
Netcat works with udp ports as well. To start a netcat server using udp ports use the - u option
Connect to this server using netcat from another terminal
Now both terminals can chat with each other.
3. File transfer
A whole file can be transferred with netcat. Here is a quick example.
One machine A - Send File
In the above command, the cat command reads and outputs the content of happy. txt. The output is not echoed to the terminal, instead is piped or fed to ncat which has opened a socket server on port 5555.
On machine B - Receive File
In the above command ncat will connect to localhost on port 5555 and whatever it receives will be written to happy_copy. txt
Now happy_copy. txt will be a copy of happy. txt since the data being send over port 5555 is the content of happy. txt in the previous command.
Netcat will send the file only to the first client that connects to it. After that its over. And after the first client closes down connection, netcat server will also close down the connection.
4. Port scanning
Netcat can also be used for port scanning. However this is not a proper use of netcat and a more applicable tool like nmap should be used.
The "-n" parameter here prevents DNS lookup, "-z" makes nc not receive any data from the server, and "-w 1" makes the connection timeout after 1 second of inactivity.
5. Remote Shell/Backdoor
Ncat can be used to start a basic shell on a remote system on a port without the need of ssh. Here is a quick example.
The above will start a server on port 7777 and will pass all incoming input to bash command and the results will be send back. The command basically converts the bash program into a server. So netcat can be used to convert any process into a server.
Connect to this bash shell using nc from another terminal
Now try executing any command like help. ls. pwd etc.
On windows machine the cmd. exe (dos prompt program) is used to start a similar shell using netcat. The syntax of the command is same.
Now another console can connect using the telnet command
Although netcat though can be used to setup remote shells, is not useful to get an interactive shell on a remote system because in most cases netcat would not be installed on a remote system.
The most effective method to get a shell on a remote machine using netcat is by creating reverse shells.
6. Reverse Shells
This is the most powerful feature of netcat for which it is most used by hackers. Netcat is used in almost all reverse shell techniques to catch the reverse connection of shell program from a hacked system.
First lets take an example of a simple reverse telnet connection. In ordinate telnet connection the client connects to the server to start a communication channel.
Now using the above technique you can connect to say port 80 of the server to fetch a webpage. However a hacker is interested in getting a command shell. Its the command prompt of windows or the terminal of linux. The command shell gives ultimate control of the remote system. Now there is no service running on the remote server to which you can connect and get a command shell.
So when a hacker hacks into a system, he needs to get a command shell. Since its not possible directly, the solution is to use a reverse shell. In a reverse shell the server initiates a connection to the hacker's machine and gives a command shell.
To wait for incoming connections, a local socket listener has to be opened. Netcat/ncat can do this. First a netcat server has to be started on local machine or the hacker's machine.
The above will start a socket server (listener) on port 8888 on local machine/hacker's machine.
Now a reverse shell has to be launched on the target machine/hacked machine. There are a number of ways to launch reverse shells.
For any method to work, the hacker either needs to be able to execute arbitrary command on the system or should be able to upload a file that can be executed by opening from the browser (like a php script).
In this example we are not doing either of the above mentioned things. We shall just run netcat on the server also to throw a reverse command shell to demonstrate the concept. So netcat should be installed on the server or target machine.
This command will connect to machine A on port 8888 and feed in the output of bash effectively giving a shell to machine A. Now machine A can execute any command on machine B.
In a real hacking/penetration testing scenario its not possible to run netcat on target machine. Therefore other techniques are employed to create a shell. These include uploading reverse shell php scripts and running them by opening them in browser. Or launching a buffer overflow exploit to execute reverse shell payload.
So in the above examples we saw how to use netcat for different network activities like telnet, reverse shells etc. Hackers mostly use it for creating quick reverse shells.
In this tutorial we covered some of the basic and common uses of netcat. Check out the wikipedia article for more information on what else netcat can do.
Last Updated On. 29th July 2017
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Read Our SwiftOption Review Before Signing Up
Our Swift Option Review in bullets:
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Our SwiftOption review immediately starts off with a smile, because one of the first things we notice, is the Tradologic logo. This means that Swift Option is based on the Tradologic platform, as are abcOptions and ZoomTrader. This happens to be one of our favorite platforms. Where most brokers still choose the SpotOption platform (which is also a great platform, by the way), this binary options broker has chosen to stand out from the rest and go with the competitor. However, you will need more than just a logo to convince us. Does SwiftOption have what it takes? Let’s find out in our extensive Swift Option review.
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Swift Option Facts
Languages: English, Russian, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese
Underlying assets: a large range of commodities, indices, currencies, and stocks
Bonus: up to 75% welcome, up to 100% loyalty
Minimum initial deposit . $/£/€ 250
Minimum account size: $/£/€ 250
Minimum trading amount: $/£/€ 5
Minimum withdrawal amount: $/£/€ 30
Return (High/Low): up to 80%
Payment Methods: Skrill, POLi, MasterCard, Visa, Neteller, CASHU
Remarks: What it lacks in extreme bonus amounts, it makes up for in trading experience. Great broker with innovative platform.
Full Swift Option Review
In the beginning of our SwiftOption review, you have read that we are quite fond of the platform this binary options broker uses. But you need more than just that to convince us that you’re the broker we want to invest our hard-earned money in. Everything needs to be just right. So let’s see what this broker has to offer, and if it’s enough to make us sign up. In our Swift Option review, We will cover all important details you need to know about accounts, bonuses, support, educational material, and of course, the trading room itself. And hopefully, you’ll be able to make a choice based on the information from our SwiftOption review.
SwiftOption Accounts and Bonuses
Trading starts with opening an account, and every broker has its own unique offer. Some have high bonuses, others rather lure you in with special training videos. SwiftOption offers a bit of both. There are 4 account types you can choose from, starting with the $/£/€ 250 Mini Account, all the way up to the $/£/€ 50,000 Diamond Account. Of course, each of these 4 trading accounts comes with its own perks, as you can read in this section of our Swift Option review.
Mini Account: from $/£/€ 250, up to 30% Bonus
For the trader who has just started learning about binary options, the SwiftOption Mini Account can be a very good way to take your first steps in the trading room. For an initial deposit between $/£/€ 250 and $/£/€ 1,000, you get:
Up to 30% welcome bonus
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A Binary Options eBook
Basic video lessons
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Standard Account: from $/£/€ 1,000, up to 50% Bonus
Most traders will leave the Swift Option Mini Account and go straight for the Standard Account. This account is the most popular one, mainly for its great value for money. You get that little bit more that makes this account worth your while. Starting at $/£/€ 1,000 this account offers:
Up to 50% welcome bonus
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Up to 5 1-on-1 trading sessions
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VIP Account: from $/£/€ 10,000, up to 75% Bonus
Just like flying business class, there is a higher level of luxury you can enjoy at SwiftOption. Mostly advanced traders and rich investors will choose this account option. Among many things, this $/£/€ 10,000+ account will give you:
Up to 75% welcome bonus
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Diamond Account: from $/£/€ 50,000, Personal Bonus
For the most successful and wealthiest traders out there, Swift Option has the absolute finest Diamond Account. This is only for those who demand the highest in luxury, and are willing to invest at least $/£/€ 50,000. What will you get? Contact your personal Account Manager and find out what SwiftOption has to offer you.
SwiftOption Trading: The Types of Options
To paraphrase a well-known saying: the proof of the broker is in the trading. So when you have registered your SwiftOption account, the real work begins. It starts with selecting the option types you want to trade. Let’s look at what Swift Option can offer you.
These are your basic high/low options. Swift Option, like many of its competitors, calls them Digital. Trading them is quite easy: just set at what rate the price will be when it expires (above or below the starting rate).
Touch binary options work a bit different. In this case, you must determine if the price will reach or exceed a certain rate before it expires. If this rate is reached or exceeded, the option pays out. If this hasn’t happened when the trade has expired, the option will not pay out (unless you have chosen to use loss protection).
Swift Option also offers range options, which work particularly well in markets that show little price movement. With range options, you choose a minimum and maximum price. If the asset’s price stays within this range until the option has expired, the option pays out.
Turbo binary options are traded in the same way as Digital options. The only difference is the length of the contract, which varies from 1 to 5 minutes at SwiftOption.
Swift Option Trading Platform
In our SwiftOption review, we have already mentioned the trading platform a few times. It is powered by Tradologic, and offers an award-winning trading experience. Apart from the great layout which offers a rustic yet informative view on assets and the movement of the asset prices, the security and usability are among the advantages offered by this innovative platform. It is one of the main reasons why many traders choose Tradologic-powered binary options brokers, such as SwiftOption.
Herramientas de Trading
The platform offers a range of trading tools and graph viewing possibilities that give you more insight and allow you to take better control of your trades. Among those tools are ways to extend or auto trade options to maximize your return on investment. This makes SwiftOption accessible to both beginners and more advanced traders.
Swift Option Trading Academy
Although not the most extensive we’ve ever seen, the SwiftOption Trading Academy has a few interesting resources to help you learn more about binary options trading. Beginners can start with the easy-to-understand and comprehensive beginner tutorial, which covers all the basics you need to know. More advanced traders have a choice of training videos and webinars to help them further improve their trading at Swift Option.
SwiftOption Trader Support
SwiftOption may not have a telephone number in every country, but that doesn’t mean this broker is hard to reach. Traders who prefer support via telephone can call a number in 1 of 6 countries across the world. Of course, there is also an email form if there is no need for immediate assistance. Last but not least, traders can choose to contact a friendly customer service agent via the Live Chat function on the Swift Option website.
To Sum Up Our Swift Option Review
Where to place SwiftOption in our list of binary options brokers? In all honesty, this is not the broker with the largest selection of assets or the highest bonus. But does that really matter? What we think is the most important, is the trading experience and the tools you have at hand to maximize profit and minimize risk. And that is what Swift Option seems to focus on the most. The Tradologic platform is equipped with special functionalities that allow you to set the balance between risk and reward the way you like it. You can even make adjustments during an active trade! So for the trading experience (which is the most important), we rate SwiftOption among our top brokers.
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Day Trading – The Dips – How a Put Contract Binary Option Broker Can Enhance Trading Results
Day trading on the dips with a binary option broker can be risky when done as a stand alone trade but using a binary option broker to hedge against intra-day market movements can greatly improve day trading results. Traders who take long equity positions on dips in the market but can’t gauge for certain whether the market has bottomed can use binary put options to get back some of the money left on the table.
The way a transaction might work goes something like this: a day trader is following his or her target stock in the market, when the market suddenly turns downward and a buying opportunity or trade trigger is activated. Presuming the trader has either acted on acquiring the new long position in their target stock or is still trying to determine where the bottom is – an opportunity to call in and use a binary option broker is available. Once the trader makes his move in the long equities market, he can jump over to the binaries platform and buy fixed dollar amount spot-priced put options contract.
Granted there are significant limitations on this strategy, namely:
A limited selection of binaried securities
The limited time window of opportunity on big movements
The guess work in determining the right-size contract to execute
On the other hand prepared day traders have the following advantages:
Large companies must set news announcement dates well in advance – allowing maximum preparation for individuals day trading the stock
A spot price binary option broker gives a retail investor an immediate margin for error (buying at ask in equity market while buying puts at the spot price) given the differing pricing structure
Binaries trade commission free at some brokerages – no transaction costs make satisfactory day trading returns easier to achieve
High yields on binaries reduce the required capital needed to make them effective
There are obviously risks involved with any trader’s strategy but being prepared and educated in how to use all of the available tools at hand can greatly enhance trading results.
Mensaje de navegación
Binary numbers - Conversion formulas and mathematical operations.
As you can see, we have placed the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 (powers of two) in reverse numerical order, and then written the binary value below.
To convert, you simply take a value from the top row wherever there is a 1 below and then add the values together.
For instance, in our example we would have 128 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 1 = 157.
For a 16 bit value you would use the decimal values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768 (powers of two) for the conversion.
Because we know binary is base 2 then the above could be written as:
1*2 7 + 0*2 6 + 0*2 5 + 1*2 4 + 1*2 3 + 1*2 2 + 0*2 1 + 1*2 0 = 157.
Converting decimal to binary
To convert decimal to binary is also very simple, you simply divide the decimal value by 2 and then write down the remainder. Repeat this process until you cannot divide by 2 anymore, for example let's take the decimal value 157:
157 ÷ 2 = 78 78 ÷ 2 = 39 39 ÷ 2 = 19 19 ÷ 2 = 9 9 ÷ 2 = 4 4 ÷ 2 = 2 2 ÷ 2 = 1 1 ÷ 2 = 0
with a remainder of 1 with a remainder of 0 with a remainder of 1 with a remainder of 1 with a remainder of 1 with a remainder of 0 with a remainder of 0 with a remainder of 1
<--- to convert write this remainder first.
Next, write down the value of the remainders from bottom to top (in other words write down the bottom remainder first and work your way up the list) which gives:
Adding binary numbers
Adding binary numbers is very similar to adding decimal numbers, first an example: Let's look at the above example step by step:
1 + 1 = 0 (carry one) 1 + 1 (+ the carry) = 1 (carry one) 0 + 1 (+ the carry) = 0 (carry one) 1 + 0 (+ the carry) = 0 (carry one) 1 + 0 (+ the carry) = 0 (carry one) 0 + 1 (+ the carry) = 0 (carry one) 1 + 0 (+ the carry) = 0 (carry one)
The last carry is placed at the left hand side of the result giving: 10000010
Subtracting binary numbers
The most common way of subtracting binary numbers is done by first taking the second value (the number to be subtracted) and apply what is known as two's complement. this is done in two steps:
complement each digit in turn (change 1 for 0 and 0 for 1).
add 1 (one) to the result.
note: the first step by itself is known as one's complement.
By applying these steps you are effectively turning the value into a negative number, and as when dealing with decimal numbers, if you add a negative number to a positive number then you are effectively subtracting to the same value.
In other words 25 + (-8) = 17, which is the same as writing 25 - 8 = 17.
An example, let's do the following subtraction 11101011 - 01100110 (235 10 - 102 10 ) note: When subtracting binary values it is important to maintain the same amount of digits for each number, even if it means placing zeroes to the left of the value to make up the digits. For instance, in our example we have added a zero to the left of the value 1100110 to make the amount of numerals up to 8 (one byte) 01100110.
First we apply two's complement to 01100110 which gives us 10011010.
Now we need to add 11101011 + 10011010. however when you do the addition you always disregard the last carry, so our example would be:
which gives us 10000101. now we can convert this value into decimal, which gives 133 10
So the full calculation in decimal is 235 10 - 102 10 = 133 10 (correct!)
Negative numbers
The above example is subtracting a smaller number from a larger number.
If you want to subtract a larger number from a smaller number (giving a negative result), then the process is slightly different.
Usually, to indicate a negative number, the most significant bit (left hand bit) is set to 1 and the remaining 7 digits are used to express the value. In this format the MSB is referred to as the sign bit.
Here are the steps for subtracting a large number from a smaller one (negative result).
Apply two's complement to the larger number.
Add this value to the smaller number.
Change the sign bit (MSB) to zero.
Apply two's complement to value to get final result.
The most significant bit (sign bit) now indicates the value is negative.
For example let's do the following subtraction 10010101 - 10110100 (149 10 - 180 10 )
The process is as follows: Now we can convert this value into a negative decimal, which gives -31 10
So, the full calculation in decimal is 149 10 - 180 10 = -31 10 (correct!)
Multiplying binary numbers
Binary multiplication can be achieved in a similar fashion to multiplying decimal values.
Using the long multiplication method, ie, by multiplying each digit in turn and then adding the values together.
For example, lets do the following multiplication: 1011 x 111 (decimal 11 10 x 7 10 ) which gives us 1001101. now we can convert this value into decimal, which gives 77 10
So the full calculation in decimal is 11 10 x 7 10 = 77 10 (correct. ) note: Notice the pattern in the partial products, as you can see multiplying a binary value by two can be achieved by shifting the bits to the left and adding zeroes to the right.
Dividing binary numbers
Like multiplication, dividing binary values is the same as long division in decimal.
For example, lets do the following division: 1001 ÷ 11 (decimal 9 10 ÷ 3 10 ) which gives us 0011. now we can convert this value into decimal, which gives 3 10
So the full calculation in decimal is 9 10 ÷ 3 10 = 3 10 (correct!) note: Dividing a binary value by two can also be achieved by shifting the bits to the right and adding zeroes to the left.
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C Programming Tutorial - Random Access File Handling
By David Bolton. C/C++/C# Expert
This lesson is about using random access files in C and the following lesson will look at working with text files. Apart from the simplest of applications, most programs have to read or write files. Maybe it's just for reading a config file, or a text parser or something more sophisticated. The basic file operations are
fopen - open a file - specify how its opened (read/write) and type (binary/text)
fclose - close an opened file
fread - read from a file
fwrite - write to a file
fseek/fsetpos - move a file pointer to somewhere in a file.
ftell/fgetpos - tell you where the file pointer is located.
There are two fundamental types of file: text and binary. Of these two, binary are generally the simpler to deal with. As doing random access on a text file isn't something you need to do too often, we'll stick with binary files for the rest of this lesson. The first four operations listed above are for both text and random access files. The last two just for random access.
Random access means we can move to any part of a file and read or write data from it without having to read through the entire file. Back thirty years ago, much data was stored on large reels of computer tape. The only way to get to a point on the tape was by reading all the way through the tape. Then disks came along and now we can read any part of a file directly.
On the next page . Programming with Binary Files
By David Bolton. C/C++/C# Expert
A binary file is a file of any length that holds bytes with values in the range 0 to 0xff. (0 to 255). These bytes have no other meaning unlike in a text file where a value of 13 means carriage return, 10 means line feed, 26 means end of file and software reading text files has to deal with these.
In modern terms we call binary files a stream of bytes and more modern languages tend to work with streams rather than files.
The important part is the data stream rather than where it came from! In C you can think about the data either in terms of files or streams. Or if it helps, think of a file/stream as a very long array! With random access you can read or write to any part of this array. With sequential you have to loop through it from the start like a big tape.
This shows a simple binary file being opened for writing, with a text string (char *) being written into it. Normally you'd use a text file for that but I wanted to show that you can write text to a binary file.
On the next page . How Example 1 Works
By David Bolton. C/C++/C# Expert
This example opens a binary file for writing then writes a char * (string) into it. The FILE * variable is returned from the fopen() call. If this fails (the file might exist and be open or read only or there could be a fault with the filename) then it returns 0.
The fopen() command attempts to open the specified file. In this case it's test. txt in the same folder as the application. Remember, if the file includes a path then all the back spaces must be doubled up.
"c:\folder\test. txt" is wrong, you must use "c:\\folder\\test. txt".
As the filemode is "wb", we are writing to a binary file. The file will be created if it doesn't exists and if it does then whatever was in it gets deleted. If the call to fopen fails, perhaps because the file was open, or the name contains invalid characters or an invalid path then fopen returns the value 0.
Although you could just check for ft being non zero (success), I added a FileSuccess() function to do this explicitly. On windows, it outputs the success/failure of the call (with the what it's doing - eg opening the file) and the filename. It's a little onerous if you are after performance so you might limit this to debug. Note that on Windows there is very little overhead outputting text to the system debugger.
The fwrite() calls outputs the specified text. The 2nd and 3rd parameters are the size of the characters and the length of the string. Both are defined as being size_t which is unsigned integer.
The result of this call is to write count items of the specified size. Note that with binary files, even though you are writing a string (char *) it does not append any carriage return or line feed characters. If you want those, you must explicitly include them in the string.
On the next page . File Modes
By David Bolton. C/C++/C# Expert
When you open a file, you must specify how it is to be opened. This means whether to create it from new, overwrite it and whether it's text or binary, read or write and if you want to append to it. This is done using one or more file mode specifiers which are single letters "r", "b", "w", "a" and + (in combination with the other letters). "r" - Opens the file for reading. This fails if the file does not exist or cannot be found.
"w" - Opens the file as an empty file for writing. If the file exists, its contents are destroyed. "a" - Opens the file for writing at the end of the file (appending) without removing the EOF marker before writing new data to the file; this creates the file first if it doesn't exist. Adding + to the file mode creates three new modes:
"r+" Opens the file for both reading and writing. (The file must exist.) "w+" Opens the file as an empty file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, its contents are destroyed. "a+" Opens the file for reading and appending; the appending operation includes the removal of the EOF marker before new data is written to the file and the EOF marker is restored after writing is complete; creates the file first if it doesn't exist.
On the next page . File Modes Continued
This table shows all of the combinations including both text and binary files. Generally you either read from or write to a text file, but not both at the same time.
With a binary file you can both read and write to the same file. The table below shows what you can do with each combination.
Mode Type of file Read Write Create Truncate
r text Read
rb+ binary Read
r+ text Read Write
r+b binary Read Write
rb+ binary Read Write
w text Write Create Truncate
wb binary Write Create Truncate
w+ text Read Write Create Truncate
w+b binary Read Write Create Truncate
wb+ binary Read Write Create Truncate
a text Write Create
ab binary Write Create
a+ text Read Write Create
a+b binary Write Create
ab+ binary Write Create
In my experience with files, unless you are just creating them (use "wb") or reading them (use "rb" ) you can get away with using "w+b". This lets you create a file from scratch,
Some implementations also allow other letters. Microsoft for instance allows "t" (text mode), "c" for commit, "n" for non-commit, "S" for optimizing caching for sequential access, "R" for caching non-sequential (ie random access), "T" for temporary and "D" for delete/temporary - it kills the file when it's closed. These aren't portable so use them at your own peril!
On the next page . Programming Random Access Files
By David Bolton. C/C++/C# Expert
The main reason for using binary files is the flexibility you get; you can read or write anywhere in the file. Text files only really let you read or write sequentially. These days with the prevalence of cheap or free databases such as SQLite or MySql, there is less of a need to use random access on binary files. That is for another lesson though. In a sense, random access file records is a little old fashioned but still useful.
I've used various data handling schemes based on random access files in the past before databases were prevalent.
For instance with small files I used a index/data file pattern. This consisted of two files. One is the data file and holds a number of records that can vary in length. The other file is an index file and has the same number of records as the data file. In the index file though each record is the same length and consists of two parts which fit into a struct.
The type fpos_t is implementation defined and used in fsetpos() and fgetpos(). These are the more modern versions of fseek and ftell and are most useful for creating bookmarks. If you are calculating a file position and need to set it then you should use fseek() and likewise ftell() to give you the int current position.
In reality fpos_t is probably just an int but you should use type fpos_t for portability. It holds a copy of the current file pointer. This is a property of a random access file that says where the next read or write takes place and is zero based. It has a granularity of 1 so you can position it any any point in the file.
On the next page . An Example of Random Access Strings
How you use it is up to you - you could for example have a file full of equal size records. If these records have a size of 100 then record 0 occupies bytes 0-99, record 1 occupies bytes 100-199 etc. More generally record n starts at (n-1)*sizeof(record).
This shows an index and data file pair storing strings in a random access file. The strings are differing lengths and are indexed by position 0, 1 etc.
Though it would be easy to store this in one structure in a file and read it all into memory, this isn't always possible due to memory limitations.
How It Works
There are two void functions: CreateFiles() and ShowRecord(int recnum). CreateFiles uses a char * buffer of size 1100 to hold a temporary string made u of the format string msg followed by n asterisks where n varies from 5 to 1004. Two FILE * are created both using wb filemode in the variables ftindex and ftdata. After creation these are used to manipulate the files. The two files are
index. dat
data. dat
The index file holds 1000 records of type indextype; this is the struct indextype which has the two members pos (of type fpos_t) and size. The first part of the loop populates the string msg like this and so on. Then this
populates the struct with the length of the string and the point in the data file where the string will be written.
On the next page . More on Example 2
By David Bolton. C/C++/C# Expert
At this point both the index file struct and the data file string can be written to their respective files. Note that although these are binary files they are written sequentially. In theory you could write records to a position beyond the current end of file and I think the operating system will extend the file but it's not a good technique to use and probably not in the slightest bit portable.
The final part is to close both files.
This ensures that the last part of the file gets written to disk. During file writes, many of the writes don't go directly to disk but are held in fixed sized buffers. Once a write fills the buffer then the entire contents of the buffer are written to disk.
There is a file flush function that forces flushing and you can also specify file flushing strategies but those are intended for text files and will be covered in the next tutorial.
ShowRecord Function
Having written the two files, it's useful to test that we can retrieve any specified record from the data file. For this we need to know two things:
Where it starts in the data file.
How big it is
This is what the index file does. The ShowRecord function opens both files, seeks to the appropriate point ( recnum * sizeof(indextype) and fetches a number of bytes = sizeof(index). SEEK_SET is a constant that specifies where the fseek is done from.
There are two other constants defined for this.
SEEK_CUR - seek relative to current position
SEEK_END - seek absolute from the end of the file
SEEK_SET - seek absolute from the start of the file
You could use SEEK_CUR to move the file pointer forward by sizeof(index).
On the next page . More about example 2
By David Bolton. C/C++/C# Expert
Having obtained the size and position of the data, it just remains to fetch it. Here I've used fsetpos() because of the type of index. pos which is fpos_t. An alternative way is to use ftell instead of fgetpos and fsek instead of fgetpos. The pair fseek and ftell work with int whereas fgetpos and fsetpos use fpos_t.
After reading the record into memory, a null character \0 is appended to turn it into a proper c-string.
Don't forget it or you'll get a crash. As before fclose is called on both files. Althogh you won't lose any data if you forget fclose (unlike with writes) you will have a memory leak.
Performance Note
Most operating systems employ buffering with files but in my experience the file buffers are not that big. If you were using this example on large files, it might be faster to store the index structs in memory and write the data file in one loop, then write all the index structs into a file.
Buffering is more relevant with text files as we'll see in the next lesson.
This completes this C programming tutorial on random access files. The next one will be on text files.
Data File Handling In C++
File. The information / data stored under a specific name on a storage device, is called a file.
Stream. It refers to a sequence of bytes.
Text file. It is a file that stores information in ASCII characters. In text files, each line of text is terminated with a special character known as EOL (End of Line) character or delimiter character. When this EOL character is read or written, certain internal translations take place.
Binary file. It is a file that contains information in the same format as it is held in memory. In binary files, no delimiters are used for a line and no translations occur here.
Classes for file stream operation
ofstream . Stream class to write on files ifstream . Stream class to read from files fstream: Stream class to both read and write from/to files.
Opening a file
OPENING FILE USING CONSTRUCTOR ofstream outFile("sample. txt"); //output only ifstream inFile(“sample. txt”); //input only
OPENING FILE USING open() Stream-object. open(“filename”, mode)
ofstream outFile; outFile. open("sample. txt");
ifstream inFile; inFile. open("sample. txt");
File mode parameter
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Copyright 1994, 1995 Bruce Barnett and General Electric Company
Copyright 2001,2005,2007,2011,2017 Bruce Barnett
All rights reserved
You are allowed to print copies of this tutorial for your personal use, and link to this page, but you are not allowed to make electronic copies, or redistribute this tutorial in any form without permission.
Original version written in 1994 and published in the Sun Observer
How to use sed, a special editor for modifying files automatically. If you want to write a program to make changes in a file, sed is the tool to use.
There are a few programs that are the real workhorse in the UNIX toolbox. These programs are simple to use for simple applications, yet have a rich set of commands for performing complex actions. Don't let the complex potential of a program keep you from making use of the simpler aspects. I'll start with the simple concepts and introduce the advanced topics later on. When I first wrote this (in 1994), most versions of sed did not allow you to place comments inside the script. Lines starting with the '#' characters are comments. Newer versions of sed may support comments at the end of the line as well.
One way to think of this is that the old, "classic" version was the basis of GNU, FreeBSD and Solaris verisons of sed. And to help you understand what I had to work with, here is the sed(1) manual page from Sun/Oracle.
Sed is the ultimate s tream ed itor. If that sounds strange, picture a stream flowing through a pipe. Okay, you can't see a stream if it's inside a pipe. That's what I get for attempting a flowing analogy. You want literature, read James Joyce.
Anyhow, sed is a marvelous utility. Unfortunately, most people never learn its real power. The language is very simple, but the documentation is terrible. The Solaris on-line manual pages for sed are five pages long, and two of those pages describe the 34 different errors you can get. A program that spends as much space documenting the errors as it does documenting the language has a serious learning curve.
Do not fret! It is not your fault you don't understand sed . I will cover sed completely. But I will describe the features in the order that I learned them. I didn't learn everything at once. You don't need to either.
Sed has several commands, but most people only learn the substitute command: s . The substitute command changes all occurrences of the regular expression into a new value. A simple example is changing "day" in the "old" file to "night" in the "new" file:
Or another way (for UNIX beginners),
and for those who want to test this:
This will output "night".
I didn't put quotes around the argument because this example didn't need them. If you read my earlier tutorial on quotes. you would understand why it doesn't need quotes. However, I recommend you do use quotes. If you have meta-characters in the command, quotes are necessary. And if you aren't sure, it's a good habit, and I will henceforth quote future examples to emphasize the "best practice." Using the strong (single quote) character, that would be:
I must emphasize that the sed editor changes exactly what you tell it to. So if you executed
This would output the word "Sunnight" because sed found the string "day" in the input.
Another important concept is that sed is line oriented. Suppose you have the input file:
and you used the command
The output would be
Note that this changed "one" to "ONE" once on each line. The first line had "one" twice, but only the first occurrence was changed. That is the default behavior. If you want something different, you will have to use some of the options that are available. I'll explain them later.
So let's continue.
There are four parts to this substitute command:
The search pattern is on the left hand side and the replacement string is on the right hand side.
We've covered quoting and regular expressions.. That's 90% of the effort needed to learn the substitute command. To put it another way, you already know how to handle 90% of the most frequent uses of sed. There are a. few fine points that any future sed expert should know about. (You just finished section 1. There are only 63 more sections to cover. -) Oh. And you may want to bookmark this page. just in case you don't finish.
The character after the s is the delimiter. It is conventionally a slash, because this is what ed . Más . and vi use. It can be anything you want, however. If you want to change a pathname that contains a slash - say /usr/local/bin to /common/bin - you could use the backslash to quote the slash:
Gulp. Some call this a 'Picket Fence' and it's ugly. It is easier to read if you use an underline instead of a slash as a delimiter:
Some people use colons:
Others use the "|" character.
Pick one you like. As long as it's not in the string you are looking for, anything goes. And remember that you need three delimiters. If you get a "Unterminated `s' command" it's because you are missing one of them.
Sometimes you want to search for a pattern and add some characters, like parenthesis, around or near the pattern you found. It is easy to do this if you are looking for a particular string:
This won't work if you don't know exactly what you will find. How can you put the string you found in the replacement string if you don't know what it is?
The solution requires the special character "&." It corresponds to the pattern found.
You can have any number of "&" in the replacement string. You could also double a pattern, e. g. the first number of a line:
Let me slightly amend this example. Sed will match the first string, and make it as greedy as possible. I'll cover that later. If you don't want it to be so greedy (i. e. limit the matching), you need to put restrictions on the match.
The first match for '[0-9]*' is the first character on the line, as this matches zero or more numbers. So if the input was "abc 123" the output would be unchanged (well, except for a space before the letters). A better way to duplicate the number is to make sure it matches a number:
The string "abc" is unchanged, because it was not matched by the regular expression. If you wanted to eliminate "abc" from the output, you must expand the regular expression to match the rest of the line and explicitly exclude part of the expression using "(", ")" and "\1", which is the next topic.
Let me add a quick comment here because there is another way to write the above script. "[0-9]*" matches zero or more numbers. "[0-9][0-9]*" matches one or more numbers. Another way to do this is to use the "+" meta-character and use the pattern "[0-9]+" as the "+" is a special character when using "extended regular expressions." Extended regular expressions have more power, but sed scripts that treated "+" as a normal character would break. Therefore you must explicitly enable this extension with a command line option.
GNU sed turns this feature on if you use the "-r" command line option. So the above could also be written using
Mac OS X and FreeBSD uses - E instead of - r. For more information on extended regular expressions, see Regular Expressions and the description of the - r command line argument
I have already described the use of "(" ")" and "1" in my tutorial on regular expressions. To review, the escaped parentheses (that is, parentheses with backslashes before them) remember a substring of the characters matched by the regular expression. You can use this to exclude part of the characters matched by the regular expression. The "\1" is the first remembered pattern, and the "\2" is the second remembered pattern. Sed has up to nine remembered patterns.
If you wanted to keep the first word of a line, and delete the rest of the line, mark the important part with the parenthesis:
I should elaborate on this. Regular expressions are greedy, and try to match as much as possible. "[a-z]*" matches zero or more lower case letters, and tries to match as many characters as possible. The ".*" matches zero or more characters after the first match. Since the first one grabs all of the contiguous lower case letters, the second matches anything else. Therefore if you type
This will output "abcd" and delete the numbers.
If you want to switch two words around, you can remember two patterns and change the order around:
Note the space between the two remembered patterns. This is used to make sure two words are found. However, this will do nothing if a single word is found, or any lines with no letters. You may want to insist that words have at least one letter by using
or by using extended regular expressions (note that '(' and ')' no longer need to have a backslash):
The "\1" doesn't have to be in the replacement string (in the right hand side). It can be in the pattern you are searching for (in the left hand side). If you want to eliminate duplicated words, you can try:
If you want to detect duplicated words, you can use
or with extended regular expressions
This, when used as a filter, will print lines with duplicated words.
The numeric value can have up to nine values: "\1" thru "\9." If you wanted to reverse the first three characters on a line, you can use
You can add additional flags after the last delimiter. You might have noticed I used a 'p' at the end of the previous substitute command. I also added the '-n' option. Let me first cover the 'p' and other pattern flags. These flags can specify what happens when a match is found. Let me describe them.
Most UNIX utilities work on files, reading a line at a time. Sed . by default, is the same way. If you tell it to change a word, it will only change the first occurrence of the word on a line. You may want to make the change on every word on the line instead of the first. For an example, let's place parentheses around words on a line. Instead of using a pattern like "[A-Za-z]*" which won't match words like "won't," we will use a pattern, "[^ ]*," that matches everything except a space. Well, this will also match anything because "*" means zero or more . The current version of Solaris's sed (as I wrote this) can get unhappy with patterns like this, and generate errors like "Output line too long" or even run forever. I consider this a bug, and have reported this to Sun. As a work-around, you must avoid matching the null string when using the "g" flag to sed . A work-around example is: "[^ ][^ ]*." The following will put parenthesis around the first word:
If you want it to make changes for every word, add a "g" after the last delimiter and use the work-around:
Sed only operates on patterns found in the in-coming data. That is, the input line is read, and when a pattern is matched, the modified output is generated, and the rest of the input line is scanned. The "s" command will not scan the newly created output. That is, you don't have to worry about expressions like:
This will not cause an infinite loop. If a second "s" command is executed, it could modify the results of a previous command. I will show you how to execute multiple commands later.
With no flags, the first matched substitution is changed. With the "g" option, all matches are changed. If you want to modify a particular pattern that is not the first one on the line, you could use "\(" and "\)" to mark each pattern, and use "\1" to put the first pattern back unchanged. This next example keeps the first word on the line but deletes the second:
Yuck. There is an easier way to do this. You can add a number after the substitution command to indicate you only want to match that particular pattern. Example:
You can combine a number with the g (global) flag. For instance, if you want to leave the first word alone, but change the second, third, etc. to be DELETED instead, use /2g:
I've heard that combining the number with the g command does not work on The MacOS, and perhaps the FreeSBD version of sed as well.
Don't get /2 and \2 confused. The /2 is used at the end. \2 is used in inside the replacement field.
Note the space after the "*" character. Without the space, sed will run a long, long time. (Note: this bug is probably fixed by now.) This is because the number flag and the "g" flag have the same bug. You should also be able to use the pattern
but this also eats CPU. If this works on your computer, and it does on some UNIX systems, you could remove the encrypted password from the password file:
But this didn't work for me the time I wrote this. Using "[^:][^:]*" as a work-around doesn't help because it won't match an non-existent password, and instead delete the third field, which is the user ID! Instead you have to use the ugly parenthesis:
You could also add a character to the first pattern so that it no longer matches the null pattern:
The number flag is not restricted to a single digit. It can be any number from 1 to 512. If you wanted to add a colon after the 80th character in each line, you could type:
You can also do it the hard way by using 80 dots:
By default, sed prints every line. If it makes a substitution, the new text is printed instead of the old one. If you use an optional argument to sed, "sed - n," it will not, by default, print any new lines. I'll cover this and other options later. When the "-n" option is used, the "p" flag will cause the modified line to be printed. Here is one way to duplicate the function of grep with sed .
But a simpler version is described later
There is one more flag that can follow the third delimiter. With it, you can specify a file that will receive the modified data. An example is the following, which will write all lines that start with an even number, followed by a space, to the file even .
In this example, the output file isn't needed, as the input was not modified. You must have exactly one space between the w and the filename. You can also have ten files open with one instance of sed . This allows you to split up a stream of data into separate files. Using the previous example combined with multiple substitution commands described later, you could split a file into ten pieces depending on the last digit of the first number. You could also use this method to log error or debugging information to a special file.
GNU has added another pattern flags - /I
This flag makes the pattern match case insensitive. This will match abc, aBc, ABC, AbC, etc.
Note that a space after the '/I' and the 'p' (print) command emphasizes that the 'p' is not a modifier of the pattern matching process. but a command to execute after the pattern matching.
You can combine flags when it makes sense. Please note that the "w" has to be the last flag. For example the following command works:
Next I will discuss the options to sed . and different ways to invoke sed .
previously, I have only used one substitute command. If you need to make two changes, and you didn't want to read the manual, you could pipe together multiple sed commands:
This used two processes instead of one. A sed guru never uses two processes when one can do.
One method of combining multiple commands is to use a - e before each command:
A "-e" isn't needed in the earlier examples because sed knows that there must always be one command. If you give sed one argument, it must be a command, and sed will edit the data read from standard input.
The long argument version is
You can specify files on the command line if you wish. If there is more than one argument to sed that does not start with an option, it must be a filename. This next example will count the number of lines in three files that don't begin with a "#:"
Let's break this down into pieces. The sed substitute command changes every line that starts with a "#" into a blank line. Grep was used to filter out (delete) empty lines. Wc counts the number of lines left. Sed has more commands that make grep unnecessary. And grep - c can replace wc - l . I'll discuss how you can duplicate some of grep 's functionality later.
Of course you could write the last example using the "-e" option:
There are two other options to sed.
The "-n" option will not print anything unless an explicit request to print is found. I mentioned the "/p" flag to the substitute command as one way to turn printing back on. Let me clarify this. The command
acts like the cat program if PATTERN is not in the file: e. g. nothing is changed. If PATTERN is in the file, then each line that has this is printed twice. Add the "-n" option and the example acts like grep:
Nothing is printed, except those lines with PATTERN included.
The long argument of the - n command is either
Sed has the ability to specify which lines are to be examined and/or modified, by specifying addresses before the command. I will just describe the simplest version for now - the /PATTERN/ address. When used, only lines that match the pattern are given the command after the address. Briefly, when used with the /p flag, matching lines are printed twice:
And of course PATTERN is any regular expression.
Please note that if you do not include a command, such as the "p" for print, you will get an error. When I type
I get the error
Also, you don't need to, but I recommend that you place a space after the pattern and the command. This will help you distinquish between flags that modify the pattern matching, and commands to execute after the pattern is matched. Therefore I recommend this style:
If you want to duplicate the functionality of grep, combine the - n (noprint) option with the /p print flag:
If you have a large number of sed commands, you can put them into a file and use
where sedscript could look like this:
When there are several commands in one file, each command must be on a separate line.
The long argument version is
If you have many commands and they won't fit neatly on one line, you can break up the line using a backslash:
You can have a large, multi-line sed script in the C shell, but you must tell the C shell that the quote is continued across several lines. This is done by placing a backslash at the end of each line:
The Bourne shell makes this easier as a quote can cover several lines:
The - V option will print the version of sed you are using. The long argument of the command is
The - h option will print a summary of the sed commands. The long argument of the command is
Another way of executing sed is to use an interpreter script. Create a file that contains:
Click here to get file: CapVowel. sed If this script was stored in a file with the name "CapVowel" and was executable, you could use it with the simple command:
Sed comments are lines where the first non-white character is a "#." On many systems, sed can have only one comment, and it must be the first line of the script. On the Sun (1988 when I wrote this), you can have several comment lines anywhere in the script. Modern versions of Sed support this. If the first line contains exactly "#n" then this does the same thing as the "-n" option: turning off printing by default. This could not done with a sed interpreter script, because the first line must start with "#!/bin/sed - f" as I think "#!/bin/sed - nf" generated an error. It worked when I first wrote this (2008). Note that "#!/bin/sed - fn" does not work because sed thinks the filename of the script is "n". Sin embargo,
Passing a word into a shell script that calls sed is easy if you remembered my tutorial on the UNIX quoting mechanism. To review, you use the single quotes to turn quoting on and off. A simple shell script that uses sed to emulate grep is:
However - there is a problem with this script. If you have a space as an argument, the script would cause a syntax error A better version would protect from this happening:
Click here to get file: sedgrep. sed If this was stored in a file called sedgrep . you could type
This would allow sed to act as the grep command.
You can use sed to prompt the user for some parameters and then create a file with those parameters filled in. You could create a file with dummy values placed inside it, and use sed to change those dummy values. A simpler way is to use the "here is" document, which uses part of the shell script as if it were standard input:
When executed, the script says:
If you type in "123," the next line will be:
I admit this is a contrived example. "Here is" documents can have values evaluated without the use of sed. This example does the same thing:
However, combining "here is" documents with sed can be useful for some complex cases. Tenga en cuenta que
sed 's/XYZ/'$value'/' <<EOF
will give a syntax error if the user types an answer that contains a space, like "a b c". Better form would be to put double quotes around the evaluation of the value:
As we explore more of the commands of sed . the commands will become complex, and the actual sequence can be confusing. It's really quite simple. Each line is read in. Each command, in order specified by the user, has a chance to operate on the input line. After the substitutions are made, the next command has a chance to operate on the same line, which may have been modified by earlier commands. If you ever have a question, the best way to learn what will happen is to create a small example. If a complex command doesn't work, make it simpler. If you are having problems getting a complex script working, break it up into two smaller scripts and pipe the two scripts together.
You have only learned one command, and you can see how powerful sed is. However, all it is doing is a grep and substitute. That is, the substitute command is treating each line by itself, without caring about nearby lines. What would be useful is the ability to restrict the operation to certain lines. Some useful restrictions might be:
Specifying a line by its number.
Specifying a range of lines by number.
All lines containing a pattern.
All lines from the beginning of a file to a regular expression
All lines from a regular expression to the end of the file.
All lines between two regular expressions.
Sed can do all that and more. Every command in sed can be proceeded by an address, range or restriction like the above examples. The restriction or address immediately precedes the command: restriction command
The simplest restriction is a line number. If you wanted to delete the first number on line 3, just add a "3" before the command:
Many UNIX utilities like vi and more use a slash to search for a regular expression. Sed uses the same convention, provided you terminate the expression with a slash. To delete the first number on all lines that start with a "#," use:
I placed a space after the "/ expression /" so it is easier to read. It isn't necessary, but without it the command is harder to fathom. Sed does provide a few extra options when specifying regular expressions. But I'll discuss those later. If the expression starts with a backslash, the next character is the delimiter. To use a comma instead of a slash, use:
The main advantage of this feature is searching for slashes. Suppose you wanted to search for the string "/usr/local/bin" and you wanted to change it for "/common/all/bin." You could use the backslash to escape the slash:
It would be easier to follow if you used an underline instead of a slash as a search. This example uses the underline in both the search command and the substitute command:
This illustrates why sed scripts get the reputation for obscurity. I could be perverse and show you the example that will search for all lines that start with a "g," and change each "g" on that line to an "s:"
Adding a space and using an underscore after the substitute command makes this much easier to read:
Er, I take that back. It's hopeless. There is a lesson here: Use comments liberally in a sed script. You may have to remove the comments to run the script under a different (older) operating system, but you now know how to write a sed script to do that very easily! Comments are a Good Thing. You may have understood the script perfectly when you wrote it. But six months from now it could look like modem noise. And if you don't understand that reference, imagine an 8-month-old child typing on a computer.
You can specify a range on line numbers by inserting a comma between the numbers. To restrict a substitution to the first 100 lines, you can use:
If you know exactly how many lines are in a file, you can explicitly state that number to perform the substitution on the rest of the file. In this case, assume you used wc to find out there are 532 lines in the file:
An easier way is to use the special character "$," which means the last line in the file.
The "$" is one of those conventions that mean "last" in utilities like cat - e . vi . and ed . "cat - e" Line numbers are cumulative if several files are edited. That is,
You can specify two regular expressions as the range. Assuming a "#" starts a comment, you can search for a keyword, remove all comments until you see the second keyword. In this case the two keywords are "start" and "stop:"
The first pattern turns on a flag that tells sed to perform the substitute command on every line. The second pattern turns off the flag. If the "start" and "stop" pattern occurs twice, the substitution is done both times. If the "stop" pattern is missing, the flag is never turned off, and the substitution will be performed on every line until the end of the file.
You should know that if the "start" pattern is found, the substitution occurs on the same line that contains "start." This turns on a switch, which is line oriented. That is, the next line is read and the substitute command is checked. If it contains "stop" the switch is turned off. Switches are line oriented, and not word oriented.
You can combine line numbers and regular expressions. This example will remove comments from the beginning of the file until it finds the keyword "start:"
This example will remove comments everywhere except the lines between the two keywords:
The last example has a range that overlaps the "/start/,/stop/" range, as both ranges operate on the lines that contain the keywords. I will show you later how to restrict a command up to, but not including the line containing the specified pattern. It is in Operating in a pattern range except for the patterns But I have to cover some more basic principles.
Before I start discussing the various commands, I should explain that some commands cannot operate on a range of lines. I will let you know when I mention the commands. In this next section I will describe three commands, one of which cannot operate on a range.
Using ranges can be confusing, so you should expect to do some experimentation when you are trying out a new script. A useful command deletes every line that matches the restriction: "d." If you want to look at the first 10 lines of a file, you can use:
which is similar in function to the head command. If you want to chop off the header of a mail message, which is everything up to the first blank line, use:
You can duplicate the function of the tail command, assuming you know the length of a file. Wc can count the lines, and expr can subtract 10 from the number of lines. A Bourne shell script to look at the last 10 lines of a file might look like this:
#!/bin/sh #print last 10 lines of file # First argument is the filename lines=`wc - l $1 | awk ' ' ` start=`expr $lines - 10` sed "1,$start d" $1
Click here to get file: sed_tail. sh The range for deletions can be regular expressions pairs to mark the begin and end of the operation. Or it can be a single regular expression. Deleting all lines that start with a "#" is easy:
Removing comments and blank lines takes two commands. The first removes every character from the "#" to the end of the line, and the second deletes all blank lines:
A third one should be added to remove all blanks and tabs immediately before the end of line:
The character "^I" is a CTRL-I or tab character. You would have to explicitly type in the tab. Note the order of operations above, which is in that order for a very good reason. Comments might start in the middle of a line, with white space characters before them. Therefore comments are first removed from a line, potentially leaving white space characters that were before the comment. The second command removes all trailing blanks, so that lines that are now blank are converted to empty lines. The last command deletes empty lines. Together, the three commands remove all lines containing only comments, tabs or spaces.
This demonstrates the pattern space sed uses to operate on a line. The actual operation sed uses is:
Copy the input line into the pattern space.
Apply the first sed command on the pattern space, if the address restriction is true.
Repeat with the next sed expression, again operating on the pattern space.
When the last operation is performed, write out the pattern space and read in the next line from the input file.
Another useful command is the print command: "p." If sed wasn't started with an "-n" option, the "p" command will duplicate the input. The command
will duplicate every line. If you wanted to double every empty line, use:
Adding the "-n" option turns off printing unless you request it. Another way of duplicating head 's functionality is to print only the lines you want. This example prints the first 10 lines:
Sed can act like grep by combining the print operator to function on all lines that match a regular expression:
which is the same as:
Sometimes you need to perform an action on every line except those that match a regular expression, or those outside of a range of addresses. The "!" character, which often means not in UNIX utilities, inverts the address restriction. You remember that
acts like the grep command. The "-v" option to grep prints all lines that don't contain the pattern. Sed can do this with
As you may have noticed, there are often several ways to solve the same problem with sed . This is because print and delete are opposite functions, and it appears that "!p" is similar to "d," while "!d" is similar to "p." I wanted to test this, so I created a 20 line file, and tried every different combination. The following table, which shows the results, demonstrates the difference:
Relations between d, p, and !
Print first 10 lines once, then last 10 lines twice
This table shows that the following commands are identical:
It also shows that the "!" command "inverts" the address range, operating on the other lines.
There is one more simple command that can restrict the changes to a set of lines. It is the "q" command: quit. the third way to duplicate the head command is:
which quits when the eleventh line is reached. This command is most useful when you wish to abort the editing after some condition is reached.
The "q" command is the one command that does not take a range of addresses. Obviously the command
cannot quit 10 times. Instead
Grouping with
The curly braces, " ," are used to group the commands.
Hardly worth the buildup. All that prose and the solution is just matching squiggles. Well, there is one complication. Since each sed command must start on its own line, the curly braces and the nested sed commands must be on separate lines.
Previously, I showed you how to remove comments starting with a "#." If you wanted to restrict the removal to lines between special "begin" and "end" key words, you could use:
Click here to get file: sed_begin_end. sh These braces can be nested, which allow you to combine address ranges. You could perform the same action as before, but limit the change to the first 100 lines:
Click here to get file: sed_begin_end1.sh You can place a "!" before a set of curly braces. This inverts the address, which removes comments from all lines except those between the two reserved words:
You may remember that I mentioned you can do a substitute on a pattern range, like changing "old" to "new" between a begin/end pattern:
Another way to write this is to use the curly braces for grouping:
I think this makes the code clearer to understand, and easier to modify, as you will see below.
If you did not want to make any changes where the word "begin" occurred, you could simple add a new condition to skip over that line:
However, skipping over the line that has "end" is trickier. If you use the same method you used for "begin" then the sed engine will not see the "end" to stop the range - it skips over that as well. The solution is to do a substitute on all lines that don't have the "end" by using
You may remember that the substitute command can write to a file. Here again is the example that will only write lines that start with an even number (and followed by a space):
I used the "&" in the replacement part of the substitution command so that the line would not be changed. A simpler example is to use the "w" command, which has the same syntax as the "w" flag in the substitute command:
Remember - only one space must follow the command. Anything else will be considered part of the file name. The "w" command also has the same limitation as the "w" flag: only 10 files can be opened in sed .
There is also a command for reading files. The command
will append the file "end" at the end of the file (address "$)." The following will insert a file after the line with the word "INCLUDE:"
You can use the curly braces to delete the line having the "INCLUDE" command on it:
The order of the delete command "d" and the read file command "r" is important. Change the order and it will not work. There are two subtle actions that prevent this from working. The first is the "r" command writes the file to the output stream. The file is not inserted into the pattern space, and therefore cannot be modified by any command. Therefore the delete command does not affect the data read from the file.
The other subtlety is the "d" command deletes the current data in the pattern space. Once all of the data is deleted, it does make sense that no other action will be attempted. Therefore a "d" command executed in a curly brace also aborts all further actions. As an example, the substitute command below is never executed:
The earlier example is a crude version of the C preprocessor program. The file that is included has a predetermined name. It would be nice if sed allowed a variable (e. g "\1" ) instead of a fixed file name. Alas, sed doesn't have this ability. You could work around this limitation by creating sed commands on the fly, or by using shell quotes to pass variables into the sed script. Suppose you wanted to create a command that would include a file like cpp . but the filename is an argument to the script. An example of this script is:
A shell script to do this would be:
Let me elaborate. If you had a file that contains
you could use the command
to include the specified files.
As we dig deeper into sed . comments will make the commands easier to follow. The older versions of sed only allow one line as a comment, and it must be the first line. SunOS (and GNU's sed) allows more than one comment, and these comments don't have to be first. The last example could be:
Sed has three commands used to add new lines to the output stream. Because an entire line is added, the new line is on a line by itself to emphasize this. There is no option, an entire line is used, and it must be on its own line. If you are familiar with many UNIX utilities, you would expect sed to use a similar convention: lines are continued by ending the previous line with a "\". The syntax to these commands is finicky, like the "r" and "w" commands.
The "a" command appends a line after the range or pattern. This example will add a line after every line with "WORD:"
You could eliminate two lines in the shell script if you wish:
I prefer the first form because it's easier to add a new command by adding a new line and because the intent is clearer. There must not be a space after the "\".
You can insert a new line before the pattern with the "i" command:
You can change the current line with a new line.
A "d" command followed by a "a" command won't work, as I discussed earlier. The "d" command would terminate the current actions. You can combine all three actions using curly braces:
Sed ignores leading tabs and spaces in all commands. However these white space characters may or may not be ignored if they start the text following a "a," "c" or "i" command. In SunOS, both "features" are available. The Berkeley (and Linux) style sed is in /usr/bin, and the AT&T version (System V) is in /usr/5bin/.
To elaborate, the /usr/bin/sed command retains white space, while the /usr/5bin/sed strips off leading spaces. If you want to keep leading spaces, and not care about which version of sed you are using, put a "\" as the first character of the line:
All three commands will allow you to add more than one line. Just end each line with a "\:"
I have mentioned the pattern space before. Most commands operate on the pattern space, and subsequent commands may act on the results of the last modification. The three previous commands, like the read file command, add the new lines to the output stream, bypassing the pattern space.
You may remember that earlier I warned you that some commands can take a range of lines, and others cannot. To be precise, the commands "a," "i," "r," and "q" will not take a range like "1,100" or "/begin/,/end/." The documentation states that the read command can take a range, but I got an error when I tried this. The "c" or change command allows this, and it will let you change several lines into one:
If you need to do this, you can use the curly braces, as that will let you perform the operation on every line:
Most UNIX utilities are line oriented. Regular expressions are line oriented. Searching for patterns that covers more than one line is not an easy task. (Hint: It will be very shortly.)
Sed reads in a line of text, performs commands which may modify the line, and outputs modification if desired. The main loop of a sed script looks like this:
The next line is read from the input file and places it in the pattern space. If the end of file is found, and if there are additional files to read, the current file is closed, the next file is opened, and the first line of the new file is placed into the pattern space.
The line count is incremented by one. Opening a new file does not reset this number.
Each sed command is examined. If there is a restriction placed on the command, and the current line in the pattern space meets that restriction, the command is executed. Some commands, like "n" or "d" cause sed to go to the top of the loop. The "q" command causes sed to stop. Otherwise the next command is examined.
After all of the commands are examined, the pattern space is output unless sed has the optional "-n" argument.
The restriction before the command determines if the command is executed. If the restriction is a pattern, and the operation is the delete command, then the following will delete all lines that have the pattern:
If the restriction is a pair of numbers, then the deletion will happen if the line number is equal to the first number or greater than the first number and less than or equal to the last number:
If the restriction is a pair of patterns, there is a variable that is kept for each of these pairs. If the variable is false and the first pattern is found, the variable is made true. If the variable is true, the command is executed. If the variable is true, and the last pattern is on the line, after the command is executed the variable is turned off:
Whew! That was a mouthful. If you have read carefully up to here, you should have breezed through this. You may want to refer back, because I covered several subtle points. My choice of words was deliberate. It covers some unusual cases, like:
Enough mental punishment. Here is another review, this time in a table format. Assume the input file contains the following lines:
When sed starts up, the first line is placed in the pattern space. The next line is "CD." The operations of the "n," "d," and "p" commands can be summarized as:
The "n" command may or may not generate output depending upon the existence of the "-n" flag.
That review is a little easier to follow, isn't it? Before I jump into multi-line patterns, I wanted to cover three more commands:
The "=" command prints the current line number to standard output. One way to find out the line numbers that contain a pattern is to use:
The sed solution is:
Earlier I used the following to find the number of lines in a file
Using the "=" command can simplify this:
The "=" command only accepts one address, so if you want to print the number for a range of lines, you must use the curly braces:
Since the "=" command only prints to standard output, you cannot print the line number on the same line as the pattern. You need to edit multi-line patterns to do this.
If you wanted to change a word from lower case to upper case, you could write 26 character substitutions, converting "a" to "A," etc. Sed has a command that operates like the tr program. It is called the "y" command. For instance, to change the letters "a" through "f" into their upper case form, use:
Here's a sed example that convers all uppercase letters to lowercase letters, like the tr command:
If you wanted to convert a line that contained a hexadecimal number (e. g. 0x1aff) to upper case (0x1AFF), you could use:
This works fine if there are only numbers in the file. If you wanted to change the second word in a line to upper case, and you are using classic sed, you are out of luck - unless you use multi-line editing. (Hey - I think there is some sort of theme here!)
However, GNU sed has a uppercase and lowercase extension.
The "l" command prints the current pattern space. It is therefore useful in debugging sed scripts. It also converts unprintable characters into printing characters by outputting the value in octal preceded by a "\" character. I found it useful to print out the current pattern space, while probing the subtleties of sed .
There are three new commands used in multiple-line patterns: "N," "D," and "P." I will explain their relation to the matching "n," "d," and "p" single-line commands.
The "n" command will print out the current pattern space (unless the "-n" flag is used), empty the current pattern space, and read in the next line of input. The "N" command does not print out the current pattern space and does not empty the pattern space. It reads in the next line, but appends a new line character along with the input line itself to the pattern space.
The "d" command deletes the current pattern space, reads in the next line, puts the new line into the pattern space, and aborts the current command, and starts execution at the first sed command. This is called starting a new "cycle." The "D" command deletes the first portion of the pattern space, up to the new line character, leaving the rest of the pattern alone. Like "d," it stops the current command and starts the command cycle over again. However, it will not print the current pattern space. You must print it yourself, a step earlier. If the "D" command is executed with a group of other commands in a curly brace, commands after the "D" command are ignored. The next group of sed commands is executed, unless the pattern space is emptied. If this happens, the cycle is started from the top and a new line is read.
The "p" command prints the entire pattern space. The "P" command only prints the first part of the pattern space, up to the NEWLINE character. Neither the "p" nor the "P" command changes the patterns space.
Some examples might demonstrate "N" by itself isn't very useful. the filter
doesn't modify the input stream. Instead, it combines the first and second line, then prints them, combines the third and fourth line, and prints them, etc. It does allow you to use a new "anchor" character: "\n." This matches the new line character that separates multiple lines in the pattern space. If you wanted to search for a line that ended with the character "#," and append the next line to it, you could use
You could search for two lines containing "ONE" and "TWO" and only print out the two consecutive lines:
The next example would delete everything between "ONE" and "TWO:"
You can match multiple lines in searches.
Here is a way to look for the string "skip3", and if found, delete that line and the next two lines.
Note that it doesn't matter what the next two lines are. If you wanted to match 3 particular lines, it's a little more work.
This script looks for three lines, where the first line contains "one", the second contained "two" and the third contains "three", and if found, replace them with the string "1+2+3":
You can either search for a particular pattern on two consecutive lines, or you can search for two consecutive words that may be split on a line boundary. The next example will look for two words which are either on the same line or one is on the end of a line and the second is on the beginning of the next line. If found, the first word is deleted:
Let's use the "D" command, and if we find a line containing "TWO" immediately after a line containing "ONE," then delete the first line:
If we wanted to print the first line instead of deleting it, and not print every other line, change the "D" to a "P" and add a "-n" as an argument to sed .
It is very common to combine all three multi-line commands. The typical order is "N," "P" and lastly "D." This one will delete everything between "ONE" and "TWO" if they are on one or two consecutive lines:
Earlier I talked about the "=" command, and using it to add line numbers to a file. You can use two invocations of sed to do this (although it is possible to do it with one, but that must wait until next section). The first sed command will output a line number on one line, and then print the line on the next line. The second invocation of sed will merge the two lines together:
If you find it necessary, you can break one line into two lines, edit them, and merge them together again. As an example, if you had a file that had a hexadecimal number followed by a word, and you wanted to convert the first word to all upper case, you can use the "y" command, but you must first split the line into two lines, change one of the two, and merge them together. That is, a line containing
will be changed into two lines:
and the first line will be converted into upper case. I will use tr to convert the space into a new line, and then use sed to do the rest. The command would be and sed_split would be:
It isn't obvious, but sed could be used instead of tr . You can embed a new line in a substitute command, but you must escape it with a backslash. It is unfortunate that you must use "\n" in the left side of a substitute command, and an embedded new line in the right hand side. Heavy sigh. Here is the example:
Sometimes I add a special character as a marker, and look for that character in the input stream. When found, it indicates the place a blank used to be. A backslash is a good character, except it must be escaped with a backslash, and makes the sed script obscure. Save it for that guy who keeps asking dumb questions. The sed script to change a blank into a "\" following by a new line would be:
Sí. That's the ticket. Or use the C shell and really confuse him!
A few more examples of that, and he'll never ask you a question again! I think I'm getting carried away. I'll summarize with a chart that covers the features we've talked about:
Occasionally one wishes to use a new line character in a sed script. Well, this has some subtle issues here. If one wants to search for a new line, one has to use "\n." Here is an example where you search for a phrase, and delete the new line character after that phrase - joining two lines together.
However, if you are inserting a new line, don't use "\n" - instead insert a literal new line character:
So far we have talked about three concepts of sed . (1) The input stream or data before it is modified, (2) the output stream or data after it has been modified, and (3) the pattern space, or buffer containing characters that can be modified and send to the output stream.
There is one more "location" to be covered: the hold buffer or hold space . Think of it as a spare pattern buffer. It can be used to "copy" or "remember" the data in the pattern space for later. There are five commands that use the hold buffer.
The "x" command eXchanges the pattern space with the hold buffer. By itself, the command isn't useful. Executing the sed command
as a filter adds a blank line in the front, and deletes the last line. It looks like it didn't change the input stream significantly, but the sed command is modifying every line.
The hold buffer starts out containing a blank line. When the "x" command modifies the first line, line 1 is saved in the hold buffer, and the blank line takes the place of the first line. The second "x" command exchanges the second line with the hold buffer, which contains the first line. Each subsequent line is exchanged with the preceding line. The last line is placed in the hold buffer, and is not exchanged a second time, so it remains in the hold buffer when the program terminates, and never gets printed. This illustrates that care must be taken when storing data in the hold buffer, because it won't be output unless you explicitly request it.
One use of the hold buffer is to remember previous lines. An example of this is a utility that acts like grep as it shows you the lines that match a pattern. In addition, it shows you the line before and after the pattern. That is, if line 8 contains the pattern, this utility would print lines 7, 8 and 9.
One way to do this is to see if the line has the pattern. If it does not have the pattern, put the current line in the hold buffer. If it does, print the line in the hold buffer, then the current line, and then the next line. After each set, three dashes are printed. The script checks for the existence of an argument, and if missing, prints an error. Passing the argument into the sed script is done by turning off the single quote mechanism, inserting the "$1" into the script, and starting up the single quote again:
You could use this to show the three lines around a keyword, i. e.
The "x" command exchanges the hold buffer and the pattern buffer. Both are changed. The "h" command copies the pattern buffer into the hold buffer. The pattern buffer is unchanged. An identical script to the above uses the hold commands:
The "H" command allows you to combine several lines in the hold buffer. It acts like the "N" command as lines are appended to the buffer, with a "\n" between the lines. You can save several lines in the hold buffer, and print them only if a particular pattern is found later.
As an example, take a file that uses spaces as the first character of a line as a continuation character. The files /etc/termcap . /etc/printcap . makefile and mail messages use spaces or tabs to indicate a continuing of an entry. If you wanted to print the entry before a word, you could use this script. I use a "^I" to indicate an actual tab character:
You can also use the "H" to extend the context grep. In this example, the program prints out the two lines before the pattern, instead of a single line. The method to limit this to two lines is to use the "s" command to keep one new line, and deleting extra lines. I call it grep4 .
Click here to get file: grep4.sh You can modify this to print any number of lines around a pattern. As you can see, you must remember what is in the hold space, and what is in the pattern space. There are other ways to write the same routine.
Instead of exchanging the hold space with the pattern space, you can copy the hold space to the pattern space with the "g" command. This deletes the pattern space. If you want to append to the pattern space, use the "G" command. This adds a new line to the pattern space, and copies the hold space after the new line.
Here is another version of the "grep3" command. It works just like the previous one, but is implemented differently. This illustrates that sed has more than one way to solve many problems. What is important is you understand your problem, and document your solution:
The "G" command makes it easy to have two copies of a line. Suppose you wanted to the convert the first hexadecimal number to uppercase, and don't want to use the script I described in an earlier column
Here is a solution that does not require two invocations of sed:
Click here to get file: convert2uc1.sh Carl Henrik Lunde suggested a way to make this simpler. I was working too hard.
Click here to get file: convert2uc2.sh This example only converts the letters "a" through "f" to upper case. This was chosen to make the script easier to print in these narrow columns. You can easily modify the script to convert all letters to uppercase, or to change the first letter, second word, etc.
As you learn about sed you realize that it has its own programming language. It is true that it's a very specialized and simple language. What language would be complete without a method of changing the flow control? There are three commands sed uses for this. You can specify a label with an text string preceded by a colon. The "b" command branches to the label. The label follows the command. If no label is there, branch to the end of the script. The "t" command is used to test conditions. Before I discuss the "t" command, I will show you an example using the "b" command.
This example remembers paragraphs, and if it contains the pattern (specified by an argument), the script prints out the entire paragraph.
You can execute a branch if a pattern is found. You may want to execute a branch only if a substitution is made. The command "t label" will branch to the label if the last substitute command modified the pattern space.
One use for this is recursive patterns. Suppose you wanted to remove white space inside parenthesis. These parentheses might be nested. That is, you would want to delete a string that looked like "( ( ( ())) )." The sed expressions
would only remove the innermost set. You would have to pipe the data through the script four times to remove each set or parenthesis. You could use the regular expression
but that would delete non-matching sets of parenthesis. The "t" command would solve this:
An earlier version had a 'g' after the 's' expression. This is not needed.
The 'l' command will print the pattern space in an unambiguous form. Non-printing characters are printed in a C-style escaped format.
This can be useful when debugging a complex multi-line sed script.
There is one way to add comments in a sed script if you don't have a version that supports it. Use the "a" command with the line number of zero:
There is one more sed command that isn't well documented. It is the ";" command. This can be used to combined several sed commands on one line. Here is the grep4 script I described earlier, but without the comments or error checking and with semicolons between commands:
Yessireebob! Definitely character building. I think I have made my point. As far as I am concerned, the only time the semicolon is useful is when you want to type the sed script on the command line. If you are going to place it in a script, format it so it is readable. I have mentioned earlier that many versions of sed do not support comments except on the first line. You may want to write your scripts with comments in them, and install them in "binary" form without comments. This should not be difficult. After all, you have become a sed guru by now. I won't even tell you how to write a script to strip out comments. That would be insulting your intelligence. Also - some operating systems do NOT let you use semicolons. So if you see a script with semicolons, and it does not work on a non-Linux system, replace the semicolon with a new line character. (As long as you are not using csh/tcsh, but that's another topic.
In the earlier scripts, I mentioned that you would have problems if you passed an argument to the script that had a slash in it. In fact, regular expression might cause you problems. A script like the following is asking to be broken some day:
If the argument contains any of these characters in it, you may get a broken script: "/\.*[]^$" For instance, if someone types a "/" then the substitute command will see four delimiters instead of three. You will also get syntax errors if you provide a "]" without a "]". One solution is to have the user put a backslash before any of these characters when they pass it as an argument. However, the user has to know which characters are special. Another solution is to add a backslash before each of those characters in the script
Click here to get file: sed_with_regular_expressions1.sh If you were searching for the pattern "^../," the script would convert this into "\^\.\.\/" before passing it to sed .
Dealing with binary characters can be trick, expecially when writing scripts for people to read. I can insert a binary character using an editor like EMACS but if I show the binary character, the terminal may change it to show it to you.
The easiest way I have found to do this in a script in a portable fashion is to use the tr(1) command. It understands octal notations, and it can be output into a variable which can be used.
Here's a script that will replace the string "ding" with the ASCII bell character:
Please note that I used double quotes. Since special characters are interpreted, you have to be careful when you use this mechanism.
One of the conventions UNIX systems have is to use single letters are command line arguments. This makes typing faster, and shorted, which is an advantage if you are in a contest. Normal people often find sed's terseness cryptic. You can improve the readability of sed scripts by using the long word equivalent options. That is, instead of typing You can type the long word version of the - n argument Or
The long form of sed's command line arguments always have 2 hyphens before their names. GNU sed has the following long-form command line arguments:
GNU Command Line Arguments
Let's define each of these.
The GNU version of sed has many features that are not available in other versions. When portability is important, test your script with the - posix option. If you had an example that used a feature of GNU sed, such as the 'v' command to test the version number, such as And you executed it with the command then the GNU version of sed program would give you a warning that your sed script is not compatible. It would report:
You can determine which version of sed you are using with the GNU sed --version command. This is what it outputs on my computer
The - h option will print a summary of the sed commands. The long argument of the command is It provides a nice summary of the command line arguments.
I've already described the 'l' command. The default line width for the 'l' command is 70 characters. This default value can be changed by adding the '-l N' option and specifying the maximum line length as the number after the '-l'. The long form version of the command line is
Normally, when you specify several files on the command line, sed concatenates the files into one stream, and then operates on that single stream. If you had three files, each with 100 lines, then the command would only print the first 10 lines of file file1. The '-s' command tells GNU sed to treat the files are independent files, and to print out the first 10 lines of each file, which is similar to the head command. Here's another example: If you wanted to print the number of lines of each file, you could use 'wc - l' which prints the number of lines, and the filename, for each file, and at the end print the total number of lines. Here is a simple shell script that does something similar, just using sed: The 'wc - l' command does print out the filenames, unlike the above script. A better emulation of the 'wc - l' command would execute the command in a loop, and print the filenames. Here is a more advanced script that does this, but it doesn't use the '-s' command:
I've already described in Editing multiple files the way I like to do this. For those who want a simpler method, GNU Sed allows you to do this with a command line option - "-i". Let's assume that we are going to make the same simple change - adding a tab before each line. This is a way to do this for all files in a directory with the ".txt" extension in the current directory: The long argument name version is This verison deletes the original file. If you are as cautious as I am, you may prefer to specify an extension, which is used to keep a copy of the original: And the long argument name version is In the last two versions, the original version of the "a. txt" file would have the name "a. txt. tmp". You can then delete the original files after you make sure all worked as you expected. Please consider the backup option, and heed my warning. You can easily delete the backed-up original file, as long as the extension is unique.
The GNU version of sed allows you to use "-i" without an argument. The FreeBSD/Mac OS X does not. You must provide an extension for the FreeBSD/Mac OS X version. If you want to do in-place editing without creating a backup, you can use
The in-place editing feature is handy to have. But what happens if the file you are editing is a symbolic link to another file? Let's assume you have a file named "b" in a directory called "tmp", with a symbolic link to this file: If you executed the above command to do in place editing, there will be a new file called "b. txt" in the current directory, and "tmp/b. txt" will be unchanged. Now you have two versions of the file, one is changed (in the current directory), and one is not (in the "tmp" directory). And where you had a symbolic link, it has been replaced with a modified version of the original file. If you want to edit the real file, and keep the symbolic link in place, use the "--follow-symlinks" command line option: This follows the symlink to the original location, and modifies the file in the "tmp" directory, If you specify an extension, the original file will be found with that extension in the same directory ar the real source. Without the --follow-symlinks command line option, the "backup" file "b. tmp" will be in the same directory that held the symbolic link, and will still be a symbolic link - just renamed to give it a new extension.
Unix and Linux systems consider the new line character "\n" to be the end of the line. However, MS-DOS, Windows, and Cygwin systems end each line with "\r\n" - Carriage return and line-feed. If you are using any of these operating systems, the "-b" or --binary" command line option will treat the carriage return/new line combination as the end of the line. Otherwise the carriage return is treated as an unprintable character immediately before the end-of-line. I think. (Note to self - verify this).
When I mention patterns, such as "s/pattern/", the pattern is a regular expression. There are two common classes of regular expressions, the original "basic" expressions, and the "extended" regular expressions. For more on the differences see My tutorial on regular expressions and the the section on extended regular expressions. Because the meaning of certain characters are different between the regular and extended expressions, you need a command line argument to enable sed to use the extension. To enable this extension, use the "-r" command, as mentioned in the example on finding duplicated words on a line
I already mentioned that Mac OS X and FreeBSD uses - E instead of - r.
Normally - Unix and Linux systems apply some intelligence to handling standard output. It's assumed that if you are sending results to a terminal, you want the output as soon as it becomes available. However, if you are sending the output to a file, then it's assumed you want better performance, so it buffers the output until the buffer is full, and then the contents of the buffer is written to the file. Let me elaborate on this. Let's assume for this example you have a very large file, and you are using sed to search for a string, and to print it when it is found: Since the output is the terminal, as soon as a match is found, it is printed. However, if sed pipes its output to another program, it will buffer the results. But there are times when you want immediate results. This is especially true when you are dealing with large files, or files that occasionally generate data. To summarize, you have lots of input data, and you want sed to process it, and then send this to another program that processes the results, but you want the results when it happens, and not delayed. Let me make up a simple example. It's contrived, but it does explain how this works. Here's a program called SlowText that prints numbers from 1 to 60, once a second: Let's use sed to search for lines that have the character '1', and have it send results to awk, which will calculate the square of that number. This would be the admittedly contrived script: This works, but because sed is buffering the results, we have to wait until the buffer fills up, or until the SlowText program exists, before we the results. You can eliminate the buffering, and see the results as soon as SlowText outputs them, by using the "-u" option. With this option, you will see the squares printed as soon as possible:
The long form of the argument is "--unbuffered".
Mac OS X and FreeBSD use the argument "-l".
GNU Sed 4.2.2 and later will also be unbuffered while reading files, not just writing them.
Normally, sed reads a line by reading a string of characters up to the end-of-line character (new line or carriage return). See the - b Binary command line argument The GNU version of sed added a feature in version 4.2.2 to use the "NULL" character instead. This can be useful if you have files that use the NULL as a record separator. Some GNU utilities can genertae output that uses a NULL instead a new line, such as "find. - print0" or "grep - lZ". This feature is useful if you are operating on filenames that might contain spaces or binary characters.
For instance, if you wanted to use "find" to search for files and you used the "-print0" option to print a NULL at the end of each filename, you could use sed to delete the directory pathname:
The above example is not terribly useful as the "xargs" use of echo does not retain the ability to retain spaces as part of the filename. But is does show how to use the sed "-z" command.
GNU grep also has a - Z option to search for strings in files, placing a "NULL" at the end of each filename instead of a new line. And with the - l command, grep will print the filename that contains the string, retaining non-printing and binary characters:
This feature is very useful when users have the ability to create their own filenames.
Apple uses the FreeBSD version of sed for Mac OS X instead of the GNU sed. However, the FreeBSD version has a couple of additions.
Normally, as soon as sed starts up, it opens all files that are refered to by the "w" command. The FreeBSD version of sed has an option to delay this action until the "w" command is executed.
FreeBSD added a "-I" option that is similar to the - i option. The "-i" option treats the editing each file as a separate instance of sed . If the "-I" option is used, then line numbers do not get reset at the beginning of each line, and ranges of addresses continue from one file to the next. That is, if you used the range '/BEGIN/,/END/' and you used the "-I" option, you can have the "BEGIN" in the first file, and "END" in the second file, and the commands executed within the range would span both files. If you used "-i", then the commands would not.
And like the - i option, the extension used to store the backup file must be specified.
I mentioned extended regular expressions earlier. FreeBSD (and Mac OS X) uses "-E" to enable this. However, FreeBSD later added the - r command to be compatible with GNU sed.
Someone once asked me to help them solve a tricky sed problem involving word boundaries. Let's suppose you have the following input
and you wanted to delete '/usr/local' but leave the other 3 paths alone. You could use the simple (and incorrect) command:
which would output
That is, it would mistakenly change '/usr/local/bin' to '/bin' and not delete '/usr/local' which was the intention of the programmer. The better method is to include spaces around the search:
However, this won't work if '/usr/local' is at the beginning, or at the end of the line. It also won't work if '/usr/local' is the only path on the line. To handle these edge cases, you can simply describe all of these conditions as separate cases:
This works fine if the string you are searching for is surrounded by a space. But what happens if the string is surrounded by other characters, which may be one of several possible characters? You can always make up your own class of characters that define the 'end of a word'; For instance, if your string consists of alphanumeric characters and the slash, the class of characters can be defined by '[a-zA-Z0-9/]' or the more flexible '[[:alnum:]/]'. We can define the class fo characters to be all but these, by using the caret, i. e. '[^[:alnum:]/]'. And unlike the space before, if you are going to use character classes, you may have to remember what these characters are and not delete them. So we can replace the space with '[^[:alnum:]/]' and then change the command to be
The first version would replace ' /usr/local ' with a single space. This method would replace ':/usr/local:' with '::' - because the redundant deliniators are not deleted. Be sure to fix this if you need to.
This method always works, but it is inelegant and error prone. There are other methods, but they may not be portable . Solaris's version of sed used the special characters ‘\<’ and ‘\>’ as anchors that indicated a word boundary. So you could use
However, the GNU version of sed says the usage of these special characters are undefined. According to the manual page:
When in doubt, experiment.
As I promised earlier, here is a table that summarizes the different commands. The second column specifies if the command can have a range or pair of addresses or a single address or pattern. The next four columns specifies which of the four buffers or streams are modified by the command. Some commands only affect the output stream, others only affect the hold buffer. If you remember that the pattern space is output (unless a "-n" was given to sed ), this table should help you keep track of the various commands.
Address or Range
Modification to Input Stream
Modification to Output Stream
The "n" command may or may not generate output, depending on the "-n" option. The "r" command can only have one address, despite the documentation.
This concludes my tutorial on sed . It is possible to find shorter forms of some of my scripts. However, I chose these examples to illustrate some basic constructs. I wanted clarity, not obscurity. I hope you enjoyed it.
This document was originally converted from NROFF to TEXT to HTML. Please forgive errors in the translation. If you are confused, grab the actual script if possible. No translations occurred in the scripts.
Thanks to Keelan Evans, Fredrik Nilsson, and Kurt McKee for spotting some typos. Thanks to Wim Stolker and Jose' Sebrosa as well. Thanks to Olivier Mengue. Thanks to Andrew M. Goth. Thanks to David P. Brown. Thanks to Axel Schulze for some corrections Thanks to Martin Jan for the corrections in sed format (grin) Thanks to David Ward for some corrections A big thanks for Fazl Rahman for spotting dozens of errors. Thanks to Carl Henrik Lunde who suggested an improvement to convert2uc1.sh A big thanks to Bryan Hyun Huh who spotted an error in the table and reference chart Thanks for input from
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