Saturday 25 November 2017

Transmisor De Forex Fm

Transmisores FM

Los transmisores FM convierten las salidas de audio específicas en señales de radio FM. Son portátiles y sobre todo inalámbricos, y te permiten acceder a tu audio favorito sin esfuerzo. Para encontrar el mejor transmisor de FM para usted, considere cómo y dónde va a utilizarlo y cuál será su fuente de alimentación, así como el rango y la disponibilidad de banda que necesita.

Los transmisores de FM se utilizan principalmente con iPods y reproductores de MP3 para transmitir música a través de altavoces de radio de coche o casa. Aquellos con compatibilidad Bluetooth también puede permitirle hacer llamadas manos libres y recibir instrucciones de audio en su coche. Y un transmisor de FM que se conecta a su computadora le permitirá alejarse de su escritorio sin perder su estación de radio favorita de Internet o canción.

Transmisores de FM pueden ser alimentados por baterías de coche, tomas de encendedor de cigarrillos de coche o tomas de pared tradicionales. La energía de la batería o del enchufe del alumbrador es la mejor para el uso en su coche, mientras que la energía del zócalo de la pared trabaja para el uso en un hogar u oficina.

La mayoría de los transmisores FM tienen un rango de 30-50 pies, aunque algunos pueden alcanzar más de 75 pies. Además de la gama, considere la disponibilidad de banda: los que permiten frecuencias específicas en cualquier lugar a lo largo de la banda FM le dan una mejor oportunidad de encontrar una frecuencia sin una estación ya asignada a ella. Esto es especialmente importante en las zonas urbanas.

En Walmart, encontrará una gran selección de transmisores FM y otros accesorios MP3. Todos a precios bajos todos los días. Ahorrar dinero. Vive mejor.

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V 2 Transmisores FM

A sólo 2 RU y tan profundo como es ancho, el TX1000 V2 rompe todas las reglas en el tamaño del transmisor de 1 kW. El factor de forma compacto es sólo una de las razones por las que este transmisor de FM avanzado es perfecto para su estación, sino que también combina un alto rendimiento y un valor excelente para aquellos que no pueden permitirse comprar nada excepto lo mejor. Ahora con construido en el procesamiento audio de 4 bandas DSPX, el control de Ethernet y el IDer de FSK.

El BW Broadcast TX1500 V2 es el transmisor FM 1500w más compacto disponible en el mercado. Proporcionando una fiabilidad excepcional gracias a más de una década de desarrollo, el TX1500 V2 es un transmisor FM de 2 pulgadas de 19 pulgadas de montaje en bastidor con un peso inferior a 15kg, con nuestra tecnología de transistor de brida de oro y procesamiento de audio multibanda incorporado.

El BW Broadcast TX2500 V2 es el último modelo de la gama V2 FM Transmitter. Disponible en sólo 3RU con una fuente de alimentación deslizable, nuestra tecnología Gold Clamp y un procesamiento de audio multibanda incorporado. Combinando alto rendimiento y excelente valor, es el transmisor de potencia más compacto que soplará la competencia.

Los amplificadores FM que funcionan las 24 horas del día sin estar desconectados son nuestra especialidad. Hemos estado haciendo y probando amplificadores de FM durante 19 años, tenemos experiencia sustancial en esta área. A continuación se muestra el rango básico de nuestros amplificadores FM. El 200W de Google se puede combinar para producir mayores potencias que se ejecutan en kilovatios.


El 1W PLL kit fue el primer transmisor FM comercial fabricado por Aareff conocido como Veronica en 1996. El 1W Veronica PLL tiene una reputación en todo el mundo por ser un kit transmisor fm de alta calidad y estabilidad. Este es el corazón de todos nuestros modelos. Hemos vendido miles de estos a lo largo de los años y la demanda continúa hasta nuestros días.


La antena es la parte más importante del sistema transmisor fm. No importa qué transmisor utilice, con una mala antena las señales que van no donde. Nuestras antenas son duraderas, sintonizadas y optimizadas para transmisores y para uso externo en los entornos más duros.

Estación de radio FM

Estación de radio FM

¡Deje que sus clientes se mantengan calientes en sus vehículos! Pueden escuchar el audio de la demostración en su propia radio que es transmitida de su estación ultra-miniatura de FM.

Light-O-Rama buscó en todo el mundo un proveedor de transmisores FM fiable que también podría seguir los estrictos estándares de la FCC en los Estados Unidos. No necesita una licencia para operar este transmisor de FM, pero debe seguir las instrucciones detalladas que vienen con el producto como lo requiere la FCC.

No molestes a los vecinos con tu música

Utilice un transmisor de radio FM para transmitir el audio del espectáculo. Es una gran manera para que su audiencia oiga la música mientras que se sienta en la comodidad de sus vehículos y al mismo tiempo no moleste a sus vecinos.

¿Hasta dónde se transmite este transmisor de FM?

Nos sentimos cómodos diciendo que este pequeño transmisor emitirá más de 100 pies en todas las direcciones. Dado que el hogar promedio es de alrededor de 2.000 metros cuadrados (de acuerdo con la Asociación Nacional de Constructores de Viviendas) no debería ser un problema para cubrir toda la casa y llegar a la calle por delante (en la mayoría de los casos.)

¿Cuántas frecuencias?

El transmisor FM le permite cubrir toda la gama de frecuencias FM de 88.1 a 107.9 FM. También le permite seleccionar frecuencias en pasos de 1 MHz para que los países que utilizan las frecuencias pares pueden utilizar nuestro transmisor FM.

Configuración rápida

Es fácil agregar el transmisor de FM a lo que estás haciendo.

Conecte su fuente de audio al transmisor de FM a través de uno de los cables de audio suministrados (ya sea la toma para auriculares estéreo o la toma RCA estéreo de su ShowTime Director o PC)

Busque una emisora ​​FM no utilizada en su área y coloque el transmisor FM en esa emisora ​​no utilizada (utilice los botones en el lateral del transmisor FM)

Para iniciar la emisión, encienda el transmisor FM presionando el interruptor situado en la parte superior de la unidad

Ajuste cualquier radio FM a la señal que está emitiendo en

Escucha y disfruta

La pequeña cosa cuenta

Mire atentamente y verá un viejo interruptor de encendido / apagado en el transmisor FM. Si la unidad pierde potencia, cuando se restaura el transmisor ya está encendido. También se recuerdan todos los demás ajustes del transmisor (frecuencia, volumen, etc.).

Circuito Transmisor FM

Aquí estamos construyendo un transmisor FM inalámbrico que utiliza la comunicación de RF para transmitir la señal FM de media o baja potencia. El alcance máximo de la transmisión es de unos 2 km.

Principio del circuito del transmisor de FM:

La transmisión FM se realiza mediante el proceso de pre amplificación de audio, modulación y luego transmisión. Aquí hemos adaptado la misma fórmula amplificando primero la señal de audio, generando una señal portadora utilizando una señal de audio amplificada y oscilando y modulando la señal portadora. La amplificación se realiza mediante un amplificador, mientras que la generación de señal de modulación y portadora se realiza mediante un circuito oscilador de frecuencia variable. La frecuencia se fija en dondequiera entre la gama de frecuencia de FM de 88MHz a 108MHz. La potencia de la señal de FM del oscilador se amplifica a continuación utilizando un amplificador de potencia para producir una salida de baja impedancia, que coincida con la de la antena.

Diagrama de circuito de 2 km Transmisor FM Circuito:

Transmisor FM Diseño del circuito:

Diseño de preamplificador de audio:

Aquí estamos diseñando un amplificador simple del emisor común de la etapa única como el pre-amplificador.

A) Selección de Vcc: Aquí hemos seleccionado el Transistor de Unión Bipolar NPN, BC109. Dado que V CEO de este transistor es de alrededor de 40V, elegimos un Vcc mucho menor, de aproximadamente 9V.

B) Selección de resistencia de carga, R4: Para calcular el valor de la resistencia de carga, primero debemos calcular la corriente de colector de reposo. Supongamos que este valor es de aproximadamente 1mA. El voltaje del colector necesita ser aproximadamente la mitad de Vcc. Esto da el valor de resistencia de carga, R4 como. Vc / Iq = 4,5K. Seleccionamos una resistencia de 5 K para una mejor operación.

C) Selección de los resistores del divisor de tensión R2 y R3: Para calcular el valor de las resistencias del divisor de tensión, necesitamos calcular la corriente de polarización así como la tensión a través de las resistencias. La corriente de polarización se aproxima a 10 veces la corriente base. Ahora la corriente de base, Ib es igual a la corriente de colector dividida por la ganancia de corriente, h fe. Esto da el valor de Ib a 0,008 mA. La corriente de polarización es así de 0,08 mA.

El voltaje a través de la base, Vb se supone que es 0.7V más que el voltaje de emisor Ve. Supongamos ahora que el voltaje del emisor es 12% de Vcc, es decir 1,08V. Esto da Vb a 1,78V.

Por lo tanto, R2 = Vb / I sesgo = 22,25K. Aquí seleccionamos una resistencia de 22K.

R3 = (Vcc-Vb / I sesgo = 90,1 K. Aquí seleccionamos una resistencia de 90 K.

D) Selección de la resistencia de emisor R5: El valor de R5 viene dado por Ve / Ie, donde Ie es la corriente de emisor y es aproximadamente igual a la corriente de colector. Esto da R5 = (Ve / Ie) = 540 Ohmios. Aquí seleccionamos un resistor de 500Ohms. Sirve al propósito de puentear la corriente del emisor.

E) Selección del condensador de acoplamiento, C1: Aquí este condensador sirve para el propósito de modular la corriente que atraviesa el transistor. Un valor grande indica baja frecuencia (bajo), mientras que un valor menor aumenta el agudo (frecuencia más alta). Aquí seleccionamos un valor de 5 uF.

F) Selección de la resistencia de micrófono R1: El propósito de esta resistencia es limitar la corriente a través del micrófono, que debe ser menor que la corriente máxima que un micrófono puede manejar. Supongamos que el micrófono actual es de 0,4 mA. Esto da el valor de Rm = (Vcc-Vb) /0.4 = 18.05K. Aquí seleccionamos una resistencia de 18K.

G) Selección del condensador de bypass, C4: Aquí se selecciona un condensador de electrolito de 15 uF, que elude la señal de CC.

Diseño del circuito del oscilador:

A) Selección de los componentes del circuito de tanque - L1 y C6: Sabemos que la frecuencia de oscilaciones está dada por

Aquí se requiere una frecuencia entre 88 MHz a 100 MHz. Seleccione un inductor de 0.2uH. Esto da un valor de C6 de alrededor de 12pF. Aquí seleccionamos un condensador variable en el rango 5 a 20pF.

B) Selección del condensador del tanque, C9: Este condensador sirve para mantener el circuito del tanque vibrando. Puesto que aquí estamos utilizando BJT 2N222, preferimos el valor de C9 entre 4 y 10 pF. Seleccione un condensador de 5 pF.

C) Selección de las resistencias de polarización R6 y R7: Utilizando el mismo método para el cálculo de resistencias de polarización, como en el diseño del preamplificador, seleccionamos los valores de las resistencias de polarización R6 y R7 a 9 K y 40 K respectivamente.

D) Selección del condensador de acoplamiento, C3: Aquí se seleccionan condensadores electrolíticos de aproximadamente 0,01 uF como condensador de acoplamiento.

E) Selección de la resistencia del emisor, R8: Utilizando los mismos cálculos que para el circuito del amplificador, obtenemos el valor de la resistencia del emisor en torno a 1K.

Diseño del circuito del amplificador de potencia:

Como se requiere una salida de baja potencia, preferimos utilizar un amplificador de potencia de clase A con circuito de tanque LC en la salida. Los valores de los componentes del circuito del tanque son los mismos que en el circuito del oscilador. Aquí seleccionamos la resistencia de polarización para que sea aproximadamente 20 K y el condensador de acoplamiento de aproximadamente 10 pF.

Selección de Antena:

Dado que el alcance es de unos 2 km, podemos preparar una antena utilizando una antena de palo o un alambre de 30 pulgadas aproximadamente que sería aproximadamente 1/4 de la longitud de onda de transmisión.

Teoría detrás del circuito del transmisor de FM:

La señal de audio del micrófono es una señal de nivel muy bajo, del orden de los voltios del molino. Este voltaje extremadamente pequeño necesita ser primero amplificado. Una configuración de emisor común de un transistor bipolar, polarizada para operar en la región de clase A, produce una señal invertida amplificada.

Otro aspecto importante de este circuito es el circuito oscilador colpitt. Este es un oscilador LC donde la energía se mueve hacia atrás y hacia adelante entre el inductor y el condensador que forman oscilaciones. Se utiliza principalmente para la aplicación de RF.

Cuando a este oscilador se le da una entrada de tensión, la señal de salida es una mezcla de la señal de entrada y la señal de salida oscilante, produciendo una señal modulada. En otras palabras, la frecuencia del circuito generado por el oscilador varía con la aplicación de una señal de entrada, produciendo una señal modulada en frecuencia.

¿Cómo operar el circuito del transmisor de FM?

La entrada de audio del micrófono o de cualquier otro dispositivo se amplifica primero utilizando la configuración de emisor común de BC109. Esta señal amplificada se da entonces al circuito oscilador a través del condensador de acoplamiento. El circuito oscilador genera una señal con una frecuencia determinada por el valor del condensador variable. La señal de salida del emisor del transistor se acopla a la entrada del transistor del amplificador de potencia utilizando el condensador de acoplamiento. A medida que se amplifica esta señal, el condensador variable en la sección de amplificador de potencia tiende a mantener una coincidencia de salida con la del oscilador. La señal de RF amplificada se transmite entonces mediante antena.

Aplicaciones del Circuito Transmisor FM:

Este circuito se puede utilizar en cualquier lugar para transmitir señales de audio mediante transmisión FM, especialmente en instituciones y organizaciones.


Este circuito es para propósitos educativos y puede requerir un enfoque más práctico.

Resumen de productos: Transmisores de FM

A juzgar por los anuncios de la silueta de Apple, se podría pensar que el iPod estaba atado sólo a jóvenes delgados dedicados a la danza. No tan. El reproductor de música go-anywhere más popular del mundo va cada vez más a todas partes en los automóviles de las personas. Después de todo, ¿dónde mejor para matar el tiempo de escuchar su música favorita, audiolibros y podcasts que en un atasco de tráfico incesante?

Sin embargo, colocar un iPod en el coche requiere más que la voluntad de hacerlo. Debido a que es inseguro (e ilegal en la mayoría de los lugares) escuchar su iPod con auriculares mientras conduce, debe encontrar una manera de conectar el dispositivo en su estéreo de automóvil. Una conexión directa a través del conector de base o puerto de auriculares a una entrada auxiliar en la unidad de audio del coche proporciona el sonido más limpio, pero no todas las unidades de cabeza incluyen tales entradas, y la sustitución o la adición de una entrada a través de una caja externa puede ser costoso.

Los adaptadores de cassette pueden proporcionar un sonido decente, pero también pueden ser finicky-trabajando perfectamente en un reproductor de cassette y no en todos en otro. Además el número de estereofonías de automóviles nuevos, incluyendo un reproductor de casetes, está disminuyendo rápidamente.

Eso deja los transmisores FM, dispositivos que actúan como emisoras de radio FM de corto alcance. Enchufe su iPod en uno, sintonice su radio FM a una frecuencia abierta (sin usar), cambie el transmisor a la misma frecuencia, y las corrientes de sonido sin cortar sin problemas desde el iPod a estéreo. Al menos, así es como se supone que funciona. Con demasiada frecuencia, muchos de estos transmisores son abrumados por señales de radio más potentes o, bien, whelmed lo suficiente como para hacer escuchar una experiencia desagradable, lleno de estática.

¿Cómo decir lo bueno del no-así? Eso es lo que nos propusimos aprender mediante la prueba de 30 de los transmisores de FM más populares de hoy, que van en el precio de $ 20 a $ 100. Estos dispositivos ofrecen una variedad de características: Los modelos Bare-bones incluyen un solo cable estéreo que se ejecuta a una caja de cojinete AAA de frágil aspecto, que transmite a sólo unas pocas frecuencias. Otros conectores de potencia deportivos, transmiten a más estaciones que las que se encuentran en la mayoría de las radios y, en un caso, proyectan la información del título de la pista a la unidad principal de estéreos de coche compatibles.


Prueba de los transmisores FM puede ser difícil, porque hay tantas variables: ¿Cómo ahogado son las ondas FM con las señales de la competencia en su área? ¿Qué tan sensible es la antena de un coche en particular a las señales del transmisor (ya las interferencias externas)? ¿Cómo el cambio de posición del transmisor en el coche cambia su rendimiento?

Porque no podemos montar en cada coche, equipado con cada combinación posible de la unidad principal y de la antena, en cada localización en la tierra, fijé un procedimiento de prueba bastante simple. En primer lugar, elegí un 1996 VW Bug con una unidad de stock cabeza como nuestro vehículo de prueba. Elegí el Bug específicamente porque, por experiencia pasada, sabía que su radio no perdonaba a los transmisores de FM, sólo los transmisores más robustos proporcionan una señal limpia cuando se usa con el estéreo de este automóvil. Todo lo que resulte en silbidos e interferencias. Si un transmisor funcionó bien aquí, debería (dedos cruzados) funcionan bien en cualquier lugar.

Entonces elegí una serie de frecuencias de prueba. Para los transmisores que transmiten a toda la gama de la frecuencia FM, he probado en 90.1, una frecuencia "abierta" FM no utilizada por una estación de radio en nuestro área de prueba, y 107.9, una frecuencia habitada por una estación local con una señal fuerte. Para aquellos transmisores que emiten fuera de la banda normal de los Estados Unidos FM, también probé en 87.9, una frecuencia ofrecida en algunas radios de autos (incluyendo las VW).

Algunos transmisores emiten a un número más limitado de frecuencias-típicamente 88.1 a 88.9 y 107.1 a 107.9. Con estos transmisores, usé 88.1 como nuestra frecuencia "poblada" (o 107.5 si el transmisor no soporta 107.9), así como la "abierta" 88.7.

Realizé las pruebas con un iPod 5G y un iPod nano de 4GB. Para aquellos transmisores que acomodan ambos tipos de iPod, he probado cada uno para estar seguro de que un modelo de iPod no produjo resultados diferentes que otro. (En su mayor parte, no lo hicieron.) En aquellos casos en que un transmisor particular fue diseñado para un iPod en particular, obviamente usé el modelo de iPod apropiado para las pruebas.

Cuando fue posible, moví el iPod y el transmisor en el coche para tratar de mejorar su rendimiento. Para algunos transmisores, eso no era posible, ya que estaban necesariamente encadenados al receptáculo del encendedor de cigarrillos del coche o atascados en un portavasos.

Finalmente, conduje la ronda inicial de pruebas en mi camino de entrada. Entonces trabajé alrededor con los que habían realizado el mejor para ver cómo los mejores transmisores realizaron en diversas localizaciones. La prueba de la herramienta alrededor ayudó a revelar diferencias sutiles entre estos transmisores.


Los transmisores que probé varían en su rango de características. Algunos emiten en un número muy limitado de frecuencias, mientras que otros pueden acceder a más frecuencias que su radio puede reproducir. Algunos se conectan a la toma de auriculares del iPod, mientras que otros usan el puerto de conector de alta calidad del iPod en su lugar. La mayoría le permiten almacenar y recuperar preajustes para facilitar la navegación, pero algunos no. Y algunos le permiten cambiar entre la difusión en estéreo y en mono: una característica que puede ayudar al transmisor a ahogar las frecuencias que compiten, ya lograr un alcance más largo, a expensas del verdadero sonido estéreo.

Aunque aprecio algunas de estas características adicionales, mi principal preocupación era la calidad del sonido: ¿El transmisor ofrece una señal clara? Si no, todas las características del mundo no van a hacer que sea una buena opción. Nuestras calificaciones se basan en gran medida en la forma en que un transmisor realiza en este sentido-por esta razón usted verá muchas calificaciones de 3-Play, ya que muchos de los transmisores eran ejecutantes promedio. Si también eran fáciles de usar, eso fue trabajado en nuestra puntuación.

Entre las posibles características "extra", las que ofrecen el mayor beneficio son:

La capacidad de sintonizar fuera de la banda FM normal-específicamente 87.9. Las estaciones de radio "regulares" no pueden usar esta frecuencia, asegurando así que siempre tendrás una frecuencia abierta para trabajar.

La capacidad de emitir una señal mono más fuerte.

La capacidad de almacenar presets. Aunque sea inseguro, puede estar tentado a cambiar las frecuencias mientras conduce mientras la interferencia entra en acción. Es mucho mejor que presione un botón para cambiar a una estación clara que desviar los ojos de la carretera y tratar de desplazarse estación por estación A través de las frecuencias.

Una conexión de conector dock. El puerto del conector dock del iPod pone una señal de audio más limpia y de nivel de línea que el puerto para auriculares.

Encendedor de cigarrillos. (Sí, entendemos que el nombre políticamente correcto para este puerto de 12 voltios es el "receptáculo de energía auxiliar", pero todos en la tierra saben de lo que estás hablando cuando te refieres a este receptáculo como el "puerto para encendedor de cigarrillos"). Ser capaz de cargar el transmisor y el iPod desde el encendedor garantiza que no necesita cargar su iPod antes de tomarlo en un viaje y le ahorra viajes de rutina a la tienda para comprar pilas AA o AAA para su transmisor.

Transmisores FM para iPod

Los botones de la tienda de Amazon se adjuntan mediante programación a todas las revisiones, independientemente de los resultados de las revisiones finales de los productos. Nuestra empresa matriz, IDG, recibe ingresos publicitarios por la actividad comercial generada por los enlaces. Debido a que los botones se adjuntan mediante programación, no deben interpretarse como endosos editoriales.

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Home Transmisores de FM

Cobertura total de audio para el hogar

¿Está buscando una manera de llenar su casa con su música favorita? Entonces tenemos exactamente lo que estás buscando. Estos transmisores FM tienen el poder de cubrir toda su casa.

A través de pruebas expertas, estos transmisores están probados para transmitir una transmisión estática libre al tiempo que proporciona una experiencia de audio rica.

Evauluated & Probado para usted

Cada transmisor ha sido probado y cumple con la distancia de emisión, y las especificaciones de calidad de sonido.

Más de 10 años de experiencia en ingeniería, pruebas y evaluación de transmisores FM.

El personal de soporte al cliente de Friendly US está disponible para responder a su pregunta y aliviar los problemas.

Cada producto viene con una garantía de la satisfacción.


Patinaje artístico & amp; Clases de Hockey

Salta a:

Nuestras clases.

Proporcionar una experiencia de patinaje divertido y seguro para el principiante, así como el patinador más avanzado

Enseñar la técnica correcta de los elementos básicos de patinaje

Promover la salud y la aptitud física

Permita que todos los participantes logren las habilidades necesarias para patinar recreativamente o para moverse con competencia en deportes de hielo incluyendo niveles avanzados de patinaje artístico en los Estados Unidos y hockey.

El registro de Learn2Skate cubre 30 minutos de instrucción grupal con nuestro personal de entrenamiento de la Asociación de Patinadores Profesionales (PSA) y miembro de Skills Skills.

Learn2Skate Las clases de hockey ahora están disponibles durante todo el año y preparan a los patinadores para jugar en la Rochester Youth Hockey Association. Vea la sección Learn2Skate Hockey a continuación para más detalles.


Centro de Recreación Rochester 21 Elton Hills Dr. NW Rochester, MN 55901

Vea nuestras descripciones de clase abajo para detalles, y horario.

Learn2Skate Preescolar / Jardín de infantes

Para nuestros patinadores más jóvenes, edades 3-5. Comenzamos con los fundamentos más básicos del patinaje, centrándose en la seguridad y los movimientos básicos. Esta clase se basa en el plan de estudios Snowplow Sam de patinaje artístico de los Estados Unidos. Se recomienda encarecidamente que los participantes usen casco; Un casco básico de bicicleta funciona bien. Los participantes en las sesiones de otoño 2 e invierno 1 están invitados a participar en nuestro programa anual de hielo.

Preschool / Kindergarten Schedule (Haga clic para abrir / cerrar)

Invierno 2

Sesión de invierno de 2017 2

Nuestra Sesión de Invierno 2 está pensada para aquellos que desean tomar lecciones además de o en lugar de patinar en el RFSC Annual Ice Show. Los ensayos de Show para Learn2Skate se llevarán a cabo durante la media hora siguiente a las clases de Learn2Skate que se enumeran a continuación (a excepción del sábado) para que pueda planificar en consecuencia.

Nota: Los patinadores que deseen comprar clases particulares durante la sesión de invierno 2 deben ponerse en contacto con sus entrenadores para los días y horas disponibles.

Información de clase

Todas las clases de Invierno 2 están llenas. Vea nuestro registro de Spring Fling que abre pronto. Viernes, 26 de febrero & ndash; Sábado, 16 de abril de 2017 6 semanas & semanales clases de 1 de abril & ndash; 9 de abril (vacaciones de primavera de Rochester)

Descuento por Antigüedad: $ 10.00 adicionales en la inscripción total hasta el 21 de febrero de 2017

Clases (30 minutos) Martes 6:00 & ndash; 6:30 PM Jueves 6:00 & ndash; 6:30 PM Sábados 11:00 & ndash; 11:30 AM

Primera clase semanal: $ 96 | Invierno 2 Sesión Clases semanales adicionales: $ 86 | Invierno 2 Sesión

Información sobre la práctica de hielo opcional está disponible a continuación

espectáculo de hielo

Exhibición anual del hielo 2017

La inscripción para el Show de Hielo de Primavera ocurre durante nuestras sesiones de otoño. La participación en el Ice Show requiere participación en las sesiones de otoño 2 e invierno 1 Learn2Skate.

Show Fechas: Viernes, Sábado y Domingo, 22-24 de abril, 2017 Sesión de Ensayo: Sábado, 12 de marzo & ndash; Sábado, 16 de abril de 2017 (Nota: comienza con la sesión del sábado) 4 semanas & mdash; No hay clases Viernes, 1 de abril & ndash; Sábado, 9 de abril de 2017 (Vacaciones de primavera de Rochester) Ensayos de la semana de la demostración: Lunes, 18 de abril & ndash; Jueves 21 de abril de 2017

Inscripción en línea disponible: miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2017 Fecha de inscripción: lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2017 Cargo por adelantado: $ 25.00 Gastos de envío por trajes si el registro se recibe después de la fecha de vencimiento.

Las políticas de asistencia para el ensayo estarán afectadas durante la sesión de exhibición.

Vea la sección Learn2Skate de nuestro Ice Show Information Center para obtener información e inscripción.

Lanzamiento de primavera

Sesión de primavera de 2017

Lunes, 2 de mayo & ndash; Sábado, 28 de mayo de 2017 4 semanas (JPSE 3 Semanas - No hay clases Lunes, 23 de mayo) Registro en línea disponible: Lunes 7 de marzo de 2017 Cierra la inscripción en línea: domingo, 8 de mayo de 2017

Esta sesión dura sólo cuatro semanas, así que no vamos a probar los niveles de la insignia. La sesión se centrará en pulir habilidades y explorar nuevas y diferentes áreas de patinaje artístico como patinar un programa, patinaje sincronizado, teatro en hielo y más.

Descuento por Antigüedad: $ 10.00 adicionales por inscripción total hasta el domingo, 24 de abril de 2017

Clases (30 minutos) Martes 6:00 & ndash; 6:30 PM Jueves 6:00 & ndash; 6:30 PM Sábados 10:00 & ndash; 10:30 am

Primera clase semanal: $ 64 | Sesión de primavera Sesiones semanales adicionales: $ 54 | Sesión de Fling de Primavera

Información sobre la práctica de hielo opcional está disponible a continuación


Learn2Skate se enfoca en los fundamentos del patinaje, usando el Currículo de Habilidades Básicas de Patinaje Americano. Estas clases son para el principiante de skater de 5 años o más o patinadores que han pasado las insignias de Snowplow Sam. Los patinadores trabajarán en sus insignias de habilidades básicas. Las insignias 1-3 incluyen habilidades tales como patinaje hacia adelante, patinaje hacia atrás y paradas. Las insignias 4-8 incluyen vueltas, vueltas, cruces, bordes y saltos del principio.

Los participantes también son animados a asistir a las sesiones de Learn2Skate Practice Ice. Estos son para la práctica independiente o el trabajo con un entrenador. La mayoría de las clases de Learn2Skate son seguidas por una sesión práctica. Hay una sesión de práctica de hielo adicional los sábados por la mañana. Vea la sección Learn2Skate Practice Ice para más detalles.

Los patinadores que han completado el Básico 6 también son elegibles para participar en nuestras clases de JPSE (ver información a continuación). Después de completar el básico 8, los patinadores tienen un conocimiento básico del deporte, permitiéndoles avanzar a áreas más especializadas del patinaje. Muchas clases adicionales están disponibles para los patinadores en estos niveles, y se les anima a unirse a RFSC como Skater de contrato.

Los participantes en las sesiones de otoño 2 y Winter 1 Learn2Skate están invitados a participar en nuestro programa anual de hielo.

Learn2Skate Schedule (Haga clic para abrir / cerrar)

Invierno 2

Sesión de invierno de 2017 2

Nuestra Sesión de Invierno 2 está pensada para aquellos que desean tomar lecciones además de o en lugar de patinar en el RFSC Annual Ice Show. Los ensayos de Show para Learn2Skate se llevarán a cabo durante la media hora siguiente a las clases de Learn2Skate que se enumeran a continuación (a excepción del sábado) para que pueda planificar en consecuencia.

Nota: Los patinadores que deseen comprar lecciones privadas durante la sesión de invierno 2 deben ponerse en contacto con sus entrenadores para los días y horas disponibles.

Información de clase

Todas las clases de Invierno 2 están llenas. Vea nuestro registro de Spring Fling que abre pronto. Viernes, 26 de febrero & ndash; Sábado, 16 de abril de 2017 6 semanas & semanales clases de 1 de abril & ndash; 9 de abril (vacaciones de primavera de Rochester)

Descuento por Antigüedad: $ 10.00 adicionales por inscripción total hasta el 21 de febrero de 2017

Clases (30 minutos) Martes 6:00 & ndash; 6:30 PM Jueves 6:00 & ndash; 6:30 PM Viernes 5:45 & ndash; 6:15 PM Sábados 11:00 & ndash; 11:30 AM

Primera clase semanal: $ 96 | Invierno 2 Sesión Clases semanales adicionales: $ 86 | Invierno 2 Sesión

Información sobre la práctica de hielo opcional está disponible a continuación

espectáculo de hielo

Exhibición anual del hielo 2017

La inscripción para el Show de Hielo de Primavera ocurre durante nuestras sesiones de otoño. La participación en el Ice Show requiere participación en las sesiones de otoño 2 e invierno 1 Learn2Skate.

Show Fechas: Viernes, Sábado y Domingo, 22-24 de abril, 2017 Sesión de Ensayo: Sábado, 12 de marzo & ndash; Sábado, 16 de abril de 2017 (Nota: comienza con la sesión del sábado) 4 semanas & mdash; No hay clases Viernes, 1 de abril & ndash; Sábado, 9 de abril de 2017 (Vacaciones de primavera de Rochester) Ensayos de la semana de la demostración: Lunes, 18 de abril & ndash; Jueves 21 de abril de 2017

Inscripción en línea disponible: miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2017 Fecha de inscripción: lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2017 Cargo por adelantado: $ 25.00 Gastos de envío por trajes si el registro se recibe después de la fecha de vencimiento.

Las políticas de asistencia para el ensayo estarán afectadas durante la sesión de exhibición.

Vea la sección Learn2Skate de nuestro Ice Show Information Center para obtener información e inscripción.

Lanzamiento de primavera

Sesión de primavera de 2017

Lunes, 2 de mayo & ndash; Sábado, 28 de mayo de 2017 4 semanas (JPSE 3 Semanas - No hay clases Lunes, 23 de mayo) Registro en línea disponible: Lunes 7 de marzo de 2017 Cierra la inscripción en línea: domingo, 8 de mayo de 2017

Esta sesión dura sólo cuatro semanas, así que no vamos a probar los niveles de la insignia. La sesión se centrará en pulir habilidades y explorar nuevas y diferentes áreas de patinaje artístico como patinar un programa, patinaje sincronizado, teatro en hielo y más.

Descuento por Antigüedad: $ 10.00 adicionales por inscripción total hasta el domingo, 24 de abril de 2017

Clases (30 minutos) Martes 6:00 & ndash; 6:30 PM Jueves 6:00 & ndash; 6:30 PM Viernes 5:45 & ndash; 6:15 PM Sábados 11:00 & ndash; 11:30 AM

Primera clase semanal: $ 64 | Sesión de primavera Sesiones semanales adicionales: $ 54 | Sesión de Fling de Primavera

Información sobre la práctica de hielo opcional está disponible a continuación

Advanced Learn2Skate

Los conceptos avanzados para patinadores aprobaron Basic 4 y superior.

Una vez que los patinadores hayan pasado Basic 4, son bienvenidos a unirse a nuestra clase Advanced Learn2Skate. Esta clase de grupo grande y multi-nivel introduce nuevos conceptos incluyendo fuerza, velocidad y habilidades básicas de patinaje, saltos y giros. En general, seguirá el programa de insignia de Patinaje Libre. Esta clase es muy divertida, y también es apropiada para los patinadores que han pasado recientemente el Básico 8 pero aún no han tomado las pruebas de Movimientos en el Campo.

Para los patinadores aún no pasó Basic 8, esta clase no está destinada a reemplazar la clase regular Learn2Skate. Esta es una oportunidad suplementaria para ayudar a su patinador a mejorar y construir nuevas habilidades. Patinar esta clase adicional cada semana puede resultar en un progreso acelerado a través de las insignias básicas.

Para los patinadores de JPSE, esta clase es apropiada como una segunda clase o una clase adicional para aquellos interesados ​​en concentrarse en el programa de insignia de Patinaje Libre.

Advanced Learn2Skate Schedule (Haga clic para abrir / cerrar)

Invierno 2

Sesión de invierno de 2017 2

Nuestra Sesión de Invierno 2 está pensada para aquellos que desean tomar lecciones además de o en lugar de patinar en el RFSC Annual Ice Show. Los ensayos de Show para Learn2Skate se llevarán a cabo durante la media hora siguiente a las clases de Learn2Skate que se enumeran a continuación (a excepción del sábado) para que pueda planificar en consecuencia.

Please note: Skaters wishing to purchase private lessons during the Winter 2 session must contact their coaches for available days and times.

Class Information

All Winter 2 classes are full. Watch for our Spring Fling registration which opens soon. Friday, February 26 – Saturday, April 16, 2017 6 weeks—No classes week of April 1 – April 9 (Rochester Spring Break)

Earlybird Discount: Additional $10.00 off total registration through February 21, 2017

No Advanced Learn2Skate Class for Winter 2

Due to Ice Show practice, there will be no Winter 2 Advanced Learn2Skate class. You may still enroll in Practice Ice or another Learn2Skate class.

These classes will be directed by Paul Paprocki, a USA Hockey Advanced rated coach. Paul has been teaching power skating, hockey, and figure skating for over 20 years. Although the focus will be on actual skating skills (forward and backward skating, crossovers, turns, stops), there may also be instruction on stick handling, shooting, and game strategies depending upon the level of the skater. Our classes are approved by the Rochester Youth Hockey Association .

Required Equipment: Helmet with face mask, gloves, and stick required. Full equipment preferred!

Learn2Skate Hockey Schedule (Click to open/close)

Winter 2

2017 Winter Session 2

Our Winter 2 Session is intended for those who wish to take lessons in addition to or instead of skating in the RFSC Annual Ice Show. Show rehearsals for Learn2Skate will be held during the half hour following Learn2Skate classes listed below (with the exception of Saturday) so you may plan accordingly.

Please note: Skaters wishing to purchase private lessons during the Winter 2 session must contact their coaches for available days and times.

Class Information

All Winter 2 classes are full. Watch for our Spring Fling registration which opens soon. Friday, February 26 – Saturday, April 16, 2017 6 weeks—No classes week of April 1 – April 9 (Rochester Spring Break)

Earlybird Discount: Additional $10.00 off total registration through February 21, 2017

Class (30 minutes) Fridays 5:45 – 6:15 PM

Weekly class: $96 | Winter 2 Session

Information regarding optional Practice Ice is available below

Spring Fling

2017 Spring Fling Session

Monday, May 2 – Saturday, May 28, 2017 4 weeks (JPSE 3 Weeks—No class Monday, May 23) Online Registration Available: Monday, March 7, 2017 Online Registration Closes: Sunday, May 8, 2017

This session is only four weeks long so we will not be testing on the badge levels. The session will focus on polishing skills and exploring new and different areas of figure skating such as skating a program, synchronized skating, theater on ice and more.

Earlybird Discount: Additional $10.00 off total registration through Sunday, April 24, 2017

2017 Spring Fling Session

Monday, May 2 – Saturday, May 28, 2017 4 weeks (JPSE 3 Weeks—No class Monday, May 23) Online Registration Available: Monday, March 7, 2017 Online Registration Closes: Sunday, May 8, 2017

This session is only four weeks long so we will not be testing on the badge levels. The session will focus on polishing skills and exploring new and different areas of figure skating such as skating a program, synchronized skating, theater on ice and more.

Practice Ice (30 minutes) Tuesdays 6:30 – 7:00 PM Thursdays 6:30 – 7:00 PM Fridays 5:15 – 5:45 PM (Basic 6+ only) Fridays 6:15 – 6:45 PM Saturdays 10:30 – 11:00 AM Saturdays 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

FM Radio Transmitter circuit

this message might be for you!

Hi, are you good, I mean really good at mastering the concepts of electronics? Have you ever developed your own circuits, tested and made them function as desired? Then you might want to read this !

A simple fm radio transmitter circuit which covers frequencies from 88 to 108 MHz. It is built with 3 transistors: BC109, BFR91A and BFR96S. It is quite stable and the output power is around 200 mW.

The first stage in a mic amplifier but if you connect this radio transmitter directly to an audio source you can remove this stage and connect the audio signal to R5.

U1, 1PH51C can be replaced with LM7805. You must use a stabilized power source for oscillator stage to prevent frequency variation. You can remove C7 and use a linear potentiometer insted of R6 with the median connector to C4, one pin to ground and the other one to +. You may replace BB109 varicap diode with BB139.

All coils must be perpendicular one to the other, especially L2 and L3. The oscillator stage must be encased with a copper 1mm foil. If you use an external antenna, like this fm dipole antenna connect it with a good coaxial cable because the power is low and you want to use most of it. If you don’t want to loose the rf power connect the radio transmitter close to the antenna (2 meter coaxial cable) and use a longer cable for the audio signal (coaxial). If you connect the antenna as I told you before you can cover a 300 meter in diameter area.

FM Radio Transmitter Circuit Diagram

If you want higher radio power try this 1 watt fm transmitter .

The Ultimate FM Transmitter (Long Range Spybug)

Have you ever wanted to broadcast your own radio station within your neighborhood? Ever get curious on where people get those "Surveillance Bugs" from spy and action movies? This small and simple FM transmitter is the toy that geeks have always wanted.

FM transmitters can be complicated to build, that's why I'm teaching you how to make a foolproof FM transmitter. There's no need to buy kits, this tutorial includes the PCB layout and the schematics. It has a range of up to 1/4 mile or more. It's great for room monitoring, baby listening and nature research.

FM transmitters remind me of my early years in electronics. When I was 8, I came across Art Swan's FM transmitter circuit. At the time I had no idea of where I'm supposed to buy the parts, so I recycled mine out of junk. I guess the biggest struggle that you're going to face is finding a trimmer capacitor. I'll give some tips on the last step of this instructable. In a nutshell, I highly recommend this project for everyone and also those who are still new in electronics.

>>>>>>> WARNING: You may experience nostalgia. D <<<<<<<

- 1/4 Mile Radius Range

-Powered By A 9V Battery

- Lasts For Several Days

Please Watch: Celebrating the 1st episode of my new YouTube channel! It's my first time to document a project with videography. I hope you guys enjoy the vid! Please leave a comment below, I would appreciate some advise regarding the video.

Disclaimer: This project is for educational purposes only and is not intended to air/ interfere with present radio channels. Neither site nor I, am liable for careless actions. Please check for the legality before attempting the project within your area. As long as

Step 1: Gather The Parts

<p>I accidentally bought a 3 pin trimmer capacitor, can I use it anyway in this configuration? if yes how?</p><p>Also it would be nice to have a 3.5mm jack audio output, Is it tricky to replace the mic with it?</p>

Two pins are + and -, and the third one is output on trimmer. Check on Google which one is which. And I think that you can connect 3,5mm jack. But I'm not sure how.

i made it and it works. my mobile's fm doesnot recives this, but a radio set gives a crystal clear sound upto 100m<br>i did not used the trimmer cap, as it was unavailable, so i used a 12pf cap and did some calculations for the inductor turns, to set the frequency at 100Mhz. so when i turned it on the frequency was suprisingly really close to100Mhz. and by the way i built it on a copper clad. so thanx for the circuit and good luck to all<br>

<p>Film capacitors are okay, no? Would I need to adjust the components if I use those?</p><p>I made one with the ceramic and it gives really noisy feedback even in quite a distance.</p><p>Why is that?</p>

<p>So I now have the problem that I can't seem to make a decent coil with good dimensions, so I wanted to ask if I can just buy an inductance like these (german site, but most of the data is easy to read):</p><p><a href="https://goo. gl/klZA2E" rel="nofollow">https://goo. gl/klZA2E</a></p><p><a href="https://goo. gl/jMpo97" rel="nofollow">https://goo. gl/jMpo97</a></p><p>The picture showing the circuit stated 0.1 &micro;H for the coil, so I just looked up for that value, and all results save for those 2 resistor-like ones are SMD sized.</p>

<p>could you do a tutorial on how to make it without the board?</p>

<p>I can't seem to find any 4pF capacitors in my country (germany), will a 3.3pF or a 4.7pF capacitor work too?</p><p>Also is the given value for the trimmer capacitors the high value, the low value or is it somewhere in the middle of the range?</p>

<p>I used a 5pF Capasitor and it works fine</p><p>I think it is the high value but if you buy the yellow one I think it will be fine</p>

<p>Thank you for the project I really enjoyed making it</p><p>It works great!</p>

<p>I made it and it works. But when the voice is loud signal is losing and starts to buzzing. When i whisper to the mic i can hear my voice from radio clearly. Every quiet sounds become louder even tick tocks of wall clock.</p>

This is my complete and not working project.

Can I modify it that it will transmit on 446 mhz?

I made it all ready but it doesn't work. I have ORANGE trimmer capacitor. It can turn infinitely, is it broken?

I forgot to say that it transmits on fm.

<p>Hi, so I made this on a breadboard and it works. My radio can pick up my voice (and a lot of noise). <br><br>But the main problem I'm not sure how to solve is that I have to be talking directly into the tiny electret microphone in order for it to work. <br>Even if I'm 2 inch away, it won't work.<br><br>How do I solve this problem? <br><br>Is this a problem because I am using a breadboard? I don't think that would affect how sensitive it is to my voice? But I expect that it contributes to the background noise.</p>

<p>wow. trying to build it in breadboard. but cant find the output frequency. can u tell about your inductor. what wire and how many turns. if you can reply with your circuit image it will be so helpful for me. Thank You. </p>

I made this circuit. but I am unable to receive the signals on FM but I am receiving the signals on AM. Cómo es esto posible

<p>Most probably its the inductor u made. <br>frequency, f=1/(2Pi*sqrt(LC)) so, if the inductor is a little over 0.1uH, it makes huge difference. </p>

<p>cant say works like a charm, but it works. But the broadcast is too noisy and also very short range. <br>need some work on those. </p>

<p>I made it but somehow i cant seem to tune it. Did i do anything wrong here?</p>

Enjoy listening to your favorite tunes through your car speakers with this convenient, and easy-to-use FM transmitter. This device lets you listen to your MP3 player directly through your car's stereo, without an auxillary cord!

Compatible with iPod®, iPhone®, iPad®, MP3 players, portable CD players, and any 3.5mm stereo devices

Digital screen display

Includes cable with 3.5mm connectors

Lifetime warranty

Cookie Policy and Privacy Statement

FM Transmitters

Discover Dynamic FM – the new global standard for FM

Phonak’s Dynamic FM wireless transmitter microphones offer adults, children and teachers industry-leading sound quality and unrivalled features.

Designed for all types of listening environment – from the home or classroom to restaurants, outside and even in the car - Dynamic FM transmitters are built using cutting-edge FM technology, very easy-to-use and fully backwards-compatible with traditional FM systems.


inspiro is a Dynamic FM transmitter for teachers and suitable for use in regular and special schools. В more





inspiro audioHub


SmartLink+ movie

FM Testimonial

-- Kudos and more---

Good Morning, I've now had my transmitter up and running for around 2 weeks. В Soldering the power connector was simple. В Set up was easy. I just connected the audio and set levels. В The improvementВ between my previous CCrane and your unit was instantly obvious. В В The fidelity of LCD is outstanding. I have installed aВ 4 unit one rack space Behringer compressor/limiter between my computer and the LCD xmtr. В I use two channels for compression, В then two channels for limiting. В В I avoid overloads, and having to adjust the volume between various web streams. В В Best of all it still sounds good. Thank you for manufacturing such a quality product. Bob W***** PS I am a retired radio engineer.


EDM FM Transmitters

These are transmitters of choice for many Audio Professionals and Hobbyists worldwide. We have been producing kits since 2002.

Our lines of transmitters are very affordable while providing performance that leaves most competitors in our dust.

Best Value

Rated the best transmitter for your money by various audio professionals worldwide.

Standard 4 year warranty (longest in the industry)

"I have heard other transmitters. EDM LCD is the best by far. Even with just the test wire antenna it is clear and crisp with no hum. I have been using it for two years. Would not consder anything else". Rick S

FM wireless transmitter circuit

This the fm wireless transmitter circuit, the truth is one kind microphone that developed to be used without a cable from the microphone to the amplifier. Makes flexible to use than a plain microphone much Because without cumbersome cables. And also save a microphone cable as much Because microphone cable is high quality that has relatively high prices.

When we speak, the microphone will receive the audio signal is mixed with range FM frequency to transmit the broadcast spectrum. The audio input is just bring to the FM radio receiver tuned provide the radio only. The detailed procedures are as follows.

In Figure this circuit has very little equipment, MIC is used in the circuit be special that called the condenser microphone, inside the MIC has an one amplifier section Serves to amplify the voice that speaks to the strength increases and send to the output. So this MIC must a current one to them. Please note the circuit is supplied to the resistor 27K positive in the leg microphone, and it is way out of with the audio signal, through the coupling capacitor to pin B of Q1,

Which Q1 also acts as both the radio frequency generator and the audio mixer on the Radio frequency is generated. and at B pin of the Q1 have the resistor R2 – 27K with R3 – 4.7K are divider circuit, Divided a number of voltage to the bias for Q1. and the capacitor C2-0.01uF is connected to ground for bypass the high frequency, At C pin of the Q1 is connected pass the coil to the positive voltage

For this coil, we use copper wire No. 19-20 AWG, wrapped around the air core diameter of 7 mm. You should be bind seven around. similar to coil spring, Then, stretching out to Length of 15 mm. close this coil has a capacitor C4 value 5-20pF is the capacitor to adjust from 5pf to 20pF we called that the timmer. It is connected to a frequency tuning

And pin C of Q1 is connected to the antenna. Which in this circuit, we use an antenna that is built with yourself. By using number of wire 16-20 AWG, about 7 inches in length, and curled into a circle like a spring, about 6 mm in diameter, the length of the wire coil to the the end, then take one end soldered to the antenna connection.

Creating and use You should be include before small device. The condenser MIC should be use the shielded cables in length about 5 cm to connect from the PCB. We use the coated copper wire for to prevent rust green from moisture in the air. At the end of the wire must be soldered, the need for razor blade to scrape out a solution. so is soldered on. The use of lead solder, lead to a better mix of 60/40, and requires some skill in soldering. Otherwise, the spectrum could not be removed. It is a high frequency.

When completed, the FM radio is one, open to the FM radio dial in the middle. When turn on the FM wireless transmitter circuit then use a screwdriver plastic or plastic sheet flat spin adjust the trimmer And speak into the microphone, to tune until has the sound to the FM radio. if tune the trimmer until full cycles, Not yet match wave, try stretching or shrinking of the coil, then adjust the new one, maybe try some stretching or shrinking the antenna, in order to deliver the best results. If all the fine tuning do still does not work. Also, try turning the radio waves, may be rotated to the minimum frequency, maximum frequency, or turn around the station. Then try adjust it again. When adjust until available, they may be find a plastic boxes or aluminum boxes or a box ready to build up own. By folding a sheet of aluminum or a plastic sheet is glued to the box for convenience to you.

Note: Principle, this circuit send far about 100 meters, Depending on the location. There is low or high of noise oscillator, Equipment with high quality or not, The soldering is good or not, Therefore, it is difficult to determine how far? But from my experience, in the center of the floor to the fourth floor of the building, it has been, they think that’s enough for the circuit with very little equipment, and low cost of this.


If you are interested in this circuit. But fear that it will not work. You can see the details of…

Stops problems about components and The project not works.

FM Transmitter

The above circuit is a simple VHF FM transmitter circuit . It is basically a VHF colipits oscillator capable of transmitting sound or music to any standard FM receiver. The circuit works on a small 9V battery which makes it easily portable. It also has a capacitor microphone which picks up very weak sound signals. The output frequency can be easily changed by varying the potential meter and the frequency stability is quiet good. The range of this transmitter is 60 to 100meters.

•Electrically Adjustable frequency between 88 and 108MHZ.

• Portable and low power consumption.

• Use with any FM receiver.

• Powered by 9 Volt battery.

The transmitter uses the frequency modulation technique. So it evident that in Frequency Modulation, the amplitude of RF carrier stays constant while as frequency varies according to the intensity of the audio signal. As the input amplitude of signal increases (i. e. during the positive half cycles) the frequency of the carrier increases too, on the other hand when the input signal decreases in amplitude (negative half-cycle or no signal) the carrier frequency decreases accordingly. When we speak something through our mouth the sound waves, which are pressure waves, hits the diaphragm of the capacitor microphone which are converted into electrical signal. This electrical signal is fed to the transistor’s base which changes the output frequency of the transmitter. The output frequency of the transmitter is adjustable from 88 to 108 MHz under commercial FM band.

The heart of the FM Transmitter circuit is a (VHF/UHF) oscillator transistor C1730 operates under class A. Resistors R2, R3 and R4 provides the necessary bias to the transistor for proper operation. Resistor R1 provides bias to the FET based capacitor microphone. Capacitor C1 is a coupling capacitor which couples the audio signal to the base of the transistor through L1.

L1 is an Rfc choke which chokes all high frequencies entering to the microphone. Capacitor C2 is a decoupling capacitor to high frequencies appearing at microphone. Capacitor C3 is RF ground to the transistor. The values of the tank elements (L2, C4, and C5 & C6) depend upon the chosen fundamental frequency.

CT=C4C5 /(C4+C5) II C6

Since C6 is chosen to limit the upper frequency which is a parallel component to C4 & C5. Therefore for higher frequency use it is recommended to decrease the value of L2. In the above circuit changing the value of C6 will also change the output frequency. Inductor L2 is an RF oscillator coil which is chosen to tune somewhere between 88 & 108MHZ band. Capacitor C8 and C9 is RF decoupling capacitor which prevents all Radio frequencies entering to power lines. Rfc L3 chokes out Radio frequencies. Capacitor C7 is a tuning capacitor. C10 is a coupling capacitor between Transmitter & antenna. VR-1 controls the voltage of varicap diode through RF isolating resistor R5. Resistor R6 and Zener diode Z1 is a 5V shunt voltage regulator, which regulates 5.1V to varicap diode, so as to minimize the frequency drift which may cause due to low or high input voltage. Capacitor C11 is used across Z1 to ensure a better RF isolation. Any type of 20 to 25cm telescopic antenna can be used. The range of this transmitter is 60 to 100mts.

Note..This is a VHF/RF project so more care is needed during soldering and Placement of all components. So keep all the leads/components as shortest as possible to minimize stray capacitance and inductance. The transmitter can be modified to any frequency between 50 & 400 MHz by replacing L2 & C6. It is strongly recommended to use a proper aluminum shielding above 150 MHZ to minimize the stray capacitances and inductance.

dce10000 - Professional 10kW FM Transmitter

Precio. $47,550 + Email for shipment quote

Our new DCE10000 is a state of the art 10kW FM transmitter oers excellent perfomance while keeping cost eective and easy of use.

The new case is rack type built with heavy duty fans specially designed for 24/7 operation even at severe conditions. Our main goals were to provide a transmitter which will survive and be on air even when connecting a mismached antenna or operating in a high temperature or low air pressure - mountain top.

Our new intelligent protection will lower your output power to a safe range and will recover automaticly to full power when conditions become safe.

The rack contine: 10 X AMP1kW. 20 X SE-1000 SW PS. 1 X DCE300 drives by our professional TX190 exciter and 1 X digital controller that control anything on the unit and shows all info about - re-ected and forworded power. tempature and control all protections. Special dealers oer: this unit can be purchased as a kit for better pricing and easy importing into any country. Details self assmebling instructions. 5kw fm transmitter

Features: - Heavy duty case rackmount closet - Large LCDs display for maximum information at single screen - Simple operation using 3 navigation buttons - Real time measure of REF power, current and temp and more - Excellent thermal design - separte airtunnel for every module - Switching power supply 110V/220V for worldwide operation - Soft start - slow controlled power raise for improved protection - All internal modules and case are available for purchase - Ditital Temperature sensor - Celcious or Farenheight - Hall eect current sensor - with digital current limiting - Backup protection for SWR even at controller failure - RDS editable by computer\ Limiter \ Digital stereo all controled by our digital controller - Balanced XLR inputs for super high quality audio - Digital variable output power controlled via front panel LCD - Master outpower power limiter with trimmer - 9 Pole low pass В lter to meet FCC spectral rules. - 87.5-108Mhz no tune operation with 50Khz steps. - Stereo/Mono modes selectable via front panel LCD - AC mains input threw fuse, On/O switch and EMI/RFI В lter - RF monitor available on BNC from front panel - 45dB stereo separation with Left-Right sync - Power o while changing frequency - Inteligent control will keep same output power at any frequency - 1-5/8 - uange connector - 1 year limited warrant

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FMUSER specialize in production and sales of fm transmitter and the TV transmitter accessories . We have been exporting FM transmitter for 5 years. It been sold very well. So I know it and its market. It has very high performance and high stablity. We have clients all over the world, not only the resellers but also the consumers. Our product include: fm transmitters , antennas , powersupplys and PCB and radio and such kind of fm transmitter accessories. With 5 years experience in fm transmitter, we are very professional. We dedicated in supplying the best quality products with competive prices and excellent customer sevice! If you have any question about fm trnamfitter and No matter you would buy our fm transmitter or not, please feel free to tell us your questions, we are very willing to help you and serve you! Welcome to contact me. Email :kitmanlaw@gmail. com SKYPE:lanyue99991 Whatsapp :+86 13602420401 QQ:448122256

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USB FM Transmitter

Here is a simple USB FM transmitter that could be used to play audio files from an MP3 player or computer on a standard VHF FM radio by connecting it to an USB port. The circuit use no coils that have to be wound. This USB transmitter can be used to listen to your own music throughout your home. To keep the fm transmitter circuit simple as well as compact, it was decided to use a chip made by Maxim Integrated Products, the MAX2606. This IC from the MAX2605-MAX2609 series has been specifically designed for low-noise RF applications with a fixed frequency. The VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) in this IC uses a Colpitts oscillator circuit. The variable-capacitance (varicap) diode and feedback capacitors for the tuning have also been integrated on this chip, so that you only need an external inductor to fix the central oscillator frequency.

It is possible to fine-tune the frequency by varying the voltage to the varicap. Not much is demanded of the inductor, a type with a relatively low Q factor (35 to 40) is sufficient according to Maxim. The supply voltage to the IC should be between 2.7 and 5.5 V, the current consumption is between 2 and 4 mA. With values like these it seemed a good idea to supply the circuit with power from a USB port.

A common-mode choke is connected in series with the USB connections in order to avoid interference between the circuit and the PC supply. There is not much else to the circuit. The stereo signal connected to K1 is combined via R1 and R2 and is then passed via volume control P1 to the Tune input of IC1, where it causes the carrier wave to be frequency modulated. Filter R6/C7 is used to restrict the bandwidth of the audio signal. The setting of the frequency (across the whole VHF FM broadcast band) is done with P2, which is connected to the 5 V supply voltage. USB FM transmitter PCB Layout

usb Transmitter PCB Layout The PCB designed uses resistors and capacitors with 0805 SMD packaging. The size of the board is only 41.2 x 17.9 mm, which is practically dongle-sized. For the aerial an almost straight copper track has been placed at the edge of the board. In practice we achieved a range of about 6 metres (18 feet) with this fm transmitter usb. There is also room for a 5-way SIL header on the board. Here we find the inputs to the 3.5 mm jack plug, the input to P1 and the supply voltage. The latter permits the circuit to be powered independently from the mains supply, via for example three AA batteries or a Lithium button cell. Inductor L1 in the prototype is a type made by Murata that has a fairly high Q factor: minimum 60 at 100 MHz.

Take care when you solder filter choke L2, since the connections on both sides are very close together. The supply voltage is connected to this, so make sure that you don’t short out the USB supply! Use a resistance meter to check that there is no short between the two supply connectors before connecting the circuit to a USB port on a computer or to the batteries.

P1 has the opposite effect to what you would expect (clockwise reduces the volume), because this made the board layout much easier. The deviation and audio bandwidth varies with the setting of P1. The maximum sensitivity of the audio input is fairly large. With P1 set to its maximum level, a stereo input of 10 mVrms is sufficient for the sound on the radio to remain clear. This also depends on the setting of the VCO. With a higher tuning voltage the input signal may be almost twice as large (see VCO tuning curve in the data sheet). Above that level some audible distortion becomes apparent. If the attenuation can’t be easily set by P1, you can increase the values of R1 and R2 without any problems.

Measurements with an RF analyzer showed that the third harmonic had a strong presence in the transmitted spectrum (about 10 dB below the fundamental frequency). This should really have been much lower. With a low-impedance source connected to both inputs the bandwidth varies from 13.1 kHz (P1 at maximum) to 57 kHz (with the wiper of P1 set to 1/10).

In this usb fm transmitter circuit the pre-emphasis of the input is missing. Radios in Europe have a built-in de-emphasis network of 50 μs (75 μs in the US). The sound from the radio will therefore sound noticeably muffled. To correct this, and also to stop a stereo receiver from mistakenly reacting to a 19 kHz component in the audio signal, an enhancement circuit Is published elsewhere in this issue (Pre-emphasis for FM Transmitter, also with a PCB).

MP3 FM Transmitter Parts List Resistors (all SMD 0805) R1,R2 = 22kΩ R3 = 4kΩ7 R4,R5 = 1kΩ R6 = 270Ω P1 = 10kΩ preset P2 = 100kΩ preset Capacitors (all SMD 0805) C1,C2,C5 = 4μF7 10V C3,C8 = 100nF C4,C7 = 2nF2 C6 = 470nF Inductors L1 = 390nF, SMD 1206 L2 = 2200Ω @ 100MHz, SMD, common-mode choke IC1 = MAX2606EUT+, SMD SOT23-6 K1 = 3.5mm stereo audio jack K2 = 5-pin header (only required in combination with pre-emphasis circuit) K3 = USB connector type A

Build your own Accurate LC Meter (Capacitance Inductance Meter) and start making your own coils and inductors. This LC Meter allows to measure incredibly small inductances making it perfect tool for making all types of RF coils and inductors. LC Meter can measure inductances starting from 10nH - 1000nH, 1uH - 1000uH, 1mH - 100mH and capacitances from 0.1pF up to 900nF. The circuit includes an auto ranging as well as reset switch and produces very accurate and stable readings.

Volt Ampere Meter measures voltage of 0-70V or 0-500V with 100mV resolution and current consumption 0-10A or more with 10mA resolution. The meter is a perfect addition to any power supply, battery chargers and other electronic projects where voltage and current must be monitored. The meter uses PIC16F876A microcontroller with 16x2 backlighted LCD.

BA1404 HI-FI Stereo FM Transmitter

Be "On Air" with your own radio station! BA1404 HI-FI Stereo FM Transmitter broadcasts high quality stereo signal in 88MHz - 108MHz FM band. It can be connected to any type of stereo audio source such as iPod, Computer, Laptop, CD Player, Walkman, Television, Satellite Receiver, Tape Deck or other stereo system to transmit stereo sound with excellent clarity throughout your home, office, yard or camp ground.

USB IO Board is a tiny spectacular little development board / parallel port replacement featuring PIC18F2455/PIC18F2550 microcontroller. USB IO Board is compatible with Windows / Mac OSX / Linux computers. When attached to Windows IO board will show up as RS232 COM port. You can control 16 individual microcontroller I/O pins by sending simple serial commands. USB IO Board is self-powered by USB port and can provide up to 500mA for electronic projects. USB IO Board is breadboard compatible.

ESR Meter / Capacitance / Inductance / Transistor Tester Kit

ESR Meter kit is an amazing multimeter that measures ESR values, capacitance (100pF - 20,000uF), inductance, resistance (0.1 Ohm - 20 MOhm), tests many different types of transistors such as NPN, PNP, FETs, MOSFETs, Thyristors, SCRs, Triacs and many types of diodes. It also analyzes transistor's characteristics such as voltage and gain. It is an irreplaceable tool for troubleshooting and repairing electronic equipment by determining performance and health of electrolytic capacitors. Unlike other ESR Meters that only measure ESR value this one measures capacitor's ESR value as well as its capacitance all at the same time.

Audiophile Headphone Amplifier Kit

Audiophile headphone amplifier kit includes high quality audio grade components such as Burr Brown OPA2134 opamp, ALPS volume control potentiometer, Ti TLE2426 rail splitter, Ultra-Low ESR 220uF/25V Panasonic FM filtering capacitors, High quality WIMA input and decoupling capacitors and Vishay Dale resistors. 8-DIP machined IC socket allows to swap OPA2134 with many other dual opamp chips such as OPA2132, OPA2227, OPA2228, dual OPA132, OPA627, etc. Headphone amplifier is small enough to fit in Altoids tin box, and thanks to low power consumption may be supplied from a single 9V battery.

Arduino Prototype is a spectacular development board fully compatible with Arduino Pro. It's breadboard compatible so it can be plugged into a breadboard for quick prototyping, and it has VCC & GND power pins available on both sides of PCB. It's small, power efficient, yet customizable through onboard 2 x 7 perfboard that can be used for connecting various sensors and connectors. Arduino Prototype uses all standard through-hole components for easy construction, two of which are hidden underneath IC socket. Board features 28-PIN DIP IC socket, user replaceable ATmega328 microcontroller flashed with Arduino bootloader, 16MHz crystal resonator and a reset switch. It has 14 digital input/output pins (0-13) of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs and 6 analog inputs (A0-A5). Arduino sketches are uploaded through any USB-Serial adapter connected to 6-PIN ICSP female header. Board is supplied by 2-5V voltage and may be powered by a battery such as Lithium Ion cell, two AA cells, external power supply or USB power adapter.

200m 4-Channel 433MHz Wireless RF Remote Control

Having the ability to control various appliances inside or outside of your house wirelessly is a huge convenience, and can make your life much easier and fun. RF remote control provides long range of up to 200m / 650ft and can find many uses for controlling different devices, and it works even through the walls. You can control lights, fans, AC system, computer, printer, amplifier, robots, garage door, security systems, motor-driven curtains, motorized window blinds, door locks, sprinklers, motorized projection screens and anything else you can think of.

L1 and L2 are 5 turns of 28 AWG enamel coated magnet wire wound with a inside diameter of about 4mm. The inside of a ballpoint pen works well (the plastic tube that holds the ink). Remove the form after winding then install the coil on the circuit board, being careful not to bend it.

C5 is used for tuning. This transmitter operates on the normal broadcast frequencies (88-108MHz).

Q1 and Q2 can also be 2N3904 or something similar.

You can use 1/4 W resistors mounted vertically instead of 1/8 W resistors.

You may want to bypass the battery with a .01uf capacitor.

An antenna may not be required for operation.

A thanks goes out to Mike_Springer@iname. com for cleaning up the original image once displayed on the page. It looks a lot better now!

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Monday, June 30, 2017 12:48:38 AM

¡Hola! I'd like to use the transmitter for remote switching. How to replace mic to send a switching pulse? I'm a teacher in the high school & I'd like very much to put forward this project for the annual competition for my students. Thank you Sir! Ashok.

Sunday, June 22, 2017 1:57:51 AM

Can you please tell me how to make a reciever of the same frequency as this tranmitter.

Friday, April 11, 2017 3:58:42 PM

KN2222A looks like the 2N3904, soo i think that yes you can use that

Wednesday, April 09, 2017 8:39:08 PM

this transmitter needs stable voltage, any voltage trop or rise changes the frequency

Sunday, September 01, 2017 12:59:20 AM

please help me about this circuit, can i replace mic by audio jack.

Saturday, July 13, 2017 10:16:02 AM

I builded that transmitter to that PCB layout seen on that page. That little transmitter is very unstable, it drift 89.100 to 89.329, 229khz in 5mins! And FM deviation iss very slow, only about 5khz. So after that I builded smaller versio of that using junk SMD parts and with little modifications. I get it stability to 50khz/5min and deviation to allmost 100khz.

Monday, October 22, 2012 9:26:10 AM


“I recently ordered my 5th transmitter”

“I believe I have as much experience as any other customer of CZH, FMUSER, CZE fm transmitter. I recently ordered my fifth transmitter. If that isn't an indication of customer satisfaction, I don't know what is.

Before encountering CZH fm transmitter, I tried three other transmitters. They ranged from cheap to expensive and all were disappointing. A well-known brand proved to be worthless. The CZH brand has proven to be stable and most of all, has better range than anything I have ever tried. One cheap unit would work if you kept it within a few feet of the transmitter. CZH fm transmitter has my endorsement and support.”

After doing several business with lanyue. we became friends. I can always get the good price from her when I order the transmitters. Now I prefer to use the T / T to pay the friendly Chinese people, because she can help me improve business turnover, and transport is very fast.

& Ndash; Daniel I. Morris

* Phase Lock Loop (PLL) System * Easily choose your frequency LCD and buttons * Freq range :88MHz

108MHz * Power :1w OR 5w * Ripple or harmonic waves: <= -60dB * Tuning Step. 100khz * Stability of Frequency: ±5ppm Less than 10ppm ( better system) * Freq. Response: -55dB(100

15000Hz ) * Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm headphone connector package include: 1*CZH-5C +power supply 1*1/2 wave dipole antenna

5W CZH CZE-5C 5W Fmuser FM broadcast transmitter with circularly polarized FM antenna kit

* Phase Lock Loop (PLL) System * Easily choose your frequency LCD and buttons * Freq range :88MHz

108MHz * Power :1w OR 5w * Ripple or harmonic waves: <= -60dB * Tuning Step. 100khz * Stability of Frequency: ±5ppm Less than 10ppm ( better system) * Freq. Response: -55dB(100

15000Hz ) * Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm headphone connector package include:1*CZH-5C+power supply+ circularly polarized FM antenna

5W CZH-5C FM stereo PLL broadcast transmitter Radio Station kit blk

* Phase Lock Loop (PLL) System * Easily choose your frequency LCD and buttons * Freq range :88MHz

108MHz * Power :1w OR 5w * Ripple or harmonic waves: <= -60dB * Tuning Step. 100khz * Stability of Frequency: ±5ppm Less than 10ppm ( better system) * Freq. Response: -55dB(100

15000Hz ) * Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm headphone connector package include:czh-5c transmitter +power supply +1/4 wave antenna

5W CZH-5C FM stereo PLL transmitter silver

* Phase Lock Loop (PLL) System * Easily choose your frequency LCD and buttons * Freq range :88MHz

108MHz * Power :1w OR 5w * Ripple or harmonic waves: <= -60dB * Tuning Step. 100khz * Stability of Frequency: ±5ppm Less than 10ppm ( better system) * Freq. Response: -55dB(100

15000Hz ) * Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm headphone connector package include:1*CZH-5C

5W CZH-5C FM stereo PLL transmitter BNC short antenna power supply silver

* Phase Lock Loop (PLL) System * Easily choose your frequency LCD and buttons * Freq range :88MHz

108MHz * Power :1w OR 5w * Ripple or harmonic waves: <= -60dB * Tuning Step. 100khz * Stability of Frequency: ±5ppm Less than 10ppm ( better system) * Freq. Response: -55dB(100

15000Hz ) * Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm headphone connector package include:1*CZH-5C+power supply+short antenna

CZH CZE-7C FM stereo PLL broadcast transmitter Radio Station 1/2 wave DIPOLE antenna kit silver

* Phase Lock Loop (PLL) System * Easily choose your frequency LCD and buttons * Freq range :88MHz

108MHz * Power :1.5w OR 7w * Ripple or harmonic waves: <= -60dB * Tuning Step. 100khz * Stability of Frequency: ±5ppm Less than 10ppm ( better system) * Freq. Response: -55dB(100

15000Hz ) * Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm headphone connector package include:czh-7c transmitter +power supply + 1/2 wave DIPOLE antenna

7W CZH-7C FM stereo PLL broadcast transmitter Radio Station blk

* Phase Lock Loop (PLL) System * Easily choose your frequency LCD and buttons * Freq range :88MHz

108MHz * Power :1.5w OR 7w * Ripple or harmonic waves: <= -60dB * Tuning Step. 100khz * Stability of Frequency: ±5ppm Less than 10ppm ( better system) * Freq. Response: -55dB(100

15000Hz ) * Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm headphone connector package include:1*CZH-7C

7W CZHCZE-7C FM stereo PLL broadcast transmitter power supply BNC short antenna blk

* Phase Lock Loop (PLL) System * Easily choose your frequency LCD and buttons * Freq range :88MHz

108MHz * Power :1.5w OR 7w * Ripple or harmonic waves: <= -60dB * Tuning Step. 100khz * Stability of Frequency: ±5ppm Less than 10ppm ( better system) * Freq. Response: -55dB(100

15000Hz ) * Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm headphone connector package include:1*CZH-7C+power supply+short antenna

7W CZH-7C FM stereo PLL broadcast transmitter Radio Station kit blk

* Phase Lock Loop (PLL) System * Easily choose your frequency LCD and buttons * Freq range :88MHz

108MHz * Power :1.5w OR 7w * Ripple or harmonic waves: <= -60dB * Tuning Step. 100khz * Stability of Frequency: ±5ppm Less than 10ppm ( better system) * Freq. Response: -55dB(100

15000Hz ) * Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm headphone connector package include:czh-7c transmitter +power supply +1/4 wave antenna

fmuser 1.5w /7w FM stereo PLL transmitter +car antenna Power supply kit

Package Include: 1*7w transmitter

1*4A power supply

1*car antenna with cable

7W CZH CZE-7C FM stereo PLL broadcast transmitter Circularly polarized FM antenna power KIT fmuser

1 X 7w FM transmitter

1 X Circularly polarized antenna with cable

1 X Audio in cable

1 X 12V DC power adapter

1 X Conversion Socket

CZH CZE 5w 7w FM stereo PLL transmitter 1/2 WAVE FM antenna + Power supply kit

1 X 7w FM transmitter

1 X Antenna with cable

1 X Audio in cable

1 X 12V DC power adapter

1 X Conversion Socket

CZH CZE-15A 15W FM stereo PLL broadcast transmitter power supply

Phase Lock Loop (PLL) System *Easily choose your frequency LCD and buttons *Freq range :87.5MHz

108MHz *Power :15w Ripple or harmonic waves: <= -60dB *Tuning Step. 100khz *Stability of Frequency: ±5ppm Less than 10ppm ( better system) *Freq. Response: -55dB(100

15000Hz ) *Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm headphone connector Package include:1*CZH-15A

CZH CZE-15A 15W FM stereo PLL broadcast transmitter 1/4 wave antenna kit

Phase Lock Loop (PLL) System *Easily choose your frequency LCD and buttons *Freq range :87.5MHz

108MHz *Power :15w Ripple or harmonic waves: <= -60dB *Tuning Step. 100khz *Stability of Frequency: ±5ppm Less than 10ppm ( better system) *Freq. Response: -55dB(100

15000Hz ) *Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm headphone connector Package include:CZH-15A +power supply+1/4wave antenna

CZH-15A 15W FM stereo PLL broadcast transmitter 1/2 wave DIPOLE antenna kit

Phase Lock Loop (PLL) System *Easily choose your frequency LCD and buttons *Freq range :88MHz

108MHz *Power :15w Ripple or harmonic waves: <= -60dB *Tuning Step. 100khz *Stability of Frequency: ±5ppm Less than 10ppm ( better system) *Freq. Response: -55dB(100

15000Hz ) *Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm headphone connector Package include:CZH-15A +power supply+1/2waveDIPOLE antenna

New Arrival 0W-15W PREMIUM SDA-15B Professional PC Control FM Transmitter cover 3m-15km

Operating voltage 12V

16V (rated voltage 15V) Current <3A Frequency range of 87

108MHZ Frequency stability ± 10PPM Frequency step 100KHZ Operating temperature range -10 ℃

45 ℃ Antenna impedance 50Ω Transmit power range 0W

15W Harmonics, spurious radiation ≤-60dB Audio Distortion 0.1% Frequency Response 50HZ

15000HZ Software download: www. czhfmtransmitter. com/15BPCR. rar www. czhfmtransmitter. com/USBdriver. rar Package include . SDA-15B FM transmitter

NEW 0W-15W PREMIUM SDA-15B Professional PC Control FM Transmitter kit

Operating voltage 12V

16V (rated voltage 15V) Current <3A Frequency range of 87

108MHZ Frequency stability ± 10PPM Frequency step 100KHZ Operating temperature range -10 ℃

45 ℃ Antenna impedance 50Ω Transmit power range 0W

15W Harmonics, spurious radiation ≤-60dB Audio Distortion 0.1% Frequency Response 50HZ

15000HZ Software download:www. czhfmtransmitter. com/15BPCR. rar www. czhfmtransmitter. com/USBdriver. rar Package include . SDA-15B FM transmitter +1/4 wave antenna+power supply

NEW CZH-T251 0-25W 20w 25w FM stereo broadcast transmitter

Operating frequency: 87.5

Output power: 0-25Watt (continuously adjustable)

Output Impedance: 50 ohm

Spurious and harmonic radiation:-60db Package include:1pcs CZH-T251

1.Made entirely of auminum alloy. *2.No need any worries about water *3.Adopting the design of anti-rain, even under the heavy rain, the water will not flow into interfaces, resulting in damage. *4.The only one of 1/4 wave GP antenna in the world, which can easily adjust the frequency for fix FM transmitter. Description: 1.Frequency: 89.5MHz-94.5Mhz(A+B1) 95.5-100.5Mhz (A+B2) 100.5Mhz-105.5Mhz(A+B3) 2.Center Frequency: 92MHz / 98MHz / 103MHz 3.Gain: 3.5dB 4.VSWR: less than 1.5 5.Impedance: 50Ω 6.Power: 1W-100W ( 5w,7w,15w,25w,30w,50w,100w) 7.Cable connector: BNC or NJ(please advise us which one you need.

5w-100W 1/2 wave FM Transmitter GP Antenna BNC SL16

This is a Professional FM GP Antenna for 5w,7w,15w,30w,50w,100w fm transmitter, it is much better than 1/4 wave Gp antenna, it will make your FM transmitter Broadcast more far without much money. Specifications: Center Frequency:98Mhz Best in use Frequency: 95.5Mhz

100.5Mhz (if you want other frequency, we can customize for you, and it will need 15 days.) Use for:5w,7w,15w,30w,50w,100w fm transmitter The antenna cable. (we will send cable with BNC connector if no there is no special request. Other option is NJ/TNC connector)

NEW 1/2 Wave FM Dipole professional Antenna for 0-150w fm transmitter DHL ems

Frequency range: 88

108 MHz ( 1MHz stepping) Input Impedance Impedance :50 ohm VSWR <1.5 Gain: 3.5 dBi Polarization: Verticality Maximum Power Input: 150W Horizontal 3dB Beam Width:360 ° Vertical 3dB Beam Width:73 ° The antenna cable. (we will send cable with BNC connector if no there is no special request. Other option is NJ/TNC connector)

CZH 87-108 MHz FM Antenna FM Car sucker

Frequency range :87-108MHz Gain: 3.0 dB VSWR: “1.5 Input impedance: 50Ω Maximum Power: 50W Polarization: Vertical Radiation oscillator Material: Stainless Steel Interface: BNC

CZH 30W Professional FM amplifier transmitter 85-110MHz antenna power kit

Operating frequency: 85Mhz

110Mhz Input power: min: 0.2W max: 0.4W Output power:> 30W Harmonic Suppression:>-60DB Rated voltage: DC12V max: DC12.8V Input impedance: 50 Ohm Temperature: -20

0-80w fm transmitter Professional Broadcast station FM transmisor pcb KIT

- Power supply voltage: DC 28V - Power Output: 0 to 80Watt adjustable (step 1W) - Frequency range: 87.5-108 MHz - Frequency Step: 0.1MHZ - Operating Current: Less than 6A - Input power: Less than 1 watt - Harmonic suppression: -65 dBc

0-150w fm transmitter Professional Broadcast station FM transmisor pcb KIT

- Power supply voltage: DC 48V - Power Output: 0 to 150Watt adjustable (step 1W) - Frequency range: 87.5-108 MHz - Frequency Step: 0.1MHZ - Operating Current: Less than 6A - Input power: Less than 1 watt - Harmonic suppression: -65 dBc - Operating temperature: -10 ℃

50 ℃ - Frequency stability: ± 10 ppm (-10 ° C to +60 ° C ) - Frequency Response: 50 - 15000Hz

0-300w fm transmitter Professional Broadcast station FM transmisor pcb KIT

- Power supply voltage: DC 48V - Power Output: 0 to 300Watt adjustable (step 1W) - Frequency range: 87.5-108 MHz - Frequency Step: 0.1MHZ - Operating Current: Less than 10A - Input power: Less than 1 watt - Harmonic suppression: -65 dBc - Operating temperature: -10 ℃

50 ℃ - Frequency stability: ± 10 ppm (-10 ° C to +60 ° C ) - Frequency Response: 50 - 15000Hz - SNR: More than 50dB - Distortion: less than 0.5%

50w 0-80w fm transmitter Professional Broadcast station FM transmisor 87-108 Mhz

- RF Output Power: 0 to 80 Watt, 100mW/Step - Frequency range: 87-108 Mhz, 100Khz/Step - AC power source: AC100V-120V or AC220V-240V ±10% ,50-60Hz, single phase - Frequency Stability: better than ±100Hz - S/N Ratio: More than 50dB - Distortion: less than 0.1% - Modulation: FM,±75KHz peak deviation - Transmission Signal: FM Stereo or Mono

FMT-80D 0-80w RDS intelligent addressable broadcast transmitter for Campus radio, conference translation

The FMT-D Series is a professional RDS FM radio intelligent addressable devices. It completely solved the instability problems of the traditional SCA, the high reliability of its unique advantage of highly integrated, so every village, every village rang, campus radio, public broadcasting must wireless addressable broadcast equipment.

-Frequency range: 87.5-108 MHz, 10 KHz/Step - Modulation: FM, ±75 KHz peak deviation - Frequency stability: <±100 Hz - RF output power: 0 to 300W ±0.5 dB - Max reflected power: 5 W - Harmonic suppression: <-65 dBC - RF output impedance: 50 Ω - RF output connector: N type - female - Audio/MPX input level: -10 to +13 dBm @±75 KHz deviation

NEW FMT-350D 350w RDS addressable fm transmitter for rconference translation

Frequency :76-96, or 87.5-108MHz, can be customized according to the user 70

108MHz. Frequency Step value: 5KHz or 100Khz. Modulation method: FM peak deviation ± 75KHz Frequency stability: <± 100Hz Frequency stabilization method: PLL phase-locked loop frequency synthesizer Harmonic Suppression: <-65dBc RF output impedance: 50Ω

600W FM broadcasting transmitters for Radio Station

This is an ultra compact size 87.5-108 MHz 600W FM broadcasting transmitters. high efficiency, fully solid state FM-modulated transmitter of 600W rated power. With advanced self protection and full digital front panel control features, advanced FM transmitting Technology.

FSN-1000W 1KW Professional FM Broadcast Radio Transmitter 87-108MHz 0-1000w

High-end digital front panel, direct programming step 100KHz. Soft start rise slowly from the RF output 0 to the set value. Adjustable power output from 0 to 1000 W with automatic power control to maintain a fixed level of any output. The SCA can be used BNC input connectors, input the standard RDS or SCA additional signals. Provides a conservative high reliability rating components. Easy to rationalize the layout of the circuit and parts replacement. Freescale’s latest LDMOS high reliability tube MRFE6VP5600HR. Built-in stereo encoder. Full protection of the reflected power and overheating problems. Integrated LCD monitor’s all system parameters.

Improvements: 1. XLR audio input 2. L29 RF output connector 3. Emerson Power supply, more stable power support. 4. Electricity 110

260V, suitable for using everywhere in the world. 5. Better ventilation by adding more fan holes on the panel.

Professional dipole antnena for 100w 300w 500w 600w 1000w 1kw FM transmitter

1/4 wave dipole antnena for 100w 300w 500w 600w 1000w 1kw FM transmitter 87.5-108MHZ

500W CZH Compact FM Stereo Transmitter

1. Frequency Range: 87.0MHz~108 MHz 2. Frequency Setting step: 10KHz 3. Carrier Frequency precision: ±200Hz 4. Residual Wave Radiation: ≥65dBc 5. Audio Input Impedance: 600Ω,Balance 6. Separation: 60dB 7. Audio Input Level: ±10dBm,step 0.01dB

FM Transmitter Circuits

In a frequency modulation (FM) transmitter, it is added by varying the radio signal's frequency slightly. Many other types of modulation are used.

In an FM (frequency modulation) transmitter the frequency of the carrier is varied by the audio signal. Angle modulation is the proper term for modulation by changing the instantaneous frequency or phase of the carrier signal. FM transmitters can be stereo as well and using a PLL tunning circuit you can achive a stable audio transmition on FM band.

True FM and phase modulation are the most commonly employed forms of analogue angle modulation. Direct FM (true Frequency modulation) is where the frequency of an oscillator is altered to impose the modulation upon the carrier wave. This can be done by using a voltage-controlled capacitor (Varicap diode) in a crystal-controlled oscillator or frequency synthesiser.

The frequency of the oscillator is then multiplied up using a frequency multiplier stage, or is translated upwards using a mixing stage, to the output frequency of the transmitter.

In some indirect FM solid state circuits, an RF drive is applied to the base of a transistor. The tank circuit (LC), connected to the collector via a capacitor, contains a pair of varicap diodes. As the voltage applied to the varicaps is changed, the phase shift of the output will change.

MPOW Streambot Y Bluetooth FM Transmitter review:

Here at CNET Car Tech, we spend a lot of time in brand-new cars with brand-new tech, so I was honestly a little surprised to learn that FM transmitters are still around, and that there are new models hitting the market. However, for drivers of older cars that don't feature USB, Bluetooth, or an auxiliary input, the MPOW Streambot Y could be a simple and easy method for getting calls and audio from their phone routed to their car's speakers.

FM transmitters: Still around

The Streambot Y features a two-part design that is connected by a flexible, articulating arm.

The plug portion is at the base of the device and where the product connects to your car 's 12-volt power point. The base is where you'll find a 1-amp USB charging port, which should be enough to keep most smartphones juiced while streaming. Surrounding the USB port is an illuminated, translucent blue ring that indicates that it's getting power from the car.

The mounting arm is permanently connected to the base, shooting away from the body at a slight angle and giving the Streambot Y its "Y" shape.

The upper, main portion connects to the end of the mounting arm with a magnetic click and can be rotated to a variety of angles to meet your car's mounting needs. This removable bit contains the electronics and radios for the Bluetooth receiver and FM transmitter. The magnetic connection makes adjustment and setup easy, but care must be taken when adjusting the arm not to momentarily disconnect the transmitter from the power. Holding the arm, and not the body, helps with this.

One end of the main section is a rotating knob that controls the Streambot Y's output volume and surrounds an illuminated multifunction button on the device's tip. Tap this button to toggle between play and pause when listening to Bluetooth media, or to answer or end an incoming Bluetooth call. It can also be double-tapped to reject an incoming call.

In the middle of the body is an illuminated red LED display that shows the currently transmitting FM station or the volume level (0 to 30) when twisting the aforementioned knob. Next to the display, you'll find a tiny pinhole microphone for hands-free calling, as well as Previous and Next buttons that skip forward and back on the paired Bluetooth device. The last bit of interface is a knurled metal knob for selecting the transmitting FM frequency.

Comentarios recientes

LCD Full Range Fm Transmitter and Charger for Microsoft Zune

What makes this Zune transmitter different from the rest is the capability to securely hold your player in place. This accessory charges your Zune and shows the track number on a LCD screen while it is playing. Overall, nothing special except for the holding feature. It can be bought on Amazon for $19.98.

PictureSound BT Ultimate Bluetooth Car Fm Transmitter

It’s the second best choice in this top five Zune FM transmitters comparison. It features Bluetooth connectivity, line support, SD card up to 4GB and has USB port. It also has remote control but there is no folder change which makes finding songs difficult. The Bluetooth enables you to connect your phone and stream music from it or even make calls. Remember that the call is transferred thru the air on to your car radio, so the car near you can also tune in to your conversation. The station number is showed with big numbers but the song name is with small letters which makes it difficult to read while you’re driving. You can buy this accessory from Amazon for $30.40.

Soundfly AUX MP3 Player Car Fm Transmitter

This is probably the best choice. It features 1.5 inch black LCD screen that shows artist name, song name, playing time and folder name. It can memorize up to 4 FM predetermine frequencies and can power on/off automatically. This FM transmitter has 3.5 stereo input, USB port and SD slot for memory cards. There is also the great remote control for easy usage. From all of the FM transmitters listed above, this is the best and the $39.99 are worth investing. You can buy this accessory on Amazon .

Stereo FM transmitter

December 4th, 2011 by DP

Here is a stereo FM transmitter design, based around the BA1404 integrated circuit.

If you want to get rid of those pesky audio wires leading from your computer to your amplifier here is a simple circuit that will enable you to do just that. Simply atach the audio-out cables to the circuit and tune your FM tuner until sound starts playing on your speakers.

This stereo transmitter circuit is based around the BA1404 fully integrated FM transmitter. Only a few discrete components are required to get it going. You can find the schematic, as well as a comprehensive guide on how to build your own, at the Electronics-DIY blog.

5 comments on this post.

December 4th, 2011 at 10:40 pm

December 5th, 2011 at 12:50 pm

It’s also a far more complicated solution and depending on your needs wholly unnecessary. It is a cool project too though.

December 5th, 2011 at 12:55 pm

Yeah, it would be more complicated. I’m wondering how the above performs in audio quality. Of course, just a quick view; I’m thinking the tuning isn’t stable.

December 7th, 2011 at 4:35 pm

BA1404 chips are old chips with crappy performance. They were pretty cool in 1988, but there are better alternatives these days. Even with a crystal, they’re very prone to drift. Electronics-DIY claims they have a great new circuit design, but I seriously doubt they’ve been able to overcome the limitations of the chip itself. I used to sell these BA1404s over at radiochips. com (thanks for ripping off my copy, Electronics-DIY!), but once I ran out, I didn’t bother stocking any more.

December 7th, 2011 at 4:45 pm

The ST chip definitely looks better and they have one that take in digital audio and does RDBS.

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dce5000 - Professional 5kW FM radio Transmitter

Precio. $28,500 + Email for shipment quote

Watch how we ship our high power transmitters worldwide!

Our new DCE5000 is a state of the art 5kW FM transmitter oers excellent perfomance while keeping cost effective and easy of use.

The new case is rack type built with heavy duty fans specially designed for 24/7 operation even at severe conditions. Our main eors were to provide a transmitter which will survive and be on air even when connecting a mismached antenna or operating in a high temperature or low air pressure - mountain top.

Our new intelligent protection will lower your output power to a safe range and will recover automaticly to full power when conditions become safe.

Features: - Heavy duty case rackmount closet - Large LCDs display for maximum information at single screen - Simple operation using 3 navigation buttons - Real time measure of REF power, current and temp and more - Excellent thermal design - separte airtunnel for every module - Switching power supply 110V/220V for worldwide operation - Soft start - slow controlled power raise for improved protection - All internal modules and case are available for purchase - Ditital Temperature sensor - Celcious or Farenheight - Hall eect current sensor - with digital current limiting - Backup protection for SWR even at controller failure - RDS editable by computer\ Limiter \ Digital stereo all controled by our digital controller - Balanced XLR inputs for super high quality audio - Digital variable output power controlled via front panel LCD - Master outpower power limiter with trimmer - 9 Pole low pass В lter to meet FCC spectral rules. - 87.5-108Mhz no tune operation with 50Khz steps. - Stereo/Mono modes selectable via front panel LCD - AC mains input threw fuse, On/O switch and EMI/RFI В lter - RF monitor available on BNC from front panel - 45dB stereo separation with Left-Right sync - Power o while changing frequency - Inteligent control will keep same output power at any frequency - 7\8 - uange connector - 1 year limited warrant

The Best iPhone FM Transmitters for Your Car

By Sam Costello. iPhone/iPod Expert

Sam Costello has been writing about technology since 2000. He has published articles with CNN. com, PC World, InfoWorld, and Computerworld, among others. For those magazines and websites, he covered digital copyright, the rise and fall of Napster, mobile devices, and computer and network security. He has written about PDAs, monitors, and printers for Samsung's consumer websites, and about apps, streaming media, and eBooks for the Que Publishing website.

Author of the books:

Playing your iPhone's music on your car stereo doesn't have to mean a tangle of cables, hissy tape adapters, or expensive aftermarket parts. The current crop of iPhone FM transmitters offers great options for finding clear signals, driving safely, and sometimes even making hands-free phone calls. Here's a look at the best iPhone FM transmitters, all of which work with virtually any iPhone model.

New Potato TuneLink Auto. image credit: New Potato

New Potato's TuneLink Auto is my favorite FM transmitter for a few reasons. First, it uses Bluetooth for connectivity, making for a clean, cable-free connection while also allowing multiple devices to send music to it. Second, its technology to diminish noise and interference is the best I've tested, making the music-listening experience excellent. It also offers a headphone jack and a USB port for charging your device while you use it. Buy from Amazon »

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Scosche freqOUT. image credit: Scosche

Scosche's freqOUT excels at locking onto an open frequency and resisting interference or the need to change channels too often. Its industrial design may pose a problem for some, though. The device is mounted close to the gearshift on some cars, making it hard to use while driving. Still, if your car accommodates it, this is a terrific product. It can also charge your device with the included Lightning cable (there's also a Dock Connector version for older devices). Buy from Amazon »

Belkin TuneCast Auto Live. image credit: Belkin

Belkin's TuneCast Auto Live can quickly find high-quality, interference-free stations using the iPhone's built-in GPS. It's small, light, and won't interfere with the operation of your car. It connects to your iPhone via the headphone jack, but it can also charge your device by connecting to the power adapter via USB. That the TuneCast requires two cables to play music and charge the device does make it a little messier than some other options on this list. Buy from Amazon »

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Griffin iTrip Auto. image credit: Griffin

The Griffin iTrip Auto is pretty close in quality to the TuneCast Auto Live. It finds nearly, but not quite, as clear stations to transmit on, but sports a higher price. That extra bit of interference in transmitting and a too-packed remote let the TuneCast edge it out, though. The free iTrip app makes it easy to control the device from your iPhone. More recent versions of the iTrip include a Lightning connector for iPhone 5 and newer. Buy from Amazon »

Belkin TuneBase FM. image credit: Belkin

While the TuneBase FM's industrial design can be a little awkward and a high-pitched whine is evident in some settings, this flexible transmitter not only works well with music, but will also help you get where you're going thanks to its GPS design features and integrated calling functionality. One word of caution, though: The mount that you snap the iPhone into is designed for the iPhone 5 series, so newer, larger iPhones—especially the iPhone 6 Plus and 6S Plus—may not fit. Buy from Amazon »

GOgroove FlexSmart X2. image credit: GOgroove

GOgroove's FlexSmart X2 is another Bluetooth-enabled device, so you won't need cables to listen to your music. Because it's Bluetooth, up to 2 devices can connect to it at once, letting you and a passenger share tunes. There are controls for music playback and taking phone calls on the FlexSmart, as well as a headphone jack if you don't have Bluetooth on the device you want to connect and a USB port for charging phones. Buy from Amazon »

iClever IC-F40. image credit: iClever

A small device in the mold of the iTrip or TuneCast from earlier in the list. The iClever IC-F40 plugs into your car's power on one end and into your iPhone's headphone jack on the other. The small inline remote helps you find clear frequencies and change channels. A USB port built into the power unit recharges your phone. The suggested price is towards the high side, but you should be able to find it for much less. Buy from Amazon »

iKross FM Transmitter. image credit: iKross

This FM Transmitter from iKross is virtually identical to the iClever unit above in terms of features. It plugs into the iPhone's headphone jack and recharges the phone via a USB port on the power adapter. It doesn't come with a cable, though, so you'll need to provide that yourself. The inline remote lets you find open stations to play your music. This is another item that sells well below the suggested price. If you're looking for a wireless version, iKross has a Bluetooth unit as well. Buy from Amazon »

Insignia NS-MA5FMT. image credit: Insignia

Insignia's NS-MA5FMT offers the same basic approach as the iClever and iKross units, but adds a pair of nice features. The first is that its input cable plugs directly into the Lightning port on the bottom of modern iOS devices (and the 7th gen. iPod nano), so you only need one cable to both play music and charge your device. Secondly, it has three buttons for station presets, allowing you to easily access the frequencies that work best in your area. Más & raquo;

Nulaxy AP - 0674. image credit: Nulaxy

Nulaxy's AP - 0674 is another Bluetooth device dedicated to both music playback over FM and handsfree calling. Its big display provides information about the frequency you're using, the song that's playing, and who is calling. Buttons on the main unit let you control frequency, volume, and song playback. A USB port at the base lets you charge your iPhone while it's in use. This may take up more space, and provide more distraction, than you want, but it seems well liked by users. Buy from Amazon »

The Monster iCarPlay 800 Wireless FM transmitter. image credit: Monster

Monster's iCarPlay 800 is a decent FM transmitter, but it has some drawbacks: a relatively high price, a Dock Connector cable rather than Lightning, interference-heavy stations, and occasional busts of static during music playback. On the plus side, it's been discontinued by Monster, so you can get it at a really good price. Buy from Amazon »

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Simple FM Transmitter circuit schematic Long range, short range using VMR6512 Hi-Fi Audio FM transmitter module

This article gives the FM transmitter circuit schematics with necessary explanation. The main component used here is the VMR6512 IC which is a highly integrated FM audio signal (Hi-Fi Audio FM) transmitter chip. You can use this as FM radio transmitter for different applications such as FM transmitter for car, digital FM transmitter, Hi-Fi wireless headphone, Conference Broadcasting System, accessories of audio-visual entertainment equipment and radio station in campus. This wireless audio transmitter chip integrates superior digital signal processor (DSP), matching network, frequency synthesizer and RF power amplifier. So it can grasp FM audio modulation without any external components. You need a pre amplifier section in order to transmit our voice directly as FM. Refer my condenser mic pre amplifier circuit. Related article: Most simple FM transmitter circuit diagram

Circuit diagram

Components required

VMR6512 Hi-Fi Audio FM transmitter module

Push button switch x 3


Audio amplifier

Constructional details

Audio amplifier circuit is already posted in my previous article. Construct your audio amplifier first.

Then you can directly connect the output of audio amplifier to the VMR6512 Hi-Fi Audio FM transmitter input (Audio in).

PCB layout of FM transmitter

Features of VMR6512 Hi-Fi Audio FM transmitter

Broadcasts sound without any external components.

Audio frequency processed by DSP, providing high quality sound.

Using frequency synthetic technology, high stability of oscillation frequency and output power adjustments.

Frequency range is 88.0MHz to 108.0MHz, low-end can be extended to 76.0MHz upon request.

It can input analog audio or digital audio and possesses external UART interface and can be easily controlled by external CPU or PC machines.

It provides frequency setting UP / DOWN input and can be used independently.

Pin descriptions of VMR6512 IC

RST - Reset the module with high PWL

RXD – Control serial input RX

TXD – Control serial output TX

DIN – Digital audio data input

DFS – Digital audio frame synchronized signal input

DCLK - Digital audio clock signal input

RIN – Analog audio input on the right

LIN – Analog audio input on the left

GND – Ground

RFOUT – RF output

GND – Ground

NC – No connection

NC – No connection

DOWN – Frequency reduction input, each low PWL impulse output frequency decreases 0.1MHz, continuous low PWL repeats every 0.3 seconds.

UP – Frequency increasing input, each low PWL impulse output frequency increases 0.1MHz, continuous low frequency every 0.5 seconds.

D/A – Audio input digit / analog selection

NC – No connection

VCC – Power input (2.7-3 .3 V)

Functions of the Pins as per the Manufactures

Reset Reset pin set to high PWL will reset the controller, DSP and frequency synthesizer. After reset, the communication frequency will be100.0MHz and the power will be 115dBuV. The system begins working 160ms once the Reset signal becomes lower. Analog audio input Rin, Lin Rin and Lin is the analog audio input pin of VMR6512 module. There is a capacitor in the pin. So the other exterior components are not needed. Audio input impedance is approximately 56 kΩ.

Digital audio input interface Digital audio input interface consists of SCLK, DIN and FS. It can be set to I2S, DSP and Left Justified three different formats through commanding and connected without a glitch with almost all the DSP.

UP / DOWN pin UP and DOWN pins are used to modify the operating frequency exclusive of the external controller. Each low PWL impulse larger than 0.05 seconds of UP / DOWN pin will make output RF power raise or decrease 0.1MHz. If you stay low PWL, then the operating frequency will change continuously every 0.3 seconds.

RF output As the unit has internal matching networks, RF output signal pin should be directly connected to the line without any components. It is proposed that antenna should use 1/4 wavelength wire or rod antenna.

Pin out of VMR6512 Hi-Fi Audio FM transmitter module

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simple FM transmitter

Here, is a very interesting and simple project in the series of communication used to transmit noise free F. M. signal in the wide range up to 100 M using only one transistor. The transmitted message from F. M. transmitter circuit is received by the receiver having the facilities of F. M. channel or you can also try F. M. receiver circuit published in this website.

Circuit Description of simple F. M. transmisor

The entire circuit of F. M. transmitter is divided into three major stage i. e. oscillator, modulator and amplifier. The transmitting frequency of 88-108 MHz is generated by adjusting VC 1 . The input voice given to microphone is changed into electric signal and is given to base of transistor T 1 . Transistor T 1 is used as oscillator which oscillates the frequency of 88-108 MHz. The oscillated frequency is depended upon the value R 2 . C 2 . L 2 and L 3 . This transmitted signal from F. M. transmitter is received and tuned by F. M. receiver .


Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)




MIC 1 = Condenser mike

L 1 . L 2 = 3 turns of 22 SWG wire around any thin pencil

L 3 = 2 turns of 22 SWG wire around any thin pencil.

Bass Booster boosts the beat frequency without effect the high frequency of the music

Signal Booster Short Wave Radio convert the old valve radio into a power pack receiver

Audio Amplifier For Portable Radio Receiver alternative of the complicated audio amplifier circuit for portable radio receiver

Stereo Simulator Stereo simulator is used to separate monaural signal between two channels for passing higher and lower frequency

Simple FM Transmitter Transmit noise free F. M. signal in the wide range up to 100 M using only one transistor

70/40 Watts Hi-Fi Amplifier world best Hi-Fi amplifier you may never have to replace by a better one

17 thoughts on “simple FM transmitter”

I want to your full project to understand how to do it. could you send to my email?

abhishek bhati says:

sir pls tell me at what freequency reciver receives the sound…. pls sir help me…….

It would depend on what you set VC at – you variable capacitor. That adjusts what frequency is transmitted.

@ Abhishek at resonant frequency, the receiver receives the signal(sound).

formula is fr(resonant frequency)=1/

kevin sequeira says:

I wanted to use this circuit alomg with a reciever in order to make my electric guitar wireless. I wanted to know what must be the range of input I must apply to the fm transmitter?

¡Hola! I want to create a PCM audio transmitter in the 3.5-3.75 MHz range… What values/changes should I do to the circuit in order to get this working? (BTW I also want to build the receiver for this system) THX!

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Scosche Goose FMTD3 Neck FM Transmitter with Digital Display for iPod/iPhone, Zune MP3 Players product details page

Scosche Goose FMTD3 Neck FM Transmitter with Digital Display for iPod/iPhone, Zune MP3 Players

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$23.99 list: price $29.99 save $6.00 (20%)


Product Information


The Scosche Digital FM Transmitter, will allow you to play and enjoy your iPods, iPhones, iPads, MP3 Players, Smartphones, and Tablets through your car stereo, giving you the freedom to listen to your favorite tunes with ease. This device is capable of transmitting up to 100 FM frequencies, giving you the maximum possible signal. The Scosche Digital FM Transmitter comes with three preset memory FM stations for your convenience. The 12V flex-neck allows for clear viewing in any car. This Scosche Digital FM Transmitter, Convenient back lighting, makes LCD display screen easy to see whether it is night or day out. Get the most out of your music experience with the versatility you are looking for in your audio.

Features: MP3 Player Adapter

Model Compatibility: iPod Shuffle, Zune, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPod Mini, iPod Classic

Functions: MP3 Player

Wired Connectivity: 3.5mm jack

Wireless Technology: Radio Frequency

Number of FM Presets: 3

Power Source: DC Car Lighter

Includes: Auxiliary Cable, AC/DC Power Adapter

International Orders are not eligible for: free shipping (including for REDcard holders), free returns, gifts/gift cards with purchase, gift wrap services, Cartwheel offers, subscriptions, registries, coupons, store pickup, warranties, extended service plans. Other promotional restrictions may apply. International Shipping--Target partners with Borderfree Inc. ("Borderfree" ) to fill international shopping orders. By ordering from this site (intl. target. com) your personal information collected during checkout will be subject to Borderfree's Privacy policy and orders are subject to Borderfree's Terms & Conditions .

© 2017 Target Brands, Inc. Target, the Bullseye Design and Bullseye Dog are trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. All rights reserved.

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This is a circuit diagram of FM microphone speak in microphone and hear your voice on FM receiver. The circuit contains microphone preamp for increasing the signal of weak sounds. If you wind the coil correctly then the circuit will perform very well. Make coil L1 accurately as shown in diagram. If you want good speech quality use ceramic or crystal microphone.

Here is a transistor FM tracking transmitter. The FM tracking transmitter mentioned before in this website was built with LM 3909 IC.

Here is a schematic of a FM tracking transmitter circuit. The circuit can be operated with 1.5V battery (any size) and it will last longer because the current consumption of the circuit is only 3.7mA.

A very good designed circuit of an fm transmitter to broadcast your music or voice around the house and yard. There are many circuits of fm transmitter on internet but some are very big circuits containing lots of coils and components, some drift their frequency, some eats battery very fast, some are small low power but not perform well and range is very short. This circuit is not only long range as compare to other 3 to 5 volt fm transmitters but also very stable and energy saver.

This is a circuit of battery less fm transmitter, the circuit is same as we discussed before in "Best FM Transmitter Topic" but we changed the power source from 3 volt battery to solar cell. The circuit will work in direct sun light, use small solar cell of 3 volt to 5 volts 100mA also experiment with different types of solar cell of 3 to 5 volts or above in direct and indirect sunlight.

Many times we want to make fm transmitter which is simple to build and has a good range. So here is a simple fm transmitter circuit which contains only few components and also has long range.

Here is a good long range FM transmitter circuit diagram with minimum components but will give a good result. This FM RF transmitter circuit has two stages first oscillator stage and second RF amp stage.

Here is a 1.5V FM transmitter circuit diagram. This circuit can broadcast your voice around your house. We can also say it whole house FM transmitter.

The circuit mentioned here is a bird microphone transmitter or wireless bird listening microphone which will help you to listen the birds voices.

Here is a schematic which can be used as car mp3 FM transmitter circuit which can broadcast your mp3 player audio on your car FM radio.

A circuit of fm transmitter which has minimum components and simple to make. This is a powerful fm transmitter and its output is between 0.5 watt to 2watt.

Schematic of a extremely well and crystal clear sound FM stereo transmitter circuit for broadcasting CD quality music on FM band. lt will transmit your walkman, computer, iPod, discman, TV.

This is a circuit of a simple fm telephone transmitter which will transmit the telephone conversation to any fm receiver. Q1 is 2SA933 Transistor, diode D1 to D4 are.

This is a schematic of a simple FM tx / FM transmitter circuit using only eight components. It is a good quality fm transmitter and able to transmit at a distance of 50 meters.

The rf circuit shown below is a mini stable FM transmitter which is using a zener diode to provide accurate voltage to the oscillator while the battery runs down.

This is a schematic of a simple FM tx / FM transmitter circuit using only eight components. It is a good quality fm transmitter and able to transmit at a distance of 50 meters.

This is an another technique to make an stable FM transmitter using LM2936 voltage regulator IC. The stable FM transmitter circuit mentioned before was using.

This 3 stage FM transmitter can be use if you want a long range with less power for example 1.5V or 3V. The circuit is consist of three stages first audio preamplifier.

This is a long range stable FM transmitter circuit. The circuit is using a LM2950 5V voltage regulator IC comes in TO 92 transistor package, which will provide.

The schematic shown here is a circuit of a 555 tracking transmitter. 555 is a famous versatile IC used in many electronic projects. In the below mentioned circuit.

A simple mp3 fm transmitter circuit shown here can be built easily in few minutes if all parts are available with you. All the components used in this circuit.

The figure shows a schematic of an easy FM transmitter circuit. The circuit is very simple and can be easily built by using ready made inductor.

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**Alat Canggih Untuk Mobil Anda (FM Transmitter)**

Permisi Juragan2 Numpang Jualan ya.

Ada barang menarik nih.. Bagi kalian yang punya headunit tp ga ada usb portnya sehingga tidak bisa memainkan file music dengan flashdisk sekarang sudah ada solusinya, yaitu FM TRANSMITTER sebagai Pemutar musik MP3 khusus untuk pemakaian di mobil. Dimana suara yang dihasilkan dari MP3 Player ini akan ditransmisikan melalui gelombang radio, sehingga suaranya dapat ditangkap melalui radio yang ada pada mobil.

Dengan demikian suara yang dihasilkan dari MP3 ini akan terdengar pada speaker mobil Anda.

Alat ini terdapat slot USB sebagai perantara untuk mengambil lagu-lagu MP3 yang disimpan pada USB Flash disk atau alat-alat penyimpan lagu lainnya seperti USB MP3 Player atau Card Reader (untuk membaca lagu yg disimpan pada MMC/SD card)

Nine FM Mp3 Modulator

Telah hadir type terbaru yaitu model 3

Model 3 merupakan penyempurnaan dr model-model sebelumnya, yang kalau secara fisik mirip dengan model 1 dan fitur2nya yang lengkap seperti model 2. Pada model 3 ini kualitas suara pun menjadi lebih baik lagi dibandingkan dengan model-model sebelumnya yang kualitas suaranya juga baik.

Memiliki beberapa kelebihan, seperti : - dapat mengunakan mmc - memiliki remote control - memiliki display digital yang menunjukkan posisi frekuensi yang sedang digunakan - dan satu lagi keunggulan yang paling menonjol adalah Full Frequencies, sehingga kita dapat memilih frekuensi yang diinginkan dengan lebih fleksibel

Kelengkapan 1. NINE FM MP3 Modulator 2. Remote 3. Kabel audio 4. Sekring Cadangan

Cukup Dengan Harga. Rp. 250.000

Accecories NINE AC-DC Converter

NINE AC-DC Converter digunakan untuk pelengkap car mp3 transmiter agar mp3 transmiter bisa digunakan juga di rumah atau kantor dgn menggunakan radio rumah.

Cukup Dengan Harga. Rp. 50.000

Cara Pemesanan : 1. Tidak melayani COD ya karena sibuk. (sorry) 2. Lihat ongkir ke tujuan anda klik sini >>> Tiki JNE (from diisi Jakarta) 3. Transf ke rek

4. Konfirmasi anda sudah transf ke rek yg mana 5. Kasih Nama, alamat, dan no telp anda 6. Barang anda dikirim

*Pengiriman barang senin-jumat jam 16.30, jd klo melewati jam tsb dikirimkan keesokan harinya. terima kasih utk perhatiannya.

** Untuk Daerah Jabodetabek Free Ongkir

*** Untuk Adapter tidak free ongkir kecuali beli dengan FM transmitternya Untuk tanya-tanya/ pemesanan bisa melalui:

AM/FM Transmitter schematics from simple to hard..

Post by Kage on Dec 19, 2007 21:01:08 GMT -6

Here is the forums area for posting interesting radio transmitter and exciter circuits from simple to complex including other various circuits dedicated to this subject.

This thread will be updated periodically with more schematics over time.

If you have a schematic or project of your own feel welcome to post a link/picture here. If necessary you can email me your schematic and I can host it for you.

Last update on: Jan 11, 2017.

Most basic FM transmitters/bugs you could build aka-"toys"

Simple 2 transistor (mod/osc) FM bug type transmitter.

Simple all in one BA1404 IC transmitterfor Part 15 FM stereo broadcasting. (Note: This IC is no longer being produced and is of low quality anyways, but is okay for very simple yardcasting, also uses a tunable oscillator so is not very stable for newer radio receivers to lock onto, but is a good learning project)

More complex FM transmitters with higher power

1 Watt RF tube amplifier for Ramsey FM10 kit designed by F. Nachbaur. (Note: I do not recommend ever amplifying the BA1404 used in an FM10 kit, the chip is a terrible harmonic and spur producer!)

5 Watt FM Stereo transmitter using BA1404 chip as stereo generator, PLL circuit for stability. Great design.

10 Watt FM transmitter using single tube. (Note: This is just for fun, you should never run an oscillator at that power to an antenna without buffering for stabilities sake)

10 Watt FM PA amplifier, needs 1 watt input.

FM Stereo MPX Circuits

Stereo Encoder MPX to turn your Mono rigs into Stereo using the all too popular BA1404..

As simple as you can make using common logic chips and a RC oscillator to create the clock signals but not for professional setups.. Link to site. www. electroschematics. com/325/stereo-encoder-high-separation/

Higher quality design using common logic IC chips but more complex to design..

Good quality MPX encoder using very common to find 455kHz ceramic resonator for pilot stability that is almost as good as quartz crystal controlled. Really cost effective and makes life easier for those hard to find quartz crystal designs. (note: 18kHz must be a mistake on their schematic, I believe it should read 19kHz, but the design is the same otherwise)

Very good design that yours truly used as a basis to learn from using common ICs with excellent stereo separation and clean audio spectrum.. (Very educational) Link to site. www. electroschematics. com/325/stereo-encoder-high-separation/ www. iol. ie/

Simple AM radio transmitters

Tube type antique AM MW rangecaster for phono to radio and other applications, 100mw power output. URL to site: antiqueradio. org/transmitter. htm

Powerful AM radio transmitters (1 Watt+)

Famous Corsair transmitter schematic for Shortwave or high MW band

More schematics on the way very soon, stay tuned.

Other good collections of AM/FM and other transmitter schematics/circuits.

EDM LED 10 - 100Milliwatt Transmitter

I have tested the FMX and the EDM LED side by side; The FMX is like a Yugo while the EDM LED is like a Toyota.

The EDM LED transmitter is an outstanding value when compared to Ramsey and others. Low harmonics and spurious emissions will reduce the chance of a visit from the FCC.

For the money the EDM LED is the best transmitter in regards to sound quality, signal quality & innovative design when compared to Panaxis & Ramsey.

For those who want to set up a part 15 FM station on a budget, I suggest the EDM LED transmitter and a Yamaha MG-10/2. The MG 10/2 includes 2 XLR mic inputs and 4 stereo inputs; all inputs include 3 band EQ, aux send which can be had for less than $70 on e-bay. Total cost around $187, compare that to a Ramsey 100B kit priced around $269.

Add a Behringer DSP-1424P two band processor for under $100 and listen as your EDM LED transmitter takes on the best sounding FM station you have on the dial.

Unfortunately the LED transmitter is no longer available from EDM due to the discontinuance of several key parts used in the LED. EDM has replaced it with CS version; which uses the same case and display as the LCD version.


The EDM LCD FM transmitter is a bit larger and heavier than the older LED version, unlike other transmitters using LCD's the EDM is strictly for frequency display. Other transmitter tend to use two or three buttons and display to adjust everything from audio & power levels to mono/stereo etc; the EDM LCD uses trimmer pots to set power level, L/R audio & MPX levels. I prefer this method; as it's easier to finely trim levels with trimmer pots. RF power is adjusted two ways: A switch determines max output; either 10 or 100 milliwatts and a trimmer is used for fine adjustment with a range from 1-100 milliwatts. Audio & RF connection are RCA and the 12 volt DC input is a 2.1mm connector (center positive) so you can unplug the old EDM LED and plug in the LCD. NOTE: Holes in the case allow easy access to audio trimmer pots and channel up/down buttons.

The EDM LCD transmitter is an easy to assemble kit; which includes plugging in the IC chips into their sockets, solder DC connector to PC board and mount the LCD display to the main PCB. It takes about twenty minutes to complete assembly. The end result is a rock solid FM transmitter that out performs all other transmitters in its class; yes even the older EDM LED version. Improvements include better low pass audio filtering which is designed to improve Stereo operation and offer even deeper bass and separation. The RF is also cleaner with improved filtering and a lower noise floor.

The price for the EDM LCD is about $210 including shipping and insurance. The EDM LCD FM transmitter is delivered with a compact switching power supply, a wire test antenna. A RCA to BNC adapter is available at low cost. The EDM LCD FM transmitter remains a great value when compared to the Ramsey FM30b or FM100b which are kits where you have to assemble everything.

On a score of 1-10; the EDM LCD FM transmitter is an easy 12. We remain sold on EDM for a number of reasons, First quality: the EDM transmitters are solid performers in every way, I have even drowned one while it was on the air! Dried it out, fired it back up and it went right back on the air. Second delivery: From the time the transmitter is ordered to the time it lands on the doorstep is within a week no matter where you live on the planet. Third: customer service is second to none, e-mails are responded to right away, even after I killed my first one, I had it back on the air in a week where it remains three plus years later. I have a second EDM LED as a back up; it has been on the air twice for less than an hour while I dried out the other one.


Analog Transmitters Specials

Complete with modulators and band pass filters

100 WATT VHF or UHF Analog Transmitter c/w filter, isolator, digital control, TM150 modulator and monitoring system. Complete with 2 year warranty for $9,000.00 USD

500 WATT VHF or UHF Analog Transmitter c/w filter, isolator, digital control, TM150 modulator and monitoring system. Complete with 2 year warranty for $13,300.00 USD

1,000 WATT VHF or UHF Analog Transmitter c/w filter, isolator, digital control, TM150 modulator and monitoring system. Complete with 2 year warranty for $14,990.00 USD

2,000 WATT VHF or UHF Analog Transmitter c/w filter, isolator, digital control, TM150 modulator and monitoring system. Complete with 2 year warranty for $31,500.00 USD

Special Sale on Digital & Analog Systems from OMB and Technalogix.

FM Radio transmitter kit Pirate Radio kits FM Transmitter circuits FM exciter transistor VHF UHF PLL VCO diy RF Circuit FCC BA1404 Antenna electronic schema RF Amp The Official Pirate Radio Kit Site

The Net's most popular site for Technical information on FM Transmitter Kits. Google. com's top page for search string "fm transmitter kits" Over 12,000 unique hits per month.

The Pirate Radio Mailing List ! 02 June 1999 - 18 August 2001

For 2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks and 2 days, the Pirate Radio Mailing list was the place that over 280 transmiteers turned to for their daily fix of RF advise, depending on the roughly 20 active Elmers who shared their experiences in over 5500 e-mails.

Many thanks to Broadcast Warehouse, Marko, BiasComms, Norm B, those guys from Australia and many, many others for making this mailing list the Internet's liveliest, friendliest and most useful resource for getting technical queries on FM Transmitters answered. My apologies to those who thought my moderation style was Hitleresque, but the ends did justify the means. We did have the highest S/N, lowest spamming, lowest net rage and flames, most newbie-friendly place on the Net.

Transmiteer (n). Word coined in June 1999 by Web Surf to signify a Pirate Radio Broadcaster, inspired by "Buccaneer".

3V FM Transmitter

3V FM Transmitter Circuit

3-5V (2 AA Battery holder)

FM Transmitter Circuit Description

The circuit is basically a radio frequency (RF) oscillator that operates around 100 MHz. Audio picked up and amplified by the electret microphone is fed into the audio amplifier stage built around the first transistor. Output from the collector is fed into the base of the second transistor where it modulates the resonant frequency of the tank circuit (the 5 turn coil and the trimcap) by varying the junction capacitance of the transistor. Junction capacitance is a function of the potential difference applied to the base of the transistor. The tank circuit is connected in a Colpitts oscillator circuit.

The electret microphone . an electret is a permanently charged dielectric. It is made by heating a ceramic material, placing it in a magnetic field then allowing it to cool while still in the magnetic field. It is the electrostatic equivalent of a permanent magnet. In the electret microphone a slice of this material is used as part of the dielectric of a capacitor in which the diaphram of the microphone formsone plate. Sound pressure moves one of its plates. The movement of the plate changes the capacitance. The electret capacitor is connected to an FET amplifier. These microphones are small, have excellent sensitivity, a wide frequency response and a very low cost.

First amplification stage . this is a standard self-biasing common emitter amplifier. The 22nF capacitor isolates the microphone from the base voltage of the transistor and only allows alternating current (AC) signals to pass.

The tank (LC) circuit . every FM transmitter needs an oscillator to generate the radio Frequency (RF) carrier waves. The tank (LC) circuit, the BC547 and the feedback 5pF capacitor are the oscillator in the Cadre. An input signal is not needed to sustain the oscillation. The feedback signal makes the base-emitter current of the transistor vary at the resonant frequency. This causes the emitter-collector current to vary at the same frequency. This signal fed to the aerial and radiated as radio waves. The 27pF coupling capacitor on the aerial is to minimise the effect of the aerial capacitance on the LC circuit. The name ‘tank’ circuit comes from the ability of the LC circuit to store energy for oscillations. In a pure LC circuit (one with no resistance) energy cannot be lost. (In an AC network only the resistive elements will dissipate electrical energy. The purely reactive elements, the C and the L simply store energy to be returned to the system later.) Note that the tank circuit does not oscillate just by having a DC potential put across it. Positive feedback must be provided. (Look up Hartley and Colpitts oscillators in a reference book for more details.)

BC547 NPN Transistor Pin Configuration And Top View

Components may be added to the PCB in any order. Note that the electret microphone should be inserted with the pin connected to the metal case connected to the negative rail (that is, to the ground or zero voltage side of the circuit). The coil should be about 3mm in diameter and 5 turns. The wire is tinned copper wire, 0.61 mm in diameter. After the coil in soldered into place spread the coils apart about 0.5 to 1mm so that they are not touching. (The spacing in not critical since tuning of the Tx will be done by the trim capacitor. It is quite possible, but not as convenient, to use a fixed value capacitor in place of the trimcapacitor – say 47pF – and to vary the Tx frequency by simply adjusting the spacing of the coils. That is by varying L of the LC circuit rather than C.) Adding and removing the batteries acts as a switch. Connect a half or quarter wavelength antenna (length of wire) to the aerial point. At an FM frequency of 100 MHz these lengths are 150 cm and 75 cm respectively.

Place the transmitter about 10 feet from a FM radio. Set the radio to somewhere about 89 – 90 MHz. Walk back to the FM transmitter and turn it on. Spread the winding of the coil apart by approximately 1mm from each other. No coil winding should be touching another winding. Use a small screw driver to tune the trim cap. Remove the screwdriver from the trim screw after every adjustment so the LC circuit is not affected by stray capicitance. Or use a plastic screwdriver. If you have difficulty finding the transmitting frequency then have a second person tune up and down the FM dial after every adjustment. One full turn of the trim cap will cover its full range of capacitance from 6pF to 45pF. The normal FM band tunes in over about one tenth of the full range of the tuning cap.

So it is best to adjust it in steps of 5 to 10 degrees at each turn. So tuning takes a little patience but is not difficult. The reason that there must be at least 10 ft. separation between the radio and the FM transmitter is that the FM transmitter emits harmonics; it does not only emit on one frequency but on several different frequencies close to each other. You should have little difficulty in finding the Tx frequency when you follow this procedure.

It should already be clear from the above circuit description that there is a surprising amount of electronics which may be learnt from this deceptively simple kit. Here is a list of some advanced topics in electronics which can be demonstrated or have their beginnings in this project:

Class C amplifiers; FM transmission; VHF antennas; positive and negative feedback; stray capacitance; crystal-locked oscillators; signal attenuation The simple halfwave antenna used in the project is not the most efficient. Greater efficiency may be gained by connecting a dipole antenna using 50 ohm coaxial cable. Connect one lead to the Antenna point and the other to the earth line.

You may experiment using 6V or 9V with the circuit to see how this increases the range of the transmitter. The sensitivity may be increased by lowering the 22K resistor to 10K. Try it and see. Note that this FM transmitter is not suitable for use on your body, for example, in your pocket. This is because it is affected by external capacitance and the transmitting frequency drifts depending how close you are to it. Stray capacitance is automatically incorporated into the capacitance of the tank circuit which will shift the transmitting frequency.

Please send your ideas, which are very important for our success…

The 2.0 Whole House FM Transmitter ® has been replaced with a the new Whole House FM Transmitter ® 3.0 . This new transmitter is superior to the original version with a long list of new features. This new FCC approved transmitter comes with an easy to install, international antenna extension that helps boost performance in countries that allow.

LCD display that shows frequency and other settings.

Covers entire FM band from 88.1 to 107.9 in 0.1 MHz steps.

Automatic Gain Control (AGC) evens out high and low volumes.

Input Volume Control to adjust to input levels.

Stereo/Mono switch (mono has a longer range).

Microphone input and line input.

PLL (phase lock loop) prevents frequency drift.

Includes Audio "Y" cable allowing speakers and FM transmission.

Universal power adapter (4 different power sources supported).

Remembers station frequency and on/off state without power.

Broadcast 150' (longer with the international antenna wire).

This is everything that comes in the Box:

Whole House FM Transmitter 3.0

1/8" (3.5mm) Stereo Audio Cable

RCA Jack Stereo Adapter

Stereo Audio "Y" Cable

110/220 V AC Wall Outlet Adapter

12V DC Car Adapter

Computer USB Power Adapter

Looking for the best home FM transmitter for your home entertainment system?

Then this blog post was written especially for you.

Most home FM transmitters you will find just can’t produce the results they claim. Or if they actually transmitter 100 feet, then the sound is usually crackly or hollow.

And I was in the same boat you’re in. I had all these cool gadgets that stream music and I wanted a method to stream them to different FM radios perched in different locations around my house.

And one home FM transmitter I found online did just the trick. Which I’ll reveal in a moment.

Not only did I want a versatile FM transmitter, I also wanted one I could use in my car. My car doesn’t have an aux in jack to plug into, so I needed an FM transmitter the car also.

So I spent hours researching these little gadgets online.

Here’s how I found the one I am using today.

I took the features of every FM transmitter known and compared them to each other.

The number one feature I was interested in is of course distance.

I have about a 2000 sq. foot home and I crave distance like Jessica Simpson craves doughnuts.

Distance was a critical component in my selection.

Next to distance I wanted to make sure it worked with my ebook reader and my iPhone.

Once I narrowed it down and made sure I selected the right FM transmitter which produced now only solid results in distance, sound and versatility.

And I decided to choose the Whole House FM Transmitter, sure I paid a little bit more than the common run of the mill home FM transmitter. And so far I have been quite pleased with my selection. It’s has worked well both in my car and my home and I think I made the right selection with the one year warranty.

If I were to rate it on a scale of 1-10 I would give it a 9 hands down and it could be a 10 if it gave off a bit more distance than 150 feet.

FM Transmitter and it’s use with Pandora has helped internet radio explode into main stream living rooms and cars.

Did you know that Pandora has around 68% of the internet radio market?

Big, big hunk of pie.

And as more and more people turn to Pandora to listen to their music, the use of FM Transmitter explodes.

Think about it this way…

…you enjoy music, but you don’t have the ability to listen to Pandora in your car, maybe.

You purchase an FM transmitter to use with your iPod or iPhone or other smart phone. You plug the FM transmitter into your iPhone or favorite audio source which broadcasts Pandora. Now you have the ability to listen to Pandora with any FM radio within a 150 feet.

Marvelous technology if I’m allowed to say so myself.

Another way to listen to Pandora and blanket your house with the tunes of your favorite musician is by plugging your lap top into the fm transmitter. Then once again all you need is a fm radio to listen to it. It will even broadcast Pandora to your home stereo system so you can hear the music the way it was supposed to sound.

In crystal clear sound.

Did you ever imagine listening to music from your computer and not have to pay a dime for it?

Why shell out your coins and paper for music when Pandora is so darn readily available.

Just nab yourself a quality FM Transmitter (click it) and you can instantly enhance your life with the sounds of your favorite artists.

Check out a recent review of our new Whole House FM Transmitter 2.0:

Have you ever wanted to broadcast your favorite music throughout your entire house? Has there ever been a time when you wanted to listen to your music play list from your computer without having to actually stay in the vicinity of the computer itself? Have you ever wondered if there was a device out there that could broadcast your Pandora Radio from your audio device to your car stereo? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, read this… I work for Whole House Transmitter, but I also own the transmitter that we carry. I had the opportunity to use our newest version on several occasions last weekend and it’s flawless! Obviously, being an employee of Whole House, I knew that the cigarette adapter that comes included with the transmitter could power the transmitter up. Our new transmitters were arriving last Friday, so in order to make my commute home a little more entertaining than usual, I decided to load up the Blackberry with a few audio books for my listening pleasure. I left work Friday with Blackberry in one hand and my brand new Whole House FM Transmitter in the other. Again, this is the brand new version of these transmitters, so I didn’t know what I was in for as far as the actual set up time. I got into my Jeep and it literally took me less than 5 minutes to have my transmitter connected and working. I was able to listen to one of my favorite audio books on the way home from work and didn’t end up wasting any of my Friday night by having to spend too much time hooking up my device. ¡Perfecto! Once I arrived home, I stored my transmitter in my bag and went on enjoying the rest of my Friday. The next day, I wound up going to a friends BBQ. Unfortunately, there are only a few radio stations that broadcast where I reside and listening to the same music being played repeatedly gets old. Having a variety of musical genres to choose from during a get together is ideal, but what to you use to accomplish this? CD’s? I don’t know about you, but when I host dinner parties, BBQ’s and outdoor gatherings, the last thing I want to do is have to deal with the mess of transporting CD’s around, changing out the CD’s once they’re done playing and taking the risk of damaging the CD’s. Trying to come up with a solution to our musical woes, I suddenly remembered that I had placed my new transmitter in my bag the night before. I made a suggestion to my friends that we connect my transmitter to their computer so that we could play any and all of their downloaded music and broadcast it to the FM radio outside. I used the USB cable that comes along with the transmitter to plug the transmitter into the computer. The cable also powers the device – how convenient. Within a few minutes we had the transmitter connected to the computer and the music was entertaining all of their guests. Did I mention that this transmitter can also broadcast with an 150 foot radius? You can have FM radios set up in the front, sides and back of the BBQ, essentially creating your very own surround sound system. The very next day, my family gathered at my parents’ house for a nice relaxing day of sitting on the deck and enjoying the beautiful summer weather. Wouldn’t you know, we ran into the same issue as the day before in being bored with the music stations broadcast in the area. Once again, I decided to take matters into my own hands and took out the transmitter. I set up a small FM radio on the deck and hooked my Blackberry up to the transmitter so that I could broadcast my Pandora Radio. I used the 110/220V wall plug that comes along with the transmitter to power everything up. Being able to broadcast Pandora worked out well because everyone could take turns making up their own stations – everyone wins! These are only a few examples of how you can utilize your transmitter. I have to be honest in saying that I’m pretty excited to use it in other applications as well. The transmitter is extremely versatile – you use it to broadcast any audio source to your FM radio. Think about it: your iPod, iphone, Blackberry, Android, Satellite Radio, computer, television, etc. all broadcasting to an FM radio! Along with being able to listen to your favorite music while broadcasting from any of your electronic devices, the transmitter is also lightweight for ease of transport. The simplicity of set up is also astounding – in all honesty, my 8 year old Niece could hook everything up and have it working properly within minutes. Also, everything that you need to hook up your transmitter comes included with the unit. You get a 1/8″ (3.5mm) Stereo Audio Cable, a RCA Jack Stereo Audio Adapter, a Stereo Audio “Y” Cable, a 110/220V AC Wall Outlet Adapter, 12V DC Car Adapter (cigarette adapter), a Computer USB Power Adapter, and, for a limited time, a Lavalier Microphone. The bottom line is, not only am I a Whole House FM Transmitter employee – I’m also a satisfied customer! If you would like more information on our transmitter, feel free to check out our site:

You can also “like” us on Facebook:

Happy transmitter hunting!

Whole House FM Transmitter

Description An low power FM Transmitter using an op-amp as the audio preamp and a single transistor as the RF amplifier.

Notes L1 is 0.112uH (this tunes to the middle of the FM band, 98 MHz, with VC1 at its centre value of 33pF).

L1 is 5 turns of 22 swg enamelled copper wire close-wound on a 5mm (3/16") diameter former. Alternatively, you can have a fixed 33pF cap instead of VC1 and have L1 as an adjustable molded coil (eg UF64U from Maplin). VC1 will give you a tuning range of 85 - 125 MHz, and a possible choice is the Philips type polypropylene film trimmer (Maplin code WL72P).

Two sets of oscillator bias resistors are given, the ones in the brackets give about 20% more RF power.

Mike is our favourite Omnidirectional sub-mini electret (Maplin code FS43W). Ant is a (lambda / 4) whip monopole (eg 76 cms of 22 swg copper wire).

Q1 is configured as a Clapp oscillator. Frequency modulation results from the audio voltage changing the transistor's base-emitter capacitance.

Circuit Exchange International

Return to Radio Circuits

15W Fm-transmitter

It was five years ago when I did an attempt to build my first fm-transmitter. It ended in a giant faillure. The only thing it did was interferring with our tv-set. Looking back it was due to the lack of information I had. A schematic was my only help. Now, five years later, I know a lot more about electro-technics. So I searched for a schematic of a stable, tested fm-transmitter with a far reach. I will put all information you'll have to know in my page. I made drawings to make things clearer. As said before: I'm still building it, so I will add information every time I made progress. It would be wise for you out there not to start building untill I'm ready and have tested it. It has been succesfully built before, but my succes will give you a double security. I remind you of the fact that I can also fail.


Building a good fm-transmitter(88-110Mhz) begins with getting a good schematic. You don't have to understand the precise working of the transmitter to build it. But some basic information won't harm. A transmitter alone is, as you probably know, is not enough to start your radio-station. In the simplest form you need 4 things. First an input device such as an amplifiler you also use with your home-stereo. You can also use a walkman. Details about input-devices in the page: "Input". Second you need a regulated power-supply. In this case a 14-18 Volts/2,5-3,5 Ampere. One of the most influencial things you need is antenna and coax-cable. More about this later on. And finally the transmitter itself. You can devide the transmitter in two main parts: the oscilator and the amplifiler. The oscilator converts electric sound information into electromagnetic waves. The amplifiler gives these waves a bigger amplitude.


It's stable and has output of 15-18 watts. This enough to terrorize your wide surroundings at the fm-band.

The most often used technique to connect the components to each other is soldering them on a double sided copper-board. Another way is connecting the components floating. It is cheaper but very tricky. Below you see the copper-board layout(PCB). I designed it looking closely at the root scheme.

To get this pattern in copper surface you use a acid bath. Use a water-resistant permanent marker to paint your own copper-board black in the pattern the shown above. Color the back side ompletely black. The grid-squares are 0,5*0,5 cm each.

When the acid has eaten the non-painted copper away you must remove the complet thin layer of black paint with sandpaper. Don't remove too much copper with it.

So, now you have the surface to solder the electric components on.

Now a few basic rules for good soldering: 1. Use a special electronics-solderingrod with a slim top. 2. Use soldering-metal with an anti-oxidant-fluid core. 3. Don't heat the components! Heat the connection-point on your PCB. 4. Make sure that the surface is not too smooth. 5. Don't use too much metal. 6. Don't let the soldering metal form a bridge beetween two copper-surfaces. 7. If you're smart you start from the middle of your prepaired board. In this way you'll have enough space.

Below the schematic. The yellow lines are pieces of copperboard that devide the transmitter in 3 parts. This is essential. Without them, internal interferrence will ruin your signal.

This picture is the coldwater-version. For the detailled version:


For readable version:

There are some components that need extra attention. Transistors usually have 3 or 4 different wires comin' out. If you connect these wires in the wrong way the transmitter won't work. It may even explode. The picture below shows how to prevent from such an event.

You can find the numbers and letters back in the soldering schematic.

Coils also require extra attention. You can buy the coils trough ferrite in the shop, but the other ones have to be made yourself. Use 1mm AgCu wire. A coil like 7x/d=10mm/l=15mm, goes round 7 times, has an diameter of 10 millimeter and is long 15 millimeters. The best way to make a coil is to bend it around a pencil or other cilindrical shaped object tight. The diameter of the object is always d-coil minus 1 mm. In this case 9mm. As I said: bend the wire round (in this case 7times) with the revolves tight together. To get the desired length stretch the coil when still around the pencil


just to give some input: I have built the 15W FM transmitter you describe about 4.5 years ago. The PCB lay out and component selection is still the same as it was then and after some modifications, I had an average output power of 16.8W @ 98.6 MHz (measured with Rhode and Schwarz equipement). You will need additional filtering on the power lines otherwise a stable power supply for the modulating circuit cannot be guaranteed. The legs of the modulating diode are, at best, kept long for extra capacitance. This to make sure you fall within the FM band because before I did that, I had problems falling withing the 88-108 MHz. I was actually interfering with the police and fire brigade radio bands (Belgium). Of course, this is not the intention. I also advice you and readers to carefully check the orientation of the BLY88 because my professor blew one up due to lack of specification and inclarities in the datasheets (the actual pin out of the component changed a few years ago, resulting in a swapped emitter and collector - no good if you position it wrong. (the white cap flies of)). You will also need to play with the spacing between the windings of the different coils in order to get a good coupling between the different stages. I short circuited parts of the coils and made them smaller than specified to have near-optimal coupling. I also added extra ferrite bead coils for extra decoupling of the power lines, and used a very good shielding. Above 16.8W there is coupling (primarily through the air) between the output and the modulating/input stage and oscillation occurs. So for I have not found any other solution than lower the output power. Both extra decoupling and extra shielding had no effect (my transmitter is built into a fully closed aluminium box with seperating plates that are fully connected to the case or ground plane on the PCB, except from where tracks run (0.5mm spacing provided)). Also, use a good heat sink for the last power stage. I hope this information will be usefull. If you have any questions, please ask. Kind regards,

Electronic Engineer Space applications and space instruments division Verhaert D&D Hogenakkerhoekstraat 9 9150 Kruibeke Belgium

Tel. +32 (0) 3/250.14.50 Fax. +32 (0) 3/253.14.64

0.1-3.5GHz Prescaler - This handy prescaler divides input frequency by 1000. It takes maximum input frequency of 3.5GHz and converts it into 3.5MHz that may be measured using standard frequency meter. [Designer's name not included]

0-500MHZ LM3914 RF Power Meter - RF Measurement has been an expensive work so far the cost f measuring instruments are concerned. Although, the other project, PM2, is hot favorite among radio amateurs for RF Measurement, I wanted something smaller. [Dinesh Gajjar, VU2F0-Circuit Designer]

0-500MHz PIC16F876 RF Power Meter - RF Measurement has been an expensive work so far the cost of measuring instruments are concerned. RF Meter is based on PIC16F876 microcontroller, AD8307 and 2x20 LCD display. Full documentation is included. [Dinesh Gajjar, VU2F0-Circuit Designer]

1 Transistor FM Transmitter - The photo shows a wireless FM transmitter, pocket radio and yellow disk for size comparisons. Speak into the transmitter and others hear you on any FM radio. The transmitter can be built in an afternoon with simple, affordable and widely available parts. Construction is fun and much can be learned although performance is modest; for example, your voice gets difficult to hear at distances greater than 25 feet. [from Boondog web site]

1 Watt Four Stage FM Transmitter - This FM transmitter circuit uses four radio frequency stages: a VHF oscillator built around transistor BF494 (T1). a preamplifier built around transistor BF200 (T2). a driver built around transistor 2N2219 (T3) and a power Amplifier built around transistor 2N3866 (T4). A condenser microphone is connected at the input of the oscillator. [Designer unknown]

1 Watt RF Amplifier - This is a universal 1 Watt RF class C Amplifier that is ideally suited for low power FM transmitters. Input should be at least 100mW to achieve 1W output. It is recommended to enclose the Amplifier in a metal case. [Designer's name not included]

1.5 volt FM transmitter - Schematic only, no circuit description included. [designer not identified]

1.5V Battery operated FM reBroadcast transmitter - This implementation is adapted to rebroadcast the output of a CD player, television receiver, or radio receiver. I use it so that I can move about the house and listen to my favorite programs without disturbing others. Within and the house. [Contents ©2002, 2003 Richard Cappels All Rights Reserved]

1.5W VHF Amplifier - Circuit Schematic only. [Designer's name not included]

100W FM Amplifier - This Power Amplifier is equipped with a bipolar transistor, the famous MRF317 As lots of FM amplifier application. the power transistor is in a C class bias. All the impedance networks (Input & Output) have been determined by using the. [Michel P's website]

10mW FM Transmitter Project - This type PCB is the same style of design used on the 7 Watt FM Transmitter. Take a look at the digital snap shot on the 7 Watt webpage. Notice on that picture. all of the components that are soldered onto the copper. both the components and copper are on the same side of the PCB. I decided to use this style as it was very quick and easy to change out components. during the many months of experimentation. So, there are no holes to be drilled on the PCB, except for the four mounting holes. [braincambre500 AT yahoo. com]

10W 2M CW transmitter - I use this simple CW transmitter for working through the RS13 satellite. Using just 10 Watts and a dipole at 3M above ground, I have made many contacts around Europe and across the Atlantic. [EI9GQ homebrew radio]

15 watt FM transmitter - This is a powerful FM transmitter with 5 RF stages for greater stability and trouble free operation. The final output transistor is a Philips BLY 88 that delivers 15 Watts on the air. Modulation is achieved by using a varicap diode in the first RF stage for even better results. Like all of the high-power transmitter kits in this series, it comes pre-assembled and you only have to make the external connection. [QUASAR ELECTRONICS LIMITED]

150mW FM Transmitter - f you have got this far then you have already seen my V7 VHF FM Transmitter for the 88MHz to 108MHz broadcast band. That transmitter is "generic" in that the article was designed to be the source for other transmitters in the same area, perhaps for the 72MHz or 144MHz amateur bands using NBFM. 88-108MHz just happened to be somewhere in the middle. So what does the V7b have. [from Harry Lythall's website]

15dB UHF TV Antenna Booster - This is an UHF band TV antenna preamplifier circuit With 15dB gain to build easily. It is formed based on BF180 UHF Transistor. The first stage is an band pass filter constructed by the C1, CV1, L1, L4, C7 and C3, the second stage is a base-common.

15W FM-transmitter - Building a good fm-transmitter (88-110Mhz) begins with getting a good schematic. You don't have to understand the precise working of the transmitter to build it. But some basic information won't harm. A transmitter alone is, as you probably know, is not. [by IQ Technologies Industry, unless otherwise noted online]

1GHZ Frequency Meter - This is 1GHz frequency counter with 100KHz resolution. Meter is built in around PIC16F84A microcontroller and SAB6456 / U813BS prescaller.

1-transistor FM Transmitter - A truly minimalist circuit. Performance is relatively poor and stability is a problem. Q1 modulatessignal and acts as an oscillator. L1 and C5 determine frequency. Decrease C5 for a higher frequency and vice-versa. You won't get a long range transmission with this one. [Designer's name not given]

1W Linear FM Booster - This RF Amplifier is used for boosting small fm transmiters and bugs. It use two Philips 2N4427 and its power is about 1Watt. At the output you can drive any linear with BGY133 or BLY87 and so on. Its power supply has to give 500mA current at 12 Volts. More voltage can boost the distance but the transistors will be burned much earlier than usual. In any case do not exceed the 15Volts. The Amp offers 15 dB in the area of 80Mhz to 110 Mhz. L4, L5, and L6 are 5mm diameter air coils, 8 turns, with wire 1mm wire diameter. An easy project, with great results.

1W PLL FM Transmitter - The VERONICA transmitter is a very stable, powerful, and high quality FM emitter. Thanks to a PLL, the output frequency is controlled with DIP switches. Output power is approximatively 1W with a single regulated 13.8v supply. (see specifications) Features. * High RF output power. 1W * Full 87. 5-108MHz range (100KHz increment). * Very stable output frequency. Crystal reference & Phase Locked Loop. * Professional input bandwidth (fully RDS compatible ) * No complex tuning needed. * High quality PCB * Full documentation & construction details available.

1W Portable PLL transmitter - This small FM transmitter includes a limiter, a microphone Amplifier and a PLL digital tuning. All the parts are placed on one circuit board. The RF power is switchable between 1W and 0, 2W.

1W RF Power Amplifier for iPOD Stereo FM transmitters - This map, armored also enables automatic MONO / MPX through a low-pass filter, even with a multiplex on its entry by using an ON / ON, panning, the whole spectrum MPX more RDS is sent to the synthesizer, on the other hand when it is in a position MONO, the low-pass filter is activated and share its cutoff frequency at 15 KHz, only modulation G + D is sent to the synthesizer, as 19 KHz. 19 KHz carrier, the signal multiplex and subcarrier 57 KHz is thereby eliminated.

1W-5W FM Transmitter - The Veronica is an easy to build and tune transmitter for the FM band. It's known for it's stability and clean signal, does not use any IC's or similar specialized parts, and it has a built-in tuning aid that makes it possible to tune it with no extra equipment. It's available in two versions, 1 and 5 watts.

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NX25 Helps Make History in South Africa

As part of the first privately-owned and operated medium wave radio transmission facility in the […]

General Description

This is a small but quite powerful FM transmitter having three RF stages incorporating an audio preamplifier for better modulation. t has an output power of 4 Watts and works off 12-18 VDC which makes it easily portable. It is the ideal project for the beginner who wishes to get started in the fascinating world of FM broadcasting and wants a good basic circuit to experiment with.

Technical Specifications – Characteristics

Modulation type: FM

Frequency range: 88-108 MHz

Working voltage: 12-18 VDC

Maximum current: 450 mA

Output power: 4 W

How it Works

As it has already been mentioned the transmitted signal is Frequency Modulated (FM) which means that the carrier’s amplitude stays constant and its frequency varies according to the amplitude variations of the audio signal. When the input signal’s amplitude increases (i. e. during the positive half cycles) the frequency of the carrier increases too, on the other hand when the input signal decreases in amplitude (negative half-cycle or no signal) the carrier frequency decreases accordingly. In figure 1 you can see a graphic representation of Frequency Modulation as it would appear on an oscilloscope screen, together with the modulating AF signal. The output frequency the transmitter is adjustable from 88 to 108 MHz which is the FM band that is used for radio broadcasting. The circuit as we have already mentioned consists of four stages. Three RF stages and one audio preamplifier for the modulation. The first RF stage is an oscillator and is built around TR1. The frequency of the oscillator is controlled by the LC network L1-C15. C7 is there to ensure that the circuit continues oscillating and C8 adjusts the coupling between the oscillator and the next RF stage which is an amplifier. This is built around TR2 which operates in class C and is tuned by means of L2 and C9. The last RF stage is also an amplifier built around TR3 which operates in class C the input of which is tuned by means of C10 and L4. From the output of this last stage which is tuned by means of L3-C12 is taken the output signal which through the tuned circuit L5-C11 goes to the aerial.

The circuit of the preamplifier is very simple and is built around TR4. The input sensitivity of the stage is adjustable in order to make it possible to use the transmitter with different input signals and depends upon the setting of VR1. As it is the transmitter can be modulated directly with a piezoelectric microphone, a small cassette recorder etc. It is of course possible to use an audio mixer in the input for more professional results.


First of all let us consider a few basics in building electronic circuits on a printed circuit board. The board is made of a thin insulating material clad with a thin layer of conductive copper that is shaped in such a way as to form the necessary conductors between the various components of the circuit. The use of a properly designed printed circuit board is very desirable as it speeds construction up considerably and reduces the possibility of making errors. Smart Kit boards also come pre-drilled and with the outline of the components and their identification printed on the component side to make construction easier. To protect the board during storage from oxidation and assure it gets to you in perfect condition the copper is tinned during manufacturing and covered with a special varnish that protects it from getting oxidised and also makes soldering easier. Soldering the components to the board is the only way to build your circuit and from the way you do it depends greatly your success or failure. This work is not very difficult and if you stick to a few rules you should have no problems. The soldering iron that you use must be light and its power should not exceed the 25 Watts. The tip should be fine and must be kept clean at all times. For this purpose come very handy specially made sponges that are kept wet and from time to time you can wipe the hot tip on them to remove all the residues that tend to accumulate on it. DO NOT file or sandpaper a dirty or worn out tip. If the tip cannot be cleaned, replace it. There are many different types of solder in the market and you should choose a good quality one that contains the necessary flux in its core, to assure a perfect joint every time. DO NOT use soldering flux apart from that which is already included in your solder. Too much flux can cause many problems and is one of the main causes of circuit malfunction. If nevertheless you have to use extra flux, as it is the case when you have to tin copper wires, clean it very thoroughly after you finish your work. In order to solder a component correctly you should do the following:

& # 8211; Clean the component leads with a small piece of emery paper. Bend them at the correct distance from the component’s body and insert the component in its place on the board. & # 8211; You may find sometimes a component with heavier gauge leads than usual, that are too thick to enter in the holes of the p. c. board. In this case use a mini drill to enlarge the holes slightly. & # 8211; Do not make the holes too large as this is going to make soldering difficult afterwards. & # 8211; Take the hot iron and place its tip on the component lead while holding the end of the solder wire at the point where the lead emerges from the board. The iron tip must touch the lead slightly above the p. c. board. & # 8211; When the solder starts to melt and flow wait till it covers evenly the area around the hole and the flux boils and gets out from underneath the solder. The whole operation should not take more than 5 seconds. Remove the iron and allow the solder to cool naturally without blowing on it or moving the component. If everything was done properly the surface of the joint must have a bright metallic finish and its edges should be smoothly ended on the component lead and the board track. If the solder looks dull, cracked, or has the shape of a blob then you have made a dry joint and you should remove the solder (with a pump, or a solder wick) and redo it. & # 8211; Take care not to overheat the tracks as it is very easy to lift them from the board and break them. & # 8211; When you are soldering a sensitive component it is good practice to hold the lead from the component side of the board with a pair of long-nose pliers to divert any heat that could possibly damage the component. & # 8211; Make sure that you do not use more solder than it is necessary as you are running the risk of short-circuiting adjacent tracks on the board, especially if they are very close together. & # 8211; When you finish your work cut off the excess of the component leads and clean the board thoroughly with a suitable solvent to remove all flux residues that may still remain on it.

This is an RF project and this calls for even more care during soldering as sloppiness during construction can mean low or no output at all, low stability and other problems. Make sure that you follow the general rules about electronic circuit construction outlined above and double-check everything before going to the next step. All the components are clearly marked on the component side of the P. C. board and you should have no difficulty in locating and placing them. Solder first of all the pins, and continue with the coils taking care not to deform them, the RFC’s, the resistors, the capacitors and finally the electrolytic and the trimmers. Make sure that the electrolytic are correctly placed with respect to their polarity and that the trimmers are not overheated during soldering. At this point stop for a good inspection of the work done so far and if you see that everything is OK go on and solder the transistors in their places taking grate care not to overheat them as they are the most sensitive of all the components used in the project. The audio frequency input is at points 1 (ground) and 2 (signal), the power supply is connected at points 3 (-) and 4 (+) and the antenna is connected at points 5 (ground) and 6 (signal). As we have already mentioned the signal you use for the modulation of the transmitter could be the output of a preamplifier or mixer or in case you only want to modulate it with voice you can use the piezoelectric microphone supplied with the Kit. (The quality of this microphone is not very good but it is quite adequate if you are interested in speech only.) As an antenna you can use an open dipole or a Ground Plane. Before you start using the transmitter or every time you change its working frequency you must follow the procedure described below which is called alignment.

Parts List

R1 = 220K R2 = 4,7K R3 = R4 = 10K R5 = 82 Ohm R = 150Ohm 1/2W x2 * VR1 = 22K trimmer

C1 = C2 = 4,7uF 25V electrolytic C3 = C13 = 4,7nF ceramic C4 = C14 = 1nF ceramic C5 = C6 = 470pF ceramic C7 = 11pF ceramic C8 = 3-10pF trimmer C9 = C12 = 7-35pF trimmer C10 = C11 = 10-60pF trimmer C15 = 4-20pF trimmer C16 = 22nF ceramic *

L1 = 4 turns of silver coated wire at 5,5mm diameter L2 = 6 turns of silver coated wire at 5,5mm diameter L3 = 3 turns of silver coated wire at 5,5mm diameter L4 = printed on PCB L5 = 5 turns of silver coated wire at 7,5mm diameter

RFC1=RFC2=RFC3= VK200 RFC tsok

TR1 = TR2 = 2N2219 NPN TR3 = 2N3553 NPN TR4 = BC547/BC548 NPN D1 = 1N4148 diode * MIC = crystalic microphone

Note: Parts marked with * are used for the tune-up of the transmitter in case you have not a stationary wave bridge.


If you expect your transmitter to be able to deliver its maximum output at any time you must align all the RF stages in order to ensure that you get the best energy transfer between them. There are two ways to do this and it depends if you have a SWR meter or not which method you are going to follow. If you have a SWR meter turn the transmitter on, having connected the SWR meter in its output in series with the antenna, and turn C15 in order to tune the oscillator to the frequency you have chosen for your broad casts. Then start adjusting the trimmers C8,9,10,12 and 11 in this order till you get the maximum output power in the SWR meter. For those who don’t have a SWR meter there is another method which gives quite satisfactory results. You only have to build the little circuit in Fig. 2 which is connected in the out put of the transmitter and in its output (across C16) you connect your multi-tester having selected a suitable VOLTS scale. You tune C15 in the desired frequency and then adjust the other trimmers in the same order as it is described above for the maximum output in the multitester. The disadvantage of this method is that you do not align the transmitter with a real antenna connected in its output and it may be necessary to make slight adjustments to C11 and C12 for a perfect antenna match. Do not forget to align your transmitter every time you change your aerial or your working frequency. WARNING: In every transmitter there are present apart from the main output frequency various harmonics that usually have a very short range. In order to make sure you haven’t tuned on one of them do the tuning as far as possible from your receiver, or use a Spectrum Analyser to see your output spectrum and make sure that you tune your transmitter on the right frequency.


Smart kits are sold as stand alone training kits. If they are used as part of a larger assembly and any damage is caused, our company bears no responsibility.

While using electrical parts, handle power supply and equipment with great care, following safety standards as described by international specs and regulations.

CAUTION All the RF kits are sold for experimental and laboratory use only. Their possession and use are limited by laws which vary from state to state. Please get information about what you can or can not do in your area and stay within the legal limits. Make sure you do not become a nuisance to others with your experiments. Smart Kit has no responsibility whatsoever for any misuse of its products.

If it does not work

Check your work for possible dry joints, bridges across adjacent tracks or soldering flux residues that usually cause problems.

Check again all the external connections to and from the circuit to see if there is a mistake there.

See that there are no components missing or inserted in the wrong places.

Make sure that all the polarised components have been soldered the right way round.

Make sure that the supply has the correct voltage and is connected the right way round to your circuit.

Check your project for faulty or damaged components.

Electronic Diagram

Circuit Diagram of FM Transmitter

The circuit uses only single Transistor but good voice quality. This Circuit is very simple and uses few components. Main part of the circuit is LC ( Coil Capacitor ) Tank circuit to produce RF at required Frequency band. A transistor is used to power the LC circuit. The resonant frequency for an LC tank circuit is f = 1/(2pi * sqrt(LC) )

At FM receiver Device, Radio waves(oscillating magnetic lines) produces current in Arial. Which is further amplified, Demodulated and feed to a Speaker.

Part List : Capacitor : 10 Mfd. 01 Mfd. 001Mfd, 2.2pf, 4pf, 5pf, 27pf, 68pf

Coil. 6-7 Turns using 26 SWG Wire

Resistance : 3.3K, 2.7K, 3.9K, 220 Ohms Transistor =494B Mic = Condenser Mic 3V battery with Container, Switch Arial

This Video explains how Radio waves are produced.

Transmitters for Corrections

Is your television loud and annoying

in your recreational area.

I just retired from Corrections with 20 years, while working this block with 80 inmates, it would get so loud with the inmates blasting the television to overcome the people talking in turn the people talking would talk louder to overcome the television the results were a headacke, and unable to hear an inmate call for assistance if needed.

To resolve this I did some research and tried various Fm transmitters with security on mind I needed something without a metal antenna that could be used as a shank, and to still be powerful enough to provide a good audio signal to the inmates portable Am / Fm radios. After trying some less expensive Fm Transmitters some were not powerful enough, some had metal antennas which could be used as a weapon, I came across the whole house 3.0 transmitter which has more than enough power and compact enough to attach to the rear of the television out of sight. with two antennas your choice one out of hard plastic and a wire antenna for security reasons

This transmitter allows the officers to take back the control of the volume of the television and create some tranquility on the block. The transmitter setup is easy and quick once the installation is complete, you set it and forget it you can turn the television off leave the converter and transmitter on with no problems. When the television is on the volume can be turned down to a quiet volume, the inmates will adjust the volume to their desire with their personal Am/Fm pocket radio and listen to the television thru their earbuds clearly, this transmitter is so good they can listen to the television from 80 feet or more. The results are quietness, allowing your officers to listen to any disruptions on the block allowing them a more effective control of the block

Check out the size

Only 3 3/4" H X 2 5/8" W X 1" D

click on pictures to enlarge

Small but very powerful, this Fm Transmitter worked so good that the inmates in their cells approx 80 plus feet away could listen to the television clearly with the portable Am/Fm Portable Radio

Easy and quick to install check this out

click on pictures to enlarge

Attach the power Attach the line in cord Plug the RCA plugs to the

Power to the transmitter audio out on TV

You can velcro the transmitter to the rear of the television out of the way, I left the Fm Tranmitter I installed at our Correctional Facility and on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even when we shut the television off.

You may want to consider looking at your television to see what kind of audio output it has, you will need a analog audio output on your Television it will look like this

click on pictures to enlarge

Most Fm transmitters need a analog audio signal from the source such as your television, radio etc. otherwise it will not work, Sounds complicated don't worry installation is quick and easy simple as plug and play.

Audio Converters are used when you have a LCD television with only a doby digital or digital audio out source, you can see what you have by looking at your television spec sheet or look on the back of your television for audio out, If you need assistance feel free to give me a call, and leave a message I will return your call and assist any way I can. You can aquire more info on my Doby Digital to Analog Audio Adapter webpage or my Digital to Analog converter webpage.

The optical and digital cables can also be purchased here, prices will be displayed shortly.



To purchase contact Dave's Bargain Enterprise at 1-603-755-3851

click on pictures to enlarge pictures

Comes complete with AC adapter and most audio adapters

We also carry Am/Fm Portable Radios for the inmates both Analog and digital offered at an affordable price!

(Visit our webpage portable Am/Fm radios for inmates for details on the difference between analog and digital portable radios)

Our newest addition of portable analog radios is the SR202 am Fm Portable Radio, the SR202 has great reception and the price is affordable for the inmates.

click on pictures for a larger view

If you have any questions call Dave Proulx 1-603-755-3851 leave a message if im unavailable.

Purchase orders can be faxed to 1-888-884-9829 and addressed to

Dave's Bargain Enterprise,11 Pine Rd, Middleton, NH 03887

Dave's Bargain Enterprise is a registered business in the states of NH, NJ, VA and more. With sales to Correctional facilities in NM, TX, CA, NJ, NH, ME

Quick Start Set-up Instructions

Connect your audio source to the Whole House FM Transmitter 3.0 via one of the supplied audio cables (either the Stereo Headphone Jack or Stereo RCA jack)

Select an unused FM station in your area (The station can be totally static or with some bleed over on it. our FM Transmitter should have no problem "walking over a radio station's bleed over)

Set the FM Transmitter to that unused FM station (use the buttons on the side of the FM Transmitter)

To begin broadcasting turn on the FM Transmitter by pressing down the switch on the top of the unit.

Adjust any FM Radio to the signal that your are broadcasting on.

Listen and Enjoy, It's just that easy!

The FM Transmitter will not drift between stations because of our advanced stereo PLL Digital Tuner Technology.

The FM Transmitter is designed to operate non-stop 24/7 with an electricity cost of about $1 a year.

The higher you place an antenna for a FM Transmitter the farther you will transmit.

Complete easy to follow plug & play instructions are included plus tips on getting the best distance possible.

How Far Does The Whole House FM Transmitter 3.0 Go?

We guarantee 150 feet in all directions for a typical family home, that's over 70,000 square feet of coverage. Since the average home is around 2,000 square feet, according to National Association of Home Builders, it shouldn't be a problem to cover your entire house. Even Bill Gates' home is "only" 48,000 square feet!

Wide Variety of frequencies to transmitt are offered with the new 3.0

88.1 through 107.9 (in 0.1MHz steps, i.e. odd & even

Dave's Bargain Enterprise. 11 Pine Rd, Middleton, NH 03887

603-755-3851/ FAX 888-884-9829 / Skype 603-755-6266

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FM Transmitter ETG Indium look at the other models

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Buy Online Enter our online store. You'll find spare parts or used equipments go to Elenos e. Shop

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The general specifications can be changed without any notice.

A simple FM transmitter

Here is a low component count FM transmitter. It sacrifices some features, like the ability to adjust the frequency, for simplicity’s sake. The build method is fairly common with amateur radio but we don’t see it around here too much. Each component gets a 5mm-by-5mm copper clad pad which is super glued to the ground plate as an insulator. There’s even a pictorial example of this method if you need some help with visualization.

One of the schematics included in the article shows how to incorporate a condenser microphone into the unit. We guess that makes it pretty easy to add an FM ‘bug’ to your arsenal of covert listening devices. Just make sure to check your local laws before building and using this. We’re not sure what the FCC would think of it here in America so we’re hoping some well-informed readers will educate us with a comment.

Mensaje de navegación

31 thoughts on “ A simple FM transmitter ”

Well, this kind of device is pretty much flat out illegal to operate anywhere in Europe. You aren’t too likely to get caught due to the low power. However all it takes is only one person who files a complaint about interference on their radio for a van with triangulation equipment to show up.

Stuff that transmits on frequency bands not licensed by the operator is illegal, especially on commercial bands. And if you use it as a “bug” you can be sure to get a very stiff fine or even criminal prosecution.

If you want to play with radio, either get an amateur radio license or use one of the unlicensed bands. It is much better for everyone involved.

Low power AM/FM transmissions are allowed without a license, provided the range is less than 200 feet. http://www. fcc. gov/mb/audio/lowpwr. html

We have FM transmitters for mp3 players and the like here in the states. However, they are usually VERY low power (sometimes it can’t make it to the car radio antenna) and so the FCC restriction is really on the output power.

I have never seen that kind of board making technique before, it looks like a good way to make more rugged prototypes for cheap.

As for FCC regulation of FM broadcasting etc. I have no idea if this is legal by the book, but I would think that as long as the broadcast power is low there should be no problems. Similar devices are sold to broadcast iPods to FM.

Amateur Radio operator here.

Basically, the FCC doesn’t care what it transmits so long as it’s in an unlicensed band. Unfortunately, these bands are so crowded that it’s very difficult to get much range in the power you’re allowed to transmit at.

A simple google search should reveal what american unlicensed bands are. s/bands/frequencies/ if you need to.

The problem with this transmitter is it cannot be used with FM radios with a PLL digital tuner, as they require exact center frequencies to “lock on” to the signal. Since accurately tuning this transmitter is out of the question, only radios with analog tuners will be able to tune into its signal properly. I suppose there is also frequency drift to consider too.

However, it is a nice old-school style FM transmitter that should work well on any old style FM radio in an area that isn’t plastered with radio stations.

I live in San Diego, CA where the FM band is completely full from one end to the other, either by local, Mexican, or LA stations. Such things like this never work well here. There is no such thing as an empty spot here.

I learned all this when I made my own FM transmitter years ago.

Howdy. This was a great post, and the comments are also very informative…. this is the kind of stuff I like to hear. I’ll definitely be looking into this later.

and @bob was that really necessary?


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You Are Here: Home » Android / Apps » Best Radio FM transmitter app for android Mobile Phone

Best Radio FM transmitter app for android Mobile Phone

Best FM transmitter app for Android need every music lover, Here is a Best Radio FM transmitter for android free download, smart, Samsung Galaxy s2 iPad, iPhone, window phone and for all. You can get choose best android apps for your android. If you wanna enjoy FM through your Android mobile phone in your car or everywhere, then you should try FM transmitter app for android. Today customer can also enjoy a lot more that 10,000 FM programs regarding reports activity, popular music, sporting activities etc. Of the countries. These apps present an FM route service to pick a route we certainly have great 5 Best Android FM transmitter apps these are generally followed.

An amazing app that ideal individuals that like to pay attention popular music as part of his vehicle. Simply talk to the car or truck audio system MasterCard blue tooth and as well link directly. This makes coupling using auto blue tooth you should transition using digital sound quality. Simply regulate Frequency modulation transmitter. You have never to set consistency and also are able to use velocity tune option. As well pick out precise programs since faves and can recollect every time.

What is FM transmitter for Android Radio?

A portable device, which converts a particular audio output into to Signal, it can be a compact disc player, satellite radio system, earphone jack, or perhaps a portable media player, all FM transmitters have a variety of about 30 ft (about 9 meters). Can increase that range to up to 75 ft (about 23 meters).

Low output bring limitations for Frequency modulation transmitter to be used in large cities, Frequency modulation Transmitters are managed to get, easy to take any kind of audio from the computer, including music or online debates, and transmit it to play with, some desktop computer to hear Internet radio

In Fm Radio, Frequency modulation Transmitter to trap and process signals and Radio essentially can serve as alternative loudspeakers. This Frequency modulation Transmitter Helps with Android apps. The Android Frequency modulation transmitter app’s that provides FM transmission via the Internet

Best Radio FM transmitter for Android Mobile Phone

Tune Link Auto™ for Android:

The universal wireless Bluetooth to Frequency modulation and Direct Connect in-car audio solution for Android based devices.

Tune link is easily the actual most sophisticated in-vehicle mp3 user interface that offers invisible Wireless Bluetooth mp3 outcomes of your respective Android primarily based Sensible Telephone in addition to your auto’s mp3 system. Tune Link is actually common, doing work above Frequency modulation or perhaps primary connect to your additional (AUX) input.

Establishing the best-of-class Wireless Bluetooth transceiver, Frequency modulation transmitter along with leading-edge fast-charge remote USB receiving vent, Tune Link provides real technology to your digital camera, mp3 accessory market which is congested together with difficult docks, cabled solutions along with poor carrying out and about dongle-based.

FM transmitters.

The tune Link hardware device is controlled by a free Android application downloaded into your phone. Once you have downloaded the free App, using TuneLink is as easy as PLUG IT, PAIR IT, PLAY IT, SHARE I

Download the free TuneLink Android app from the Android Market or from our Website from Google play and Plug TuneLink into your car’s 12V power supply, Enable Bluetooth and pair once to your “TuneLink” unit, Use the FM transmitter or Direct Connect option to play your music through your car speakers, Set the share mode you want activities through the tunneling application

TuneLink auto features:

HI-FI Stereo Bluetooth link, Direct Connect, FM Transmitter, Fast USB charger, Humbuster

Accessory control, Automatic Reconnect, TuneLink Share Modes, FM Transmitter, Control, Speed Tune, Station favorites, Launch your favorite Media Player, Name Your TuneLink

System requirenment

Android based Mobile Phone or Tablet:

Android 2.1 platform or higher

Android 2.2 or higher for advanced TuneLink features such as auto-reconnect, auto-play, and advanced share mode

Vehicle with 12V accessory outlet, car audio system with auxiliary line input or FM receiver.


Bluetooth audio in my car? ¡Estupendo! The app, along with the dongle, do a good job at letting me listen to music on my phone in my car. Simply start the engine and the dongle powers up. The phone’s Bluetooth sees it and connects and that’s it. Additionally, it can charge my phone. It’s worked well about 80% of the time. There have, however, been a few hiccups.

Firstly, if I want to charge the phone, it has to be plugged into the dongle before I start the engine, or else it just ignores it. Also, if I cut the power to the dongle and power it up again soon after (for example, if I stop at a petrol station) there’s about a 50:50 chance that the Bluetooth in the dongle will fail to restart and it won’t reconnect. Another little issue is that

Quick FM transmitter

This specific use roll-outs speedily a good FM transmitter to get IS03. This specific use makes IS01, IS03, and IS05 only. In the rest, this particular use will not work. With the entire transmitter, remember to take advantage of the antenna for example seg. Additionally, Frequency modulation r / c transmitter rule isn’t followed within airplane mode.

I believe this little app is much better that people think. First of all, the FM transmitter must be turned on for your device. It works perfectly well on my phone. Of course, it`s not compatible with my tablet because there is no radio transmitter built into the device. However, in the car I probably saved a bucket load of cash trying to get all those hands-free devices. Plus I didn`t have to make any extra space. Would give it 5 stars, but I haven`t given anything a perfect rating. Because there will always be something better tomorrow.

Vacant FM Locator

This application does not turn your phone on an FM transmitter. It is meant to be used with a separate FM transmitter device. It acquires your approximate location and then launches the web site www. radio-locator. com. The web site provides a list of unused FM frequencies that you can use.

· Add internal table to improve inverse geocode function.

· Add ability to select GPS or WiFi. Cell Towers for location

· Show results in the web view instead of launching the browser.

· Fixed bug that caused a crash on 2.2 due to geocoding file size

· Decrease application size

This app does exactly what it says it does and does it well! If you own an FM transmitter, this app is your best friend. If not, it won’t help you.

FM transmitter Helper:

This application uses your present location to find out which are the most useful r / c to be used together with your FM transmitter. Finds three stations using the least interference, to get the highest quality seem possible without needing to have a problem with trial-and-error. Uses the FCC database (only works in the United States). Ideal for car journeys. An area provider should be enabled inside your phone Configurations.

This app can play MP3/M3U/PLS/AAC/ACP channels shout cast/ice cast add channels

Few other Fm transmitter Android apps

It is most revered in Poland, have the latest technology, not an FM radio transmitter is also given vote for any favorite song and gets audio or video.

Final verdict on Top FM transmitter for Android

We hope you will enjoy this collection, These apps are FM transmitter for Android mobile phone, This collection we are added by seeing their rating report and also top downloads report on an app store. So we think that these are really the best one for you, using this you can enjoy music through the internet any many others am related useful info, Than its go get it for you. If you have any suggestion then just suggest us for more info of FM transmitter for Android keep visiting. For more ideas keep explore our blog

200M FM Transmitter

Description. A very stable and simple FM transmitter circuit is given here. With a matching antenna, this transmitter can attain a range of around 200 meters. I assembled this transmitter few years and got very good results. Let us see how the circuit works. A condenser microphone (K1) is used to pick the sound to be transmitted. Capacitor C1 is a DC decoupler and the sound signal is coupled to the base of Q1 which wired as a preamplifier. R2 and R3 are the biasing resistors of Q1. Amplified sound signal will be available at the collector of Q1 and it coupled to the emitter of transistor Q2 through the capacitor C4 and 1mH inductor L1. Capacitor C4 decouples the DC component from the preamplifier output. Q2 performs the job of oscillator and modulator. Inductor L2 and variable capacitor C5 forms the tank circuit necessary for creating oscillations. Capacitor C6 is the feedback capacitor. The modulated FM wave will be available at the collector of Q1 and it is transmitted using the antenna A1. Circuit diagram.

Assembling the circuit on a good PCB will give better results.

I used a 12V battery for powering the circuit. A 9V PP3 battery will also do the job.

A battery eliminator is also fine but it will induce noise.

Antenna A1 can be a 25cm long copper wire.

K1 is a condenser microphone.

C2 should be a Tantalum capacitor.

Variable capacitor C5 can be used to adjust the transmission frequency.

This simplified formula will help you in making inductors , L = (d²n²) / (18d+40l) . Where L is the inductance of the coil in uH. d is the coil diameter in inches, l is the coil length in inches and n is the number of turns. Just try to make the inductor your self using this formaula. If you can’t, then comment here. I will give you the winding details.

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132 thoughts on “ 200M FM Transmitter ”

i need long range FM transmitter details.

hello, it is good a person who enjoy it.

sir, hw can i make the inductor coils? pls. reply asap..

hi sir, what is the power requirement of 200 meter fm transmitter? please i need it asap. thanks sir..

Can anyone plzz tell me the full value of 1uf tantalum cpapcitor means 1uf and how many volts? Thnx

can i use a fixed capacitor of 30pf instead of the variable one so that i could get a fixed frequency of 91.9 MHz, which can be atleast heard over a radio. Please reply me as soon as possible. I am in the mid of my project assignment.

i can’t understand L 1 and L 2. please answer me about this.

sir, idoes’nt got the variable capacitor and other pf and nf capacitors, from our local area shop. what I do now, iam in india, kerala, malappuram, perinthalmanna (street)

Hi suhail, it is an intresting circuit, most of capacitors can be found in scrap radios like 10band world reciever, coil is 3 to 4 turns #22swg or take it from old fm radio. 1mH coil can get from old tv, vcr, dish reciever..etc.

Hi, I would like to learn youre exellent experiences in electronic design circuits. Thank you. Regards Ali

I am facing problems regarding the making of the inductors 0.1uH & 1mH specified in the circuit. Kindly please specify the details, i. e TURNS, LEGTH, DIAMETER & GUAGE OF WIRE. I have bought 24 AWG wire, is it okay?? And also tell me that what range of frequency you had used in your circuit using the tank circuit comprising 0.1uH inductor & 3-10pF capacitor because I have theoretically calculated using the formula ” F = 1/(2*pi*sqrt(L*C))” that the range will be approx 159MHz(for 10pF) to 290MHz(for 3pF) which is beyond the range of commercial FM broadcast band i. e 88MHz to 108MHz.


L2 should be 3 1/2 turns of 18SWG with an id of 8mm. Coil can be spread or compessed to achieve the broadcast band range. L1 can be standard 1mH choke or honey comb wound 250 turns of silk covered 28 gauge wire on a 3mm former. Since this type of winding will be difficult you can buy a standard one and use it. L2 can be easily wound.

My problem is same with u, I wanted to comfirm about the frequency generated by the cap and inductor, by using a 3

10pf trim cap and the 0.1uH will generate 159mhz

290mhz, totally and clearly above the fm radio receiver broadcast band, should i use 3

10pF trim cap, or use a more capacitance trim cap? pls respond

add a 10 pf fixed capacitor in parallel with the variable capacitor to bring down the frequency to the required range.

Hi, just assemble the circuit and use any of 22,33,47 pf fixed cap and any guage wire between 28 to 20 swg is fine and strech or press the coil to get desired frequency, use variable cap to fine tune. A coupling cap is good for ANT.

sir can u pls give me a ciruit for generating radio waves using simple circuits like oscillator and amplifiers at low cost. pls tell as soon as possible.

I see your formula for calculating inductors, but how do you determine the size wire to use. Like #18 #24

i m making many projects using this website circuits, All circuit is working nice, so need any help about 200m Fm X-ter. transistorized intercom, Em field detector, noise detector. etc, then send ur req on fb >> solmate solution

thx sir it’s work for me, but i replace the 2n3904 with 2n2222

I tried this in Proteus but I don’t think its working. The o/p should be sinusoidal right? por favor, ayúdame

i just want the details of the inductor.

Please tell me that where the transmitted signal can be received either fm radio or another receiver circuit for testing and what will be the receiving frequency. Also tell me how we can make the inductor.

Seetharam, where can i connect a crystal to in this circuit, i want a very stable frequency, please show me where to connect the crystal

Hi Rex between collector and base of Q2

sir, I think you are in kerala, as I know you can help me. iam in malappuram district, kerala. idoesnt got the pf and nf capacitors and also the trimmer capacitors what I do now. you know wich shop I got these components

Can you give the no. of turns of the inductor L1 and L2. please, thanks

Yes by tuning the tank circuit suitably you can get the signal in your FM radio in the 100MHz range

the 200m fm transmitter at what MHz can it be received in a radio

I built this circuit but i could not get any output from the oscillator. Is the value of c6 really 4.7pf? because when i bought the components, the said that there was no 4.7pf capacitor, so i just replaced it with a 4.7uf capacitor. And is L1 1mh or 1uh? Gracias

podés usar un condensador de 8.2pF o 10pF

You can use a capacitor of 8.2pF to 10pF

send the detail of inductor coil in 200m fm transmitter circuit

Hey guys. I telling in the basis of i have first in eletronics and working in sony as eletronic expert. this site is cheating u. Ucan do this circiut but wOULD NOT WORK. U CAN DOUBTS. Ucan see the rivews. any get the output of the circiut. Every body’s are not working. As u want good working hobby circiuts. U can purchase “HOBBY ELETRONICS” books from shops. its is more better and good. Don’t spoil ur money and time.

Hey guys in the internet so many web site providing hobbycirciut i listened and looked these circiut and it is wrong trust me. I telling in the basis of i have first in eletronics and working in sony as eletronic expert. this site is cheating u. Ucan do this circiut but wOULD NOT WORK. U CAN DOUBTS. Ucan see the rivews. any get the output of the circiut. Every body’s are not working. As u want good working hobby circiuts. U can purchase “HOBBY ELETRONICS” books from shops. its is more better and good. Don’t spoil ur money and time.

Could I have a mini jack input on this?

You can delete R4 and K1 and directly connect input to C1 and common ground

how can i make an inductor of 0.1uH

I want coil details. Please send on my Id ‘Mdwxyz@Gmail. com’

Send me the winding details

is any1 dere..plz yr help out. fr designing dis ckt in orcad i need the values of transistor. diode, antenna and microphne..just lyk u had provided d values for resistance and capacitor..provide dese values too.

hey..dese components of dis transmitter..r so random..wil dese b easily available.

yeah these are easily available if not then contact me i ll give u hell of these components come to me then Khusbu lga k 😀

Seetharaman sir, I have read all the comments and your respond. before that i bought all the components and made one inductor of 1mh…but…as you replied …to Shine that….L1 should be 1uH (not imH)20 turns of 20SWG (0.9mm dia wire)6mmID covering a length of 20mm…….i tried really hard to built 1 mh’s inductor…..what should i do…i’m using this as my lastyear diploma collage’s project’s sir said to change the project if you are not able to find inductor in a week…and i really want to finish this one…. jak. arm1o1@gamil. com would you plz help me out.

how CE amplifier can works as a mixer

how amplifier can perform modulation

Review of Whole House FM Transmitter

I live in a sunny country in Europe and my house has a big backyard where I, my wife and two kids spend a lot of time outside almost any season of the year. We are also music lovers and we have tons of CDs and MP3s stored on my computer. I was looking for a solution to somehow broadcast music to the backyard of my house from my music library. We all know the difficulties to stream audio and music from an electronic source (PC with MP3s for example) to an analog receiver (FM Radio for example). This is not a problem at all if you look at the Whole House FM Transmitter which can receive audio from almost any audio source and transmit it to any FM receiver.

At the beginning I was a little skeptical about getting an FM Transmitter for broadcasting music in my house and backyard. The reason was that most FM Transmitters are relatively weak in terms of coverage and they are mainly for use in your car. After testing the Whole House FM Transmitter 2.0 I was relieved to find out that their claims of 150 feet (50 meters) radius coverage are actually true.

Before continuing with my review for the Whole House FM Transmitter 2.0, let us see some of the specs of this device below:

Receives as input any audio source (MP3 players, iPod, Home Stereo, TV, DVD, DVR, Satellite Radio, Computers PC or MAC, Microphone etc).

Transmits to any FM Receiver.

Covers the entire FM Band Range from 88.1 to 107.9 MHz in steps of 0.1 MHz. This means that you can easily find any unoccupied frequency to transmit your signal.

Use it anywhere you want (Home, Back Yard, Car, Office, Garage, Boat, exercise room, pool side etc).

The new Whole House FM Transmitter version 2.0 is built from the ground up with better features, versatility and reliability.

Compact Size and light weight (a little bit larger than the size of a deck of playing cards).

Covers 150 feet distance but still satisfies the FCC part 15 regulations.

Four ways to power the device (AC Outlet, 3 “AA” Batteries, Computer USB Port and 12V Car Adapter).

It includes all necessary cables and adaptors to start using it immediately (AC adapter, 1/8” (3.5mm) stereo audio cable, USB power cable, 12V DC car power adapter, stereo Y cable, RCA Jack Stereo audio cable).

If you purchase, you will get also 4 Free Bonuses such as Lavalier Microphone, Free USPS Shipping within USA, 1 Year Warranty and Lifetime customer support.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

More Features from the official site HERE .

FM Transmitter Pictures

This is everything that comes in the Box:

*Whole House FM Transmitter ® 2.0 also includes an internal battery compartment

Testing done on Coverage

My first test on how long the unit can transmit was pretty simple. I just connected a CD player with the FM transmitter using the 1/8” stereo audio cable and selected an unused FM frequency in my area. Power for the transmitter was from the AC outlet. Now, because I live in Europe, we use the even numbered frequencies so I selected 104.6 MHz on my FM radio receiver. After setting up the same frequency on the FM Transmitter, I was able to receive the audio strong and clear on my radio from the living room of my house to the far side of my backyard (around 120 feet away).

My second testing was a little more demanding. I went down to my basement with my laptop computer and connected the FM Transmitter to my laptop using the audio 1/8” jack (one cable end on the headphone jack of the laptop and the other end on the FM Transmitter). I used also the USB cable to power up the transmitter from a free USB port of the laptop. Then, I fired up a playlist with MP3 songs so that to be broadcasted by the transmitter. I went out again to the far side of my back yard to test out the reception. That was more than 120 feet away. I still could hear the music with a lot of noise however, but if you consider that the signal had to pass through the walls of the basement and over to the backyard, the bad quality was expected.

Other Testing Performed

I wanted also to test the audio quality transmitted with different types of audio sources and with different types of power to the unit. Keep in mind that the way you power the device and the quality of the audio source play important role in the output quality of the signal transmitted.

So I did the following tests:

Power Used for FM Transmitter

Audio Quality Received on FM Receiver (100 feet away with no obstacles)


Tom Amitai says

I am considering this transmitter, but the display in the picture looks fake to me. I have never seen any lcd display of that type with white characters. It looks like a printed transparency, stuck to an lcd display. I have seen such transparencies stuck to devices in stores, like clocks, to let people get an idea of what it will look like, but it disturbs me that the pictures of the Whole House FM Transmitter aren’t labeled to say that the display is simulated. Also, the web page about it is very wordy, and makes it sound to good to be true.

Thanks for stopping by. The actual display on the Whole House FM Transmitter 2.0 is like the one you see on the very first picture on the top of this page (white numbers within blue backlight). The other picture you see above (the second one) is just a labelled display just to simulate the actual one.

Regarding the device, personally I was very satisfied with it (just like many others), but this is subjective though.

Pablo Malverde says

mmm, I’am considering this transmitter for broadcasting my voice to a rather huge audience. Have you had the opportunity to test it with 50 or more FM receivers? would it be suitable for broadcasting your voice to such an audience within a big room (let’s say, a 300 square meter room)?

The number of FM receivers is not a problem. Like an FM Radio Station that can transmit its signal to unlimited number of FM receivers, this is the same thing with an FM Transmitter. The only limitation is the distance of the FM receivers from the FM transmitter. The maximum distance that can be covered by Whole House FM Transmitter 2.0 is 50m (150 ft) radius. So, if the room is lets say 30×10 meters (i. e 300 square meter room) then it will work fine. From my experience I’m very satisfied with this transmitter. Please let me know if you need more information.

Hi guys. I know that I’m posting this a bit late, but seriously, whole house FM transmitters are just as described on the manufacturer website. Nothing fake. I’ve got the old version (gold edition) that look a bit “home made”. I was first desapointed, thinking it would break after a few weeks. It still brosadcasting for 4 years, plugged on my computer. It works in my whole house and I can even receive the signal in my car when I leave home. It really broadcast on 50m through 2 walls. With an exeption: in my kitchen, close to the microwave and the frige @ 3 meters from the transmitter throught 2 walls. I had to move my kitchen radio 2 meters away (i. e. putiing it @ 5 metters from the transmitter) to recover good signal). I guess that my appliances where disturbing the FM reciver. Far better from any device you could find in sotres.

Yeap, my experience with whole house FM transmitter has also been very satisfying and I like the device a lot.

Thanks for stopping by and giving us your feedback.

Customer Reviews for NexxTech USB FM Transmitter

Date: May 28, 2010

For this price, quality, and features, you can't beat it ! It works on my pc, just plug it to the usb port and off it goes. I can listen to music in my back yard which is two stories below. make sure to use a power source other than the batteries as the transmission signal is not that great on batteries and you will get interference from other radio channels. Other than that it's cheap and best in it's price range.


The transmission range of this transmitter used with an high gain antenna can be typically 12 miles. It is available as an MPX Version or an FM Stereo with Limiters Version. In addition to this you can also use it with 13.8V DC (4.5 amps or more) or 90 to 260V AC, it will work on any of these power supplies. The Stereo Version with Audio Compression and Limiting gives access to the MPX signal allowing any external RDS units to be interfaced easily.

Any frequency between 87.5 to 108 MHz can be accurately programmed on the dip switches located on the underside of the unit and locked up to meet the broadcast spec in less than 5 minutes. By adjusting a small pre-set control inside the power amplifier unit or the 1W drive unit the RF power output level can be set anywhere from 1W to 30W. Jumpers also located on the underside panels allow the audio pre-emphasis to be easily selected to the correct time constant of 50uS, 75uS (USA) or none.

This is a real customer picture of our 30W MPX transmitter in use with an Orban stereo generator and audio processor in the United States. The customer said

"It is hooked up and really works well. It is "On the Air" and sounds great with the 8100 Optimod driving it. This is one of the best units I have seen for the value in a long time. I will monitor it and keep you updated on its performance"

FM Transmitter Mono/MPX Version - Stations with more engineering experience may use this version, this is because it does not include limiting or stereo coder circuitry. The audio limiting for this version must be externally provided and in accordance with the recommendations of http://www. aareff. com/ETR132.pdf. This version is typically used with external multi band processors, stereo generators and RDS genrators such as the brands Orban or Inovonics. Not recommended for novice stations or beginners.

FM Transmitter Stereo Version - This is similar to the Mono/MPX version except it is stereo and RDS cannot be used with this. Again stations with more engineering experience may use this version, this is because it does not include audio limiting. Again the audio limiting for this version must be externally provided and in accordance with the recommendations of http://www. aareff. com/ETR132.pdf. This version is typically used with external multi band processors and stereo generators such as the brands Orban or Inovonics. Not recommended for novice stations or beginners.

FM Transmitter Stereo Version with Audio Compression and Limiting - Most small radio stations and beginners will use this version, this is because it includes audio processing circuitry and suitable limiting to keep the transmitter in compliance with the maximum bandwidth permitted by the international regulations. There is also access to the MPX in and out on the back panel which allows all known RDS units to be connected. Novice stations with limited experience of FM broadcasting transmitters should purchase this version.

Our package 75W ERP System includes this transmitter with our stacked dipole antenna and very low loss LMR400 cable to give you a full system that will comply with the regulations of the European Union and most other countries in the world.

This FM transmitter along with all our other products comes with a two year warranty and our reputation of high reliability. On delivery the equipment is ready to plug in and use with any suitable 50 ohm antenna system such as our Vertical 5/8 Wave, Single Dipole or Stacked Dipole.

C. Crane Wireless FM Transmitter FM2

Discover the freedom of sending a wireless broadcast of any audio (music audio, streaming audio, MP3 audio etc.) to any FM radio anywhere in your home, car or office! Works great with XM Satellite Radios and Sirius Satellite Radios!

The FM Transmitter uses FM radio waves to send sound from any device you choose (as long as it has a headphone jack) to any nearby radio or stereo system. The only wire you have to connect is from the FM Transmitter to your gear. Simple como eso. And since the Transmitter works with any device that has a headphone jack, you can use it with CD players, satellite radios, and any other audio device with a headphone jack. Though the original model had a reputation as perhaps the best FM transmitter around, the FM Transmitter 2 is even better. It broadcasts cleaner audio with higher fidelity. One of the unsung qualities of C. Crane’s Digital FM Transmitter is its extreme versatility. While most people use it to send music from their computers or MP3 players to a nearby radio, some customers have told us how they use it with their guitars, portable DVD players (a lot of fun in cars), and even other radios. One customer uses the FM Transmitter as a brilliant solution to the problem of turning the TV’s volume up too high. She simply plugs the FM Transmitter into her TV, and sends the audio to a small radio she keeps by her ear. AC adapter included, or use 2 optional “AA” batteries. Our FM Transmitter is one of the few transmitting devices available that is FCC approved. Choose any FM frequency between 88.3 MHz and 107.7 MHz. Portable, fits in the palm of your hand.

Maximize transmission range by adjusting the VR2. More information here .

Color: Black

Weight: 5.8 oz.

Size 3" W x 3.5" H x 1" D.

AC Adaptor Included

Also runs on two "AA" batteries (not included)

Use in vehicle with optional car power cord

C. Crane Wireless FM Transmitter FM2

This page is intended to provide information only. I am not accepting orders for transmitters.

These are great FM Transmitters that produce professional quality sound. All transmitters include a power supply, whip antenna, and instruction manual.

The FM100B has fantastic sound clarity that rivals commercial FM stations. It has all the fancy bells and whistles that create a professional sound and give you lots of options.

PLL synthesized for drift free operation

The PLL (frequency lock) has also been calibrated for top efficiency

Built-in mixer - 2 line inputs and one microphone input, line level monitor output

Precision active low-pass "brick wall" audio filter

Clean, filtered RF output suitable for RF amplification

Frequency range 88.0 to 108.0 MHz, 100 KHz steps

Professional metal case for noise-free operation

EMI filtering on audio and power inputs

Super audio quality, rivals commercial broadcasts

HERE'S WHAT RAMSEY HAS TO SAY ABOUT THIS TRANSMITTER: Our FM100B is the updated version of a truly professional frequency synthesized radio transmitter station in one durable, handsome cabinet. It is used all over the world by serious hobbyists as well as churches, drive-in theaters, and schools. No one else offers all of these features at this price! The included frequency display and audio level meters assist in easy operation. The "B" version now includes some additional functionality including a line level monitor output, improved stereo separation, spectral purity, audio clarity, and adjustable RF Output.

Sound quality is impressive, and equal to or better than most commercial stations. Low pass input filtering plus peak limiters put maximum "punch" in your audio, and prevent overmodulation distortion. Churches, drive-ins, schools and colleges find the FM100B to be the answer to their transmitting needs. you will too. The transmitter includes a sharp looking metal cabinet, whip antenna, and built-in 110/220 volt AC power supply. An external antenna connection allows hook-up to high performance antennas. Many islands and villages use this transmitter as their local radio station!

The FM100BEX is available for those who live in countries where a high output transmitter is allowed. The FM100BEX is a 1 Watt transmitter and is not legal for use in the United States . The FM100BEX requires the use of an external antenna. I recommend the TM100 Antenna .

Note: The end user is responsible for complying with all FCC rules & regulations.

The FM30B has fantastic sound clarity that rivals commercial FM stations. It has all the features that create a professional sound and give you lots of options.

PLL synthesized for drift free operation

Front panel digital control and display of all settings and parameters

EMI filtering on audio and power inputs

Clean, filtered RF output suitable for RF amplification

Frequency range 87.9 to 108.1 MHz

Professional metal case for noise-free operation

Super audio quality, rivals commercial broadcasts

HERE'S WHAT RAMSEY HAS TO SAY ABOUT THIS TRANSMITTER (from the Ramsey WebSite) : The FM30 is designed around an RF tight vinyl clad metal enclosure for noise free and interference free operation. All settings are done without taking the cover off! Enter the setup mode from the front panel and step through the menu to make all of your adjustments. A two line LCD display shows you all the settings! In addition to the LCD display, a front panel LED indicates the PLL lock so you know you are transmitting. Besides frequency selection, front panel control and display gives you 256 steps of audio volume (left and right combined) as well as RF output power. A separate balance setting compensates for left/right differences in audio level. In addition to settings, the LCD display shows you "Quality of Signal" to help you set your levels for optimum sound quality. And of course, all settings are stored in the non-volatile memory for future use!

The design includes EMI filters on line level audio and power inputs, and a state of the art microstrip PCB inductor to reduce microphonics for the ultimate in alignment free operation. RF output is through a professional well shielded rear panel BNC connector for a perfect antenna match. Standard RCA connectors are used for left and right line level audio inputs.

The FM30 operates on a 13.8 to 16VDC and include a 15VDC plug in power supply. The stylish metal case measures 5.55"W x 6.45"D x 1.5"H and is a perfect match with your computer to broadcast your music files throughout your house. If you're looking for a super performer the FM30 is for you!

Note: The end user is responsible for complying with all FCC rules & regulations.

The FM25B has fantastic sound clarity that rivals commercial FM stations. It is simple to use and reliable.

PLL control for no frequency drift

Professional quality for exercise clubs, realtors, drive-ins

Microprocessor controlled

Adjustable RF output suitable for RF amplification

Frequency range 88 to 108 MHz

Features Line-In and Loop-Out 1/8" Stereo jacks

Can be used with included whip antenna or an external antenna using the F-style output jack

Super audio quality, rivals commercial broadcasts

HERE'S WHAT RAMSEY HAS TO SAY ABOUT THIS TRANSMITTER (from the Ramsey WebSite) : Need professional quality features but can't justify the cost of a commercial FM exciter? The FM25B is the answer! A cut above the rest, the FM25B features a PIC microprocessor for easy frequency programming without the need for look-up tables or complicated formulas! The transmit frequency is easily set using DIP switches, no need for tuning coils or "tweaking" to work with today's digital receivers. Frequency drift is a thing of the past with PLL control making your signal rock solid all the time - just like commercial stations. The FM25B's real claim to fame however is the use of the latest cutting edge stereo generator on the market. The audio quality is excellent with amazingly good stereo separation to keep even the pickiest audiophiles happy! Connections are as good as they get; use the provided cable to interface with the line output of any CD player, tape deck, computer or mike mixer. Just plug it in and you're on the air!

Foreign buyers will appreciate the high power output capability of the FM25B; many Caribbean folks use a single FM25B to cover the whole island! New and improved with clean and hum-free running on either 12VDC or 110VAC with the supplied transformer. Comes complete with case set, whip antenna, 120VAC power adapter, and 1/8" Stereo to RCA patch cable. You'll be on the air before you know it! Case size 5”w x 1 1/2”h x 5 1/4”d.

Note: The end user is responsible for complying with all FCC rules & regulations.

Side By Side Comparison

This small FM transmitter includes a limiter, a microphone amplifier and a PLL digital tuning. All the parts are placed on one circuit board. The RF power is switchable between 1 W (HI) and 0,2 W (LO).

Supply voltage: 12 V from accumulator or regulated power supply Supply current (HI/LO): 270/170 mA RF power HI: 1 W RF power LO: 0,2 W Impedance: 50-75 ohm Frequency range: 87,5-108 MHz Modulation type: wide-band FM Modulation inputs: line, mic, RDS/MPX PCB dimensions: 11,3 x 8,8 cm

The schematic diagram is divided into three parts: RF part (numbered from 1), PLL (numbered from 30) and audio part (numbered from 50).

Connect a 6 V / 0,1 A bulb to the output and set the right frequency on PLL. Set the RF power to HI. Now turn on the transmitter. You should tune it on a receiver. Maybe you might stretch coils of the L1. Fix the L1 in position when the tuning voltage (on Q3) is in range 4-9 V. Then use C15, C16 and C17 to adjust the highest power (the highest light of the bulb). Then you can connect antenna and audio signal. Adjust R1 until the audio sounds as loud as the other stations.

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Build a simple FM transmitter

Figure 1 - Complete circuit diagram of the FM transmitter

This article shows you how to build a very simple FM transmitter from thirteen components (one of these you make yourself), a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and a 9v battery.

It should be mentioned that this unit will be illegal in some countries as it transmits on the FM band anywhere from around 70 to 180MHz, however, it puts out very little RF power and shouldn’t really interfere with anything or anybody.

Below is a parts list. I’ve included suitable part numbers from both Rapid Electronics in the UK, and Digikey to make part selection a little easier. It's a fact of life now, that most mail order suppliers don't want to sell you one resistor and so you may end up having to purchase in packs of the same value. If electronics is somthing your interested in persuing as a hobby, then this won't be too much of a problem and it's a great, cost affective way to start building a collection of components. The one thing to remember, is that except for Electrolyitic capacitors and batteries, almost all other electronic components will stay useable almost indefinatly if they are stored in a dry, cool place. Electrolyitic capacitors can tend to dry out over extended periods of times, even when they are not in use but they should still be completly servicable even after several years in the bottom of your junk box.

Figure 2 - Parts list

The PCB or circuit board

Figure 3 - Underside (copper side) of the PCB; approx 3 cm square

This project was designed to be mounted on a PCB, however you don’t have to. You could construct the project on Vero board (strip board) or any other 0.1” pitch style of project board. If you just want to experiment with this circuit, you don’t even need a board; you can just solder the component s together and let the completed project just rest on the work top. No matter which style you choose, try to keep all component leads nice and short.

You could also make the PCB much smaller than the one shown here which is approx. 3 cm square. This is a good size to keep the unit small but nicer to work on for beginners. If you wanted to make one really small, you could use all SMT parts.

Selecting the operating frequency range

The value of capacitor C5 controls the transmission frequency range. In the UK, domestic FM radio receivers cover from around 88 - 108MHz.

The following table shows an approximate frequency range that can be expected for different values of C5. These are only approximate as frequency is determined by the L1 and the specification of the transistors, but these ranges were observed in the prototype unit. Also note that the closer the coil windings are, the lower the frequency will be. Just slightly compressing the coil dropped the transmission frequency by over 1 MHz.

C5 Value Lower Freq. Upper Freq. 5pf 130MHz 180MHz 10pf 115MHz 152MHz 22pf 106MHz 124MHz 47pf 89MHz 97MHz 100pf 73MHz 75MHz

Again this is just a rough guide. Different makes of capacitors will give different frequencies.

I personally picked a frequency that was outside of domestic FM receives so that I wouldn't bother anybody; and nobody else can "tune-in" by accident. However, if you don't have a communications receiver then you will have to pick a frequency range that you can receive with your FM radio equipment.

Winding the coil

Figure 4 - Winding the coil

The first think to do is wind and mount the coil. The coil is simply a length of 0.6mm / 22swg copper wire wound into a coil. Take a 10cm length of bare copper wire and wind it around a suitable former; the blade of a jewellers screwdriver or knitting needle is ideal.

You will need between 4 to 6 turns and you may have to experiment here. 6 turns gave my prototype a transmission frequency of around 120MHz. A coil with fewer turns should reduce the frequency.

Mounting the coil on the board

Figure 5 - Mounting the coil on the PCB

Once the coil has been wound, leave it on the winding former for now so that it doesn’t get deformed whilst your mounting it. Pop each end of the coil into the correct PCB hole stretching the coil as needed so that its windings are evenly spaced. Turn over the PCB and solder in both ends of the coil.

The above three images show how the coil centre-tap wire is made and then fixed to the coil. Solder the centre-tap wire to the approximate centre position of the coil. When it’s secure, turn over the PCB and solder the wire to the track and trim off the excess wire.

Solder the remaining components

Figure 6 - PCB components layout

Next mount the remaining components except the transistors, in any order that you feel most comfortable with. Lastly, you need to mount the transistors Q1 & Q2, and you need to be VERY carful that you insert them the correct way. Depending on which transistors you use, you may have to bend some of the legs around each other. If you need to do this, make sure that they don’t touch each other.

Now solder in the wires from the 9 volt battery clip making sure you get the positive and negative the correct way around.

Connecting the microphone

Figure 7 - The microphone connections

When it comes time to solder on the microphone you need to be carfull. On the base of the mic there will be two solder pads. If you look closely, one of the pads should be connected to the case; this is the Negative. If you connect the mic the wrong way around it won't work and you will probably damage it.

Notice above C1 in figure 6, there is a small link wire - LNK. This allows power to be applied to the microphone via R1. If you decide to not use this type of mic or to connect the transmitter to another audio source, you should remove this link.

The aerial

Figure 8 - Completed FM transmitter

You don’t need anything clever in the way of aerials for this transmitter. The longer the aerial wire is, the further the transmission range will be but for testing, just connect a 25cm length. Make sure that the other end of the aerial doesn’t come into contact with anything; that includes any part of the circuit or anything that may be earthed.

When you’re done, you should end up with something that looks like the picture on the left.

First tests

Figure 9 - FM receiver showing 119.9 MHz

Ok, now for the tricky bit. Assuming you’ve connected everything together correctly, then depending on the transistors used, tolerance of the components, characteristics of your coil and position of the trimmer capacitor, when you connect the battery you will be transmitting audio somewhere on the FM band, probably between 80MHz and 150MHz.

Place your FM transmitter near an FM radio and SLOWLY start to tune from one end of the band to the other. As you tune the radio with one hand, keep gently tapping the microphone on the transmitter with the other hand. At some point you should hopefully start to hear the tapping. When tuning you need to experiment to find the exact frequency. When you find the frequency, make a note of it and keep going a bit further. Sometimes you can find a stronger signal a little further down the dial.

Those using a communications receiver or scanner should select WFM or Wide FM if available.

Changing the transmission frequency

Figure 10 - Crushed coil to lower the frequency

With the component values specified, both my trial units popped up at around the same frequency.

I then “crushed” the coil slightly; almost certainly one or more of the turns are now shorting together (see fig.10) and this immediatly lowered the transmission frequency.

Figure 11 - Frequency has dropped to around 110.9 MHz

When tuning the transmitter don't touch any part of the circuit as you will cause the output frequency to drift around.

Now the microphone used has a built in audio amplifier (see Figure 7) and I kid you not, it can hear an ant blowing its nose at 50 meters. If you just speak softly close up into the microphone it will probably sound distorted because you will over load the input. These are ideal room bugs. ermmmm. apparently.

The PCB was designed using DipTrace PCB software and there is a free version of this product available for download that can be used to modify / print the foil. You will find the original PCB foil for download at the end of this article.

One question this is often asked is "what's the transmission range?".

The problem with attempting to answer this question is that it depends on so many external factors including, number and density of obstacles between the transmitter and receiver, sensitivity of the receiver, the quantity and strength of other transmissions on or around the chosen wavelength that can overload the receiver, and the size of transmitting and receiving aerials. As a rough guide, assuming that a clear part of the frequency spectrum can be located and a nice long aerial is connected to the receiver, I've had around 250 meters in the city or built up area with a one Meter wire aerial on the transmitter, but a fair bit more distance out in the open of it it's used up high.

Reducing the value of R4 will increase the drive to Q2 thus increasing the transmitter power output. However, if you reduce R4 too much you will shorten the life of the battery and may eventually destroy transistor Q2.

Happy transmitting.

New device ideal for MP3, CD and DVD portable players

Maxell Canada has introduced the new FMT-1 FM Transmitter that allows users to listen to any portable music source through FM radio tuners in the car or at home.

The small and light Maxell FM Transmitter plugs into the headphone jack of any MP3, CD or DVD player and transmits on 4 FM channels - 88.1, 88.3, 88.5, 88.7. The new FMT-1 offers a lighted LED on/off switch with a folding 3.5 plug for ease of storage and delivers high-quality stereo sound.

With more and more people enjoying portable music of all kinds and fewer and fewer cars with cassette decks that enable the use of conventional cassette adapters, this new technology allows consumers to play music from their portable devices through any equipment with an FM tuner. The Maxell FM Transmitter expands the enjoyment of portable music by making it playable over car and home systems.

Requiring three AAA batteries, the FMT-1 was engineered to deliver over 30 hours of continuous power. The Maxell FMT-1 is packaged on a brightly colored hanging blister card featuring photographs that demonstrate how it operates.

Maxell Canada, a technology and marketing leader, is a full-line manufacturer of digital media products for consumer, professional, and data storage markets. Maxell, a recognized brand leader for over 30 years, markets a comprehensive line of digital tape and disc-based recording media products for consumer audio, video, camcorder and data storage applications.

The company also manufactures and markets a wide range of consumer battery products, as well as a full line of care and maintenance accessories, headphones, label kits and hands-free headsets.

Maxell, a technology and marketing leader, is a full-line manufacturer of digital media products for consumer, professional, and data storage applications. Maxell, a recognized brand leader for over 30 years, markets a comprehensive line of digital tape and disc-based recording media products for consumer audio, video, camcorder and data storage applications. The company also manufactures and markets a wide range of consumer battery products, as well as a full line of care and maintenance accessories, headphones and hands-free headsets.

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It accepts load from 75 ohm source and has much smaller power output than Ground Pole Antenna. Use this antenna only when you don't have GP Antenna.

Construction: Two aluminum rods, each of length "L" in meters are joined together through an insulator as shown in fig. From center, 75 ohm cable is feeded just like ordinary TV antenna.

I'll discuss the design, calculation of length, wire to be used and set-up details of FM TRANSMITTER Antenna very soon in this blog. so stay tuned.

The New Digital Input FM Transmitter from Broadcastvision Entertainment with digital optical, digital coax & analog inputs (exclusive with Broadcastvision) is the most universal entertainment solution available. With a transmission range of more than 25,000sq/ft, the FM transmitter provides high quality audio transmission for maximum reception.

Broadcast audio from a TV or any audio source with a digital or analog audio output jack.

With the FM system from Broadcastvision Entertainment, users listen on their FM enabled cell phones, MP3 players, FM Walkman-style radios or plug their headphones into our stationary receivers that are mounted on the cardio equipment. Choose between our feature-loaded 10-key receiver or the most popular receiver, the retro.

Download FM Transmitter Sales Sheet

Part Number: AXS-FMTD Includes power supply, audio cables (3.5mm-RCA, digital toslink, digital coax), Tune to Sign (w/ vinyl numbers) & mounting bracket. Transmission Range 25,000+ Square Feet High visibility digital LED interface for maximum ease-of-use Option for 100kHz and 200kHz channel spacing selection Line Level Stereo Input plus digital coaxial and optical input capability included High Fidelity Stereo Audio Adjustable Audio Input Modulation Level Modulation Level Indicator Stereo On/Off Selection Telescoping and rotational antenna for maximum application flexibility Power Requirements: 12V, 300mA, 2.1mm Barrel Connector Input impedance: 1K Level Gain Control: 20 mV to 1V Dimensions in inches: W: 5.5 H: 1.5 D: 4.75 Weight: 10 oz. 5 Year Manufacturer's Warranty

Can be used with any audio source with an audio out (either digital coax, optical, RCA, headphone). Unit ships with Digital Toslink and RCA to 3.5 cables. Inquire if additional cables are required.

For those of you who are purchasing the Broadcastvision receivers, the Receivers are powered by either the cardio equipment or by plugging them directly into a 110v power outlet, please call us at 888.330.4283 to confirm that your brand of Cardio Equipment is able to power the receivers.

For best results, place the transmitter above the equipment at a minimum of 8 feet.

Part Number: AXS-FMTD Includes power supply, audio cables (3.5mm-RCA, digital toslink, digital coax), Tune to Sign (w/ vinyl numbers) & mounting bracket. Transmission Range 25,000+ Square Feet High visibility digital LED interface for maximum ease-of-use Option for 100kHz and 200kHz channel spacing selection Line Level Stereo Input plus digital coaxial and optical input capability included High Fidelity Stereo Audio Adjustable Audio Input Modulation Level Modulation Level Indicator Stereo On/Off Selection Telescoping and rotational antenna for maximum application flexibility Power Requirements: 12V, 300mA, 2.1mm Barrel Connector Input impedance: 1K Level Gain Control: 20 mV to 1V Dimensions in inches: W: 5.5 H: 1.5 D: 4.75 Weight: 10 oz. 5 Year Manufacturer's Warranty

Super Simple FM Transmitter

Making your own FM radio is practically a rite of passage for hackers. How about making a small FM transmitter?

Originally designed by the Japanese multimedia artist [Tetsuo Kogawa], this simple FM transmitter can be built with only 10 components and about an hour of your time. The method shown here is one of the easiest to build, and it’s called the Manhattan Style — the same method used when [Bill Meara] built his BITX radio. It’s unique in that instead of using traces it uses one copper PCB which is used for all ground connections, and then small islands of the same PCB glued on top to form nodes for the circuit to connect to. Besides being an extremely easy way to make a PCB without any fancy tools, it also makes you think about circuits in a different light. In fact, it gives “floating ground” a whole new meaning!

While its 10 component count is impressive, it can’t beat this 3 component FM transmitter we shared a year ago! Stick around after the break to see how to make your very own.

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26 thoughts on “ Super Simple FM Transmitter ”

i think with analog dying it is pretty doubtful that the law is even being enforced.

heck there was a sing along microphone and the transmitter for the verbot toy in the 80’s was simply fm transmitters.

i think the law is more concerned about taking down emergency signals like the police or 911 dispatch .

also radio is not the only form of emergency broadcast there is tv and even door to door evacuation calls.

though if you do find that it can broadcast outside the house or even property then that may be reason for alarm and then you may want to check with the law.

I’m here in Florida, the pirate radio capitol of North America. While the verbiage sounds scary, the ‘enforcement’ is pretty soft. My experience was with a 24 hour pirate FM station with a broadcast radius of 3-4 miles. Our dealings with the FCC were mostly limited to knocks on the door from agents asking to inspect the equipment, a polite refusal to let them in and them leaving to get a warrant while we packed up the gear and went to the next available space. This went on for years. There was eventually a police raid, equipment seizure and a few arrests after a new group took over the station and got very cocky and radical, but basically, if we stayed low key they didn’t go out of their way to haul us to jail or fine us. Of course none of us will ever get legitimate licenses, but that’s a small price to pay. I’m not encouraging anyone to broadcast illegally - I just want to ease anyone’s fears about playing with this kind of low power circuit. Have fun, be polite and use common sense. The FCC is just another under-paid, over-worked bureaucracy - they don’t have time to bust hobbyists and artists.

I understand the fine but why the life long ban on ever getting a license?

They may be underpaid poor saps but their employers are not. Finding new reasons to incarcerate people is the key for keeping alive the jail industry.

The radio spectrum is clogged with enough licensed crap that makes it difficult to tune what few listenable stations still exist. The last thing we need is more pirate clowns intentionally muddying up the band. Non-licensed FM transmitters (limited to a few microwatts) are more than enough to cover your home with tuneable audio… that’s the point of the circuit in this article, and using it doesn’t make you a pirate if you ensure that the output level and your antenna efficiency are sufficiently in check. But intentionally running at higher power levels than allowed, such as you discussed having done in the past, is just plain douche-y.

Honestly, by the time you’re capable of building a transmitter of sufficient power to break the rules and to do so with a clean signal that isn’t too wide or over-modulated (ie, to respect the technical standards), you’re smart/wise enough to not actually do so. Those that are all “omg, I built a leet circuit with more powerz” lack the skill & finess to build transmitters that are clean and that could avoid notice (by not trampling all over adjacent stations, for example). So, in that way at least, the system is sufficiently darwinian (assuming they don’t give themselves RF burns in the meantime).

Nonetheless, intentionally breaking the rules in ways which bring harm (economic) or inconvenience to others is not a responsible behavior. If you’re out in the country where your signal isn’t going to interfere with others, then what the heck, go for it… But if you’re in a populated area and you just want to get noticed by being a nuisance, there are far better ways to do it than by building/operating illegal transmitters. There’s the difference.

I expect some flaming for this, but being a responsible adult does, in fact, require cooperation with the rules of the group.

Not sure if you would want to peruse this issue. But, if you think about it most store bought FM transmitters meant for Ipod’s and portable audio devices to transmit sound whether music or any form of audio via FM. Belkin, RCA, APPLE themselves numerous others would be facing FCC fines left and right. 300′ or 92 meters at an output of 50 NANOwatts. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/FM_transmitter_%28personal_device%29

If this thing pushes 1 watt I would be impressed. I wouldn’t worry too much about the FCC unless neighbors start complaining or if out knock out half a city block of am/fm/uhf/vhf signals or a whole cable system. The FCC has bigger fish to fry….

Nowhere near 1W, even 50mW still would be way too generous… Also, kinda useless when you can buy all-in-one chip solutions that have a PLL and stereo encoder, all that for a few bucks. Unlike the cheap PLL stuff, this will drift (frequency) like crazy. If there’s anything worth pursuing, it’s building a cheap DDS transmitter where all the hard stuff happens in software ;-)

why bother (other than educational value)? look up SONY ERICSSON MMR-70 FM TRANSMITTER on crapBay, about $1.5 for stereo FM +RDS transmitter with ATMEGA on board

In grained in every living creature is the instinct to survive.

The Long Answer: Getting a job, which by the way is a false and misleading statement, makes survival easier to do. No one gets a job, one seeks and is given a job. Getting implies that it is all in the hands of the job seeker when in fact, it is completely out of the hands of the job seeker. The employer can refuse to hire for any bigoted reason imaginable, and there is nothing the job seeker can do about it.

So if all employers refuse to hire a particular individual, employers have made that individual unemployable, placed him or her in a life threatening situation and by extension made him or her disabled. It is one of the most cruel and dispicable things society can do to an individual.

I feel a rant comming on so I think I’ll move on to the short answer.

The Short Answer: It’s something to do in the mean time. ;-)

Well, IMO, this reply is pretty much off target with respect to the original post, still very interesting with respect to new toys to buy and play with. I just ordered three MMR-70, one for my SE-phone, one for my Raspberry and one to tinker with. But, buddy, if you have to ask ‘why bother’, you’ve definitely come to the wrong site.

Realmente no. Its all about level you want to operate at. You want to start making wooden wheels for your car? Weave baskets? This is electronics archeology. Its useful to know how it works, but not useful to make it.

We cant all stop looking forward and stagnate fixing old tube radios.

First: Thanks for your reply. ‘The level you want to operate at’ & # 8211; exactly right! What do we have here: a few parts worth a few cents doing something interesting. Something I can throw together in an afternoon and twiddle around using my clumsy fingers and an oscilloscope. So, you say this is electronics archeology, I say it’s a way to investigate on things that are the very fundamentals of our everyday life. I can’t have a look at the gate capacity of one of the billions FETs in todays microprocessor, but I can have a look at this pennywhistle schematic and try to understand it. Base-capacity in bipolar transistors.->pn depletion zone->varactors? Does this ring a bell? Cascode? Input impedance? Miller effect? There are information threads to follow and things to learn from here. And while this schematic or the actual device are irrelevant, this information is not.

What’s true in this almost useless contraption is true in whatever solid state electronics an engineer might come across in her professional life.

I don’t know where you’re from and at what stage of your professional life you are at the moment, but if your education system trains intelligent people to despise this kind of rainy sunday experiment just because you don’t learn anything you could not read in a book and you don’t build anything you could not buy from China better and cheaper, I would be concerned. Very concerned. ’cause then it will not be long until the only way to get such a device – or any device – is to buy it from China.

If you compare this to making baskets, then you have completely not understood that all your world is made of wicker, so to say, even if it’s so finely woven that you can’t see it.

so in essence you agree with my (other than educational value) assessment :)

The design isn’t actually new. It is the same as the one-transistor FM transmitter that has been around for decades:

The only different is that the circuit diagram has been changed so it is easier to build. It is, however, much more difficult to understand that way. The design is quite ingenious – the transistor is used both for the FM modulation and to drive the oscillator. The audio input changes the base voltage of the transistor which leads to a variation of the junction capacitance of the base-emitter diode. This change in capacitance modulates the frequency of the LC circuit.

I built a transmitter like that. Whenever you “move” the electronics, you will get noise/loss of signal on the radio.

Instead I bought a cheap PLL transmitter on eBay. Those things are cheap in China. http://nl. wikipedia. org/wiki/Phase-locked_loop


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We will show you how to build a long range FM transmitter at world's lowest cost. This transmitter will really work if you construct it carefully and follow all the information honestly.

As we have promised to offer this to all the list members of Pirate radio list, we are now publishing the full technical details of the following FM transmitter.

We request you to please mail us with your feedback so that in future we can give you more and more wireless and other projects for free. If we receive enough feedback, which will certainly encourage us to develop newer projects for you.

Here is the specification of the transmitter:

1. No. of stage: 4

2. Frequency of operation: About 100MHz

3. Antenna type: Folded 300 ohms dipole.

4. Range obtained in free space: Up to 4km with dipole antenna 30 feet above ground level. More range with yagi antenna.

Circuit diagram of the Transmitter

The transmitter is built on a Printed Circuit Board. This board uses track inductor for L1, L2 and part of L3. The section built around Q1 is the oscillator section. Oscillation frequency is determined by L1, C4 & C5 which forms the tank. Actually C5 is the feedback capacitor. This is required to sustain oscillation. This also influence the operation of tank formed by L1 & C4. Modulation is directly applied to the base of Q1 via C2. A microphone is connected here to serve this purpose. You can alternately feed direct audio here after disconnecting the microphone biasing resistor R1. Q2, Q3 & Q4 gradually raises the output power up to the desired level.

As most of the inductors are PCB etched, there is practically very little frequency drift provided you use a highly regulated and ripple free power supply.

RF output from the transmitter is taken from the junction of C11 & C12. This is unbalanced output of around 75 ohms impedance. But a folded dipole is a balanced type antenna of around 300 ohms impedance. So we need to use a 'BALanced to UNbalanced transformer' or 'BALUN'. A 1:4 type BALUN is employed here for this purpose. Antenna connection is taken from this BALUN via a 300 ohms flat parallel feeder cable commonly used in television to receive terrestrial broadcast. No coaxia is used to feed antenna. This saves cost. Also a parallel feeder cable provides much less signal loss compared to a coaxial.

The BALUN is made using a two-hole binocular ferrite bead as shown above. You need to use parallel insulated twin wire to construct this. This wire is commonly used to wind TV BALUN transformer. If you want to get rid of this, then buy a ready-made TV BALUN that is generally used at the back of your television set for interfacing with feeder wire.

If you prefer to build this yourself, the circuit diagram is given above. You need to carefully construct it keeping in mind about the 'sense' & 'direction' of turns. See there are four coils. Two coils in the upper section, which are red and blue, required to be wound on left side of the BALUN and the remaining two (blue & red) in the lower half to be wound on right side. Connection marked 'A' and 'B' at the left side of the circuit is reqired to be connected to the PCB at the shown point. As dipole antenna is balanced type, so you need not to worry about its connection.

The transmitter is built on a single sided PCB. As mentioned earlier, this PCB has a number of etched inductors. For this reason, you need to very carefully construct the PCB as mentioned below.

The above drawing is the copper side and below shown is the component mounting plan.

In the copper side view, you can see that there are three track etched inductors that resembles 'RCL' Every corner and track width/length are calculated and then they are drawn so that each 'RCL' section becomes an inductor of required value. Never play with this; otherwise, optimum result could not be achieved.

You need to use a laser printer or a high quality printer to get a printout of the drawings. First, save the picture to disk. Now try to print it from such a software which permits you to control print size. 'Paint Shop Pro' is such a software. Of course you can use any other software. Print the drawing so that copper side drawing is exactly 59mm X 59mm. Few trial will give you the perfect print. Now construct the PCB using 'Photo-etching' method so that all the tracks becomes exactly same as you are now seeing. Now drill the PCB carefully. The PCB is now ready to populate.

Start population according to the component mounting plan. You can also get a true size copy of this plan printed and glued to the PCB. This will help you work fast. Part of L3 is required to be constructed. This is described in parts list.

Please note that in the picture of the transmitter kit, capacitor C1 & C10 are not mounted by mistake and the kit is filmed. Please add these two capacitors. Try to keep all component leads as short as possible.

Now you need to design the dipole antenna to use with the kit. In our web site we have a complete manual of the above kit which descibes in detail, the full antenna construction procedure with tuning and antenna alignment. Before you go there, you need to remember that if you want to come back here, please use your browsers 'Back' button. We shall provide you a link below which will take you directly at the dipole construction page.

Believe it or not, a 2N2369 from Philips, used in the final power amplifier section, can give this much of range.

The FM Transmitter(s) that work with your 2006 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA

FM Transmitters come in two varieties. Portable FM Adapters are most popular and use an available FM station to wirelessly transmits the signal to your factory car radio. These are easy to swap between vehicles so you are always connected to your music. Direct FM Adapters connect to your radio via the FM Antenna Port provide an installed solution that offers superior sound quality.

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Anne Ahira's Guide to Gadgets & MP3

Pros and Cons of MP3 FM Transmitter

Mp3 Fm Transmitter

MP3 FM transmitter . If you want to enjoy your MP3 music player in your car, there are a number of ways to accomplish this goal.

However, you could be limited by the basic design of your car’s stereo system. If it lacks a cassette player, you won’t be able to use most car kits.

If you don’t have an extra port, you won’t be able to attach an adapter cable. The question remains: how do you hook your digital mp3 player up effectively?

One of your final choices is an MP3 FM transmitter . However, these are not necessary always going to be the best choices.

How MP3 FM transmitter Work

An MP3 FM transmitter works in a pretty straightforward manner. Basically, they send the music to your existing car system over any open FM channel.

You just need to place the transmitter on your player (make sure you choose one designed for your specific model) and locate it somewhere in the vehicle where you should be able to pick up a strong signal. That’s often near your antenna.

The Advantages of MP3 FM transmitter

Obviously, the biggest plus of this system is that you can finally listen to music through your existing stereo mp3 speaker and you don’t have to carry around your entire library of CDs in the car anymore.

You also don’t have to worry about replacing your existing system because all stereos include FM radios so this method is probably going to work, in that regard, with any vehicle.

Another advantage is that some of these can also be wireless which means you don’t have to worry if your car is also lacking a lighter (the port normally used for powering these added devices).

The Disadvantages of MP3 FM transmitter

While in some cases, this might be the only option available you might want to consider it only as a last resort if other choices are available. Part of the reason is the sound quality is rarely all that good.

You’ve heard FM stations before so you probably have some idea of what to expect. Plus, if you live in a bigger city with a lot of stations being used, you might have to struggle to find a free channel.

Another disadvantage is that in many spots you are going to lose the signal altogether. This is most common when you’re passing tall structures and going into valleys. The lost signal problem can be quite annoying especially when it occurs frequently.

If you do want to use an MP3 with FM transmitter for your portable mp3 player in the car, be sure to read some reviews and find the best one available.

The cheaper models are going to deliver a great deal less in terms of performance so you want to steer clear of them. Also, you’ll be less likely to find wireless options.

Some of these transmitters will also work with your existing home stereo as well which might be a nice feature if you want a way to listen to your music indoors, too.

Here's MP3 FM Transmitter Selections:

Vividh Bharati Kolkata available on FM

MUMBAI: Vividh Bharati Kolkata is now available on FM 101.8 MhZ. It can also be heard on car stereos.

Akashvani recently inaugurated a 10 KW FM transmitter for Vividh Bharati services of All India Radio Kolkata. This enabled the station to be available on the FM wave.

AIR director general F Sheheryar tweeted, “Vividhbharati in Kolkata penetrates into mobile handsets and car stereos too. FM xtr inaugurated.”

Prasar Bharati CEO Jawhar Sircar said, “These days the youth are listening to everything on the internet. If Vividh Bharati goes online, then listeners from California to Vancouver will be able to listen to it. We are currently conducting an experiment in this regard.”

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Stereoboomm FM transmitter is a professional music FM transmitter. You connect the transmitter to the antenna input of your car radio. The other side of the Stereoboomm connects to the MP3 player, i-Pod, i-Phone or cellphone. The Stereoboomm FM transmitter is suitable for most music devices including all iPhones®, all MP3 players, iPod® Nano, iPod® Video and other music phones .

There is no interference from a radio station because of its Patented Switch Technology. There is no need to change the frequency of the FM transmitter or Radio because the patented technology keeps the sound well and protects against disturbance.


Play your music distortion free and in stereo sound on your car speakers !

• Put your stereo sound on your car speakers • Suitable for iPhoneTM, iPhoneTM 3G, all MP3 players (including iPod® Nano(*), iPod®Video(*), …), music phones, and other music sources • No risk of interference from a radio station because of patented switch technology • Superior sound quality • Legal to use in all countries • Easy to install: Compatible with all car radios • 2.5 mm / 3.5 mm stereo jack to any music source • Perfect compatibility with mr Handsfree car kits • Frequency range: 20 Hz – 20 KHz • Transmission range: 87.7 – 88.9 MHz • Dimensions. 42 x 60 x 16 mm • Weight. 112 grams

& # 8211; FM Transmitter – Installation clips – 2.5/3.5mm Stereo jack converter

Stereo FM transmitter

PLL Stereo FM transmitter circuit.

BH1417 IC

The circuit shown here is of a good Stereo FM transmitter that can transmit high quality signals up to a range of 70 feet. The circuit is based on BH1417 PLL stereo transmitter IC from Rhom semiconductors. The IC has separate audio processing sections for the left and right channels, pre emphasis circuit for improving signal to noise ratio, crystal control circuitry for accurate frequency locking, multiplex circuit for making sum ( left plus right) and difference ( left minus right) etc. Another important feature of this IC is that the transmission frequency can be set using a 4 channel DIP switch. The IC can be powered from anything between 4 to 6V DC and has an output power around 20mW. At full output power the circuit consumes only 20mA and has a channel separation of 40dB. There are 14 possible preset transmission frequencies, starting from 88.7MHz and incrementing in steps of 0.2MHz that can be selected using the DIP switch. The PLL circuitry of the IC is so precise that there is practically no frequency drift.

Circuit diagram.

Stereo FM transmitter circuit using BH1417

Circuit description.

Capacitors C18 and C19 are DC decoupling capacitors for the left and right channel inputs. Capacitors C1 and C17 are used to set the amount of pre-emphasis required and here with the used values it is 50uS. Capacitors C2 and C16 sets the roll-off point of the low pass filter. The crystal X1 is a 7.6MHz crystal which sets the oscillator’s frequency while capacitors C13 and C14 associated with are used for providing the appropriate loading. Resistors R8 to R11 are the pull-up resistors for the D0 to D3 (pins 15 to 18 of the IC) respectively. These pins can be held low by closing the corresponding switches. The RF oscillator of the IC is tuned using the components L1, C11, C12 and D1. Capacitor C11 prevents and DC voltage being applied to the varicap diode D1 and thereby prevents current flow into the inductor L1. More over it reduces the effects of changes in the capacitance of D1 on the pin 9. Capacitor C7 prevents any DC current from flowing into the inductor L1 from pin 9 of the IC. The composite output signal at pin 5 is applied to the junction of R6 and R7 though a network comprising of components C4, C5, C6 and R1. In the circuit pin 19 of the circuit is left unconnected, but an optional capacitor at this pin can be used to set the pilot level and phase. Any way such a capacitor is not at all a necessity here and the circuit will work perfectly even if the capacitor at pin 9 is omitted.

The composite output signal undergoes some attenuation while passing through this network and finally reaches the varicap diode D1. The carrier frequency is controlled using the PLL (phase lock loop) phase detector output pin (pin 7) and the components connected around it. The darlington transistor Q1 is driven by the output of the pin7 and the transistor applies a control voltage on the varicap diode through resistor R5, R6 and R7. Capacitor C10 works as a high frequency filter while R7 is meant for isolation. Resistor R4 and capacitor C9 connected in series between the collector and base of Q1 provides further filtering. Resistor R4 improves the response of the transistor to transient changes while capacitor C9 improves low frequency filtering. Capacitor C8 connected between collector and base of Q1 provides additional high frequency filtering. Resistor R3 serves as the collector load for the transistor Q1.

The modulated RF output is available at pin 11 and it is fed to the antenna through a filter network consisting of components L2, L3, C20, and C21. The job of this filter network is to remove harmonics. Resistors R12, R13 and R14 reduces the signal level to the antenna and as a result decreases the output power of the transmitter. Such a reduction is necessary to make the transmitter legal because in many countries transmitters that has an output power more than few milli watts (may change from nation to nation) are illegal. By omitting R12, R13, R14 and connecting the antenna directly to the junction of L2 and C21, the range can be increased, but do it at your own risk.

Setting up the transmitter.

Firstly set the frequency of transmission using the DIP switch. Then connect the circuit to the power supply and connect the positive lead of your multimeter to pin 8 of the IC and the negative lead to ground. The multimeter should show a reading equal to the supply voltage. Now move the positive lead of the multimeter to the junction of R5 and R6 and adjust the slug (ferrite core of L1) so that the multimeter reads 2V. The L1 has to be readjusted for getting 2V between junction of R5, R6 and Ground every time you change the transmission frequency.


Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB.

The circuit can be powered from anything between 4 to 6V DC. I recommend using a 6V battery pack.

If you are using a battery eliminator for powering the circuit, it must be well regulated and free of any sort of noise.

Antenna can be a 1 metre long insulated copper wire.

Table for selecting the frequency is shown with the circuit diagram.

Crystal X1 is 7.68MHz.

For L1 make 2.5 turns of 1mm enamelled copper wire on a plastic former with an F29 ferrite slug inside it.

Optional 10K POTs can be connected in series to the input pins (pins 22 and 1) of the IC for adjusting the channel balance.

All electrolytic capacitors are rated at 10V DC.

1.5 Watt FM Transmitter

This is a simple, well designed 1.5 Watt FM Transmitter circuit using power transistor 2N2219A. This circuit should be able to cover 1-2 KM range. It use +5-30V power supply to work.

Refer to the above diagram, the input source is an electret condenser microphone (you may try to use other input sources) and signal gain from the input can be adjusted by using the potentiometer P1. You can easily prepare the PCB by using any PCB editor and apply it to the board by using the ironing method. The coils and the antenna can be designed as a part of the PCB made up of the copper area.

Components List:

R1=220K R2=4.7K R3,R4=10K R5=100ohm

C1,C2=4.7uF Electrolytic C3,C4=1nF C5=2-15pF C6=3.3pF

Q1=BC547C Q2=2N2219A P1=25K MIC=Electret Condenser Type

P1 act as condenser microphone volume level. For FM, coil will be small. Use thin gauge enamel magnet wire. the diameter of coil will be a couple mm: use ink tube from pen to form, and try 8-12 turns. Small inductance coils make for much guess work.

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This is librtty [/ˈlɪbərti/], an open source Arduino library for generating an RTTY bitstream to be fed into an FM transmitter. Uses a potential divider on the Arduino output pin, providing the correct voltages to set the frequency shift.

Call this line before setup(): RTTY rtty(radio_txd_pin, baud_rate, stop_bits, CHECKSUM_CRC16)

Then call the transmit() function with the string you wish to send, forex: rtty. transmit("This is my string\r\n")

Library Functions : Transmit a string: transmit(string);

Set the transmission baud rate: setBaud(50);

Get the current baud rate setting: getBaud();

Set the checksum type to be appended to the transmitted string: setChecksum(CHECKSUM_CRC16);

Get the current checksum setting: getChecksum();

Written by Jon Sowman in 2010 and released into the public domain under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.

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Here’s a little overview of a 1W PLL FM transmitter driver. Hopefully it will help you with retuning, fault finding or just to learn more about these boards. The familiar CMOS PLL section has been used in plenty of other designs and seems to work well. Output varies from 500mW to about 1.2W depending on the frequency and the final output device – Motorola 2N4427 always seems to win but at a few quid extra cost of course. If anyone has more info on this design and where it came from please get in touch. I’m pretty sure i saw a VERY similar PLL and VCO combination and PCB layout in a book i once picked up but i can’t be sure.

PLL FM transmitter driver (aka Dawson driver)

PLL FM transmitter PCB layout - A rather crude layout I did using MS Paint. Not the best but it should work

FM driver PLL tuning components

This shows the test point for the PLL lock voltage. Ideally, it should be set for 3V (in the middle) using the oscillator coil. If the voltage doesn’t change, oscillator may be at the end of its range in which case then c3 should be either increased slightly for a lower frequency and decreased for higher frequency. Try 22pF plus/minus 10pF

Thanks to the guy who sent in this neat schematic. A great help for fault finding and learning!

1W PLL FM transmitter PCB files

Update: I finally got round to redrawing this in EAGLE.

PLL transmitter driver PCB

Here are some 3D renders of the Gerber files:

Component values

R1 – 10K R2 – 10K R3 – 10K R4 – 10K R5 – 10K R6 – 100R R7 – 1K R8 – 10K R9 – 470R R10 – 10K R11 – 470R R12 – 100R R13 – 470R R14 – 10K R15 – 10R R16 – 47R R17 – 10R R18 – 100K R19 – 1K R20 – 10K R21 – 10K R22 – 1M R23 – 100K R24 – 100K R25 – 100R

RP1 – 9 Pin 100K Commoned Resistor array RP2 – 9 Pin 100K Commoned Resistor array

C1 – 1uF electrolytic C2 – 27pF ceramic C3 – 22pF ceramic (tuning cap - change to extend tuning range) C4 – 27pF ceramic C5 – 100pF ceramic (101) C6 – 100pF ceramic (101) C7 – 100pF ceramic (101) C8 – 1000uF electrolytic C9 – 100nF ceramic (104) C10 – 100nF ceramic (104) C11 – 100pF ceramic (101) C12 – 4.7pF ceramic C13 – 100nF ceramic (104) C14 – 100nF ceramic (104) C15 – 100nF ceramic (104) C16 – 100nF ceramic (104) C17 – 100nF ceramic (104) C18 – 39pF ceramic C19 – 39pF ceramic C20 – 39pF ceramic C21 – 39pF ceramic C22 – 1nF ceramic (102) C23 – 10nF ceramic (103) C24 – 47uF electrolytic C25 – 1uF electrolytic C26 – 10uF electrolytic C27 – 100nF ceramic (104) C28 – 100nF ceramic (104) C29 – 100nF ceramic (104) C30 – 100nF ceramic (104) C31 – 100pF ceramic (101) C32 – 100nF ceramic (104) C33 – 47uF electrolytic C34 – 100nF ceramic (104)

VC1 – 2..22pF green trimmer VC2 – 5..60pF yellow trimmer VC3 – 2..22pF green trimmer VC4 – 2..22pF green trimmer

L1 – Toko tuning coil with screening can 5.5 turns 100-075 L2 – Toko S18 Yellow L3 – Toko S18 Yellow L4 – Toko S18 Green L5 – Toko S18 Green L6 – Toko S18 Orange L7 – Toko S18 Orange L8 – RF choke 10uH-100uH

VD1 – Variable capacitance diode VD2 – Variable capacitance diode VD3 – Variable capacitance diode D1 – 1N4841 ZD1 - BZX 6.2V Zener Diode

Q1 – BSX20 Q2 – BSX20 Q3 – BSX20 (or ztx313 on older boards) Q4 – BSX20 (or ztx313 on older boards) Q5 – 2N4427 with clip on heatsink (Motorola will give more power)

74HC4024 – Binary Counter 74HC4060 – Binary counter with oscillator 74HC4046 – Phase locked loop IC 74HC4059 – Divide by N counter

6.4 Mhz Quartz Crystal DIP1 – 8 Way DIL DIP Switch DIP2 – 8 Way DIL DIP Switch

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That’s pretty much my 1982 driver board. It was used by lots of London stations up until I did the first TDA1057 & PIC exciters (very much cheaper than just the 74HC4059!). Most of them had a very crude pi-match output circuit because they’d be clean enough to drive a well-filtered PA.

The first run of these boards had BF199s and an MRF227 or 2SC1947 final for around 2.5 Watts out. These would drive a pair of 2N3375s into a pair of the infamous Birkett’s 587BLYs. The twin PA would deliver around 180 Watts (almost 200 Watts at the bottom of the band) when run at

31 Volts (24V RMS secondary ILP toroid at 450VA)…..

The first batches of these boards cost <£6 to build, and with the 3375's at £1 each and the 587BLYs at £2.50 each, the most expensive parts were the box, transformer, smoothing electrolytic and the heatsink!

One station had eight of these taken in one Bank Holiday weekend, but managed to stay on the air by use of multiple installs and several link frequencies! They were so cheap and easy to build that we could afford to "lose" a few!

The spectral purity of the 90 and 180 Watt versions was quite spectacular – <-65 dBC when aligned correctly and matched well into the antenna. The twin PA version was actually quite a lot better than the single output device version because the second harmonic would cancel.

Hi Albert I’m “Caesar” from the old Y2k Forum, you probably don’t remember me but I came across one of your linkbox designs on the RadioNecks forum, and I’m trying to build it for a bit of fun and nostalgia as I used to have mine built by RWD & Reload from Essex. Anyway I wasn’t sure if you had an account on RadioNecks but I wanted to pick your brain about the design. Apreciaria muchísimo su ayuda. Gracias

Forex KumandalД± 623A Çakmak ve USB GiriЕџli FM Transmitter

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FM Tracking Transmitter

For some time I had been wanting a tracking transmitter for my rockets. As my rockets became larger, and flew higher it soon became apparent my flying field needed to be larger. The answer was easy, my family owns a one square mile area of land with no roads on it, a perfect launch area. The only problem, from about mid June through September the land has row crops on it, making finding a rocket that may land 1/4 mile away a near impossible task.

Early on I experimented with the FRS radios. They were inexpensive and had decent range. The problem was they were difficult to make directional. While I may use them in future rockets for simple data transmission, I don't think they will work well for tracking.

So I searched the Internet for other transmitter plans. I wanted the design simple, inexpensive and no license required to use it. A small FM transmitter seemed to meet those requirements. I downloaded about 6 different designs, and built four of them. The design that worked the best was found at http://www. jbgizmo. com/index. html The owner of the site sells a kit to make this transmitter, as well as offers the plans on the web site for free. Please note, the author of that site makes the plans available for free for personal use, commercial use of any kind would require a license from the owner. There isn't a lot of sense in duplicating his site here, but sites come and go, so I'll at least give you the information on how I put this little transmitter together. If you really want to make it easy on yourself, order his kit, it has a board with all the circuit traces on it. All you have to do is solder the parts onto the board.

I need to point out again I am no electronics guru. Perseverance is a great asset, and I do tend to stick with it until I get it right. This little transmitter can be built by anyone, it may not work on your first try, but just keep working on it. I recently bought a small bread board to test circuits on. A bread board allows you to plug in components and connect them with little jumper wires, so no soldering is required. It's a great way to test without ruining components. Radio Shack has them for a reasonable price, make sure you pick up a set of jumper wires too.

I built the circuit on the bread board first, and it worked perfectly! So I went ahead and built it on the little 1.5"x1.5" printed circuit boards I use for my timers. After construction the transmitter did not work, so I went through with a magnifying glass and rechecked every wire and solder joint. I found one solder joint I missed. After resoldering, the transmitter again worked perfectly.

Above is the schematic of the transmitter. It is my own strange way of drawing the circuit, it is the bottom view, or, as viewed from the side you solder on. To me, it is easier to see it this way, as this is the side you do all the soldering on. The red dots are places where you solder. I used 24 gauge solid copper insulated wire to connect everything. The wires all run on the bottom of the board (the solder side), the components are all on the top side of the board. The nasty looking squiggle lines are resistors, the short parallel lines with a number between them are capacitors, the one with an arrow through it is the variable capacitor. I didn't use the proper electrical symbol for the 2n2222 transistor, to make it easier I just used the pin labels e, b and c as seen from the bottom of the board. Again, it makes it easier for the layman (like me) to follow.

Here is the parts list:

Radio Shack has a resistor variety pack you can use. The largest resistor in the pack I bought was a 1 Meg Ohm, so to get the 4.3 Meg resistor I used four 1 Meg resistors in series (end to end to end to end), resistors in parallel would reduce the resistance (go the wrong way).

1) 6 to 50 pF Adjustable ( not real fussy here, but should have a low end value of under 10, and a high end value under 60)

Radio Shack again sells all these. The .1 and .01 uF capacitors come in two packs. The small pF capacitors you can get in a value pack. The adjustable capacitors are not available at all Radio Shack stores, I saw an assortment pack of trimmers and chokes and it may have one in it, but I'm not certain. You can get all this from Digi Key also, it would be cheaper too, but they have a $5 charge on small orders, and then shipping on top of that.

1) 4011 Quad NAND gate

1) 2N2222 transistor

1) 14 pin IC socket

1) 9 volt battery clip

1) 213 hole general purpose PC board (snap in half)

1) Solid Wire for antenna

1) Coil (Note: 6 turns of 26 gauge magnet wire wound on a 1/8" form and removed. Then stretched to about 3/8" long.)

I'll post more here after I've used the transmitter a few times.

Large Area FM transmitter PPA T35

by Williams Sound

Single channel Wide Band transmitter with external digital channel selector

Attaches to the audio output of the existing system with an XLR or 1/4" audio cable

(3) Preset audio filters for Voice, Music or Hearing Assistance

Transmits up to 1000 foot

Individual receivers purchased separately, or transmitter and receiver can be purchased as a package

8.45" x 8.18" x 1.72"

Five year warranty

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FM System Setup Diagram

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Large Area FM transmitter PPA T35 - 10 Wide Band channels available Compact Base Station FM Transmitter PPA T27 - 17 Wide Band channels available

Wireless FM Transmitter

Keywords: FM transmitter, wireless microphone, single transistor,

The photo shows a wireless FM transmitter, pocket radio and yellow disk for size comparisons. Speak into the transmitter and others hear you on any FM radio. The transmitter can be built in an afternoon with simple, affordable and widely available parts. Construction is fun and much can be learned although performance is modest; for example, your voice gets difficult to hear at distances greater than 25 feet.

Motivation and Audience

Our long-term goals with such circuits are in remote control and data acquisition. Touch tones could be transmitted to wirelessly turn on/off a robot's actuators. Sensor data could be converted into morse-code like sounds and deciphered by a microcontroller to wirelessly monitor environments. This tutorial's audience would be also motivated by such applications. Building a simple FM transmitter would be a first-step towards such goals.

Not to give you false expectations, this FM transmitter is far from perfect offering only modest performance. First, tuning the transmitter can be frustrating. Even slight turns in the variable capacitor can result in large frequency changes. Second, transmitter tuning often resulted in a harmonic frequency. Instead of the intended 108 MHz for example, capacitor tuning yielded a 216 MHz transmitter frequency. In addition to hearing your voice one could slightly hear radio station broadcasts.

If performance is modest, why would I build this transmitter?

One answer is that much can be learned and this tutorial is is appendixed with the underlying mathematics to calculate parameters like (1) tranmitter frequency, power output and range (2) antenna length and (3) required coil winding. Often on the web, one just finds a schematic. By adding the analysis (with high school level math), one can conceive improvements on transmitter performance.

This tutorial's audience is thus electronics enthusiasts who:

don't have much FM or radio-frequency (RF) experience

want to build an FM transmitter

want to learn how such transmitters work

want to learn how components are selected e. g. calculating the number of turns when building an air coil, antenna length etc.

Again this tutorial emphasizes that the transmitter's performance is modest, but is learned in its construction. The tutorial breakdown is as follows:

Parts List and Sources

US-based vendors include Jameco. Digikey. JDR and Radio Shack. Note: Boondog has no association with these vendors. Attempts were acquire all parts from a single vendor. Part numbers for common resistors are not given.


An effort was made to find a single source supplier of all parts. Jameco has almost every part cited in the tables. Details construction your air core inductor using a McDonald's soda straw will be described in the next section.


A combination of wirewrapping and soldering was used to construct the FM transmitter. Jameco's prototyping card provides enough room for (non-critical) part placement. You should try to keep all parts close together and keep wire leads short. The photos below illustrate possible part placement (left) and the solder side (right).


fmTx031402a. pdf is the Acrobat file of the same schematic. You will need Adobe's free Acrobat reader to view it.

The schematic and constructing the circuit are relatively straight-forward. Some highlights and clarifications towards circuit construction are given next.

Electret Microphone

An electret microphone has two pins which connect to the positive and negative leads of a battery. As shown in the drawing below, one looks at the bottom of the electret microphone. The pad that physically touches the microphone's casing connects to the battery's negative lead.


You can replace the coin cells, typically found in calculators and watches, with regular 1.5V AA, C or D-cells. The coin cells however take less room and can solder onto the protoboard.

2N2222A Transistor

The 2N2222A is a very common NPN transistor. The one used here (Jameco #38236) is the metal can type (TO-18 casing). Its three pins are for the transistor's base (B), collector (C) and emitter (E). There is no standard pinout for transistors. As such, request the transistor's spec sheet when ordering it to identify the pinout, or if you own a multimeter with a transistor tester, use it.

The 2N2222A also comes in a black plastic casing (TO-92 style) which you can use if you want. The T0-18 is preferred because the can has a small tab that typically represents the emitter pin.

Make sure you correctly identify the 2N2222A's pinout and correctly wire the base, collector and emitter in the schematic. Often, circuit malfunctions because the pins were mis-wired.

Variable Capacitor

The leads for the variable capacitor do not fit in normal 0.1 inch protoboards. You can dremel-drill into the protoboard to make the leads fit. Alternatively you can solder wire to the leads, but if you do, keep wires as short as possible in order to avoid stray capacitances.


An inductor is just a coil of wire and you need to wind one for this circuit. An inductor is characterized by its length, radius and the number of turns of wire in the coil. Magnet wire (Radio Shack part 278-1345) was used to build the inductor but you can use standard solid strand 22 AWG gauge copper wire.

Some on-line and printed articles describe winding the wire around a pencil. Unfortunately, pencils come in different diameters and hence a McDonald's soda straw was used; the yellow-red-white striped straw, found in every McDonalds in the world, is the same size. The straw's radius is exactly 0.1325 inches (diameter = 0.2650 inches) and 1/4 inches was snipped off the straw.

Next, a straight piece wire was wound around this 1/4 inch snippet six times and then soldered on the prototyping board. The end result is an inductor (also known as an air core coil) with an 0.1325 inch radius. If you wish, you can apply some womens' clear fingernail polish to permanently keep the wire on the straw snippet.


A 30 inch long piece of 22 gauge solid stramd copper wire is a suitable antenna. However when carrying the transmitter, you risk tangling the wire. As such you can screw a telescopic antenna, like ones found a radios, into the prototyping board.

Theory: How does the FM Transmitter Work?

The variable capacitor and your self-made inductor will vibrate at frequencies in the FM radio band (88 to 108 MHz). The electret microphone has a resistance that depends on how loudly you speak into it. This microphone is battery powered and according to the V=IR Ohm's Law, changes in resistance for fixed voltage will result in proportional changes in current. This current feeds into the base of the 2N2222 NPN transistor which is connected to your variable capacitor, inductor and antenna. The net effect is that depending on your variable capacitor's value, your voice will be modulated to transmit at a frequency between 88 and 108 MHz. If a nearby pocket FM radio is tuned to this frequency, you'll be heard when speaking into your transmitter.

The component values in the circuit are derived to better understand how this FM transmitter will work. The underlying math is rather simple and can be found in most undergraduate university physics textbooks.

Inductance of an Air Core Coil

Your self-made inductor has a value determined by its radius r . length x and number of wire turns n .

For your McDonald's soda straw inductor, r = 0.1325 inches, x = 0.25 inches and n = 6 turns and results in L = 0.171 microHenry or 0.000000171 Henry.

The specific frequency f generated is now determined by the capacitance C and inductance L measured in Farads and Henry respectively:

Resonant Frequency of a Parallel LC Circuit

FM radio stations operate on frequencies between 88 and 108 MHz. The variable capacitor and your self-made inductor constitute a parallel LC circuit. It is also called a tank circuit and will vibrate at a resonant frequency which will be picked up your pocket FM radio.

In tank circuits, the underlying physics is that a capacitor stores electrical energy in the electric field between its plates and an inductor stores energy in the magnetic field induced by the coil winding. The mechanical equivalent is the energy balance in a flywheel; angular momentum (kinetic energy) is balanced by the spring (potential energy). Another example is a pendulum where there's a kinetic versus potential energy balance that dictates the period (or frequency) of oscillations.

Given your variable capacitor ranges from 4 to 34 pF, your tank circuit will resonant between 66 and 192 MHz, well within the FM radio range. To compute these values for different values of C . n . r and x a simple Excel spreadsheet, called calcFreq. xls was created. Simply enter the values and the inductance and frequency are automatically calculated.

Antenna Length

You built your antenna either with a piece of solid strand 22 gauge wire 30 inches long or used a telescopically extendable antenna. Its length should be approximately 1/4 the FM wavelength; recall that multiplying frequency and wavelength equals the speed of light. You'll most probably be operating your transmitter near 108 MHz, as such:

Fixed Capacitors

Referring to the schematic, C2 and C4 act as decoupling capacitors and typically 0.01 uF (or 0.1 uF ) are used. C4 attempts to maintain a constant voltage across the entire circuit despite voltage fluctuations as the battery dies.

A capacitor can be thought of as a frequency-dependent resistor (called reactance). Speech consists of different frequencies and the capacitor C1 impedes them. The net effect is that C1 modulates the current going into the transistor. Using a large value for C1 reinforces bass (low frequencies) while smaller values boost treble (high frequencies).

The C3 capacitor across the 2N2222A transistor serves to keep the tank circuit vibrating. In theory, as long as there is a supply voltage across the parallel inductor and variable capacitor, it should vibrate at the resonant frequency indefinetely. In reality however, the frequency decays due to heating losses. C3 is used to prevent decay and the 2N2222A spec sheet suggests a capacitance between 4 to 10 pF .

Resistor for Electret Mic

The spec sheet for the Jameco #136573 electret microphone says the maximum current is 0.5 mA . When battery powered at 6V . then the voltage drop across R1 is V1 = 1.92V . The resulting current through the microphone is below the rated maximum since

I1 = (6-1.92)V / 10000 Ohms = 0.41 mA

Resistors and the 2N2222A

The 2N2222A transistor has rated maximums thus demanding a voltage divider made with R2 and R3 and emitter current limiting with R4 .

The 2N2222A's maximum rated power is Pmax = 0.5 W . This power ultimately affects the distance you can transmit. Overpowering the transistor will heat and destroy it. To avoid this, one can calculate that the FM transmitter outputs approximately 124 mW and is well below the rated maximum. The mathematical details are given in rfMath. pdf.

The power is intimately related to the transmission range. At 124 mW and 30% radiation efficiencies, the maximum distance between your FM transmitter and a battery-powered radio will range betweem 35 to 112 feet. The calculations are given in rfDistance. pdf.


First, use a battery-powered pocket radio as a receiver. AC powered boom-boxes and home stereos (110 or 220 V) are not recommended; battery-powered radios are much better at receiving transmissions than AC-powered units.

Tune your radio to dead air . i. e. frequencies within the FM radio band that are silent or only have some hiss. Frequencies near 108 MHz are typically dead air. The Radio-Locator web page lists local radio stations in your area. This can help you identify dead air frequencies.

Turn on your FM transmitter, extend its antenna and keep the transmitter approximately 2 feet away from your FM radio. Speak into the mic while slowly adjusting the variable cap. Use your fingernail or non-metallic screwdriver until you hear yourself over the radio. This process is frustratingly tedious, requiring careful capacitor tuning. You are tuned once you hear howling (also known as a hot mic ) which indicates transmitter-receiver feedback.

Increase the transmitter-to-radio distance. Congratulations - you have a wireless microphone!

Where To Go From Here

As stated earlier, performance is modest. The author's experience operating in a major city (Philadelphia, USA) with the battery-powered radio tuned at 108 MHz yielded approximately 25 feet indoors and 50 feet outdoors. Also, in addition to the author's voice, radio station broadcasts could be slightly heard.

To tweak performance, a spectrum analyzer can be used. It's a device that visually displays frequencies are most predominant. The author discovered the circuit was transmitting at approximately 200 to 220 MHz, rather than the desired 108 MHz! 216 MHz is a harmonic, being twice the desired 108 MHz. Transmission range is thus reduced and susceptible to noice (radio station broadcasts).

To transmit at the desired 108 MHz, the author considered the following:

A hand-made coil that's 0.1 uH is difficult to test. Inductance meters to measure at the micro Henry range are expensive.

Capacitance meters measuring picoFarads are also expensive.

A 0.111 uH air core coil was purchased from Coilcraft. an inductor manufacturer.

Spectrum analyzers costs thousands of dollars. A viable alternative is an $130 USD Elenco F-2800 frequency counter. This is a nice unit to acquire if you plan on building FM transmitters more seriously.

For the most part, the frequency counter displayed approximated 200 MHz even with the Coilcraft inductor! Thus most probably the variable capacitor is not truly giving a 4-to-34 pF range. Since the transmission frequency stayed closed to 200 MHz, calcFreq. xls reveal that variable capacitor actually stays close 4 pF rather than going up to the rated 34 pF. This should be expected since tolerances in capacitance are rarely precise. The net effect is that without picoFarad resolution capacitance you'll be transmitting at a 216 MHz harmonic yielding reduced range and susceptible to noise.

Final Words

This tutorial along with appendixes detail fully a single transistor FM transmitter construction and underlying math. The circuit can be built in an afternoon with less than $10 USD of common parts, resulting in a 25 to 50 foot transmission range.

Like the author, readers might be excited about the prospects of building FM transmitters. Many circuit designs and schematics exist on-line and in print but don't often provide much analysis. This tutorial attempts to fill this gap, especially for first-time FM transmitter builders. The analysis allows one to learn what roles and their values play in the circuit. Such analysis provides a reader a stepping point towards improving or customizing the circuit.

Illustrating the math and real-world operation is the tutorial's value. Some material towards learning more might be acquired from the references below. Happy building!


Braga, N. Pirate Radio and Video Newnes Butterworth-Heinemann Publishing, 2001. ISBN: 0-7506-7331-1. An excellently written book that provides a dozen or so transmitter designs but gives little mathematical analysis

The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs. 79th Edition, The Americal Radio Relay League, 2002. ISBN: 0872591891 This tome covers practically every aspect of radio communications including the mathematics.

alt. radio. pirate - a very helpful newsgroup

Harry's Homebrew Homepage - the dozens of circuits are well documented for do-it-yourself builders

Author Information

This tutorial was developed by Paul Y. Oh, a robotics professor in the mechanical engineering department of Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Prof. Oh's research interests include visual-servoing. robotics, mechatronics and 3D reconstruction of urban areas from aerial photos. Prof. Oh's technical publications can be found in the IEEE Robotics and Automation proceedings and transactions or downloaded.

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1-Transistor FM Transmitter

2N3564, 2N5225 (other general-purpose NPN transistors will work, too)

A truly minimalist circuit. Performance is relatively poor and stability is a problem. Q1 modulates the signal and acts as an oscillator. L1 and C5 determine the frequency. Decrease C5 for a higher frequency and vice-versa.

You won't get a long range transmission with this one. The author claims 50-500 feet. A lot depends on the antenna. It must be made of stiff wire or else the frequency will change as you move the antenna. Experiment with different lengths to get the maximum range. 50cm or less should work reliably most of the time. A longer antenna might give even better range but if you exaggerate, the circuit will begin to oscillate and performance will drop dramatically. A regular telescope whip should work, too.

If assembling the circuit on perf board, all connections should be kept short. You'll probably notice that this transmitter is not particularly stable. It might be difficult to tune a receiver to it as the operating frequency will vary a little with time and temperature or if someone steps close to the antenna.

Room/telephone bug, but that's illegal, I guess. This is a nice circuit to learn the basics, though.

This one is a high power long range (use yagi antenna) FM Transmitter that provides very good frequency stability in about 1km range and very good microphone sensitivity. It can be used inside guitars, as a part of remote control systems or in other similar applications.

The features said above are achieved by including an RF amplifier stage with 10dB gain and AF preamplifier stage to boost the modulation.

The circuit construction is simple. L1 is integrated into the PCB with 3.25 turns. Transistors are not critical. The BC547s can be replaced with any small signal NPN type transistor and BC557 is a general purpose PNP transistor so it can also be replaced easily.

The power consumption is low. The finished circuit draws about 30mA. A single 9V battery is ample to power the FM wireless microphone.

The PCB file is given in the download section of the project page. You should check Harry's page for more detailed information about the components, PCB modifications and the other features of the circuit.

if you need more details then post a comment below


C. Crane FM Transmitter 2

Left: Original Model Right: New Model

The C. Crane FM Transmitter has been one of my favorite radio-audio accessories ever since it was released. I have one connected to my desktop PC’s sound card output through an audio processor. In this configuration I can broadcast my music library to radios all around my house and out into the back yard. When guests are over I put on a radio in every room and it creates a wonderful effect. I use several of these. I have one connected to the output of my Eton E1XM Radio so I can hear XM all over the house. I have yet another connected to my HD Radio so I can listen to my favorite HD 2 audio streams throughout the house. With my previous car which lacked an auxiliary audio input I used the FM Transmitter to play my IPOD through the car stereo. The possibilities are endless for a device like this.

Using it is simplicity itself. It has a coiled audio input cable with a stereo mini-plug on the end so it can be plugged into most popular audio sources such as an IPOD, MP3 player, computer sound card or audio system that has a headphone or line out Jack. It has a volume control and LED volume indicator to set your broadcast volume level (modulation) accurately. With PLL tuning, LED Frequency readout and Up/Down Tuning buttons setting your broadcast frequency is a snap. Put in two AA batteries or plug in the supplied AC adapter and you’re on the air with your own FM station.

There are many home and automotive FM transmitters available, mostly marketed for use with IPODs or such devices to pipe audio through a car stereo, but I tried countless models and was unhappy with the performance of all of them. Some were noisy, some were muffled, some allowed only a few FM channels to be used…one had almost no stereo separation…two samples…virtually pure mono. More recently I tried one of those FM transmitters sold from China via eBay. At first I was impressed with it until I discovered that although it sounded fine on most program material there were some sounds it simply could not reproduce accurately…things like chimes or bells emerged as distorted as a buzz saw…literally, and nothing I could do alleviated that issue. I even had to use an elaborate antenna mounted in the attic to reduce the hum but the distortion persisted until I finally canned the whole system. For several technical reasons it is difficult to design an inexpensive FM Transmitter that sounds even remotely as good as the real FM stations you find on the dial.

After trying more than a dozen different FM transmitters over the years, The C. Crane FM Transmitter has been the only such device I found which can deliver good fidelity, with sound that is satisfying and natural. But there has been one thing I wish could be improved about it and that is its signal to noise ratio. There was a subtle background noise which was audible on wide dynamic range material or in between songs when listening at higher listening levels. Sort of a hum/whine kind of sound. It was subtle enough that many users never noticed it and in daily use here I must say it was seldom an issue. But if I sat intently in front of a sound system listening, or simply had the volume up at medium to higher levels, as songs faded out there was a background noise that was not there on the original program material. Oh well…it’s good enough I thought – at least, this is as good as it’s going to get.

Wrong! C. Crane, not content to rest on its laurels has just announced an improved model…it’s called the C. Crane FM Transmitter II and I was lucky enough to get the very first one sold. The Transmitter 2 looks identical to the original model except for the name printed on the front. It has all the features of the original model and some new ones: PLL design, push button tuning, LED frequency readout (now with a battery indicator added), volume control, LED modulation level indicator, auto shut-off feature, the ability to run from two AA cells or the included AC adapter, and a mini-plug input cable for easy connection to almost any device with a Line Out or headphone jack.

SO…How Is It Improved? There are several improvements, several are due to the fact that the new model is based on the Silicon Labs Si4710-11-B30 IC . By far the biggest improvement: THE NOISE IS GONE. Or most of it is…of course, no audio component is 100% noise free. But all the hum is gone…all that remains is a very low level hiss but it is so low in level you should never detect it in normal use. I measured a signal to noise improvement of over 10 DB compared with my original model and that is a huge improvement. In essence you will now have dead quiet backgrounds even with demanding program material played back at high volumelevels. The LED Volume (modulation) indicator also gives a clue to another big improvement. In the original model it simply flashed red to warn you when levels were too high…you had to guess how often it should flash before you were over-modulating and distorting your signal. The new version has a green LED which flashes on normal modulation levels but abruptly flashes a bright RED warning when you are pushing the audio levels too hard. Back off until it remains green and you are good to go with less guesswork…a nice improvement.

A Word About Setting The Audio Level:

I did note that the new model handles high modulation levels differently than the original. Depending on the characteristics of the program material, as I approached maximum modulation I sometimes heard audio compression which kept the sound from going into over-modulation. I could also hear the audio “pumping”…dropping back a bit on certain transient sounds. The old model will easily over-modulate producing gross distortion through your radio if you don’t adjust the level properly, while the new model limits itself. This is desirable but don’t push the levels too hard or you will hear that pumping sound. When setting your audio input level, listen carefully and try a few different songs or audio types. Be sure the LED indicator stops flashing red but then listen for sounds of compression in the audio. If you hear it, back off on the level just a tad more and you will notice that the sound will become much more natural…”relaxed” in audio terms. This is the correct level to use.

People have often asked why their home transmitters (of any type) don’t seem as loud as the commercial stations. The reason is that most stations use very expensive, sophisticated audio processing equipment which maximizes loudness, often at the expense of naturalness, while still preventing over-modulation. Your home transmitter will usually sound a little bit quieter than the big boys, but it also should sound more like the source material…not over-processed and homogenized. In other words, this is normal.

Other Improvements: The new model will automatically revert to battery power if you are running it on AC and the power fails. It also remembers the last set frequency if AC power is interrupted. Finally, the Sleep Timer (auto shut off) now offers choices ranging from 8 hours down to 1 hour versus the single choice of 1 hour on the original model.

Conclusion: Once again C. Crane has taken an already excellent product and made it even better. I know of no other home FM Transmitter that can match the C. Crane FM Transmitter 2 for excellent sound quality and now low background noise. In fact, this is another unique C. Crane product as I am not aware of any other FM Transmitter anywhere near this price level that performs as well, is as versatile and easy to set up and use even for non-technical users. I have been enjoying the C. Crane FM Transmitter for several years and starting today, I’m enjoying it even more. Highly recommended!

¿Preguntas o comentarios? Email me at:

Click below to see it on Amazon.

Music Gear iPod FM Transmitter

The Music Gear iPod FM Transmitter is the only iPod FM transmitter that uses power from the iPod, no batteries required. The Music Gear iPod FM Transmitter works across the full FM frequency band without any installation or setup, and is plug-and-play. This FM transmitter works anywhere radio and iPod converge, in your home, in the car, or even at the beach. The body of the Music Gear FM Transmitter is the same thickness of an iPod mini, less than two-thirds the width which provides access to the hold switch, and adds only an inch to the top of your iPod when plugged in. The Music Gear iPod FM Transmitter is built off of a universal design and will fit all iPods that use a dock connector as well as the iPod Mini. Simply select a vacant radio station then match it with the station on the transmitter and all your tunes off your iPod will be played through your car, home, or portable stereo.

Illuminated display for easy-tuning.

Uses the iPod's own power

No Battery Required

No Cables Required

Songbird Portable wireless FM Transmitter

Maxell P-4A iPod Digital FM Transmitter

Scosche FMTD7 Black Corded FM Transmitter for Apple iPod and iPhone

Maxell P-5A Digital FM Transmitter with Auto Power Adapter

The Music Gear iPod FM Transmitter qualifies for free shipping via US Postal Service within the US(Including AK, HI, PR, VI) and Canada.

Questions about the Music Gear iPod FM Transmitter.

&dupdo; 2006-2017, EMTC, Inc. All other logos and trademarks are the property of the respective trademark owners.

Bagi Anda Yang Gemar Mendengarkan Radio FM di manapun Berikut Ini Gambaran Singkat Skematik Tentang Transmitter FM (Bisa Kita Praktekan Sendiri) “ kita Bisa Punya Studio Pemancar Sendiri Di Rumah ” Menyenangkan Bukan…..

Printed Circuit Board

Printed Circuit Board This a suggested high-resolution PCB layout for BA1404 Transmitter. It is ready for printing and no further adjustments are necessary. Dimensions of the PCB should be 57 mm x 35 mm (W x H).

About BA1404 HI-FI Stereo FM Transmitter

Whether you want to create your own radio station, transmit the music around the house, or simply create a wireless link between your iPod and a receiver in your car, this transmitter will let you do these things easily. With BA1404 HI-FI Stereo transmitter you will be able to transmit MP3 music from your iPod, computer, discman, walkman, TV / SAT receiver, and many other audio sources. The above FM transmitter design is a result of many hours of testing and tweaking. The goal was simple; to test many existing BA1404 transmitter designs, compare their performance, identify weaknesses and come up with a new BA1404 transmitter design that improves sound quality, has very good frequency stability, maximizes transmitter’s range, and is fairly simple for everyone to build. We are happy to announce that this goal and expectations have been met and even exceeded. The transmitter can work from a single 1.5V cell battery and provide excellent crystal clear stereo sound. It can also be supplied from two 1.5V battery cells to provide the maximum range.

Secrets Behind Sound Quality and Frequency Stability

One of the qualities of BA1404 FM transmitter is excellent frequency stability. This is mainly due to a use of high quality 3.5 turn variable coil. Tunable RF coils are ideal for precise frequency tuning because their magnet wire is halfway embedded within the plastic, which minimizes frequency drifts. Regular air coils are not preferred for professional broadcasting because the coil expands and contracts with temperature changes.

That’s the very reason why variable coil was chosen as a substitution for an air coil and a variable capacitor. Another quality of the presented BA1404 transmitter is a crystal clear stereo sound and improved sound separation. There are several factors that account for improved sound quality and a separation.

First reason is the use of 38 KHz crystal which provides rock solid frequency for stereo encoder. Another reason is the use of two 1nF decoupling capacitors one for BA1404 chip and another for 3.5 variable coil. These capacitors have to be as close as possible to a BA1404 chip and a variable coil because this will GREATLY improve the sound quality, sound separation and even frequency stability as well.

What they do is filter out the noise in the incoming DC voltage. If the noise enters BA1404 chip stereo generator will include it in a transmitted sound affecting both the sound and multiplex signal that is responsible for generation of the clear stereo signal. If that noise enters it will also be included in a generation of subcarrier frequency affecting the frequency stability.

Most people are not aware of how important this is and might place them in a wrong location, away from the target components which provides no use, or worse decide not to use these capacitors at all. Another factor that is extremely important and which improves overall quality of the whole BA1404 transmitter including frequency stability, sound quality and sound separation is the use of the ground plane on the transmitter’s PCB. It is recommended that ground plane should always be used in circuits that deal with higher frequencies.

preguntas frecuentes

This is list of answers to questions that I have received through an e-mail so far. If you should have any other questions please don’t hesitate to e-mail them to me. What is the range of BA1404 Stereo FM Transmitter? Range of the transmitter depends on many factors. a) Length and type of the antenna (the longer the better, copper will radiate radio waves better than aluminum) b) Supplied voltage (3V Max power output) c) Weather conditions (clear skies & no humid, greater distance) d) Elevation above the ground (the higher the better) e) Line of sight (no buildings or trees, greater distance) f) Whether external amplifier is used

Lanjutan Dari Skematic Bisa Anda Simak Berikut>>>>

Jika Masi kesulitan Dalam Perakitan Bisa Hub Arie eMDee Chall To YM: arie_emdee


MOTOROKR T505: hands-free speakerphone and FM transmitter

November 8, 2007 Motorola’s latest in-car technology combines a Bluetooth In-Car Speakerphone and a Digital FM Transmitter for hands-free phone calls and music streamed to the car stereo. When calls come in, the T505 automatically mutes the music and audibly announces the Caller-ID, so drivers can keep their eyes on the road and echo and noise reduction technology are built-in along with "StationFinder" technology that identifies the best FM connection. When the ride’s over, the T505 can be easily unhooked and taken to another car for the next trip.

The T505 requires no wires or installation - it can simply be clipped to a car’s visor and paired to a compatible Bluetooth device using Motorola’s EasyPair technology - and supports Bluetooth Advanced Audio Delivery, Audio Video Remote Control, Hands-free, and Headset profiles. When the T505 is paired to a stereo Bluetooth phone or MP3 player calls and music are streamed wirelessly to the car stereo via the built-in digital FM transmitter. To ensure a clear connection the T505 also features StationFinder, a technology that announces where the best FM connection can be found on the user’s car radio.

“Today’s drivers demand convenience and connectivity without missing a beat to what’s important to them – their calls and their music,” said Jason Few, corporate vice president, Motorola, Inc. “We’re excited to introduce a portable, music-optimized ROKR to the car to enhance the mobile experience while consumers are on the road.”

The ROKR T505 features a talk time of 18 hours with standby time of up to 14 days. It is expected to become available in Q1 2008.

For further info visit Motorola .

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The FM Transmitter(s) that work with your 2011 BMW Z4

FM Transmitters come in two varieties. Portable FM Adapters are most popular and use an available FM station to wirelessly transmits the signal to your factory car radio. These are easy to swap between vehicles so you are always connected to your music. Direct FM Adapters connect to your radio via the FM Antenna Port provide an installed solution that offers superior sound quality.

Auxiliary Input (3.5mm), Portable FM Adapter

Was: $43.99 Sale: $39.99

Universal Adapter, Portable FM Adapter

Was: $21.99 Sale: $19.99

Bluetooth Handsfree, A2DP Wireless BT Audio, Online Audio Streaming, Universal Adapter, Direct FM Adapter

Was: $120.99 Sale: $109.99

Special adapters are available for incompatible vehicles - Call 1-619-704-0700 or contact us.

*Not compatible with M. O.S. T fiber optic vehicles.

Was: $65.99 Sale: $59.99

Charging, Online Audio Streaming, Direct FM Adapter, Works with all Lightning iPods and iPhones

Was: $120.99 Sale: $109.99

Special adapters are available for incompatible vehicles - Call 1-619-704-0700 or contact us.

*Not compatible with M. O.S. T fiber optic vehicles.

Auxiliary Input (RCA), Universal Adapter, Direct FM Adapter

Was: $65.99 Sale: $59.99

Special adapters are available for incompatible vehicles - Call 1-619-704-0700 or contact us.

*Not compatible with M. O.S. T fiber optic vehicles.

Forex 626A KumandalД± Çakmak ve USB GiriЕџli Transmitter

206 adet radyo kanalД± ile tam uyumlu Forex Fm Transmitter ile yolda mГјziksiz kalmayД±n!

8 GB'a kadar SD/MMC ve USB 2.0 desteДџi ile istediДџiniz ЕџarkД±larД± yГјkleyebilirsiniz!

Harici adaptöre gerek kalmadan direk çakmak girişinden çalıştırabilirsiniz. Ayrıca USB üzerinden şarj edilebilen tüm cihazlar için otomobil içinde şarj cihazı olarak da işlev görür.

Kumandadan İstenilen Frekansı ve Parçayı Numaraları ile Seçebilme

3 Boyutlu ses kodlama teknolojisi ile bas ve tizleri daha net iletebilme

Oynar başlık (Hareketli gövde)

206 FM frekansı seçebilme

HafД±zasД±zdД±r, 8 GB'a kadar SD/MMC hafД±zayД± destekler.


MP3/WMA dosyalarД±nД± okuyabilme

IЕџД±klandД±rД±lmД±Еџ likit kristal ekran (LCD)

LCD ekranda çalan şarkının adını görebilme (Kayan Yazı Teknolojisi)

Seçilen FM frekansını gösterebilme

Bellekte kaç mp3 var, kaçıncı mp3 dinleniyor gösterebilme

Çalan parçada geçen ve kalan süreyi gösterebilme

USB 2.0 DesteДџi

206 FM KanalД± ile tam uyumluluk

Audio kablo Гјzerinden harici ses giriЕџi

Önceki parça-sonraki parça, önceki-sonraki frekans, durdur-başlat, ses açma ve kısabilme fonksiyonları (Kumandadan veya Cihazdan)

Harici adaptöre gerek kalmadan çakmak girişinden direk bağlantı

Klasör seçme özelliği ile klasör atlama

Forex Transmitter'Д±nД±zД± aracД±nД±zД±n 12 Volt Г§akmak giriЕџine takД±nД±z.

206 Farklı FM Frekansından dilediğiniz frekansı seçiniz.

Aracınızın radyosundan da FM modulatörde seçtiğiniz frekansı ayarlayınız.

FM Modulatördeki Play tuşuna basınız.

MГјzik/Ses aracД±nД±zД±n FM bandД± aracД±lД±ДџД±yla kablosuz bir Еџekilde aracД±nД±zД±n radyosundan duyulacaktД±r, hem de full stereo bir kalite ile!

FM Transmitter ayrıca USB üzerinden şarj edilebilen tüm cihazlar için otomobil içinde şarj cihazı olarak da işlev görür.

Ürün ithalatçı/üretici firma tarafından 2 yıl garanti kapsamındadır.

1 Adet Forex 626A Uzaktan KumandalД± Г‡akmak ve USB GiriЕџli FM Transmitter

Masaüstü Görünüme Geç

Д°ndirdik. com Geotrust Inc. tarafД±ndan saДџlanan 128 bit SSL sertifikasД± ile korunmaktadД±r Bu site gГјvenlidir © Copyright 2017 Д°ndirdik A. Ећ.

Last Updated: 01/12/2003

This year I decided to invest in an FM Transmitter. I wanted to broadcast my Halloween music throughout the house without running wires.

I had read/saw some other Halloween-L members using an FM transmitter to broadcast their "Halloween" show for neighbors and cars that drive by.

Earlier this year while looking at houses (to move), we were shown a house by our Realtor that had a FM transmitter inside. They had Jazz music playing in each room of the house on clock radios and other small radios placed in each room. It was like each radio was dialed into the same station. It was a great idea, placing a mood into the entire house. While touring the home, we stumbled unto the source, a Ramsey Pro FM Transmitter.

I looked into buying a transmitter and really only found one good one on the market. It was the Ramsey FM100B. I quickly ordered one from the web site but was surprised to find out the I had bought a KIT. Yes, a kit. It started to make sense. They don't sell pre-built FM transmitters over a certain wattage. It is illegal. I didn't know. The KIT came in hundreds of electrical components, diodes, resisters, and capacitors, all needing to be soldered to an electronic circuit board. To much work for me.

Since it was 15 days to Halloween, there was no way I could finish the kit in 15 days. I resorted to looking on e-bay for a pre-built one. Yes, I found people selling pre-built FM100B's, but the cost was an extra $100 bucks on top of the kit. The kit sells for $265 and the people on e-bay were adding at least $100 to the price.

I ended up going with another seller on e-bay. He appeared to be somewhat of a specialist, selling FM Transmitters with entirely digital circuitry. A picture of the unit is shown below.

Two Transistors FM Transmitter

Basically, this circuit is a radio frequency (RF) oscillator that operates around 100 MHz. The audio which is picked up and amplified by the electret microphone is fed into the audio amplifier stage built around the first transistor. Output from the collector is fed into the base of the second transistor. By varying the junction capacitance of the transistor, this will modulate the resonant frequency of the tank circuit (the 5 turn coil and the trimcap). Junction capacitance is a function of the potential difference applied to the base of the transistor. The tank circuit is connect to a Colpitts oscillator circuit.

To calibrate this circuit, put the transmitter about 10 feet from a FM radio. The radio frequency is set somewhere about 89-90 MHz, then walk back to the Fm Tx and turn it on. The winding of the coil is spread apart by approximately 1mm from each other. No coil winding should be touching another winding. To tune the trim cap, use a small screw diver. After every adjustment remove the screwdriver from the trim screw so the LC circuit is not affected by stray capacitance. We also can use a plastic screwdriver. Have a second person tune up and down the FM dial after every adjustment if you have difficulty finding the transmitting frequency. One full turn of the trim cap will cover its full range of capacitance from 6pF to 45pF. About one tenth of the full range of the tuning cap is the normal FM band tunes in over. To adjust it in steps of 5 to 10 degrees at each turn is the best time. To tuning this is not difficult but we have to takes a little patience. The Tx emits harmonics, that’s the reason why there must be at least 10 ft. separation between the radio and the Tx. It does not only emit on one frequency but on several different frequencies close to each other.

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Two Transistors AM Radio Receiver Using only two active components, we can build an AM radio receiver working on MW (Medium Wave) Band. The circuit uses straight receiver configuration, where an LC resonator circuit is used to filter the received RF signals and then directly … Continue reading →.

Varactor – The Core of Voltage Controlled LC Tuner In hybrid system, analog system with digital control, a voltage controlled things is very important since it can be interfaced by DAC from digital system. For radio tuning with digital control, a voltage controlled LC circuit is needed. If we … Continue reading →.

Single Chip FM Transmitter, For Short Range Application The FM transmitter circuit here works in the broadcast band 88 to 108MHz, and can be used to broadcast audio signals for remote listening. The output power is around -21dBm, and the circuit operates with 3V power supply. Here is … Continue reading →.

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FOREX FM-26 * 2 GB SAMSUNG HAFIZA Fm Transmitter

FOREX FM-26 * 2 GB SAMSUNG HAFIZA Fm Transmitter Açıklaması

# Yurt genelinde “ 2 Yıl ” Garantili # 2 GB Dahili Samsung Hafıza + SD/MMC Kart Okuyabilme # Yeni Klasör Seçme Özelliği # MP3/WMA ses dosyalarını okuyabilme # AMV Video dosyalarını okuyabilme # Resim ve fotoğraf galerisi (slide show) oluşturabilme # 18 farklı dil desteği # 3 farklı çalma modu (Hepsini çalma, Tek şarkı tekrar, Karışık çalma modları) # İster cihaz üzerinden, ister kumanda üzerinden müzik, resim ve videolarınızı yönetebilme # Kumandadan Hafızalar (Dahili ve SD/MMC Kart) arası kolay geçiş yapabilme # Kumandadan İstenilen Frekansı ve Parçayı Seçebilme # Modern ve yenilikçi dizayn ve Oynar başlık (hareketli) gövde # 3 Boyutlu ses kodlama teknolojisi ile bas ve tizleri daha net iletebilme # Equalizer (7 Band) # 1.8” Işıklandırılmış likit kristal ekran (LCD) # LCD ekranda frekans & parça numarası, ses, equalizer ve çalma modunu görebilme # Seçilen FM frekansını gösterebilme # Bellekte kaç mp3 var kaçıncı mp3 dinleniyor gösterebilme # 206 FM Kanalı ile tam uyumluluk. # USB 2.0 bağlantı hızı ile veri aktarabilme # Önceki Parça-Sonraki Parça-Önceki Frekans-Sonraki Frekans-Durdur-Başlat-Ses Açma ve Kısabilme Fonksiyonları (Kumandadan veya Cihazdan) # Çakmaklık girişinden direk bağlantı (Harici adaptöre gerek yok) # Kontak kapatılıp açıldığında en son ayarlanan frekansta, en son dinlenen şarkıdan itibaren çalmaya devam edebilme Kullanım şekli # Forex Transmitter''ınızı aracınızın 12 Volt çakmak girişine takınız. # 206 Farklı FM Frekansından dilediğiniz frekansı seçiniz. # Aracınızın radyosundan da FM modulatörde seçtiğiniz frekansı ayarlayınız. # FM Modulatördeki Play tuşuna basınız. # Müzik/Video sesi aracınızın FM bandı aracılığıyla kablosuz bir şekilde aracınızın radyosundan duyulacaktır, hem de full stereo bir kalite ile. # FM Transmitter ayrıca USB üzerinden şarj edilebilen tüm cihazlar için otomobil içinde şarj cihazı olarak da işlev görür. Kutu İçeriği # Cihaz # USB Kablo (PC’den ürüne yükleme yapabilmek için) # Kullanma Kılavuzu # Garanti Belgesi

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gerçekten çok güzel bir tasarıma ve dizayna sahip kullanış olarakta hiç bir problem yaşamadım tavsiye ediyorum.

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Video calıstıramadim. 20.08.2009

Icerisinde gelen videoları bile izleyemedim cesitli cevirici programmlarlada dendim elimdeki videoları cevirip attim ama yine acmadı sadece mp3 leri goruyor mp4 veya amw hicbirini gormuyor ve calistirmiyor. Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim. adresim. ofsati@hotmail. com

Ömer Faruk SATI

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Low Power FM Transmitter Rod Elliott (ESP)

This article should satisfy those who might want to build a low power FM transmitter. It is designed to use an input from another sound source (such as a guitar or microphone), and transmits on the commercial FM band - it is actually quite powerful, so make sure that you don't use it to transmit anything sensitive - it could easily be picked up from several hundred metres away.

The FM band is 88 to 108MHz, and although it is getting fairly crowded nearly everywhere, you should still be able to find a blank spot on the dial.

NOTE: A few people have had trouble with this circuit. The biggest problem is not knowing if it is even oscillating, since the frequency is outside the range of most simple oscilloscopes. See Project 74 for a simple RF probe that will (or should) tell you that you have a useful signal at the antenna. If so, then you know it oscillates, and just have to find out at what frequency. This may require the use of an RF frequency counter if you cannot locate the signal on the FM band.

The circuit of the transmitter is shown in Figure 1, and as you can see it is quite simple. The first stage is the oscillator, and is tuned with the variable capacitor. Select an unused frequency, and carefully adjust C3 until the background noise stops (you have to disable the FM receiver's mute circuit to hear this).

Figure 1 - Low Power FM Transmitter

Because the trimmer cap is very sensitive, make the final frequency adjustment on the receiver. When assembling the circuit, make sure the rotor of C3 is connected to the +9V supply. This ensures that there will be minimal frequency disturbance when the screwdriver touches the adjustment shaft. You can use a small piece of non copper-clad circuit board to make a screwdriver - this will not alter the frequency.

The frequency stability is improved considerably by adding a capacitor from the base of Q1 to ground. This ensures that the transistor operates in true common base at RF. A value of 1nF (ceramic) as shown is suitable, and will also limit the HF response to 15 kHz - this is a benefit for a simple circuit like this, and even commercial FM is usually limited to a 15kHz bandwidth.

Note that the transmitter and other circuitry described is mono - not stereo. While it would be possible to include the matrix encoder, 38kHz sub-carrier and 19kHz pilot tone, doing so adds considerable complexity and will not be attempted. If you need this, buy a commercial stereo modulator.

Capacitors All capacitors must be ceramic (with the exception of C1, see below), with C2 and C6 preferably being N750 (Negative temperature coefficient, 750 parts per million per degree Celsius). The others should be NPO types, since temperature correction is not needed (nor is it desirable). If you cannot get N750 caps, don't worry too much, the frequency stability of the circuit is not that good anyway (as with all simple transmitters).

How It Works Q1 is the oscillator, and is a somewhat unconventional Colpitts design. L1 and C3 (in parallel with C2) tunes the circuit to the desired frequency, and the output (from the emitter of Q1) is fed to the buffer and amplifier Q2. This isolates the antenna from the oscillator giving much better frequency stability, as well as providing considerable extra gain. L2 and C6 form a tuned collector load, and C7 helps to further isolate the circuit from the antenna, as well as preventing any possibility of short circuits should the antenna contact the grounded metal case that would normally be used for the complete transmitter.

The audio signal applied to the base of Q1 causes the frequency to change, as the transistor's collector current is modulated by the audio. This provides the frequency modulation (FM) that can be received on any standard FM band receiver. The audio input must be kept to a maximum of about 100mV, although this will vary somewhat from one unit to the next. Higher levels will cause the deviation (the maximum frequency shift) to exceed the limits in the receiver - usually ±75kHz.

With the value shown for C1, this limits the lower frequency response to about 50Hz (based only on R1, which is somewhat pessimistic) - if you need to go lower than this, then use a 1uF cap instead, which will allow a response down to at least 15Hz. C1 may be polyester or Mylar, or a 1uF electrolytic may be used, either bipolar or polarised. If polarised, the positive terminal must connect to the 10k resistor.

Inductors The inductors are nominally 10 turns (actually 9.5) of 1mm diameter enamelled copper wire. They are close wound on a 3mm diameter former, which is removed after the coils are wound. Carefully scrape away the enamel where the coil ends will go through the board - all the enamel must be removed to ensure good contact. Figure 2 shows a detail drawing of a coil. The coils should be mounted about 2mm above the board.

For those still stuck in the dark ages with imperial measurements (grin), 1mm is about 0.04" (0.0394") or 5/127 inch (chuckle) - you will have to work out what gauge that is, depending on which wire gauge system you use (there are several). You can see the benefits of metric already, can't you? To work out the other measurements, 1" = 25.4mm

NOTE: The inductors are critical, and must be wound exactly as described, or the frequency will be wrong.

Figure 2 - Detail Of L1 And L2

The nominal (and very approximate) inductance for the coils is about 130nH. This is calculated according to the formula.

L = N² * r² / ( ( 228 * r ) + ( 254 * l ) )

where L = inductance in microhenries (µH), N = number of turns, r = average coil radius (2.0mm for the coil as shown), and l = coil length. All dimensions are in millimetres. Pre-Emphasis

It is normal with FM transmission that "pre-emphasis" is used, and there is a corresponding amount of de-emphasis at the receiver. There are two standards (of course) - most of the world uses a 50us time constant, and the US uses 75us. These time constants represent a frequency of 3183Hz and 2122Hz respectively. This is the 3dB point of a simple filter that boosts the high frequencies on transmission and cuts the same highs again on reception, restoring the frequency response to normal, and reducing noise.

The simple transmitter above does not have this built in, so it can be added to the microphone preamp or line stage buffer circuit. These are both shown in Figure 3, and are of much higher quality than the standard offerings in most other designs.

Figure 3 - Mic And Line Preamps

Rather than a simple single transistor amp, using a TL061 opamp gives much better distortion figures, and a more predictable output impedance to the transmitter. If you want to use a dynamic microphone, leave out R1 (5.6k) since this is only needed to power an electret mic insert. The gain control (for either circuit) can be an internal preset, or a normal pot to allow adjustment to the maximum level without distortion with different signal sources. The 100nF bypass capacitors must be ceramic types, because of the frequency. Note that although a TL072 might work, they are not designed to operate at the low supply voltage used. The TL061 is specifically designed for low power operation.

The mic preamp has a maximum gain of 22, giving a microphone sensitivity of around 5mV. The line preamp has a gain of unity, so maximum input sensitivity is 100mV.

Select the appropriate capacitor value for pre-emphasis as shown in Figure 3 depending on where you live. The pre-emphasis is not especially accurate, but will be quite good enough for the sorts of uses that a low power FM transmitter will be put to. Needless to say, this does not include "bugging" of rooms, as this is illegal almost everywhere.

I would advise that the preamp be in its own small sub-enclosure to prevent RF from entering the opamp input. This does not need to be anything fancy, and you could even just wrap some insulation around the preamp then just wrap the entire preamp unit in aluminium foil. Remember to make a good earth connection to the foil, or the shielding will serve no purpose.

Copyright Notice. This article, including but not limited to all text and diagrams, is the intellectual property of Rod Elliott, and is Copyright (c) 1999. Reproduction or re-publication by any means whatsoever, whether electronic, mechanical or electro - mechanical, is strictly prohibited under International Copyright laws. The author (Rod Elliott) grants the reader the right to use this information for personal use only, and further allows that one (1) copy may be made for reference while constructing the project. El uso comercial está prohibido sin autorización expresa por escrito de Rod Elliott.

Page Created and Copyright (c) 06 March 2000

Electronic projects

3W FM Transmitter

This is the schematic for an FM transmitter with 3 to 3.5 W output power that can be used between 90 and 110 MHz. Although the stability isn't so bad, a PLL can be used on this circuit.

This is a circuit that I've build a few years ago for a friend, who used it in combination with the BLY88 amplifier to obtain 20 W output power. From the notes that I made at the original schematic, it worked fine with a SWR of 1. 1.05 (quite normal at my place with my antenna).

Parts: R1,R4,R14,R15 10K 1/4W Resistor R2,R3 22K 1/4W Resistor R5,R13 3.9K 1/4W Resistor R6,R11 680 Ohm 1/4W Resistor R7 150 Ohm 1/4W Resistor R8,R12 100 Ohm 1/4W Resistor R9 68 Ohm 1/4W Resistor R10 6.8K 1/4W Resistor C1 4.7pF Ceramic Disc Capacitor C2,C3,C4,C5,C7,C11,C12 100nF Ceramic Disc Capacitor C6,C9,C10 10nF Ceramic Disc Capacitor C8,C14 60pF Trimmer Capacitor C13 82pF Ceramic Disc Capacitor C15 27pF Ceramic Disc Capacitor C16 22pF Ceramic Disc Capacitor C17 10uF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor C18 33pF Ceramic Disc Capacitor C19 18pF Ceramic Disc Capacitor C20 12pF Ceramic Disc Capacitor C21,C22,C23,C24 40pF Trimmer Capacitor C25 5pF Ceramic Disc Capacitor L1 5 WDG, Dia 6 mm, 1 mm CuAg, Space 1 mm L2,L3,L5,L7,L9 6-hole Ferroxcube Wide band HF Choke (5 WDG) L4,L6,L8 1.5 WDG, Dia 6 mm, 1 mm CuAg, Space 1 mm L10 8 WDG, Dia 5 mm, 1 mm CuAg, Space 1 mm D1 BB405 or BB102 or equal (most varicaps with C = 2-20 pF [approx.] will do) Q1 2N3866 Q2,Q4 2N2219A Q3 BF115 Q5 2N3553 U1 7810 Regulator MIC Electret Microphone MISC PC Board, Wire For Antenna, Heatsinks

Notes: 1. Email Rae XL Tkacik with questions, comments, etc. 2. The circuit has been tested on a normal RF-testing breadboard (with one side copper). Make some connections between the two sides. Build the transmitter in a RF-proof casing, use good connectors and cable, make a shielding between the different stages, and be aware of all the other RF rules of building. 3. Q1 and Q5 should be cooled with a heat sink. The case-pin of Q4 should be grounded. 4. C24 is for the frequency adjustment. The other trimmers must be adjusted to maximum output power with minimum SWR and input current. 5. Local laws in some states, provinces or countries may prohibit the operation of this transmitter. Check with the local authorities.

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project subcategories: All subcategories receivers & field meters transmitters amplifiers other similar projects: 15W Fm-transmitter 2 Transistor FM Voice Transmitter 4W FM Transmitter A small FM transmitter (SMD) AM FM Simultaneous Transmitter Using Digital IC AM To FM converter AM Transmitter FM Telephone Bug FM Transmitter Bug Medium range transmitter recently added projects: Doorbell for the Deaf High Quality Intercom Combinational Conjuring Trick POT-PLANT POWER Ultrasonic Dog Whistle Quiz Circuit LED Torch Insect Repellant Speaker Microphone Circuit Magic Wand Conjuring Trick. most popular projects: Led display digital Voltmeter 500W low cost 12V to 220V inverter Low pass filter - Subwoofer Metal Detector Basic UPS Power Supply 2N3055 Power Amplifier High And Low Voltage Cut Off With Time Delay 200W audio amplifier LED Torch 100W RMS Amplifier

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TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Stabilised tendency of catering: Vcc=12

16V Frequency of emission: 88

108MHz Consumption: 100

Materially: The resistors are 1/4W. R1, R2 10KOhm R3 47Ohm C1, C2 1nF C3 4,7uF/16V C4, C7, C8 0

45pF trimmer C5, C6 10pF C9 100nF L1 4 turns, 7mm diameter * L3 3 turns, 7mm diameter * L4 5 turns, 7mm diameter * L2 RFC (resistance 1MOhm with wrapped around her inductor of enough coils from fine isolated wire. Scratch of utmost inductor and you stick in utmost the resistance making thus a parallel L-r circuit.) T1, T2 2N2219 ANT Simple dipole l/2. MIC IN Microphone dynamic or other type. (It can also connected to a cassette player unit) * The inductors is air from wire of coaxial 75W or other 1mm roughly.

PCB: Before you print it out with microsoft paints, set the screen resolution to 1280 by 1024 in order to get the correct scale

Regulations: With the C4 we regulate the frequency. With their C7, C8 we adapt the resistance of aerial (practically to them we regulate so that it is heard our voice in the radio as long as you become cleaner).

Notes: The T2 wants refrigerator.

author: Kyriakos Kontakos e-mail: kkontak@hotmail. com web site: http://www. electronics-lab. com

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project subcategories: All subcategories receivers & field meters transmitters amplifiers other similar projects: 15W Fm-transmitter 2 Transistor FM Voice Transmitter 3W FM Transmitter A small FM transmitter (SMD) AM FM Simultaneous Transmitter Using Digital IC AM To FM converter AM Transmitter FM Telephone Bug FM Transmitter Bug Medium range transmitter recently added projects: Doorbell for the Deaf High Quality Intercom Combinational Conjuring Trick POT-PLANT POWER Ultrasonic Dog Whistle Quiz Circuit LED Torch Insect Repellant Speaker Microphone Circuit Magic Wand Conjuring Trick. most popular projects: Led display digital Voltmeter 500W low cost 12V to 220V inverter Low pass filter - Subwoofer Metal Detector Basic UPS Power Supply 2N3055 Power Amplifier High And Low Voltage Cut Off With Time Delay 200W audio amplifier LED Torch 100W RMS Amplifier

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Pulsed Tone FM Tracking Transmitter

The following plans describe how to build a very small tracking transmitter that can be tracked using an FM broadcast band radio receiver. The transmitter is powered by a 3 volt to 9 volt battery and has a range of from 1/4 mile to over 1 mile depending on battery voltage, height above ground, receiver sensitivity, and antenna length. The circuit's size including the batteries is 3/4" by 1 3/4" when powered by two 3volt lithium batteries and twice that size when powered by a 9 volt transistor radio battery. A skilled technician can reduce the size considerably by packing the components tighter on the circuit board. This circuit is ideal for use as a beacon on cars and boats and can even be flown in small model rockets.

The transmitter requires patience and a steady hand to tune and it's frequency is prone to drift. Consequently, it is recommended that it be used with FM radios that can tune continuously across the frequency spectrum. That said, the transmitter is cheap to build, can be built from readily available parts, does not require any expensive test equipment, works well with cheap pocket FM receivers, and can be built by hobbyists with moderate soldering skills provided they don't try to make it too small.

The plans include a parts list, parts sources, schematic diagram, and recommended parts layout for perfboard construction

Theory of operations:

Please refer to the circuit schematic when reading the following description.

The transmitter is composed of three smaller circuits; A transmitter, an audio oscillator and a circuit that pulses the tone oscillator and transmitter on and off.

The transmitter is a variation of a very common FM oscillator circuit that is extensively used in circuits of this type. It consists of one transistor (T2) whose oscillation is determined by a parallel resonance circuit composed of C5 and L1. C6 provides the feedback needed for the oscillation and can be between 3 picofarad an 20 picofarad. R4 determines the DC biases point for the transistor and should provide enough current to prevent clipping of the RF signal. T1 is a Unijuction Transistor (UJT) which forms a simple oscillator of about 1000Hz. R1 and C2 determine the frequency.

The entire circuit is pulsed on and off by the action of a "blinking" LED. The LED will visibly blink when powered with voltages of over 8 volts and will effectively switch the circuit on and off down to about 2.5volts, although the LED will not blink noticeably.

Parts are available from a wide variety of suppliers. For convenience only two sources will be listed. They are Mouser Electronics (800)-346-6873, http://www. mouser. com and Radio Shack, just about everywhere in the US.

Resistors ( use 1/8 watt or 1/10 watt resistors) . Mouser. Radio Shack R1. 100K. 278-100k. The smallest size R2. 680. 278-680. RS has is 1/4 w R3. 330. 278-330. buy the value R4. 15k. 278-15k. pack 271-312 R5. 2.2k. 278-2.2k R6. 220. 278-220 Capacitors:

C1. 01 microfarad. 581-UEC103J2. 272-1065 C2. 01 microfarad. C3. 01 microfarad. C4. 01 microfarad. C5. 12 to 100 picofarad. 242-3610-100. not available . adjustable C6. 5 pico farad. 140-CD502S-005J. 272-806 Coil. Five (5) turns of 26 gauge magnet wire wound on a 1/8" or 5/32" form and removed. (salvage from small electric motor or transformer) Total coil length is 3/16".

501-MW26H-1LB. 278-1345 Semiconductors:

T1. ECG 6410 UJT. 526-NTE6410. not available T2. ECG 123. 526-NTE123AP. 276-2009 D1. Blinking LED. 351-8001. 276-036 Antenna:

18" to 27.5 " of stiff wire (steel guitar string works well)

3 volt lithium battery type. CR1632. DL1620 . or . (614-CR1632) 9 volt transistor radio battery

perfboard. 153-1108. RS 276-1395 (cut to desired size) Battery holder. 534-071. 270-326 9volt snap connectors. 12BC311. 270-325

Please refer to "parts layout" illustration.

The transmitter can be assembled in a variety of configurations although good VHF circuit technique should be followed. The illustration included with these plans shows one of many possible layouts. It is one which has been tested and found to work well.

The components are assembled on a small piece of perfboard of approximately 3/4" by 1 3/4". The leads are mounted through the holes as shown and soldered together on the back side of the perfboard. Some jumpers are made on the backside of the perfboard to connect the various components. Note that a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) pattern is also include should you wish to make a PCB. The asembly is the same for PCB construction except the jumpers used on the backside of the perfboard are not required since the foil pattern replaces them.

1. Position the components as shown in the pictorial and push the leads through the holes as indicated. 2. Solder all the leads that are in common holes together on the backside of the perfboard. 3. Trim the excess leads from the components soldered in the previous step. 4. Using some of the longer leads that are penetrating through the backside of the perfboard make the connections as shown in the pictorial on the bottom side of the circuit board by bending the leads and soldering. 5. If the transmitter is to be powered by two(2) lithium batteries use a stiff steel wire (possibly obtained from a metal paperclip) to fashion the battery hold down clip and the negative terminal contact as shown in the pictorial. 6. If the transmitter is to be powered by a 9 volt transistor radio battery. solder a 9 volt battery snap connector to the perfboard instead of the battery hold down clamp described in step "6". Connect the red wire from the battery connector to the hole marked "+" and the black wire to the hole marked "-". Glue a 9 volt battery holder to the end of the circuit board to hold the battery. 7. Connect the antenna as shown. The antenna can be any piece of wire of the appropriate length. However, a stiff wire made from a steel guitar string works exceptionally well. The antenna can be any length from 18" to 27", however an 18" antenna is probably the most dependable.

8. Connect the batteries. 9. Turn on any FM radio and tune to a clear portion close to 105MHz. 10. Place the radio about 4 feet away from the transmitter. 11. Secure the transmitter in a nonmetallic vise or brace in a wooden block. The idea is to secure the transmitter so that it will not move when it is tuned. 12. Using a nonmetallic alignment tool very very slowly turn the screw on C5. Do not touch the circuit and position the antenna so that it extends away to the side. (Note: a nonmetallic alignment tool is nothing more than a wooden or plastic screw driver with a very thin and flat tip. One can be easily made by whittling a flat tip on a 6" to 10" stick or wooden dowel rod.) 13. As C5 is turned there will be many spots where a signal will be heard. However, there will only be one spot that will be the loudest and represents the exact frequency. It will be as loud as most of the commercial radio stations and will be several orders of magnitude louder than any other spot. Tune C5 several times working slowly into the loudest signal. 14. Retune the receiver slightly to peak the reception to the exact signal. When the transmitter is properly tuned a loud and clear "beeping" should be heard and when the radio is tuned to either side of the signal the "beeping" should decrease in loudness.

This transmitter can be easily "detuned" by just about anything that comes near the circuit board or antenna. Tuning is also effected by the movement of battery wires and the battery. Therefore, it is recommended that the transmitter be placed in a small box and the circuit board, battery holder, battery wires, and antenna secured to the box so that nothing can move or slide about. Silicon rubber glue works well for this purpose. A small hole can be made in the box for tuning C5. The box need not be a standard project box but can be just about anything from a model rocket nose cone to a dog collar as long as it holds the circuit components securely.

Because of the tuning stability it is important to use a stiff wire for an antenna for example a steel guitar string. A length of from 18" to 27" can be used and some experimentation should be anticipated if optimum range and stability is desired. A good approach is to cut the antenna about 27.5" long. tune the transmitter, check the range then remove 1/4" of antenna, retune, and recheck the range. Repeat until the antenna is less than 18". Be careful to record the range and antenna length on each retuning. When completed, cut an antenna the length which worked best and install on the transmitter. Note that this technique works best when the radio receiver has the antenna disconnected or in the down position, so that the distance between the transmitter and receiver can be shortened. It is also helpful if your receiver has a "signal strength" meter, but it is not necessary.

The coil is 5 turns of 26 gauge magnet wire wound on the shaft of a 5/32" drill bit and then removed. The coils are spaced so that the total length is 3/16". The best way to make the coil is to cut a piece of magnet wire 1 inch long and clean the varnish 1/8" from each end before winding the wire around the shaft of the drill bit. The wire is stout enough to hold it's form when it is removed from the shaft of the drill bit. The coil requires less than an inch of magnet wire and can be easily salvaged from an old toy electric motor or transformer. Successful coils have been made from a variety of wire types including standard telephone wire.

Receiver sensitivity and tuning are important consideration when utilizing the transmitter. A receiver should be selected that can tune continuously across the radio frequency range. The new digital radios that jump from channel to channel will be hard to tune and prevent the use of the transmitter in the dead spaces between channels. Also, it is best to select a radio which can tune 1 MHz or so above the FM band because this is an area which is frequently free of commercial broadcasts. Of course, radios with antennas are a plus. The "walkman" type of radio which does not have an external antenna does not provide the range that a radio with an external antenna does. Radios with external directional high gain antennas are best and can improve the range many-fold.

More Suggestions (for model rocket and general use):

Antenna length has an important relationship to transmitter range and also, to how easy it will be to store in the model rocket. The user will need to decide if the longer transmitting range of a long (properly tuned) antenna is worth the inconvienece of having to fold it into the rocket. It is the author's experience that a 6 inch antenna will give a range of 200 meters to a "standard" pocket FM receiver and will work effectively in locating rockets that drift a half mile down range. Almost always the recovery team will know the direction down range of the rocket and will not have any trouble coming within a hundred meters of the rocket. The problem of locating the rocket comes in the last 100 meters. A transmitter with a lot of power can confuse the search because the signal is so strong that it is hard to discern direction or strength. With a lower powered transmission, signal strength and direction are easier to determine even down to a distance of a few meters.

Because of the tuning stability, it is important to use a stiff wire for an antenna, for example a steel guitar string. A length of from 6" to 20" can be used and some experimentation should be anticipated if optimum range and stability is desired. A good but laborious approach is to cut the antenna about 20" long. tune the transmitter, check the range then remove 1/4" of antenna, retune, and recheck the range. Repeat until the antenna is less than 6". Be careful to record the range and antenna length on each retuning. When completed, cut an antenna the length which worked best and install on the transmitter. Note that this technique works best when the radio receiver has the antenna disconnected or in the down position, so that the distance between the transmitter and receiver can be shortened. It is also helpful if your receiver has a "signal strength" meter, but it is not necessary. Practical experience with this circuit indicates that an 18 inch or 6 inch antenna works best. Cut the antenna 1/4 inch longer to allow for insertion and soldering to the circuit board.

The transmission range can also be increased if the antenna has a small ball of solder attached to it's tip. This can be done by forming a small ball of solder on a small board or working surface and then piercing the molten ball of solder with the tip of the antenna. Hold the antenna steady until the solder ball hardens.

Maximum range can be achieved if a wire is attached to the negative battery terminal the same length of the antenna and extended in the opposite direction from the antenna.

Receivers (FM radios):

Receiver sensitivity and tuning are important considerations when utilizing the transmitter. A receiver should be selected that can tune continuously across the radio frequency range. The new digital radios that jump from channel to channel will be hard to tune and prevent the use of the transmitter in the dead spaces between channels. Also, it is best to select a radio which can tune 1 MHz or so above the FM band because this is an area which is frequently free of commercial broadcasts. Of course, radios with antennas are a plus. The "walkman" type of radio which does not have an external antenna does not provide the range that a radio with an external antenna does. Radios with external directional high gain antennas are best and can improve the range many-fold. Of course, one of the many models of scanners with less than one microvolt sensitivity fitted with an external FM directional antenna can improve the range over the cheap entertainment FM radio by a factor of 3 or 4.

The more voltage the greater the range and weight of the transmitter. The transmitter can be operated on from 6 volts to 12 volts by stacking 3 volt lithium batteries. 2 batteries equals 6 volts, 3 batteries equals 9 volts and 4 batteries equals 12 volts. The battery hold down clip will need to be properly sized to accommodate the number of batteries desired. If this is your first transmitter 2 batteries are recommended.

Make sure the batteries are securely attached to the circuit board. The most common failure of the transmitter is the inadvertent dislodging of the batteries during use. It is recommended that if the transmitter is to be used under conditions subject to jarring to tape over the batteries with electricians tape to insure that the batteries to not jar lose.

Most people are surprised to find that the telescoping dipole antenna found on most pocket FM receivers are directional. That is to say that the orientation of the antenna with respect to the transmitter will exhibit different gain. A little experimentation helps to determine the direction which has the most gain. Hang the transmitter on a tree limb and move about 50 to 100 meters. Hold the receiver and rotate it in several directions making note of the direction which produces the loudest beeping. Also, you might experiment by shielding the antenna with your body to see the degree of directional sensitivity.

The best directional antenna is a "beam" or yagi antenna. Most exterior TV antennas are of this type. A 3 element or more beam antenna connected to the properly matched input on a receiver will increase the gain by several orders of magnitude and provide optimal directionality.

If the transmitter is being used with the standard inexpensive pocket FM receiver, it will get much better range and direction if the jbGizmo FM antenna modification is used on the FM radio receiver. Instructions are included with these plans.

Copyright ©2001, Jerry Baumeister Revised - 6-23-01

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Willkommen auf der Website des Austrian Veterinary Analgesia Networks - AVAN!

FM Transmitter

My i-trip got jacked a few weeks ago and now i need a new one. Which one would you guys recommend cause there's quite a few out there that i haven't seen before.

This is okay, but can only be used in car :/ it goes for R530 on kalahari but only R336 on want it all. http://www. wantitall. co. za/PC-Hardwa. ck__B000BWACX2

I could post another 20. Any idea's on which one?

Last edited by poffle; 21-10-2009 at 11:38 AM.

It goes for R419 on wantitall, but Hifi corp sells it for R600.

I ordered that one, since it has a cigarette lighter adapter instead of just a battery, and also a 3.5mm headphone jack instead of the apple proprietary pluggie.

Hmm, is quite nice. Still contemplating whether to go for one like that or the one that just clicks into the bottom of the ipod. less wires = plus. can be played outside a car = plus

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